Wednesday 3 January 2018

BIO 1030 Annotated Bibliography-Reasearch Paper

BIO 1030 Annotated Bibliography-Reasearch Paper

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Unit III Annotated Bibliography
Pick a type of cancer to research. Find articles that answer questions concerning your chosen type of cancer. This assignment will help you to organize the sources you will use in the Unit V Research Paper. An annotated bibliography consists of two parts: the reference citation in APA format, followed by the summary for that reference.
·Your sources should address the following topics, which will be included in the Unit V Research Paper:

O Define cancer.
O Describe the type of cancer you selected.
O Describe the diagnosis: symptoms, diagnosis, staging, and prognosis.
O Discuss treatment options, including medicines/alternative treatments.
O Discuss causes/risk factors.
O Include the incidence rate or statistics.
O Explain the resources you would use if you or someone you knew had this type of cancer.
O Discuss what you can do to help the fight against cancer.
O Include any other interesting facts.
· Create an annotated bibliography following the structure given in the example:
O Click here for the annotated bibliography example.
O Find four to six current sources (published within the last five years).
O Note that the reference citations should be organized in alphabetical order.
O Summaries should not include opinions; rather, summaries should contain
a short synopsis of the article, and no direct quotes should be present. End your summary with one or two sentences on why that source was selected and how it is of value to your research topic. Each summary should be at least 50 words in length.
· You must use at least two articles from any of the CSU Online Library databases to create your annotated bibliography. The remaining sources may include the textbook and credible websites other than Wikipedia.

Unit V Research Report
Recall from the unit lesson, the chances of developing cancer are fairly high, and cancer is very much a current real world issue. Almost everyone has been affected by cancer in some way or knows someone who has been. This research report
will have you explore the type of cancer you selected in Unit III.
Your research report should accomplish the following:

·Introduce the paper’s purpose, including background information on what cancer is
and a summary of the main points.
· Describe the type of cancer you selected.
· Describe the diagnosis: symptoms, diagnosis, staging, and prognosis.
· Discuss treatment options, including medicines/alternative treatments.
· Discuss causes/risk factors.
· Include the incidence rate or statistics.
· Explain the resources you would use if you or someone you knew had this type of cancer.
· Discuss what you can do to help the fight against cancer.
· Include any other interesting facts.
Your research report should be at least three full pages in length and include an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. You are required to cite at least two peer-reviewed sources and two additional sources of your own choosing, for a minimum of four sources. You are encouraged to use the references from the Unit III annotated bibliography assignment, but it is not a requirement. Be sure to include a separate title page and reference page. Title and reference pages do not count towards the minimum page requirement. An abstract is not required. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations following APA style guideline.

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