PSYC-3009-10,Psychology of Leadership Week 6 Discussion 2
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PSYC-3009-10,Psychology of Leadership
Discussion 2 - Week 6
Week 6: Global Leadership in the
Present and Future
Do people in different countries and
cultures look for the same qualities in their leaders as people do in the
United States? Asked another way, are qualities of effective leadership
universal or do they vary by culture? This is one consideration addressed in
this, the final week in your course. A second consideration has to do with
leadership in a global society and what it takes to lead in a country where the
borders are permeable and/or leaders' decisions affect people well beyond their
boundaries. This phenomenon might be called global leadership. And a final
concern: What do you think leaders of the future might look like? Do you think
that the information you learned throughout this course will be relevant for
leaders 10 or 50 years down the road? This final week, you entertain these
considerations and concerns: leadership in different cultures, leadership in a
global society, and leaders of the future. You also revisit the thoughts you
had about leadership when you first began this course.
Learning Objectives
By the end of this week, you should
be able to:
- Analyze the characteristics of effective leadership in
a variety of countries and cultures
- Analyze characteristics, skills, and strategies for
effective leadership in a global society
- Analyze characteristics of leaders of the future
- Evaluate the determinants of leadership
- Identify and apply concepts related to change, trends,
and leadership of the future
Please proceed to the Learning
Learning Resources
Please read and view (where
applicable) the following Learning Resources before you complete this week's
- Course Text:Manning, G., & Curtis, K. (2015). The
art of leadership (5th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
- Chapter 4, "The Importance of Vision and the
Motive to Lead"
- Article: Dickson, M., Den Hartog, D., & Mitchelson,
J. (2003). Research on leadership in a cross-cultural context: Making
progress, and raising new questions. The Leadership
Quarterly, 14, 729–768. Retrieved
- Article: Lorange, P. (2003). Developing global
leaders. BizEd, 5, 24–27. Retrieved
- Article: Kets De Vries, M., & Florent-Treacy, E.
(2002). Global leadership from A to Z: Creating high commitment
organizations. Organizational Dynamics, 30(4), 295–309.
Use the PsycINFO database, and search using the article's title. - Article: Hernez-Broome, G., Hughes, R., & The
Center for Creative Leadership. (n.d.). Leadership development: Past,
present, and future. Human Resource Planning. Retrieved September 25,
- Article: Criswell, C., & Martin, A. (2007). 10
trends: A study of senior executives' view on the future. Retrieved from
the Center for Creative Leadership's Web
Optional Resources
- Article: Mind Tools. (2009). Hofstede's cultural
dimensions: Understanding workplace values around the world. Retrieved
- Article: Russette, J., Scully, R., & Preziosi, R.
(2008). Leadership across cultures: A comparative study.Academy of
Strategic Management Journal, 7, 46-61. Retrieved from the Walden
Library databases.
- World Economic Forum Videos
This website provides links to videos from the World Economic Forum annual meetings. The Forum strives to build and lead global communities, and inspire strategic insights in leaders that enable them to lead more effectively.
Note: Because of the ever-changing nature of websites such as those listed below, there is no guarantee that clips will always be available. Hence, the following links are listed as Supplemental Resources only. However, it is highly recommended that you view them, as they will assist you in completing one or more of your assignments.
Note: Because of the ever-changing nature of websites such as those listed below, there is no guarantee that clips will always be available. Hence, the following links are listed as Supplemental Resources only. However, it is highly recommended that you view them, as they will assist you in completing one or more of your assignments.
- Video: Impact Consulting and Development.
(2008). Global leadership dialogue. Retrieved
In this clip, leaders share key factors for success in a global environment.
With these Learning Resources in
mind, please proceed to the Discussion.
Discussion 2 - Week 6 COLLAPSE
Leaders of the Future
Leaders have existed since the beginning of history. Leaders from the past and their experiences help inform leadership in the present, and current leadership prepares leaders for the future. Although you probably cannot accurately predict the future, you can consider issues and trends that are likely to influence leadership in the coming decades. The assigned article, "Leadership Development: Past, Present, and Future," describes issues that influence the future of leadership. Additionally, the Center for Creative Leadership polled executives to ascertain trends in leadership; they report the findings in the article, "10 Trends: A Study of Senior Executives' View on the Future."
To prepare for this Discussion:
Leaders have existed since the beginning of history. Leaders from the past and their experiences help inform leadership in the present, and current leadership prepares leaders for the future. Although you probably cannot accurately predict the future, you can consider issues and trends that are likely to influence leadership in the coming decades. The assigned article, "Leadership Development: Past, Present, and Future," describes issues that influence the future of leadership. Additionally, the Center for Creative Leadership polled executives to ascertain trends in leadership; they report the findings in the article, "10 Trends: A Study of Senior Executives' View on the Future."
To prepare for this Discussion:
- Review Chapter 4 in your textbook,The Art of
Leadership. Focus on the requirements for an effective vision.
- Review the article, "10 Trends: A Study of Senior
Executives' View on the Future," paying particular attention to
examples of each of the trends presented.
- Review the article, "Leadership Development: Past,
Present, and Future," and focus on the section titled, "The
- Consider some characteristics the leader of the future
might need in order to lead effectively.
- Think about the Discussion from Week 1 and your
position on whether leaders are born or made. Decide if your answer has
changed, and if so, consider why.
With these thoughts in mind:
Post by Day 4 your vision of the leader of the future, that is, the characteristics you think the leader of the future will need in order to lead effectively. Be explicit and explain why. Then, as you complete this course, once again explain (briefly) whether you believe leaders are made or born and why. If your answer is different from Week 1, indicate that and include the "why of it" in your explanation.
Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.
Post by Day 4 your vision of the leader of the future, that is, the characteristics you think the leader of the future will need in order to lead effectively. Be explicit and explain why. Then, as you complete this course, once again explain (briefly) whether you believe leaders are made or born and why. If your answer is different from Week 1, indicate that and include the "why of it" in your explanation.
Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.
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