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Ethical and Legal Issues in the
ETHC 232 week 1 discussion dq 1& dq 2
DeVry ETHC 232 week 1 dq 1
Importance and Value of Ethics (graded)
Let’s begin our class discussion
with an overarching conversation about the importance of ethics. Why are ethics
important? How do they affect our decision making? What are the consequences if
we do something unethical?
DeVry ETHC 232 week 1 dq 2
Deontological Ethics (graded)
Our first TCO asks us to consider the
deontological ethical approach given certain ethical dilemmas that may arise in
the professional world. You may want to review this week’s lecture as you think
about the following topic for discussion. Consider a situation in which a
company is planning to implement a surveillance policy to monitor its
employees. What kinds of ethical duties do you think this company has that
would be involved in this decision? You may talk about duties to its
shareholders, customers, employees, and others. Why do these duties exist? How
should they impact the decisions made in this context?
DeVry ETHC 232 week 2 discussion dq
1& dq 2
DeVry ETHC 232 week 2 dq
Utilitarianism (graded)
Last week we considered
deontological ethics in the discussion thread, and this week we will consider
the alternative approach of utilitarianism. How would a utilitarian approach
cause someone to make a different decision in certain cases. Can you think of
cases in which a decision made would be different based on the ethical approach
a person takes?
DeVry ETHC 232 week 2 dq 2
Societal Norms vs. Workplace Standards (graded)
Societal norms, in essence, are
those rules for how people should act in society. Although these norms are
accepted, there will be times in which a societal norm runs contrary to a
workplace standard. What is an example of when such a situation can arise? How
do you decide the ethical choice when faced with such a dilemma?
DeVry ETHC 232 week 3 discussion dq
1& dq 2
DeVry ETHC 232 week 3 dq 1
Laws and Privacy (graded)
One of the important areas of law
and ethics in business relates to privacy rights. Several laws have been passed
that direct businesses to respect privacy. In this thread, let’s consider how
HIPAA, GLB, and COPPA laws can help ensure people’s privacy. What is their
ethical justification? Is there gray area in these laws? How do some businesses
try to find their way around these laws?
DeVry ETHC 232 week 3 dq 2
Industry Standards (graded)
Some industries and businesses have
their own uniquely applicable laws and standards. In this thread, let’s share
our own experiences with industry standards. What field are you in? Are there
specific laws and standards associated with this industry? Why are they in
place? Are these laws and standards consistently followed?
devry ethc232 week 4 discussion dq
1& dq 2
DeVry ethc232 week 4 dq 1
Organization Culture (graded)
What are some examples of
organizational culture? Where does organizational culture come from? How do we
learn it? How do we know when we have violated it?
dq 2
Ethical Ambiguity (graded)
Consider the following scenario: You
are aware of a problem that is costing your company productivity. This problem
is caused by a fellow employee who refuses to use current technology. This
employee has asked you to keep the situation to yourself, since he is one year
from retirement and does not want to lose his job or have to endure new training.
This employee is also very popular with everyone at the company. You have just
been asked by your superiors why you think your division is not as productive
as it could be. Do you tell the truth? What are the ethical considerations
involved in this decision? How should one deal with this kind of ethical
devry ethc232 week 5 discussion dq
1& dq 2
dq 1
Profit vs. Public (graded)
Businesses are intended to make
money, and sometimes this means keeping business practices secret. What kind of
information does the public have a right to know? What kind of information does
a business have a right to keep secret? How do we make these decisions?
dq 2
Insider Knowledge (graded)
In a business world where
information is usually the key to making money, sometimes information that is
not available to the public can be considered legally and ethically improper to
use in making business decisions. What is insider information? Why are there
laws against it being used to make investment decisions?
devry ethc232 week 6 discussion dq
1& dq 2
dq 1
Corporate Responsibility (graded)
Corporate responsibility is a
controversial issue that involves many industries, companies, and ethical considerations.
Consider one or more of the following examples, and comment on if and how you
think the industry has an obligation to society.
McDonalds considering the overall
health of society
Nike considering its responsibility
for running sweatshops to produce its apparel
Oil companies for developing
alternative energies
dq 2
Whistleblowers (graded)
If you are an employee of a
business, and learn that it is violating the law, what would you do in this
situation? What are your ethical obligations? Under what conditions would you
report the illegal activities? Under what conditions would you keep quiet?
devry ethc232 week 7 discussion dq
1& dq 2
dq 1
Personal Morality (graded)
Can you think of a situation in
which personal or religious beliefs might conflict with something that may be
asked of you professionally? What should you do in this situation?
dq 2
Cultural Differences (graded)
What are some examples of cultural
differences around the world that can affect business practices? Should a
business change practices based on cultural sensitivities? Why or why not?
devryethc232week 2 You Decide
You Decide
You Decide: Choices and
Go to the You Decide tab this week
for details on this assignment.
Submit your assignment to the
Dropbox, located at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the
Dropbox, read”>step-by-step
Decide> Activity
Scenario Summary
One of the great and ongoing
situations that calls for ethical decision making is the reality that there is
almost always a greater need for something than there is a supply to meet the
For our assignment and scenario, the
need is the life-and-death situation of the need for transplantable organs and
the rather small and transitory supply. Hard decisions need to be made, and
there is little time to think things through. These are emergency situations.
Transplantable organs become
available on short notice – usually because a donor has died for reasons
unrelated to the organ. They need to be removed and transplanted very quickly,
because they only remain fresh for a limited period. And there is the whole
complicated issue of tissue type matching. There is also an ongoing concern
about how long recipients can wait.
Your assignment is to make the
decision using utilitarian ethics as this week’s classwork and discussions have
brought you to that skill and then to write it up in the form of a Memorandum
for the hospital records. Remember that this record could be reviewed by the
Peer Review Committee or the Hospital Trustees at a later date.
This is Utilitarian Week in our
course. Employ what you have learned from J. S. Mill and Utilitarianism this
week AND one other of our course’s ethicists of your choice from week 1.
The Memorandum should be at 2
double-spaced pages, maximum of 3 pages, in a memorandum form ready to become
an official item of record.
Quality of Memorandum content
Employs what you have learned from J. S. Mill and
Utilitarianism this week AND one other of our course’s ethicists of your
choice from earlier weeks.
Writes answers clearly and succinctly using strong
organization and proper grammar. Citations are properly used throughout the
A quality paper will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.
devry ethc232 week 6 You Decide
You Decide
You Decide: Whistleblowing
Go to the You Decide tab this week
for details on this assignment.
Submit your assignment to the
Dropbox, located at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the
Dropbox, read”>step-by-step
See the Syllabus section “Due Dates
for Assignments & Exams” for due date information.”>You
Decide> Activity or Assignment
Scenario Summary – Are We Safe?
“Wooden” is a large factory in
Littlebury. Littlebury is a small town with a population of approximately 1,200
people. Wooden is the largest employer in the town. In Littlebury, everyone
knows each other, as they are either related or friends. Wooden specializes in
creating wooden objects from shaving and shaping logs. The factory takes in
approximately 1,000 logs a day and operates on a 24/7 schedule. The activity
generates an enormous amount of wood dust. There is dust at least an inch thick
on all of the equipment, flat surfaces and ceiling rafters. There are some areas
in which the dust could be as much as three inches thick.
Wood dust is a combustible material
and, given the right circumstances (ignition source, amount of dust, etc.), can
be explosive. Also, inhaling fine wood dust can create respiratory illnesses.
Employees have complained over the
years about the dust, but the employer still has not created a method to
frequently clean the factory. One day Karen, a co-worker, tells you that while
she was operating her machine she noticed three quick sparks in the air near
her work station. Karen informed her Section Manager about this incident, but
the response was that she shouldn’t worry about it. She is now scared that the
factory may explode at any moment.
Your Assignment
You are an employee at this factory.
You have worked there for over 10 years and know everyone from the owner to the
co-workers. This situation has you nervous as well, but you don’t know what to
do because you do not want to get anyone in trouble. You decide to speak with
several people at the factory. Based upon their responses (listed below),
answer the following questions:
1. 1.
Would you report this situation to anyone else? If so, who and why?
2. 2.
If you choose not to report the situation, explain your decision.
3. 3.
What are the possible consequences if you were to report this situation?
4. 4.
What are the possible consequences if you fail to report the workplace
5. 5.
Let’s assume that you have reported the workplace condition. Is this
whistleblowing? If so, would it be morally justified in this situation?
“There is no way an explosion could
occur. Everyone knows that wood dust is not explosive. Karen probably just saw
some type of light reflection. Look, in order to ease your mind, I will
schedule a major clean up of the facility next month. Just sit tight.”
“Do not make any trouble. A major
clean-up of the entire facility will stop production for at least two days.
Just clean your work area. I have been in this industry for over 30 years, I
know a dangerous situation when I see it. Let the experts handle this.”
Please contact OSHA. You can make a
complaint and they will investigate and handle it. I can’t call since I was
just hired two weeks ago. I cannot make any waves, but you have been here long
enough. You won’t have any problems. I am so scared because a plant back in my
hometown exploded about two months ago because of wood dust. This is really
“You cannot prove that there is an
explosion hazard here. You should only come to me when you know definitely that
there is a safety issue. I will consider anything else as slander against me
and my company. I do not take too well to disloyal employees.”
Activity or Assignment
You will read the case summary,
accompanying character descriptions and answer the questions. You should also
write a two (2) page Word Document (.docx) outlining the rationale for your
answers. The assignment must conform to APA formatting standards. You should
include principles that you have learned so far in this course. Be sure to
provide adequate information to support your decision.
Note to the student:You
are being graded on your demonstration of reasoning, critical thinking, and
analytical abilities in applying what you are learning about market research.
If you use your text or outside sources of information, please provide in-text
citations and references using APA formatting.
devry eth232 week 3 Quiz
devry eth232 week 5 Quiz latest.
Question :
(TCO 3) How does the societal norm
of intellectual property sometimes conflict with a set of workplace standards?
How would you recommend an employee might address the conflict?
Question 2.
Question :
(TCO 4) How do ethical
considerations related to human resources impact the profession and modify the
way work is done?
Question 3.
Question :
(TCO 5) What would be appropriate
guidelines for employees and companies for regulating practices of personal
relationships in the workplace? What are some ethical issues related to this
Question 4.
Question :
(TCOs 3, 4, 5) Describe the
relationship between law and ethics in the workplace when it comes to
organizational culture.
Question 5.
Question :
(TCO 5) Explain whether one
following virtue ethics will recognize individual rights or favor the greatest
good for the greatest number of people.
devry ethc232 week 4
Criminal Justice Ethics
Go to theTutorial tabfor this
week, for details on this assignment.
the Tutorial. At the end of the tutorial, there are five choices for your
answer. Choose one of the available choices and write a two-page Word document
(.docx) outlining the rationale for your answer. You should include principles
that you have learned so far in this course. Be sure to provide adequate
information to support your answer.
Note to the student:You
are being graded on your demonstration of reasoning, critical thinking, and
analytical abilities in applying what you are learning about ethical issues in
the professions. If you use your text or outside sources of information, please
provide in-text citations and references using APA or MLA formatting.
Submit your assignment to the
Dropbox, located at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the
Dropbox, read”>step-by-step
devry ethc232 week 7 Ethical Dilemma
Ethical Dilemma Paper
Your writing assignment this week is
to write a 2 page paper analyzing two ethical dilemmas facing a profession. You
can choose a profession you are currently in or a profession in which you wish
to practice.
The paper should contain the
Describe the ethical dilemmas
Provide an example regarding how the
dilemma exists in a real life situation
Analyze the efforts being made by
those in the profession to resolve the dilemmas (rules, standards, etc.)
Describe the possible consequences
if one behaves unethically in the situation
Sources must be cited and documented
using APA style (see the Syllabus for more details)
The paper should be written in your
own words and address all of the issues above. You will be graded on your
demonstrated understanding of course material, and your organization and
grammar. There is an Assignment Grading Rubric posted in Doc Sharing.
Submit your assignment to the
Dropbox, located at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the
Dropbox, read”>step-by-step
See the Syllabus section “Due Dates
for Assignments & Exams” for due date information.
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