Saturday, 27 January 2018

NR 503 Week 1 to 8 Discussions

NR 503 Week 1 to 8 Discussions

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NR 503 Week 1 to 8 Discussions
Week 1: Epidemiology and Advanced Practice Nursing
 Discuss one historical epidemiological event or accomplishment that has left an impact on healthcare as we know it. Clearly identify, describe, and define key points or people in the event or accomplishment.
TD 2
How might such an event have an impact on the goals and objectives of Healthy People 2020?

TD 3
 Please provide a summary of the case or information you have discussed this week

Week 2: Epidemiology and Biostatistics to Inform Advanced Practice Nursing

 Shelby is a 32-year-old mother of two, who has smoked 1 pack-per-day for the last 15 years, and who comes to see you today for her yearly well-woman exam in your family practice clinic. She has a family history, in a single paternal grandmother of breast cancer at age 52. She also has a history of an abnormal cervical cancer screening three years ago requiring colposcopy. Given her history please consider the following:

Choose one screening test that might be considered either now or in the next few years of Shelby’s care. Define the test, its positive predictive value, reliability and validity

Upon the course of your history you find out that Shelby has a great aunt on her mother’s side who died of ‘some woman cancer in her stomach’ and an uncle on her father’s side who died of pancreatic cancer. Her mother and older sisters are all in good health.

Please provide a summary of the case or information you have discussed this week

week 3

Risk and Cohort Study Design
As an Advanced Practice Nurse, you will care for patients who are at risk for specific diseases. Please pick one chronic or infectious disease specific to a population in your geographic area and provide evidence of risk, relative risk, and odds ratio in relation to that disease, and specific risks in the population you identified.

NR 503 Week 3 Case study part 2

Now that you have identified the disease and risk, what is one evidence-based action that you could take within your local community or patient population to prevent this risk?

NR 503 Week 3 Case study part 3

Please provide a summary of the case or information you have discussed this week.

Week 4: Emerging Infectious Disease and Risk Management
:Disease Causation
Steve, a 54-year-old Caucasian male, presents for a first time visit to your clinic. His history includes five sexual partners in the last 25 years, two of those within the last twelve months, lack of physical activity of any kind as he is an over-the-road truck driver, 25-year history of smoking 1 pack per day, and no immunizations of any kind that he can recall since high school. His father died of a myocardial infarction at age 62. His mother is alive and has hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and Type 2 Diabetes. His BMI is 31 and his blood pressure is 142/90.
Name one disease he is at risk for and provide evidence on how one of his risk factors is tied to causation of that disease

Create a plan of care based on the disease risk you chose and define whether steps of that plan of care are primary, secondary, or tertiary prevention

Please provide a summary of the case or information you have discussed this week

Week 5: The Role of Culture in Epidemiology

:Epidemiologic Sub-fields
Pick a disease in your geographic area and identify how it is tied to either infectious, chronic, gynecological or sexually transmitted infection (STI), environmental, cultural or geographic causation.

Provide the specific descriptive epidemiological aspects of this disease as it relates to your geographic area

Please provide a summary of the case or information you have discussed this week

week 6

TD 1
Genetics and Epidemiology
Pick one friend or family member and gather their family health history.  Pick one possible genetic risk for disease in that person and provide the following:
§  Gender, age
§  Genetic risk for a specific disease
§  Define the disease
§  Evidence to link risk to development
§  Identify if genetics is confounded or linked to any other epidemiological risk factors for disease development that might be modified in this patient.
TD 2
Discuss screening tools that might be an option for this person and why or why you would not recommend them at this time. Remember to provide evidence to support your answer.

Please provide a summary of the case or information you have discussed this week

Week 7: Environment Epidemiology and Clinical Nursing Science Applications

TD 1
As an Advanced Practice Nurse, you will care for patients who are at risk for opioid abuse or addiction. Please research and present the incidence of opioid abuse specific to your geographic area and provide evidence of risk, relative risk, and odds ratio in relation to opioid abuse, and if specific risks have been identified for a specific population(s).

Please identify one local prevention or screening program tied specifically to opioid abuse / addiction and provide a brief overview of the purpose, program, and ongoing surveillance or evaluation of success

Please provide a summary of the case or information you have discussed this week

week 8

Reflection on Achievement of Program Outcomes (required, but not graded)
Reflect back over the past eight weeks and describe how the achievement of the course outcomes in this course have prepared you to meet the MSN program outcome #1 and the MSN Essential I.
§  Describe one legal or ethical issue in epidemiology.
§  Evaluate how this legal or ethical issue might affect the care of an individual, family, community, or population.

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