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Individual Learning Project 2 Answer

Individual Learning Project 2 Answer

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Target Costing
Institution Affiliation

Administration is a critical stride in ensuring that a business is fruitful. This is important with regards to retail selling and this makes it essential to have clear administration approaches to oversee the general operations of the organization. For Best Buy, it is recognizable that different people that are involved already applied good management, a policy for the company to get the current success that it is has. However, there is still room for improvement as much more could be archived by using target costing as their management technique. This is important for the overall achievement of the company to be archived.
Rationale for Selecting Target Costing
The rationale behind target costing is that it will help the company to maximize its profits depending on different customers they are serving. The company has operations mainly in Mexico, America and Canada. In these markets, there is the possibility of the company increasing their sales on several products but this can only be archived through a different management technique. The most suitable that has not been taken advantage of in this case is target costing.
The first scenario that makes target costing suitable in this case is that there is a huge difference in the customers that are served. The customers to the company’s stores vary from individuals to construction firms as well as cooperate and large scale buyers. All these people have different abilities when it comes to making the purchases. However, it is noticeable that the company simply sells to all of them at the same price and also has no differentiation for their products. They sell these products at the same price not considering who is buying and this is a gap the company should capitalize on so as to make sure that they are able to increase the satisfaction that the customers get in the long term from making purchases of goods from their stores.
By helping provide products that have different purposes unlike the generalized ones, the company can be able to target specific customers for the different needs that they have. To start with, the individual customers often have a tendency to purchase home electronics that they use for family or personal use (Blocher, Stout, Juras and Cokins, 2015). This is something that leads them make more purchases if they are able to get goods that suite them more. It is also recognizable that the different customers like the corporate customers would be able to make more purchases if they can get goods that are specifically made for them and their needs.
The second aspect that makes the use of target costing to be rational is that of making sure that the exact product is delivered. Competition in the retail market is currently very high. This is as a consequence of the distinctive retailers that have come up and they are putting forth the same goods that are offered by Best Buy. So by focusing on the product served suing this method it is possible to accomplish several things. The first of this is that the company will be able to differentiate the customers depending on their different financial ability. This is because some customers are able to purchase expensive products while others prefer purchasing low income goods. 
This means the company will be able to effectively budget for the cost that they are willing to incur in making sure that the different goods are produced. They can be able to effectively purchase goods at a certain price while clearly knowing the profit margin that they will put in place will be able to compensate for the different expenses. This generally increases the customer satisfaction while at the same time making sure that the company benefits financially.
In-Depth Analysis of Target Costing
Target costing is a management method that is largely used in companies that produce and sale goods to the public. This is a method of management that focuses on knowing the market and the product in an effort to make sure that the seller presents a good that is favorable to different consumers. It is basically defined as the process of identifying a product with specific quality and performance to be produced at a certain cost and sold within a predetermined period for the seller to be able to make a profit.  This is a method that is used by many manufactures and has proved to be beneficial.
It is notable that the process of target costing happens in two main ways. The first of this is that the process can be done through market driven process. Through this process, it is notable that the company first has to focus on the markets that they are serving. Through this process the company has to focus on analyzing the market that they serve. This means that they should be able to identify the different segments that they serve at any one time so as to make sure that they know who they are selling to (Hicks, 2010). 
The initial step for the organization is to ensure that they can set up objectives for the long term sales and profits that they can have the capacity to work towards accomplishing in the long term. This is important as it helps make sure that the company can be able to have goals that the management is aiming at achieving. These goals are the same ones that can be broken down to smaller goals for the individual employees to be able to achieve in both short term and the long term. All this gives the company a sense of direction as they work toward achieving the goals set.
The following stride through the target costing requires the organization to have the capacity to build up a good blend of items. This is imperative to ensure that the organization can have the capacity to create items that address the issues of the clients and also meet the cost focuses on the organization needs. This is a process that will be largely done by the engineers so that they can be able to make sure that the performance of an items meets the needs of a customer while at the same time, the items components does not cost the company more than they would have anticipated. The next step calls for the identification of the target selling price. This is a large task as it calls for the different products to be specifically assessed and their individual process identified. This is basic as it ensures that the organization can have the capacity to set costs that commodities will be sold at while at the same time the allowable cost of production for each item. This helps guide the company in the production process to make sure that they do not incur more expenses than they would have expected.
Product level target costing is also effective in making sure that different people that are involved are able to get goods that are suitable for them. This is done with focus on different items that are produced from one time to another. The main goal is to provide the desired goods at a reasonable cost to both the buyer and the seller. This is a method that helps make sure the goods are priced depending on the financial ability of the different people that are involved. This goes a long way in making sure that the seller gets their expected revenue and profits while the buyers get goods at prices that are competitive and attractive to them. this leads to more customer satisfaction. 
Target Costing Implementation Process
            Target costing should begin with conducting the market research. Often the places where the company operates are very wide and geographically separated. This means that the people that are involved in the running of the companies operation need to identify the specific markets that they operate in and the people that they sell to. Considering the company already has operations in three countries, it is expected that the market conditions in these places may differ and this makes it necessary to have a clear picture of the different markets that will be sold to (Fischer, 2006). This helps the company to know the specific target market that will be able to benefit from the sale of the different items that are identified in the company. It also helps the company to be able to know the different financial abilities of their markets for them to be able to effectively set prices that are good for the customers. It additionally helps them to screen their own costs when planning the items in the assembling procedure.
The target costing needs to be implemented in phases for it to be successful. Once the company management has come to an agreement on the different items that they can be able to sell using this management method, the next step is for them to be able to create long term goals. This is a process that is done by creating targets that the company should aim to achieve. Best buy should set up goals that they can work towards achieving in terms of both the revenue collection as well as the profits. They should be in the long term but should have several periods for them to be able to monitor their progress as time goes by. This should be the ultimate determinant of whether the management concept was successful or not after it has been implemented.
The third step is for the organization to have the capacity to write down an unmistakable rundown of the items that they will offer utilizing this technique. This is important because not all the products that the company sells may be applicable to be sold using this method. This is especially true for all the different goods that the company sells and they do not manufacture. Some of the technology items need to be sold at the retail prices that have been set by the different manufactures. By coming up with a mix of the products that will be sold under this process, the company can plan on where to sell them in their network of branches as well as the cost they should incur in selling them.    
Identifying the target selling price can then be done at this stage. This is because the company will already have a good clear picture on the market that will be targeted as well as the goods that will be sold. The company will also have developed long term goals to be archived and with these three items, the company can be able to effectively tell the selling price that they should set for the goods. This is because they will be able to calculate this with the consideration of all the different variables that are company needs for them to set a price that will be based on target costing.
This should lastly be followed by making sure that there is accurate calculation of the profit margin for each individual product. The company must have it clear on the specific profit that they will be getting from the different products that they will stock in the stores. This will help them to be able to identify the goods that will be able to make the most profit for the company as they may be faster moving when compared to the other goods. Lastly, the allowable cost of production for these products should be identified so as to make sure that the company never goes above that because it would lead to losses.
Target Costing Application by Other Organizations
            Since the interception of the theory, the use of target costing has been done all around the world. The process has also had a huge acceptance among the different companies in the American business sector. Among the companies that have been successful with this strategy is Starbucks. Today, Starbucks is among the world’s largest retailers of coffee and other items and the company has grown from its American origins to become a global dealer. The company has operations in all the continents in the world and is today publicly traded in the Newyork stock exchange.
This success however has been largely as a result of the different measure the management has taken in an effort to facilitate the expansion of the company. The first thing one can note from this is that operating a food related shop across the world may not be successful if there is no variation. This is because different cultures have different likes and dislikes and this is very true for the foods that are served. Using target costing the company has been able to come up with strategies that have lead to its current success. Through target costing, the company offers a varies of products that are different from the other depending on the market location. This is a strategy that is done to make sure the preference of the market is taken into consideration. Second, they price their products competitively. Considering that the purchasing power of people differs, the company makes sure that the products are priced depending on the specific market. This follows that the cost of production has to be done in relation to the specific country so as to make sure that the company is able to make a profit from each of its branches.
A second example of a company that has been successful in the implementation of target costing is the Ford Motor Company. Best Buy is a multinational that manufactures and sells vehicles. The process has not been easy though but the implementation of target costing has enabled the company to be able to make huge profits through the sale of motor vehicles and all the associate motor vehicle parts. This is due to the identification of the markets they serve and their needs and then followed by the designing of products that suite them at a reasonable cost (Ansari, 2010). The company produces and sells cars from small personals cars to a wider range of commercial vehicles. However before the production, the company first identifies the target market to make sure that it has a clear picture of the people who are intended to make purchases of the product. The design of the product is then done. This differs and it may be commercial purposes or for personal use. The identification of the need determines the way the engineers will be able to design the vehicle to be able to meet the needs of the customers.
The designing and the production however is done with the consideration of the many markets where the car will be sold. More specifically, the cost incurred has to be directly associated with the place where the cars will be sold. This means that the company uses materials and labor with consideration of the final production cost so as to make sure they are able to sell the product at a profit. This is the same case for personal cars or commercial vehicles like buses and trucks. This is also seen in the way the company has been able to relocate its production plants to different places around the world to take advantage of variables like lower labor costs compared to the same in the American plants.
 Target Costing Applicability to Best Buy
            Several things are clear indications that this method is very applicable when it comes to the use in the Best Buy Company. The first item to consider is that the company has operations in more than one market. The company’s operations spurn more than three counties and this means that there must be a different in the purchasing power that the different people will have in the long term. The fact that there are different consumers with different capabilities simply means that there is need to provide them with goods that are differently priced for the different stores that are in operation (Kaplan and Atkinson, 2015). This is a method that could prove to be very successful in increasing the sales of the consumer electronics. This also helps the different customers to be more satisfied in terms of the prices that they will be buying their products with in both the long term and the short-term.
            Second, target costing is applicable because if the range of goods that the store sales. The stores sell consumer electronics of all types but the most important thing is that there are those that are from other manufactures while there are those that the store has exclusive rights. This means that they cannot be sold in any other store apart from the Best Buy stores. Taking this into consideration, it may be hard to apply target costing on goods that are manufactured by other manufactures simply because the company does not have the control over the production cost of the item. These may remain the same just as they were sold before. The product line that they have control over however could be used to provide range of goods that can be produced with the thought of target costing. This means some can be produced with some variables and not all the same so as to make sure the other variables like cost are considered so as to increase the sales. By providing the buyers goods that are customer made for the in the performance and cost measures will make them to want to make more purchases hence benefiting the company in the long term.
The third motivation behind why this technique is relevant for this organization is that the organization has an extensive variety of makes to choose from. Considering that they do not make most of the goods they sell, they have a huge portfolio of manufactures they can choose from depending on the needs of the consumer. By utilizing this, they can make sure they take the products that are most suitable for the customers as well as the once that they are able to calculate the cost of purchasing and moving to their stores to be relatively low (Chapman, Hopwood, and Shields, 2007). This is very important in the long term as it makes sure that the company satisfies the needs of their consumers when necessary. Another reason why target costing is applicable to Best Buy is that the company has a management philosophy that can easily implement the whole process. It is notable that among the reasons that the company has been able to have the success it has had is that it has had able management all through. This is the type of manager that are available on all levels and this makes the process to be easier to absorb. The company has also been customer centered in most of its operations. By implementing this, the management will simply be going for a better way of making sure that the well being of the customer is always taken into consideration in the goods that they sell.
It is also recognizable that the well being of the company in future could be well supplemented by this. It is notable that with the continued increase in competition, it is important to make sure that the company is able to command customer loyalty. This can be done effectively by making sure that target costing is done so as to have the many different customers specific needs met while at the same time benefiting the company financially.
 Plan for Implementation in Best Buy
In an effort to implement this plan in Best Buy, the first step should be the company management to be able to come up with clear long term goals that will be worked towards achieving. This is important as it increases the focus of the other employees as well as the company as a whole to know the specific objectives that they will be working towards achieving. The second step calls for the company to do a good market analysis (Woods, Taylor and Fang, 2012). This is especially important in the case of Best Buy considering the company has operation in more than one country. This will mean that the company should be able to identify the many different people that it makes sales to as well as the potential customers in the market currently.
The third step calls for the management along with the product engineering to be able to come together and design products that meet the profile of the needs of their market. This is an important aspect that helps make sure that the goods that are produced are sold in the best manner possible. The company can then seek to establish the profit margin that they will apply on the different goods for them to be able to make a reasonable profit. The cost limit can then be set with this consideration so as to make sure that the final cost of the product is established. The period between which the goods will be sold at this rate should be established to make sure that the implementation is prompt.
The last stride is to ensure that the new prices are constantly monitored so as to make changes when ever need be. This makes sure that the continues sales are monitored and the trends across the different markets taken so as to be able to make sure everything goes as planned in the long term for the company. All in all targets costing will go a long way in assuring the future success of the company in the ever changing retail market competition. It will help command customer loyalty and increase sales in the long term.

Ansari, S. L. (2010). Target costing: The next frontier in strategic cost management ; [a CAM-      I/CMS model for profit planning and cost management]. LaVergne, Tenn: Mountain Valley Publ.
Blocher E., Stout D., Juras P., and Cokins G. (2015). Cost Management: A Strategic Emphasis.    7th Edition.
Chapman, C. S., Hopwood, A. G., & Shields, M. D. (2007). Handbook of management     accounting research: [Volume 2]. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Fischer, M. (2006). Determination of critical success factors for the development of biotechnolgy    clusters. Münich: Grin Verlag.
Hicks, M. (2010). Accounting for decision making: A study guide. Raleigh, NC: Synergistics.
Kaplan, R. S., & Atkinson, A. A. (2015). Advanced management accounting. PHI Learning.
Woods, M., Taylor, L., & Fang, G. C. G. (2012). Electronics: A case study of economic value      added in target costing. Management Accounting Research,23(4), 261-277.
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