Wednesday 3 January 2018

CS 2206 Questions 1-40 Answers

CS 2206 Questions 1-40 Answers

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Question 1 of 40
2.5 Points
A psychologist claims that more than 29 percent of the professional population suffers from problems due to extreme shyness. Assuming that a hypothesis test of the claim has been conducted and that the conclusion is failure to reject the null hypothesis, state the conclusion in non-technical terms.

A. There is sufficient evidence to support the claim that the true proportion is less than 29 percent.
B. There is not sufficient evidence to support the claim that the true proportion is greater than 29 percent.
C. There is sufficient evidence to support the claim that the true proportion is equal to 29 percent.
D. There is sufficient evidence to support the claim that the true proportion is greater than 29 percent.
Question 2 of 40
2.5 Points
A study of a brand of “in the shell peanuts” gives the following results:

A significant event at the 0.01 level is a fan getting a bag with how many peanuts?

A. 30 peanuts
B. 25 or 30 peanuts
C. 25 or 55 peanuts
D. 25 peanuts
Question 3 of 40
2.5 Points

without computing a P-value, determine whether the alternate hypothesis is supported and give a reason for your conclusion.

is less than 1 standard deviation above the claimed mean.
is more than 4 standard deviations above the claimed mean.
is less than 1 standard deviation above the claimed mean.
is more than 4 standard deviations above the claimed mean.

Question 4 of 40
2.5 Points
A two-tailed test is conducted at the 0.10 significance level. What is the P-value required to reject the null hypothesis?

A. Greater than or equal to .010
B. Greater than or equal to 0.05
C. Less than or equal to 0.10
D. Less than or equal to 0.05

Question 5 of 40
2.5 Points
In 1990, the average duration of long-distance telephone calls originating in one town was 9.3 minutes. A long-distance telephone company wants to perform a hypothesis test to determine whether the average duration of long-distance phone calls has changed from the 1990 mean of 9.3 minutes. Formulate the null and alternative hypotheses for the study described.

Ho: µ = 9.3 minutes     H a : µ < 9.3 minutes
Ho: µ = 9.3 minutes     H a : µ > 9.3 minutes
Ho: µ = 9.3 minutes      H a : µ ¹ 9.3 minutes
Ho: µ ¹ 9.3 minutes     H a : µ = 9.3 minutes

Question 6 of 40
2.5 Points
At one school, the mean amount of time that tenth-graders spend watching television each week is 18.4 hours. The principal introduces a campaign to encourage the students to watch less television. One year later, the principal wants to perform a hypothesis test to determine whether the average amount of time spent watching television per week has decreased.
Formulate the null and alternative hypotheses for the study described.

Ho: µ = 18.4 hours     H a : µ ¹ 18.4 hours
Ho: µ = 18.4 hours     H a : µ < 18.4 hours
Ho: µ ³ 18.4 hours     H a : µ < 18.4 hours
Ho: µ = 18.4 hours     H a : µ > 18.4 hours

Question 7 of 40
2.5 Points
The owner of a football team claims that the average attendance at home games is over 4000, and he is therefore justified in moving the team to a city with a larger stadium. Assume that a hypothesis test of the claim has been conducted and that the conclusion of the test was to reject the null hypothesis. Identify the population to which the results of the test apply.

A. All games played by the team in question in which the attendance is over 4000
B. All future home games to be played by the team in question
C. All home games played by the team in question
D. None of the populations given are appropriate

Question 8 of 40
2.5 Points
A long-distance telephone company claims that the mean duration of long-distance telephone calls originating in one town was greater than 9.4 minutes, which is the average for the state. Determine the conclusion of the hypothesis test assuming that the results of the sampling do not lead to rejection of the null hypothesis.

A. Conclusion: Support the claim that the mean is less than 9.4 minutes.
B. Conclusion: Support the claim that the mean is greater than 9.4 minutes.
C. Conclusion: Support the claim that the mean is equal to 9.4 minutes.
D. Conclusion: Do not support the claim that the mean is greater than 9.4 minutes.

Question 9 of 40
2.5 Points
A consumer group claims that the mean running time for a certain type of flashlight battery is not the same as the manufacturer’s claims. Determine the null and alternative hypotheses for the test described.

H0: µ = Manufacturer’s claims     Ha: µ < Manufacturer’s claims

 H0: µ = Manufacturer’s claims    Ha: µ ¹ Manufacturer’s claims 

H0: µ = Manufacturer’s claims     Ha: µ > Manufacturer’s claims
H0: µ ¹ Manufacturer’s claims     Ha: µ = Manufacturer’s claims

Question 10 of 40
2.5 Points
In the past, the mean running time for a certain type of flashlight battery has been 8.0 hours. The manufacturer has introduced a change in the production method and wants to perform a hypothesis test to determine whether the mean running time has increased as a result. The hypotheses are:
H0 : µ  = 8.0 hours
Ha : µ  > 8.0 hours
Explain the meaning of a Type II error.

A. Concluding that µ > 8.0 hours when in fact µ > 8.0 hours
B. Failing to reject the hypothesis that µ = 8.0 hours when in fact µ >
8.0 hours
C. Concluding that µ > 8.0 hours
D. Failing to reject the hypothesis that µ = 8.0 hours when in fact µ = 8.0 hours

Question 11 of 40
2.5 Points
The principal of a middle school claims that annual incomes of the families of the seventh-graders at his school vary more than the annual incomes of the families of the seventh-graders at a neighboring school, which have variation described by s = $13,700. Assume that a hypothesis test of the claim has been conducted and that the conclusion of the test was to reject the null hypothesis. Identify the population to which the results of the test apply.

A. The current seventh graders at the principal’s school
B. Seventh graders’ families at the school with a standard deviation of $13,700
C. All of the families of the class of seventh graders at the principal’s school
D. All seventh graders’ families

Question 12 of 40
2.5 Points

If a fan purchased a bag with 30 peanuts, what is the lowest level at which this would be a significant event?

A. 0.05
B. 0.025
C. 0.01
D. It is not significant at any of the levels given

Question 13 of 40
2.5 Points
In 1990, the average duration of long-distance telephone calls originating in one town was 9.4 minutes. A long-distance telephone company wants to perform a hypothesis test to determine whether the average duration of long-distance phone calls has changed from the 1990 mean of 9.4 minutes. The mean duration for a random sample of 50 calls originating in the town was 8.6 minutes. Does the data provide sufficient evidence to conclude that the mean call duration, µ, is different from the 1990 mean of 9.4 minutes? Perform the appropriate hypothesis test using a significance level of 0.01. Assume that= 4.8 minutes.

A. With a z of -1.2 there is sufficient evidence to conclude that the mean
value has changed from the 1990 mean of 9.4 minutes.
B. With a P-value of 0.2302 there is not sufficient evidence to conclude
that the mean value is less than the 1990 mean of 9.4 minutes.
C. With a P-value of 0.2302 there is sufficient evidence to conclude that
the mean value is less than the 1990 mean of 9.4 minutes.
D. With a z of –1.2 there is not sufficient evidence to conclude that the
mean value has changed from the 1990 mean of 9.4 minutes.

Question 14 of 40
2.5 Points
 A researcher wants to check the claim that convicted burglars spend an average of 18.7 months in jail. She takes a random sample of 35 such cases from court files and finds that  months. Assume that the population standard deviation is 7 months. Test the null hypothesis that µ = 18.7 at the 0.05 significance level.

Do not reject the null hypothesis and conclude that the claim that the mean is different from 18.7 months is supported.
Do not reject the null hypothesis and conclude that the claim that the mean is different from 18.7 months cannot be supported.
Reject the null hypothesis and conclude that the claim that the mean is different from 18.7 months is supported.
Reject the null hypothesis and conclude that the claim that the mean is different

Question 15 of 40
2.5 Points
The owner of a football team claims that the average attendance at home games is over 3000, and he is therefore justified in moving the team to a city with a larger stadium. Assuming that a hypothesis test of the claim has been conducted and that the conclusion is failure to reject the null hypothesis, state the conclusion in non-technical terms.

A. There is sufficient evidence to support the claim that the mean attendance is greater than 3000.
B. There is sufficient evidence to support the claim that the mean attendance is equal to 3000.
C. There is not sufficient evidence to support the claim that the mean attendance is greater than 3000.
D. There is not sufficient evidence to support the claim that the mean attendance is less than 3000.

Question 16 of 40
2.5 Points
A two-tailed test is conducted at the 5% significance level. Which of the z-scores below is the smallest one that leads to rejection of the null hypothesis?

A. 1.12
B. 1.48
C. 1.84
D. 2.15

Question 17 of 40
2.5 Points
A consumer advocacy group claims that the mean amount of juice in a 16
ounce bottled drink is not 16 ounces, as stated by the bottler.
Determine the null and alternative hypotheses for the test described.

H0: µ = 16 ounces     Ha: µ < 16 ounces
H0: µ ¹ 16 ounces     Ha: µ = 16 ounces
H0: µ = 16 ounces     Ha: µ > 16 ounces
H0: µ = 16 ounces      Ha: µ ¹ 16 ounces

Question 18 of 40
2.5 Points
A two-tailed test is conducted at the 5% significance level. What is the left tail percentile required to reject the null hypothesis?

A. 97.5%
B. 5%
C. 2.5%
D. 95%

Question 19 of 40
2.5 Points
A poll of 1,068 adult Americans reveals that 52% of the voters surveyed prefer the Democratic candidate for the presidency. At the 0.05 significance level, test the claim that more than half of all voters prefer the Democrat.

A. Reject the null hypothesis. Conclude that there is insufficient evidence that more than half of all voters prefer Democrats.
B. Do not reject the null hypothesis. Conclude that there is sufficient evidence that more than half of all voters prefer Democrats.
C. Reject the null hypothesis. Conclude that there is sufficient evidence that more than half of all voters prefer Democrats.
D. Do not reject the null hypothesis. Conclude that there is insufficient evidence that more than half of all voters prefer Democrats.

Question 20 of 40
2.5 Points
A skeptical paranormal researcher claims that the proportion of Americans that have seen a UFO is less than 1 in every one thousand. State the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis for a test of significance.

H0: p = 0.001     Ha: p > 0.001
H0: p = 0.001      Ha: p < 0.001
H0: p > 0.001     Ha: p = 0.001
H0: p < 0.001     Ha: p = 0.001

Question 21 of 40
2.5 Points
Which of the following statements is true?

A. The p distribution cannot be used when finding a confidence interval for the population mean with a small sample anytime the population standard deviation is unknown.
B. The t distribution can be used when finding a confidence interval for the population mean with a small sample anytime the population standard deviation is unknown.
C. The t distribution cannot be used when finding a confidence interval for the population mean with a small sample anytime the population standard deviation is unknown.
D. The p distribution can be used when finding a confidence interval for the population mean with a small sample anytime the population standard deviation is unknown

Question 22 of 40
2.5 Points
One hundred people are selected at random and tested for colorblindness to determine whether gender and colorblindness are independent. The following counts were observed.

Not Colorblind
Find the value of the X2 statistic for the data above.

A. 1.325
B. 1.318
C. 1.286
D. 1.264
None of the options are true. The Chi-square test statistic is 2.740.

Question 23 of 40
2.5 Points
The margin of error in estimating the population mean of a normal population is E = 9.3 when the sample size is 15. If the sample size had been 18 and the sample standard deviation did not change, would the margin of error be larger or smaller than 9.3? Explain your answer.

A. Smaller. E decreases as the square root of the sample size gets larger.
B. Smaller. E increases as the square root of the sample size gets larger.
C. Larger. E decreases as the square root of the sample size gets larger.
D. Larger. E increases as the square root of the sample size gets larger.

Question 24 of 40
2.5 Points
The __________ test statistic is for the one-way analysis of variance.

A. P-Value
B. t
C. F
D. p

Question 25 of 40
2.5 Points
A 95% confidence interval for the mean of a normal population is found to be 15.6 < µ < 25.2. What is the margin of error?

A. 3.9
B. 4.8
C. 4.9
D. 3.7

Question 26 of 40
2.5 Points
A golfer wished to find a ball that would travel more than 180 yards when hit with his 5-iron with a club speed of 90 miles per hour. He had a golf equipment lab test a low compression ball by having a robot swing his club 7 times at the required speed.
Data from this test resulted in a sample mean of 184.2 yards and a sample standard deviation of 5.8 yards. Assuming normality, carry out a hypothesis test at the 0.05 significance level to determine whether the ball meets the golfer’s requirements. Use the partial t-table below.

Area in one tail


Area in two tails
Degrees of
n – 1

Reject the null hypothesis. The data do not provide sufficient evidence that the average distance is greater than 180 yards.
B. Reject the null hypothesis. The data do provide sufficient evidence that the average distance is greater than 180 yards.
C. Do not reject the null hypothesis. The data do provide sufficient evidence that the average distance is greater than 180 yards.
D. Do not reject the null hypothesis. The data do not provide sufficient evidence that the average distance is greater than 180 yards.

Question 27 of 40
2.5 Points
One hundred people are selected at random and tested for colorblindness to determine whether gender and colorblindness are independent. The following counts were observed.

Not Colorblind
State the null and alternative hypothesis for the test associated with this data.

H0: Colorblindness and gender are dependent characteristics.
Ha: Colorblindness and gender are not related in any way.
H0:  Colorblindness and gender are dependent characteristics.
Ha:  Colorblindness and gender are related in some way.
H0: Colorblindness and gender are independent characteristics.
Ha: Colorblindness and gender are not related in any way.
H0: Colorblindness and gender are independent characteristics.
Ha: Colorblindness and gender are related in some way.


Question 28 of 40
2.5 Points
A 95% confidence interval for the mean of a normal population is found to be 15.6 < µ < 24.8. What is the margin of error?

A. 4.4
B. 4.6
C. 4.8
D. 5.0

Question 29 of 40
2.5 Points
One hundred people are selected at random and tested for colorblindness to determine whether gender and colorblindness are independent. The following counts were observed.

Not Colorblind
If gender and colorblindness are independent, find the expected values corresponding to the four combinations of gender and colorblindness, and enter them in the following table along with row and column totals.

Not Colorblind



A. Male Colorblind 6.0; Male Not Colorblind 54.0
B. Male Colorblind 7.0; Male Not Colorblind 53.0
C. Male Colorblind 8.0; Male Not Colorblind 52.0
D. Male Colorblind 6.0; Male Not Colorblind 53.0

Question 30 of 40
2.5 Points
The margin of error in estimating the population mean of a normal population is E = 9.3 when the sample size is 15. If the sample size had been 25 and the sample standard deviation did not change, would the margin of error be larger or smaller than 9.3?

A. Smaller. E increases as the square root of the sample size gets larger.
B. Smaller. E decreases as the square root of the sample size gets larger.
C. Larger. E decreases as the square root of the sample size gets larger.
D. Larger. E increases as the square root of the sample size gets larger.

Question 31 of 40
2.5 Points
A golfer wished to find a ball that would travel more than 180 yards when hit with his 5-iron with a club speed of 90 miles per hour. He had a golf equipment lab test a low compression ball by having a robot swing his club 7 times at the required speed. State the null and alternative hypotheses for this test.

H0:  µ = 180; Ha:  µ > 180
H0: µ > 180; Ha: µ > 180
H0: µ < 180; Ha: µ > 180
H0: µ = 180; Ha: µ < 180

Question 32 of 40
2.5 Points
A 95% confidence interval for the mean of a normal population is found to be 17.6 < µ < 23.6. What is the margin of error?

A. 2.0
B. 2.7
C. 3.0
D. 4.0

Question 33 of 40
2.5 Points
One hundred people are selected at random and tested for colorblindness to determine whether gender and colorblindness are independent. The following counts were observed.

Not Colorblind
State the null and alternative hypothesis for the information above.

H0: Colorblindness and gender are dependent characteristics.
Ha: Colorblindness and gender are related in some way.
H0: Colorblindness and gender are independent characteristics.
Ha: Colorblindness and gender are not related in any way.
H0: Colorblindness and gender are dependent characteristics.
Ha: Colorblindness and gender are not related in any way.
H0: Colorblindness and gender are independent characteristics.
Ha: Colorblindness and gender are related in some way.


Question 34 of 40
2.5 Points
Which of the following statements is true?

A. The t distribution cannot be used when finding a confidence interval for the population mean with a small sample whenever the sample comes from a symmetric population.
B. The t distribution can be used when finding a confidence interval for the population mean with a small sample whenever the sample comes from a symmetric population.
C. The p distribution can be used when finding a confidence interval for the population mean with a small sample whenever the sample comes from a symmetric population.
D. The p distribution can be used when finding a confidence interval for the population mean with a small sample whenever the sample comes from a symmetric population

Question 35 of 40
2.5 Points
The following data were analyzed using one-way analysis of variance.
Which one of the following statements is correct?

A. The purpose of the analysis is to determine whether the groups A, B, and C are independent.
B. The purpose of the analysis is to test the hypothesis that the population means of the three groups are equal.
C. The purpose of the analysis is to test the hypothesis that the population variances of the three groups are equal.
D. The purpose of the analysis is to test the hypothesis that the sample means of the three groups are equal.

Question 36 of 40
2.5 Points
The following data were analyzed using one-way analysis of variance.
Which one of the following statements is correct?

The purpose of the analysis is to determine whether the groups A, B, and C are independent.
B. The purpose of the analysis is to test the hypothesis that the population means of the three groups are equal.
C. The purpose of the analysis is to test the hypothesis that the population variances of the three groups are equal.
D. The purpose of the analysis is to test the hypothesis that the sample means of the three groups are equal.

Question 37 of 40
2.5 Points
A golfer wished to find a ball that would travel more than 160 yards when hit with his 7-iron with a club speed of 90 miles per hour. He had a golf equipment lab test a low compression ball by having a robot swing his club 8 times at the required speed.
Data from this test resulted in a sample mean of 163.2 yards with a sample standard deviation of 5.8 yards. Assuming normality, carry out a hypothesis test at the 0.05 significance level to determine whether the ball meets the golfer’s requirements. Use the partial t-table below to solve this problem.

Area in one tail


Area in two tails
Degrees of
n - 1

Do not reject the null hypothesis. The data do not provide sufficient
evidence that the average distance is greater than 160 yards.
B. Reject the null hypothesis. The data does provide sufficient evidence that the average distance is greater than 160 yards.
C. t= 1.2334; Critical value = 1.992
D. Insufficient information to answer this question.

Question 38 of 40
2.5 Points
A golfer wished to find a ball that would travel more than 170 yards when hit with his 6-iron with a club head speed of 90 miles per hour. He had a golf equipment lab test a low compression ball by having a robot swing his club 12 times at the required speed. State the null and alternative hypotheses for this test.

H0: µ > 170; Ha: µ = 170
H0: µ < 170; Ha: µ = 170
H0: µ = 170; Ha: µ > 170
H0: µ = 160; Ha: µ >

Question 39 of 40
2.5 Points
A large test statistic F tells us that the sample means __________ the data within the individual samples, which would be unlikely if the populations means really were equal (as the null hypothesis claims).

A. differ more than
B. differ less than
C. are equal to
D. do not vary with

Question 40 of 40
2.5 Points
A 95% confidence interval for the mean of a normal population is found to be 13.2 < µ < 22.4. What is the margin of error?

A. 4.6
B. 4.4
C. 4.2
D. 5.6

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