Monday 14 November 2016

NR443 FULL COURSE [ ALL DISCUSSIONS AND ALL Caring for Populations: Milestone)

NR443 FULL COURSE [ ALL DISCUSSIONS AND ALL Caring for Populations: Milestone)
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Healthy People 2020 (graded)
The federal government developed Healthy People as a set of national health objectives that are periodically evaluated to measure progress in the nation’s health goals and healthcare services. HP 2020 has a renewed focus on identifying, measuring, tracking, and reducing health disparities through a determinants-of-health approach.
This week, please briefly discuss a Healthy People 2020 objective under the topic area of your choice. Go to and select any one of the objectives under the topic area of your interest. Using the local, national, or international news, describe actions you, as a community health nurse, could take in formulating policy changes to help promote the objective you have selected. Cite references to support your views.
Please note:
There is a helpful “Introduction to Healthy People 2020 website” document in Doc Sharing to aid you in navigating the HP 2020 website.
Our textbook,Community/Public health nursing: Promoting the health of populations (5th ed.) was published prior to the final version of Healthy People 2020, resulting in some of the book content differing from the Healthy People 2020 website.
Determinants of Health (graded)
Healthy People 2020 identified four Foundation Health Measures (FHM) that reflect the major health concerns in the United States. The third FHM isDeterminants of Health. The description of Determinants of Health is:
“A range of personal, social, economic, and environmental factors that influence health status are known as determinants of health. Determinants of health include such things as biology, genetics, individual behavior, access to health services, and the environment in which people are born, live, learn, play, work, and age” (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, n.d., About Determinants of Health section, para. 1).
Go to the “Learn More About Determinants of Health” ( ) and choose one of the five Determinants of Health that you feel is most important for community health. In your posting, share the determinant of health and the rationale for your choice. Remember to cite any references used for developing your rationale.
Please note:
There is a helpful “Orientation to Healthy People 2020” document in Doc Sharing.
Our textbook, Community/Public health nursing: Promoting the health of populations (5th ed.) was published prior to the final version of Healthy People 2020 resulting in some of the book content differing from the Healthy People 2020 website.
Census Data and Epidemiological Data (graded)
Go online to the U.S. Census Bureau Obtain information about the demographic characteristics of the population for your county of residence. Once you are on the website, choose the link to “QuickFacts”, and from there you can choose state, county, and city data. You may have to look at county data if your city is not listed. There is also a tab where you can see U.S. comparable data, too.
Include information about age, income, housing, and education. Post a brief summary of the key demographic characteristics of the population in your county (do not copy and paste directly from the website) and apply these data to your community by answering the following questions:
• How do the data from your county compare to the sets of data from the other counties posted by other students in your discussion group?
• Based on the demographic data, what health needs might you anticipate for the population in your county?
Please note:
There is a helpful tip sheet located in Doc Sharing that will assist you in using this website. Remember that this data will help you get started on your assignment, Caring for Populations: Assessment and Diagnosis.
Communicable Diseases (graded)
Review the levels of prevention of communicable diseases discussed in Chapter 25 (Nies & McEwen, 2011). Choose a communicable disease objective listed within theHealthy People 2020 topic area (p. 492). Discuss a role (function) that you, as a CHN, could play in implementing the objective. What community health nursing intervention would you implement? Describe at least two levels of prevention you could address and how you can address them.
Collaborating With the Community (graded)
Identify a community or aggregate you are currently involved with at home (personal life) or at work. Cite some major value, major strengths, and health needs of your community or aggregate. How could a nurse work collaboratively with a community to build on these strengths and facilitate community empowerment? Keep in mind the different methods of community outreach the nurse could utilize.
Please note: According to Nies and McEwan (2011), the definition of an aggregate is a “community composed of people who share common characteristics” (p.92). Remember, aggregates do not necessarily know or interact with one another, but share a common bond such as religious belief, age, life experience, illness, etc.
Nies, M. A., & McEwen, M. (2011).Community/Public health nursing: Promoting the health of populations (5th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Saunders/Elsevier.
Resources (graded)
Assurance is one of the three core functions of public health. Knowing what resources are available is part of this function. Find a resource in your community that could be used as a referral source and share information about the services provided. Who is eligible for the services? What could be done in order to improve the accessibility, acceptability, affordability, or availability of this resource in your community? Make sure to address all four of the A’s in your posting.
Concerns for the School Nurse (graded)
As the school nurse role continues to evolve, there are increasingly more health concerns for the school nurse. Does the locale make a difference in the problems, or are health problems in children and adolescents universal? In some inner-city areas, poor nutrition is a prevalent issue. What do you think are the biggest problems in your areas?
Nurse’s Role in Community Health Settings (graded)
When caring for populations in community settings, the nurse has many different roles, such as advocate, case manager, educator, researcher, administrator, and so on. Choose one of the community healthcare settings from your textbook or lessons and discuss how one of these roles might be carried out by the community health nurse in the setting you chose.
Vulnerable Populations (graded)
As nurses, we all know what we should do to maintain a healthy lifestyle, but often knowledge does not translate into actual behavior. Vulnerable populations may face additional individual and/or societal barriers to being healthy. What are those barriers? What can nurses do to overcome some of the barriers that you identified?
Priority Setting When Working With Vulnerable Populations (graded)
This week, we have discussed many different vulnerable populations. Choose a vulnerable population and discuss what you think the top three priorities are for a CHN working with them. Cite at least one scholarly reference that supports your decision.
Environmental Pollutants (graded)
Visit the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Envirofacts website at . Enter your city, zip code, or location. Explore the site to learn more about your environment and things that might be impacting the health of its citizens. Identify something new you learned about your environment and how it could be affecting health by completing this statement, “I didn’t know ____.” How could you, in the role of a community health nurse, address these concerns?
Please note: Look in Doc Sharing under Threaded Discussion Information for the Envirofacts Guide to learn how to navigate this website.
Disaster Preparedness (graded)
Visit the website . Review the steps for being prepared for a disaster. As a community health nurse, what elements do you think are important to stress to the community? How is your community preparing for a potential disaster, or how has it prepared?
How Do You Define Health? (graded)
Think about how you define health. Do you think your definition is universal, or is it specific to your culture and/or beliefs? How might another culture’s definition differ?
Affordable Healthcare (graded)
Please explore the website Choose the “Get Answers” tab towards the top of the page. Please review several of the topics under this tab and share something that you learned about how the Marketplace works and how this would apply to those in your community.
The Affordable Care Act is a controversial topic and I’m sure there are many different viewpoints represented in our class. For this discussion, let’s focus on understanding the basics of the Marketplace so that we can provide accurate information for our patients and communities.
Caring for Populations: Milestone1: Community Windshield Survey Form
Directions: Please refer to the Milestone 1: Community Windshield Survey Guidelines and grading rubric found in Doc Sharing for specific instructions in order to complete the information below. This assignment is worth 150 points.
Type your name above and your answers below directly on this form. Click Save as and save the file with the assignment name and your last name (e.g., “NR443 Windshield Survey Form_Smith”). When you are finished, submit the form to the Week 2 Caring for Populations: Windshield Survey Dropbox by the deadline indicated in your guidelines.
Your Name: Date:
Your Instructor’s Name:
1. Community introduction:
Identify the community you will be using for this assignment. It should be the area where you live or the area surrounding your work setting.
2. Windshield survey
a. vitality
b. Indicators of social and economic conditions
c. Health resources
d. Environmental conditions related to health
e. Social functioning
f. Attitude toward healthcare
3. Conclusion:
Provide a summary of your findings and your conclusion. What problems did you identify?
4. References:
OPTIONAL: List any references that you cited.
NR443 Guidelines for Caring for Populations
Milestone 2: Assessment and Diagnosis
The purpose of this paper is to provide an opportunity to utilize community assessment strategies, uncover a community health problem, and identify the components of the problem related to the community dynamics.
Course Outcomes
This assignment enables the student to meet the following Course Outcomes.
CO 1. Evaluate the planning of delivery of care to individuals, families, aggregates, and communities in a variety of healthcare settings based on theories and principles of nursing and related disciplines. (PO 1)
CO2. Integrate clinical judgment in professional decision-making and implementation of the nursing process through analysis of community health nursing practice. (PO 4)
CO7. Accept accountability for personal and professional development as part of the life-long learning process. (PO 5)
Due Date
Submit to the appropriate basket in the Dropboxby 11:59 p.m. MT Sunday of Week 4.
225 points
This paper is expected to be no more than four pages in length (not including the title page and reference list). Typical papers are usually three pages. Below are the requirements for successful completion of this paper.
• Introduction: This should catch the reader’s attention with interesting facts and supporting sources and include the purpose statement of the paper. This should be no more than one or two paragraphs.
• Community: Identify the community by name that you will be using for this paper and provide a brief, general description of the community. Your community should be the area where you live or work. This should be one or two paragraphs.
• Demographic and epidemiological data: Compile a range of demographic (population description) and epidemiological (causes of health problems and death) data for your community by examining census reports, vital statistic reports, city records, morbidity and mortality reports, and other agency sources. Using these data, describe the community and the problem. Compare your community data to state or national data. This comparison will help to identify a community health problem specific to your community. A summary of these data should beno more than one page.
• Windshield survey: Provide a brief summary of the findings from your first assignment. Make sure to discuss elements that link your observations to your identified problem. This should be no more than one or two paragraphs.
• Problem: Using the assessment data, identify the problem that you consider to be a priority concern. Provide a rationale for your choice and relate your choice to one of the Healthy People 2020 specific numbered objectives. Healthy People objectives are located within a topic area under the Objectives page. Your rationale should also include why this is specifically a problem in your community. This should be no more than three paragraphs. Include support of your rationale with at least two scholarly sources such as professional journal articles related to your problem.
• Summary: The summary paragraph of your paper should include a statement about the problem, the population at risk for this problem, and the major direct or indirect factors that contribute to this problem. This information should be no more than one or two paragraphs.
• Reference page: All references cited within the paper should be included on a separate References page.
• Application: Use Microsoft Word 2010™ to create this assignment.
• Use the categories above as APA headings for the sections of your paper.
• Length: This paper is expected to be no more than four pages in length (not including the title page and reference list). Typical papers are three pages.
• Submission: Submit your file via the basket in the Dropbox: Caring for Populations: Assessment and Diagnosis by 11:59 p.m. MT Sunday of Week 4.
• Technical writing: APA format is required. Review APA tutorials in Doc Sharing and use the resources of Smarthinking for writing tutors.
• Do not use first person (I, me, my, our) in this paper. Make the community the subject even in your windshield survey summary.
• Save your paper with your last name in the document title (e.g., “Smith Assessment and Diagnosis”).
• Late submission: See the course policy on late submissions.
Best Practices in Preparing the Paper
The following are best practices in preparing this project.
• Complete the demographic, epidemiologic, and windshield survey prior to choosing a problem to focus on.
• Choose a nursing problem specific to your community.
• Make sure all elements of the paper are addressed and headings for each category are included.
• Review directions thoroughly.
• Cite all sources within the paper as well as on the References page.
• Proofread prior to final submission.
• Check for spelling and grammar errors prior to final submission.
• Use the A column of the rubric below to ensure that you have included all the needed elements.
• Abide by the CCN academic integrity policy.
Milestone 3: Intervention and Evaluation
The purpose of this PowerPoint presentation is to provide an opportunity to develop a community health nursing intervention and evaluation tool for your identified community health problem (described in Milestone 2: Assessment and Diagnosis) and identify the components of the nursing process as it applies to a community or population.
Course Outcomes
You are a Community/Public Health Nurse (C/PHN) working in your setting of choice. You have identified a community health problem and have analyzed the data collected from your windshield survey and assessment & diagnosis assignments (the first two milestones). You have decided on one nursing intervention and need your organization’s approval for funding of this intervention. Your leadership team has agreed to listen to your proposal.
• Choose a community health nurse setting. Some examples of settings are school nurse, parish nurse, home health nurse, nurse working in the health department (be specific to what area in the health department, e.g., WIC, STD clinic, health promotion, maternal-child health, etc.)
• Introduction: Introduce the identified problem, the purpose of the presentation, and reiterate at least one or two important findings that demonstrate this problem in your community (average of 1–2 slides)
• Proposed Intervention: Propose one community health nursingintervention that would address one or more of the major direct or indirect factors that contribute to the problem. Keep in mind the Public Health Intervention Wheel (Nies & McEwen, p. 14, figure 1-3) as your framework (average of 3-4 slides). Your intervention needs to be specific:
o Who is your target population?
o Where is this intervention taking place?
o Will it take place one time or multiple times?
o How will you reach out to your target population?
§ How will you get your target population involved?
o What is the CH Nurses role in this intervention?
o Will you collaborate with anyone (e.g., physician’s office, church, local resources, etc.?)
o Is anyone else involved besides yourself (C/PHN)?
§ If yes, are they paid or volunteers?
o What level(s) of prevention is your intervention addressing (primary, secondary and/or tertiary prevention)?
• Intervention Justification: Justify why the problem and your nursing interventions should be a priority.
o Based on what you have found in the literature, discuss why these interventions are expected to be effective. Include summarized information from at least two professional scholarly sources related to your interventions (average of 2-3 slides).
• Proposed Evaluation: Your presentation must include at least one proposed quantitative or qualitative evaluation method that you would use to determine whether your intervention is effective. It should include the method you would use along with desired outcomes. Outcome measurement is a crucial piece when implementing interventions. There is a helpful tool in Doc Sharing to assist you with understanding qualitative and quantitative methods of evaluation. (average of 2-3 slides)
o Include discussion about the long-term and short-term impact on your community if the intervention is successful. Keep in mind your desired outcomes when analyzing the evaluation.
• Summary: The summary should reiterate the main points of the presentation and conclude with what you are asking to be accomplished, e.g., “Based on ABC, it is imperative our community has XYZ. Thank you for your consideration.”
• In addition to the slides described above, your presentation should include a title slide, and reference slide. Remember, you are presenting to your leadership team, so the slides should include the most important elements for them to know in short bullet pointed phrases. You may add additional comments in the notes section to clarify information for your instructor.
• Application: Use Microsoft PowerPoint 2010.
• Length: The PowerPoint slide show is expected to be no more than 20 slides in length (not including the title slide and reference list slide).
• Submission: Submit your files via the basket in the Dropbox: “Caring for Populations: Intervention and Evaluation” by 11:59 p.m. Sunday of Week 6.
• Save the assignment with your last name in the file title. Example: “Smith Intervention and Evaluation”
• Late Submission: See the course policy on late submissions.
• Tutorial: If needed, Microsoft Office has many templates and tutorials to help you get started.
Best Practices in Preparing PowerPoint
The following are best practices in preparing this project:
• Be creative, but realistic with your intervention and evaluation tool.
• Incorporate graphics, clip art or photographs to increase interest.
• Slides should be easy to read with short bullet points and large font.
• Review directions thoroughly.
• Cite all sources within the slide show as well as on the reference page.
• Proofread prior to final submission.
• Spell check for spelling and grammar errors prior to final submission.
• Abide by the CCN academic integrity policy.

NR443 all Discussions

NR443 all Discussions  
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Healthy People 2020 (graded)
The federal government developed Healthy People as a set of national health objectives that are periodically evaluated to measure progress in the nation’s health goals and healthcare services. HP 2020 has a renewed focus on identifying, measuring, tracking, and reducing health disparities through a determinants-of-health approach.
This week, please briefly discuss a Healthy People 2020 objective under the topic area of your choice. Go to and select any one of the objectives under the topic area of your interest. Using the local, national, or international news, describe actions you, as a community health nurse, could take in formulating policy changes to help promote the objective you have selected. Cite references to support your views.
Please note:
There is a helpful “Introduction to Healthy People 2020 website” document in Doc Sharing to aid you in navigating the HP 2020 website.
Our textbook,Community/Public health nursing: Promoting the health of populations (5th ed.) was published prior to the final version of Healthy People 2020, resulting in some of the book content differing from the Healthy People 2020 website.
Determinants of Health (graded)
Healthy People 2020 identified four Foundation Health Measures (FHM) that reflect the major health concerns in the United States. The third FHM isDeterminants of Health. The description of Determinants of Health is:
“A range of personal, social, economic, and environmental factors that influence health status are known as determinants of health. Determinants of health include such things as biology, genetics, individual behavior, access to health services, and the environment in which people are born, live, learn, play, work, and age” (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, n.d., About Determinants of Health section, para. 1).
Go to the “Learn More About Determinants of Health” ( ) and choose one of the five Determinants of Health that you feel is most important for community health. In your posting, share the determinant of health and the rationale for your choice. Remember to cite any references used for developing your rationale.
Please note:
There is a helpful “Orientation to Healthy People 2020” document in Doc Sharing.
Our textbook, Community/Public health nursing: Promoting the health of populations (5th ed.) was published prior to the final version of Healthy People 2020 resulting in some of the book content differing from the Healthy People 2020 website.
Census Data and Epidemiological Data (graded)
Go online to the U.S. Census Bureau Obtain information about the demographic characteristics of the population for your county of residence. Once you are on the website, choose the link to “QuickFacts”, and from there you can choose state, county, and city data. You may have to look at county data if your city is not listed. There is also a tab where you can see U.S. comparable data, too.
Include information about age, income, housing, and education. Post a brief summary of the key demographic characteristics of the population in your county (do not copy and paste directly from the website) and apply these data to your community by answering the following questions:
• How do the data from your county compare to the sets of data from the other counties posted by other students in your discussion group?
• Based on the demographic data, what health needs might you anticipate for the population in your county?
Please note:
There is a helpful tip sheet located in Doc Sharing that will assist you in using this website. Remember that this data will help you get started on your assignment, Caring for Populations: Assessment and Diagnosis.
Communicable Diseases (graded)
Review the levels of prevention of communicable diseases discussed in Chapter 25 (Nies & McEwen, 2011). Choose a communicable disease objective listed within theHealthy People 2020 topic area (p. 492). Discuss a role (function) that you, as a CHN, could play in implementing the objective. What community health nursing intervention would you implement? Describe at least two levels of prevention you could address and how you can address them.
Collaborating With the Community (graded)
Identify a community or aggregate you are currently involved with at home (personal life) or at work. Cite some major value, major strengths, and health needs of your community or aggregate. How could a nurse work collaboratively with a community to build on these strengths and facilitate community empowerment? Keep in mind the different methods of community outreach the nurse could utilize.
Please note: According to Nies and McEwan (2011), the definition of an aggregate is a “community composed of people who share common characteristics” (p.92). Remember, aggregates do not necessarily know or interact with one another, but share a common bond such as religious belief, age, life experience, illness, etc.
Nies, M. A., & McEwen, M. (2011).Community/Public health nursing: Promoting the health of populations (5th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Saunders/Elsevier.
Resources (graded)
Assurance is one of the three core functions of public health. Knowing what resources are available is part of this function. Find a resource in your community that could be used as a referral source and share information about the services provided. Who is eligible for the services? What could be done in order to improve the accessibility, acceptability, affordability, or availability of this resource in your community? Make sure to address all four of the A’s in your posting.
Concerns for the School Nurse (graded)
As the school nurse role continues to evolve, there are increasingly more health concerns for the school nurse. Does the locale make a difference in the problems, or are health problems in children and adolescents universal? In some inner-city areas, poor nutrition is a prevalent issue. What do you think are the biggest problems in your areas?
Nurse’s Role in Community Health Settings (graded)
When caring for populations in community settings, the nurse has many different roles, such as advocate, case manager, educator, researcher, administrator, and so on. Choose one of the community healthcare settings from your textbook or lessons and discuss how one of these roles might be carried out by the community health nurse in the setting you chose.
Vulnerable Populations (graded)
As nurses, we all know what we should do to maintain a healthy lifestyle, but often knowledge does not translate into actual behavior. Vulnerable populations may face additional individual and/or societal barriers to being healthy. What are those barriers? What can nurses do to overcome some of the barriers that you identified?
Priority Setting When Working With Vulnerable Populations (graded)
This week, we have discussed many different vulnerable populations. Choose a vulnerable population and discuss what you think the top three priorities are for a CHN working with them. Cite at least one scholarly reference that supports your decision.
Environmental Pollutants (graded)
Visit the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Envirofacts website at . Enter your city, zip code, or location. Explore the site to learn more about your environment and things that might be impacting the health of its citizens. Identify something new you learned about your environment and how it could be affecting health by completing this statement, “I didn’t know ____.” How could you, in the role of a community health nurse, address these concerns?
Please note: Look in Doc Sharing under Threaded Discussion Information for the Envirofacts Guide to learn how to navigate this website.
Disaster Preparedness (graded)
Visit the website . Review the steps for being prepared for a disaster. As a community health nurse, what elements do you think are important to stress to the community? How is your community preparing for a potential disaster, or how has it prepared?
How Do You Define Health? (graded)
Think about how you define health. Do you think your definition is universal, or is it specific to your culture and/or beliefs? How might another culture’s definition differ?
Affordable Healthcare (graded)
Please explore the website Choose the “Get Answers” tab towards the top of the page. Please review several of the topics under this tab and share something that you learned about how the Marketplace works and how this would apply to those in your community.
The Affordable Care Act is a controversial topic and I’m sure there are many different viewpoints represented in our class. For this discussion, let’s focus on understanding the basics of the Marketplace so that we can provide accurate information for our patients and communities.

NR305 Week 1 Discussion DQ 1 & DQ 2

  NR305 Week 1 Discussion DQ 1 & DQ 2  
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DQ 1

As the school nurse working in a college health clinic, you see many opportunities to promote health. Maria is a 40-year-old Hispanic woman who is in her second year of nursing school. She complains of a 14-pound weight gain since starting school and is afraid of what this will do to both her appearance and health if the trend continues. After doing her history, you learn that she is an excellent cook and she and her family love to eat foods that reflect their Hispanic heritage. She is married with two school-age children. She is in class a total of 15 hours per week, plus 12 hours of labs and clinical. She maintains the household essentially by herself and does all the shopping, cooking, cleaning, and chauffeuring of the children. She states that she is lucky to get six hours of sleep per night, but that is okay with her. She lives one hour from campus and commutes each day. UsingHealthy People 2020and your text as a guide:
What additional information would you like to gather from Maria?
What are Maria’s real and potential health risks?
Why is Maria’s culture important when obtaining the health assessment?
Pick one of Maria’s health risks. Would you classify Maria’s problem as first-level priority, second-level priority, third-level priority, or a collaborative problem? What would be one reasonable short-term goal for this risk?
DQ 2

Understanding cultural phenomena is essential to the completion of an accurate and holistic health assessment. Please review a cultural group from Table 2-3 (p. 20) from your text and describe the cultural differences pertinent to that group (you may have to do some additional searching). Remember, the table may not include all cultural groups. Let’s try to include all the countries within the groups listed in the discussion, so please do not choose a group that has already been done. To expedite this, please use the group name in the title of your post.
 NR305 Week 2 Discussion DQ 1 & DQ 2  
DQ 1

John, a 46-year-old African American male presents for admission to your hospital for hemi colectomy for colon polyps. He is complaining of chronic back pain. Patient is on disability from work-related injury. History of two previous back surgeries with relief of numbness in RLE, but pain has not been relieved. His current medications include Methadone, Neurontin, and Norco. John states he takes Tylenol PM every night in addition to his prescribed medications. John is a smoker and smokes 1 PPD. John confides in you that he is considering a spinal cord stimulator for the chronic pain.
What risk factors does John have for risk of opioid withdrawal during this hospitalization?
Is there a stigma connected to being disabled and/or methadone?
Does the nurse need to be concerned about acetaminophen use?
What are the differences in acute and chronic pain?

DQ 2

Red Yoder is an 80-year-old farmer who lives alone in the farmhouse where he grew up. It is located 20 miles outside of town. Red has been a widower for 10 years. Red rarely cooks for himself and mainly eats packaged or processed foods. His son, Jon, manages the farm now, but Red is still involved in the decision making. Red’s current medical problems include insulin-dependent diabetes complicated by an open foot wound. He also has some incontinence and difficulty sleeping.
Red is awaiting a visit from the home health nurses. He relates that he has an open wound on his big toe that developed after walking in a new pair of shoes. When his daughter-in-law, Judy, saw the wound, she called the family doctor, who suggested a visit by the wound care nurse, who works with the home health agency. Red agreed as long as his VA benefits cover the costs. Red is aware that his son and daughter-in-law have concerns about him living alone, but Red insists that while he needs a little help from Jon and Judy at times, he is still capable of caring for himself.
What are Red’s strengths?
What are your concerns for this patient?
What is the cause of your concern?
What information do you need?
What are you going to do about it?
What is Red experiencing?

  NR305 Week 3 Discussion DQ 1 & DQ 2  
DQ 1

General Survey and Health History (graded)
Casey is a 17-year-old high school student admitted to the ER with a compound fracture of the left leg obtained when falling at the local skateboard park while practicing for a national competition. He has never been hospitalized before. His mother has been notified and is on her way. The EMTs gave him morphine and he reports his pain level as “okay.”
What part of the interview and examination can be done prior to his mother’s arrival?
As you enter the room for the first time, what should you observe as part of the general survey?
As you complete his history, what areas are especially important?
What are the important developmental considerations for Casey?

DQ 2
As you recall, our older patient, Red Yoder, with whom you met in Week 2, is preparing for discharge from the hospital since his wound required intravenous antibiotics and wound care. Jon (Red’s son) thinks that Red should move in with him for now, but Red is sure he is able to care for himself and insists that his confusion was due to the fact that he did not have his glasses or hearing aids for the last week. You have identified discharge teaching needs for him. This morning, however, in report the night nurse has shared “Patient is alert and oriented; vital signs stable. Fasting blood sugar this morning is 118. Red had his usual night of sleep. He was up several times to go to the bathroom. Since his catheter was removed yesterday, he has urgency incontinence. He is able to ambulate to the bathroom, but he is weak.” You administer his AM medications and note that he has some difficulty grasping the water cup and needs assistance holding it. Mr. Yoder states he needs to go to the bathroom and when you assist him up to his feet, he seems a bit unsteady. He takes several steps and tells you he needs to sit down.
How much, if any, functional decline has occurred while Red was hospitalized and how will this affect his recovery?
What are the risks and benefits of Red living with Jon and Judy?
What are the risks or benefits of Red living at home after discharge? If services are in place, would it be considered a safe discharge?
Considering all aspects of aging, what are the best and appropriate options for Red at this time?
  NR305 Week 4 Discussion DQ 1 & DQ 2  
DQ 1

William Smaile is a 65-year-old man who presents to his general practitioner’s office with complaint of right forearm swelling, redness, and pain. He was recently discharged from the hospital where he had been receiving intravenous antibiotics for a respiratory infection.
Subjective Data
Pain level is a 5/10 location = right forearm, aching
Retired foreman at a local industrial plant
Objective Data
Vital signs: BP 150/68, T 37 degrees Centigrade, P 80, R 16
Swelling and reddened right forearm, warm to touch
+ pulses, brachial and radial (R)
+2 capillary refill fingers right hand
What other assessments should be included for this patient?
From your readings, what is the most probable cause of the swelling?
What is your nursing diagnosis?
What would be included in the nursing care plan?
What interventions might be included in the plan of care for this patient?

DQ 2

Assessment of the Head, Neck, and Regional Lymphatics (graded)
Describe the characteristics of the lymph nodes associated with the disease states listed below: (Choose one.)
Acute infection
Chronic inflammation
week 5
DQ 1
Kevin Valeri is a 64-year-old man who presents to the gastroenterologist’s office with constipation and abdominal bloating.
Subjective Data
Pain level is a 4/10 location = right lower abdomen
Retired Engineer
States he has been going to the bathroom with the help of laxatives, but not having regular movements
Appetite is decreased, some nausea
PMH: depression, anxiety, chronic constipation
Objective Data
Vital signs: T 37 degrees Centigrade, P 64, R 16, BP 124/58
Bowel sounds hypoactive in all four quadrants
Medications: Lamictal 200mg daily, Lexapro 10 mg daily
Weight = 210 lbs, last visit weight = 195
What other assessments should be included for this patient?
What questions should the nurse ask with regard to the abdominal pain?
From the readings, subjective data, and objective data, what is the most probable cause of the abdominal pain?
What should be included in the plan of care?
What interventions should be included in the plan of care for this patient?
DQ 2
Choose one topic and respond:
Discuss three ways of creating an environment that provides psychological comfort for both patient and practitioner when conducting an examination and assessment of the Genitourinary system.
Discuss medications that can affect the sexual performance of an aging adult male, possibly resulting in withdrawal from sexual activity.
Discuss circumcision and the arguments for and against it. Discuss its associated religious connections.

week 6
DQ 1
Georgina Graves is a 42-year-old female who presents to the provider’s office with fatigue.
Subjective Data
PMH: none, (except gynecological issues)
Significant family history of heart disease
Fatigue started about 2 months ago, getting worse
Relieved with rest, exacerbated with activity
Denies chest pain
C/O shortness of breath on exertion
Smoker 1 PPD
Objective Data
Vital signs: T 37 P 100 R 18 BP 110/54
Lungs: clear
O2 Sat = 94%
Skin = cool to touch
CV = heart rate regular, positive peripheral pulses, ECG = intermittent complete left bundle branch block (New Finding)
Medications: Premarin 0.3 mg po/day
What other questions should the nurse ask about the fatigue?
What other assessments would be necessary for this patient?
What are some causes of fatigue?
What should be included in the plan of care?
Based on the readings, what is the most likely cause of fatigue for this patient?
DQ 2
Nelson Carson is a 62-year-old man who presents to his private practitioner’s office with a hacking, raspy cough.
Subjective Data
Cough is productive, bringing up green, thick phlegm
Runny nose, sore throat
No history of smoking or seasonal allergies
Complains of fatigue
Objective Data
Vital signs: T 37 P 72 R 14 BP 134/64
Lungs: + Rhonchi bilateral upper lobes, wheezes
O2 Sat = 98%
Medications: Metoprolol 25 mg per day, ASA 325 mg/daily
What other questions should the nurse ask about the cough?
What nursing diagnoses can be derived from the data?
What should be included in the plan of care?
What risk factors are associated with this age group?
Based on the readings, what is the most likely cause of cough for this patient?

week 7
DQ 1
Jonah Kotter is a 5-year-old male preschooler who presents to the pediatrician’s office for complaints that his leg “hurts”.
Subjective Data
PMH negative
Immunizations: Up to date
No medications
No allergies
Pain: 3/5 on pain scale
Attends Kindergarten
Does not remember injuring leg
Objective Data
Vital signs: T 37 degrees Centigrade, P 94, R 18, BP 100/70
Lungs: clear
Heart rate and rhythm regular
Moving all extremities
+ Range of motion legs and arms
Strength 5/5 in all extremities
What other questions should the nurse ask?
What techniques are helpful to incorporate in assessing a patient in this age group?
What are a few of the major differences in the musculoskeletal assessment of a child?
What should be included in the plan of care?
Based on the readings, what is the most likely cause of leg pain for this patient?
DQ 2
Read the case study below and respond to two of the questions below. Make sure you respond to a classmate as well, before the week ends.
Katherine Trembly is a 67-year-old woman who presents to the neurologist’s office after referral from her PCP (primary care provider) for a seizure.
Subjective Data
PMH: Seizure, hypertension, anxiety
Retired book keeper
C/o being “tired”
Periods of unresponsiveness to verbal stimuli
Objective Data
Vital signs: T 37 degrees Centigrade, P 80, R 18, BP 174/84
Lungs: clear
O2 Sat = 98%
Heart rate regular, + peripheral pulses
What other questions should the nurse ask?
What techniques are helpful to incorporate in assessing a patient in this age group?
What are some of the more common conditions that may cause seizure activity in this age group?
What diagnostic tools will the physician use to diagnose this condition?
What should be included in the plan of care?

NR 451 Full Class

NR 451 Full Class
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NR 451 Milestone 1 PICO Evidence Guidelines
NR 451 Milestone1 PICO Evidence Worksheets
NR451 Milestone 2 Desig _Proposal Interlicchio
NR 451 Power Point Presentation- Capstone 1
NR 451 Power Point Presentation- Capstone 2
NR 451 Week 1 and Week 2 Discussions Latest 
NR 451 Week 3 and Week 4 Discussions Latest 
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NR 451 Week 7 Discussions Latest 

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NR 451 Full Class
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NR 451 Milestone 1 PICO Evidence Guidelines
NR 451 Milestone1 PICO Evidence Worksheets
NR451 Milestone 2 Desig _Proposal Interlicchio
NR 451 Power Point Presentation- Capstone 1
NR 451 Power Point Presentation- Capstone 2
NR 451 Week 1 and Week 2 Discussions Latest 
NR 451 Week 3 and Week 4 Discussions Latest 
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NR 305 Full Course New

NR 305 Full Course New

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NR 305 Week 1 TD 1: Healthy People Initiative
NR 305 Week 1 TD 2: Cultural Bias
NR 305 Week 2 Assignment: Journal Article Review
NR 305 Week 2 TD 1: Pain Assessment
NR 305 Week 2 TD 2: Nutritional Assessment
NR 305 Week 3 Assignment: Family Genetic History
NR 305 Week 3 TD 1: General Survey and Health History
NR 305 Week 3 TD 2: The Older Adult
NR 305 Week 4 Course Project Milestone 1: Health History Assignment
NR 305 Week 4 TD 1: Assessment of the Skin
NR 305 Week 4 TD 2: Assessment of the Head and Neck
NR 305 Week 5 TD 2: Assessment of the Abdomen
NR 305 Week 5 TD 2: Assessment of the Genitourinary System
NR 305 Week 6 Course Project Milestone 2: Nursing Diagnosis & Care Plan Assignment
NR 305 Week 6 TD 1: Assessment of Cardiac Status
NR 305 Week 6 TD 2: Assessment of Respiratory Status
NR 305 Week 7 TD 1: Assessing the Musculoskeletal System
NR 305 Week 7 TD 2: Assessing the Nervous System
NR 305 Week 8 TD 1: Routine Assessment of a Client

Devry NR439 Week 6 assignment

Devry NR439 Week 6 assignment

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Research Article Review Guidelines Purpose

The purpose of this assignment is for the student to learn to assimilate, analyze, critique, and summarize an original research article.

Student is to select a report of a single, original study that has been published within the last five years from the CCN Library. Course Outcomes Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to meet the following course outcomes:

CO1: Examine the sources of evidence that contribute to professional nursing practice.

(PO #7) CO2: Apply research principles to the interpretation of the content of published research studies. (

POs #4 and 8)

CO4: Evaluate published nursing research for credibility and lab significance related to evidence-based practice.

(POs #4 and 8)

CO5: Recognize the role of research findings in evidence-based practice.

(POs #7 and 8)


The assignment is worth a total of 200 points.

Due Date

You are to submit your paper to the Week 6 Research Article Review Dropbox by Sunday 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 6.


Through this assignment, the student will:

1.    Conduct a systematic search of relevant databases to find research-based evidence related to a nursing problem (CO 1); Student is to use the CCN library for search.

2.    Critique a peer-reviewed study, indicating the research question, sample, design of study, data collection method, findings, and limitations of each (CO 2, CO 4,)

3.    Summarize the research article and evaluate the significance to nursing. (CO 3).

4.    Please remember this assignment can be sent to Turnitin Week One draft box for review. If you wait until late Sunday night to submit, you may not receive your feedback in time if you need to make changes. Final submission must be in the Week 6 Assignment Dropbox and student will not receive Turnitin results. Please read the announcement on the Turnitin information.

5.    Article must be from CCN Library and student is required to document working permalink to article.

Preparing the Paper

Conduct a PICO(T) search on the nursing problem that you identified in Week 2, Discussion questions. Select one most recent peer-reviewed study that describes original research in a single study.

Analyze the article and provide the following information in brief format: research question the study; type of sample and number of participants; research design of the study, findings of the study; and limitations of the study. Summarize the importance to nursing.

The estimated length of this paper is four (4) pages, excluding the title page and References page. Summarize the results of the study as outlined below:

1.    Write a brief introduction to your paper, however do not label it as an “Introduction” in accordance with the rules of APA scholarly writing.

2.    State the research question for this study in a paragraph.

3.    Describe the research design of this study.

4.    Explain how the sample was selected and include the number of participants. Make a judgment as to whether the sample size was adequate, and defend your answer why or why not.

5.    Describe the data collection method(s) including who collected data, what tools were used, and other pertinent information.

6.    Identify the limitations of the study, and describe how the limitations could be overcome in subsequent studies.

7.    Describe the findings reported in the study. What is the answer to the research question based on these findings? If the study fails to answer the research question, what do you believe is the reason?

8.    Summarize the article. Based on these findings, is the evidence that you found on your topic strong enough to suggest a change in practice, or an idea for practice? Please provide the rationale for your answer.

9.    List your references, formatted in APA style, On the References page. Guidelines and a sample paper on APA may be found under Course Home in the Course Resources link. Follow the guidelines for writing professional papers using APA formatting as described in the 6th edition of the manual.