Wednesday 29 August 2018

BIS 261 Complete Class

 BIS 261 Complete Class

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BIS 261 Week 1 ilab
BIS 261 Week 2 ilab
BIS 261 Week 3 ilab
BIS 261 Week 4 ilab
BIS 261 Week 5 ilab
BIS 261 Week 6 ilab
BIS 261 Week 7 ilab

BIS 261 Week 2 Quiz
BIS 261 Week 3 Quiz
BIS 261 Week 4 Quiz
BIS 261 Week 5 Quiz
BIS 261 Week 6 Quiz

BIS 261 Week 3 Case Study
BIS 261 Final Exam

BIS 261 Week 1 ilab

Review the case study on Acme Medical Data Storage LLC,

BIS 261 Week 2 ilab

Upgrading the CRM System

BIS 261 Week 3 ilab

OfficeFix, Inc. Mobile Service Knowledge Base

BIS 261 Week 4 ilab

Invitation Letter

Acme Jewelry Company’s E-commerce JAD Meeting

BIS 261 Week 5 ilab

Meeting Minutes
Lessons Learned

BIS 261 Week 6 ilab

Use Case Description for Acme Video Game Vending Machine System

BIS 261 Week 7 ilab

Test Plan and Procedures

BIS 261 Week 2 Quiz
Part 1
1. (TCO 4) According to research, a major reason why projects fail or are only partially successful is:
2. (TCO 4) The Standish Group's list of reasons why IT projects fail includes all of the following except
3. (TCO 4) Organizing and directing other people to achieve a planned result within a predetermined schedule and budget is a definition of:
4. (TCO 4) By definition, the oversight committee for a project consists of:
5. (TCO 4) By definition, tasks that involve directing other people to achieve a planned result are:
6. (TCO 4) A philosophy of software development that embraces flexibility is described as:
7. (TCO 4) Defining the problem and producing the project schedule are classified as _______ activities.
8. (TCO 4) Improvements that will accrue to a company as a result of a project and its deliverables are known as:
9. (TCO 4) “Do we understand what we are supposed to be working on?” is the key question for which project planning activity?
10. (TCO 4) Which column in a risk analysis matrix provides an assessment of how badly the project will be affected if the risk materializes?
Part 2:
1. (TCO 4) The project management area concerned with identifying potential trouble spots in the project is:
2. (TCO 4) Potential shifting of political power due to adoption of a new system may represent a (n) ________________ feasibility risk.
3. (TCO 4) A deadline to complete a new accounting system before the start of a company's next fiscal year would represent what type of feasibility issue?
4. (TCO 4) Which of the following is an example of a resource feasibility issue?
5. (TCO 4) A comparison of the expenses of developing and operating a system versus its anticipated financial advantages is:
6. (TCO 4) Costs that are incurred after a system is up and running are termed:
7. (TCO 4) The value of anticipated benefits from a new system should be determined mainly by:
8. (TCO 4) The ____________ of a new system is calculated as the combination of all benefits and costs over the life of the system, stated in terms of today's dollars.
9. (TCO 4) Another term for the payback period is the:
10. (TCO 4) A measure of the percentage gain from an investment, such as a new system, is the:

BIS 261 Week 3 Quiz
1. (TCO 5) Generally, systems analysis involves the creation of:
2. (TCO 5) Diagrams and schematic representations of aspects of a system are _____ models.
3. (TCO 5) When considering system users as stakeholders, their roles should be identified in what two dimensions?
4. (TCO 5) People who use a system to perform the day-to-day operations of an organization are considered:
5. (TCO 5) Prototypes that are built during analysis to help clarify what users really need and want are called:
. (TCO 5) System requirements are defined as:
7. (TCO 5) Which of the following is an example of a functional requirement?
8. (TCO 5) Which of the following is an example of a nonfunctional requirement?
9. (TCO 5) Technical, performance, and usability requirements are types of:
10. (TCO 5) _____ requirements describe operational characteristics related to users, such as the user interface, related work procedures, online help, and documentation.
Part 2:
1. (TCO 5) A requirement to encrypt data transmitted over the Internet would be classified as a _____ requirement
2. (TCO 5) Which of the following would be considered an open-ended interview question?
3. (TCO 5) Interview questions that have simple, definitive answers, by definition, are
4. (TCO 5) Which of the following is a recommended practice in preparing for an interview?
5. (TCO 5) A type of workflow diagram that describes user activities and their sequential flow is:
6. (TCO 5) Effective prototypes should be:
7. (TCO 5) A disadvantage of the JAD approach to defining requirements is:
8. (TCO 5) Researching other companies' existing solutions to a business problem is
9. (TCO 5) A preliminary working model of a larger system is a(n):
10. (TCO 5) The objective of a structured walkthrough is to:

BIS 261 Week 4 Quiz
1. (TCO 1) A facilitator uses knowledge of _____ to formulate and deliver the needed structure for effective meeting interactions.
2. (TCO 1) The primary focus of the facilitator's role is on:
3. (TCO 1) A key difference between a team and a group is that:
4. (TCO 1) A well-facilitated team meeting is generally:
5. (TCO 1) The content of a meeting refers to:
6. (TCO 1) Typical elements included in a charter or purpose statement are:
7. (TCO 1) The agenda defines:
8. (TCO 1) At the beginning of a meeting, the facilitator should
9. (TCO 1) A process intervention is:
10. (TCO 1) If Alice is the only member who is interrupting or starting side conversations while Bob is presenting, the recommended intervention is to:
Part 2:
1. (TCO 1) If the group discussion tends to veer away from the main agenda items into talking about less important side issues, the first recommended intervention is to:
2. (TCO 1) If Alice begins to recount a familiar personal "war story" that everyone has heard before, the first recommended intervention is to:
3. (TCO 1) A facilitator should, as a last resort, invite a group member to bow out of a meeting when:
4. (TCO 1) One recommended facilitation strategy to encourage members to return from breaks on time is to:
5. (TCO 1) A recorder or scribe who keeps track of running memory using a computer-based tool is sometimes called:
6.(TCO 1) One of the purposes of keeping a running memory during a meeting is to:
7. (TCO 1) When writing down the current issue for group discussion on a flip chart or whiteboard, the facilitator should
8. (TCO 1) When someone in a meeting says, "We ought to do X", the facilitator should:
9. (TCO 1) As part of a meeting evaluation form or an end-of-meeting discussion, a facilitator should ask group members for:
10. (TCO 1) Attributes of an effective facilitator include:

BIS 261 Week 5 Quiz
1.(TCO 2) When referring to a virtual team, the initials GDT stand for:
2. (TCO 2) A virtual team can be defined as a group of people who work:
3. (TCO 2) Which of the following is a reason for organizations to use virtual teams?
4. (TCO 2) A primary criterion for success for employees in a virtual environment is being:
5. (TCO 2) To build trust, the best way to launch a new virtual team project is by:
6. (TCO 2) A best practice for communicating via e-mail is to:
7. (TCO 2) For its first effort at using a virtual team, an organization should choose a project that is:
8. (TCO 2) According to research conducted by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), the number one factor that influences success in virtual organizations is:
9. (TCO 2) The most difficult situation for managing a meeting is when:
10. (TCO 2) When diversity is managed well, teams made up of people from different cultures tend to be:
Part 2:
1. (TCO 2) Tools that ensure that documentation is consistent and relevant across the team and enable real-time updates are classed as
2. (TCO 2) On a virtual team, managers should encourage the celebration of:
3. (TCO 2) Two key roles that should be identified for a virtual meeting are:
4. (TCO 2) In effective multicultural virtual teams, accountability exists:
5. (TCO 2) Three broad categories of technology support tools for virtual teams are:
6. (TCO 2) E-mail is not considered appropriate for sensitive communications because:
7. (TCO 2) E-mail is most effective for:
8. (TCO 2) For very small, short-term projects, it may be appropriate to store project work documents:
9. (TCO 2) A communication technology that allows team members to link over time and create a persistent online meeting place is:
10. (TCO 2) Regional and global expansion of organizations is creating a paradigm shift:

BIS 261 Week 6 Quiz
1. (TCO 6) When using the event decomposition technique, analysts focus first on:
2. (TCO 6) A technique for identifying use cases that involves asking users to describe their objectives in using the system is called the:
3. (TCO 6) A task performed by one person in one place, in response to a business event, that adds business value and leaves the system in a consistent state, is:
4. (TCO 6) Which of the following is true, by definition, of an event?
5. (TCO 6) An event that occurs outside the system, initiated by a person or organizational unit that supplies data to or receives data from the system, is:
6. (TCO 6) Performing a daily backup of the database is an example of
7. (TCO 6) Under the "perfect technology" assumption, events arising from equipment breakdowns, capacity limitations, and user errors:
8. (TCO 6) A catalog of use cases that lists events in rows and key details about each event in columns is called:
9. (TCO 6) A relationship among three different types of things is a _____ relationship.
10. (TCO 6) A scenario is defined as:
Part 2:                                                             
1. (TCO 6) In a UML class diagram, a class is represented by:
2. (TCO 6) A _____ hierarchy structures classes according to their associated components.
3. (TCO 6) In the traditional approach to information systems, the things about which the system needs to store data are termed:
4. (TCO 6) A UML diagram showing the various user roles and the way those users interact with the system is:
5. (TCO 6) An actor in use case analysis is
6. (TCO 6) In a UML use case diagram, an unadorned connecting line without an arrowhead is used to connect:
7. (TCO 6) On a UML use case diagram, the arrow indicating an <<includes>> relationship is drawn with the arrowhead pointing toward:
8. (TCO 6) The attribute that uniquely identifies something, such as a customer's identification number, is called:
9. (TCO 6) One difference between a use case diagram and an event table is that a use case diagram emphasizes
10. (TCO 6) _______ state what conditions must be true before a use case begins.

BIS 261 Week 3 Case Study
1. What is the best method for Edward to involve the brokers (users) in development of the new online trading system? Should he use a questionnaire? Should he interview the brokers in each of the company’s 30 offices, or would one or two brokers representing the entire group be better? How can Edward ensure that the information about requirements is complete, yet not lose too much time doing so?
2. Concerning customer input for the new system, how can Edward involve customers in the process? How can he interest them in participating? What methods can Edward use to ensure that the customers he involves are representative of John and Jacob’s entire customer group?
3. As Edward considers what other stakeholders he should include, what are some criteria he should use? Develop some guidelines to help him build a list of people to include.

BIS 261 Final Exam
1. (TCO 3) The most important role of a systems analyst in business is ____.
2. (TCO 3) The ____ phase of the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) begins only after the new system has been installed and put into production, and it lasts throughout the productive life of the system
3. (TCO 3) Asimov, Inc. sells robot lawn mowers to large property owners. The company wishes to reduce component costs by coordinating more closely with parts vendors and reducing inventory levels. This goal could best be accomplished by developing a(n) ____________ system
4. (TCO 3) Clarke, Inc. develops information systems for law offices. The requirements for these information systems are negotiated in advance and are spelled out in detail in lengthy written contracts that are signed by all parties at the start of each project. The systems must be highly reliable and use proven, stable technology. A(n) _______________ approach to the SDLC would be best suited for these projects
5. (TCO 3) Egan Enterprises is a large multinational conglomerate with divisions in several different lines of business. Each division needs its own information systems, but there are many elements that all of the divisional systems have in common: They all deal with customers, accounts, payments, and so on. To support all of the divisions efficiently, Egan's information systems group needs to reuse these common features in many different systems, and avoid creating similar features from scratch for each division. This goal would best be achieved using a(n) ____________ development approach.
6. (TCO 4) An example of an intangible benefit is ____.
7. (TCO 4) The objective of ____ is to calculate a percentage return so that the costs and benefits are exactly equal over the specified time period
8. (TCO 4) The present value of $100,000 development costs in year 0 assuming a 15% discount rate is: ____.
9. (TCO 4) The Gibson Corporation is implementing a new manufacturing information system, but workers in the factory are resisting its adoption because they are afraid that they will be laid off once the system is in operation. This issue should have been identified during __________.
10. (TCO 5) Questionnaires can be useful in information gathering when users ____.
11. (TCO 5) A prototype has which of the following characteristics?
12. (TCO 5) A requirement for Heinlein Inc.'s new ecommerce website is that any page must display within two seconds after a link to it is clicked. This can best be classified as a ___________ requirement
1. (TCO 5) King Manufacturing is developing a new sales order system. During the analysis phase, the fact-finding activity to which the analysis team should plan to devote the most time and effort is:
2. (TCO 1) The purpose of an agenda is to define:
3. (TCO 1) If an initial low-level process intervention by a facilitator does not succeed in getting the group back on track, the facilitator should:
4. (TCO 1) During a meeting on security requirements for a new website, the team is unable to reach a decision because the corporate security policy was recently changed and no one is sure exactly what the new policy says. What should be the facilitator's response?
5. (TCO 1) What should be the meeting facilitator's response the first time that members of the group are late in returning from a break?
6. (TCO 2) A project agreement helps to eliminate unnecessary conflict within a virtual team because it:
7. (TCO 2) The enabler for traditional teams to operate virtually is:
8. (TCO 2) Leiber International is developing a new financial information system. The team to gather requirements for the new system includes members from Leiber's offices in New York, Paris, Hong Kong, and Tokyo. As the team leader, you want to hold a meeting in which you present PowerPoint slides with objectives for the new system; demonstrate the operation of the old system to illustrate some problems; and then brainstorm with the whole team to generate ideas for the new system. The best communication tool to use for this example would be:
9. (TCO 2) McCaffrey Aviation, an international air-cargo firm, is developing a new logistics system. The team to gather requirements for the new system includes members from Los Angeles, Mumbai, Berlin, London, and Rio de Janeiro. You have an initial draft of the requirements, and you want to share this draft with the entire team and enable them to change and add to it. You expect that there will be frequent changes and additions by multiple people over the next several weeks. The best tool for the team to use in collaborating on this document is:
10. (TCO 6) A concept that allows subclasses to share the characteristics of their superclasses is called ____.
11. (TCO 6) A relationship between a "sports team" and the players, coaches, and sponsor would be described as what kind of relationship?
1. (TCO 6) A(n) ____ provides an overview of all of the use cases for a system.
2. (TCO 6) In the following class diagram for a help desk system:
each Customer is associated with:
3. (TCO 6) Based on the following use case diagram for a help desk system:
when an Agent closes an incident, as part of this process, he or she also:
4. (TCO 7) ____ testing tests individual code modules or methods before they are combined with other modules or methods.
5. (TCO 7) Niven Consulting is developing a new mobile app that consultants can use to enter their billable hours from their smartphones. The project is now entering the implementation phase and programmers are about to start coding the software modules. The project manager wants to make sure that each module works correctly by itself before it is added to the official project code library. The type of testing that should be used to provide this assurance is:
6. (TCO 7) Orwell Brothers Construction is developing a new budgeting system using an iterative development process. At the end of each iteration, the team wants to identify any unresolved issues that should be worked on during the next iteration. To do this task, the team should conduct __________ at the end of each iteration
7. (TCO 7) Pournelle Products is planning to launch a new e-commerce website. A large segment of the company's customer base consists of aging baby boomers with less than perfect eyesight and hand-eye coordination. The marketing director is concerned about whether these customers will be able to read the text on the site, and is worried that some might find the navigation scheme confusing. This situation indicates a need for _________ testing
8. (TCO 8) Quality assurance (QA) activities during analysis concentrate on ____.
9. (TCO 8) If a system was analyzed and designed with object-oriented techniques, developers prepare test cases for each ____.
10. (TCO 8) Reynolds Realty has experienced problems with bugs in their production systems, so they are reorganizing their software testing process. In this reorganization, primary responsibility for performing acceptance testing should be assigned to:
11. (TCO 8) Your employer, Stephenson Services, requires a formal inspection of all official documents at the end of each phase of a project, before moving on to the next phase. At the end of the analysis phase, you have been asked to serve as a critic for the inspection of the use case diagram and use case descriptions. During the inspection, you should:
1. (TCO 3) HRSoft, LLC develops and sells custom human resources management (HRM) solutions for mid-sized businesses. The company has been using a structured systems development approach, but is considering switching to agile methods. You have been asked to discuss the suitability of this change. HRSoft's systems use reliable, proven technology. Customers often have trouble defining their needs in advance, so there are often changes to requirements while a project is underway. The HR field is heavily regulated, and systems must be certified to comply with state and federal labor laws, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) rules, and other regulations. HRSoft is a small company with an entrepreneurial culture that operates in a moderately competitive industry. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of agile software development methods for HRSoft. Describe three advantages and three disadvantages, writing at least one complete sentence about each advantage and each disadvantage. Your answer should be at least one paragraph of at least six complete sentences.
2. (TCO 4) Two competing companies, Alphaware and Betaware, are each planning to develop a new information system. Alphaware has a strong, experienced project management team in place, but is planning to use a complex technology that has never before been applied to this type of system. Betaware has a young, inexperienced project management team, but they will be working with a well-understand technology that the company has used successfully for similar systems in the past. Which company has the higher chance of success, and why? Write a paragraph of at least four complete sentences, explaining your answer in terms of research on project success and failure factors
3. (TCO 5) You are a business analyst at a company that sells office supplies on the Web, working on a project to develop a new order-tracking system for the website. You are planning to hold a Joint Application Design (JAD) session to gather information for the analysis phase of the project. Describe a plan for the JAD session, including who should attend, where it should be held, what equipment and tools should be available, and how the session should be conducted. Your answer should be one or more paragraphs containing at least six complete sentences.
4. (TCO 1) You are facilitating a meeting to decide on requirements for a new supply chain management system. During a discussion of how to qualify new vendors, Gina from the engineering department says, "That reminds me of the time that I needed a special chair for my bad back, and I couldn't get it because the vendor wasn't on the approved list! Here's what happened . . . " Several other participants roll their eyes, and two people pull out cell phones to check their messages. Describe how you will deal with this as the facilitator, including what you will do the first time that it happens, and how your response will change if Gina persists in returning to her story. Describe at least three different levels of interventions that you will use, with two complete sentences about each level of intervention. Your response should be one or more paragraphs containing at least six complete sentences.
5. (TCO 2) You are leading a 12-member team to develop requirements for a new inventory control system for an international company. The team includes representatives from several countries in which the company's manufacturing and distribution facilities are located. Describe three challenges that you expect to arise because the team is geographically distributed rather than co-located, and the measures that you plan to take to overcome these challenges. For each challenge, write at least one sentence describing the challenge, and at least one sentence stating how you plan to overcome it. Your answer should be one or more paragraphs containing at least six complete sentences.
6. (TCO 6) Here is a class diagram for a computer store inventory system:
Describe the problem domain class model represented by this diagram. In your description, identify the name of each class; the attributes of each class; and the relationship type and multiplicities of each association between classes. Your answer should be one or more paragraphs containing at least six complete sentences.
7. (TCO 7) You are drafting a test plan for a new online stock-trading system for a major brokerage house. Trades are time-sensitive, so it is extremely important for the system to process transactions rapidly even when trading volume is heavy. The system must be simple to use so that customers will not make errors when entering trades quickly under high stress. A serious error in the system could be very costly to the company, so a high degree of confidence is needed before the system is released for widespread use. Given these circumstances, select three different types of testing that will be particularly important to include in your test plan for the system. For each of these test types, write at least one sentence describing the test type and at least one sentence explaining why it will be important for testing this system. Your answer should be one or more paragraphs containing at least six complete sentences.
8. (TCO 8) You are a business analyst on a project that is running behind schedule during its implementation phase. To save time, the leader of the programming team has proposed skipping the unit-testing of individual modules and proceeding directly to system integration. The programming team leader argues that any coding errors in the modules will be caught during integration testing. Present a counter-argument to this proposal. In your argument, explain the purpose of unit testing, the purpose of integration testing, the role played by each in the overall testing process, and the benefits of doing both. Your answer should be one or more paragraphs containing at least four complete sentences

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