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PROJ330 Full Course

PROJ330 Full Course
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  Human Resources and Communication in Projects 

devry proj330 week 1 discussion dq1 & dq 2

dq 1

Attributes of an Effective Project Manager (graded)
Compare and contrast attributes that are most and least important to a project manager when building a team. Provide a work or project example to support your answer. Back up your answer with relevant research and citations.
dq 2

Team Performance (graded)
There is a set of four criteria used to perform a team performance analysis: productivity, cohesion, learning, and integration. How would you weight each category? Would each be weighted equally? Provide a work or project example to support your answer. Back up your answer with relevant research and citations.

devry proj330 week 2 discussion dq1 & dq 2

dq 1

Project Organizational Structures (graded)

Choose from the existing organizations (Microsoft, Harley Davidson, Wells Fargo, WalMart, Johnson and Johnson) or a large organization of your choosing, and tell us what kind of organizational structure this company follows. Provide specific examples for your choice, and illustrate with types of projects these companies might undertake.

dq 2

Organizational Team Involvement (graded)

Read Exhibit 11-14 on page 291 of your text, and answer the following questions:
What type of organization was ISE Communication before the reorganization: matrix, functional, or project? Explain your reasoning.
Why did the employees miss the bureaucratic control of the organization?
Give an example of a company that you find in your research that supports your point

devry proj330 week 3 discussion dq1 & dq 2

dq 1

Rewarding Teams (graded)

Why should a project manager emphasize group rewards over individual rewards?

dq 2

Team Building (graded)

There are three phases in building a team: the task, the people, and the relationships. Which phase would you consider most important to your success in building a cohesive team? Describe why you think that phase is most important. Use a work or project example to illustrate your thinking.

devry proj330 week 4 discussion dq1 & dq 2

dq 1

Relationship and Task Conflict (graded)

What are the key differences between relationship and task conflict? In groups, why is task conflict more productive than relationship conflict?

dq 2

Diversity (graded)

What are the key advantages of having teams composed of diverse members? Provide research and citations as well as specific project examples to support your answer.

devry proj330 week 5 discussion dq1 & dq 2

dq 1

Individual and Group Decision Making (graded)
In what situations would individuals be more effective decision makers than groups? In what situations would groups be better decision makers than individuals?

dq 2
Groupthink (graded)

What are symptoms of groupthink? What problems and shortcomings can arise in the decision-making process as a result of groupthink?

devry proj330 week 6 discussion dq1 & dq 2

dq 1

Team Communications (graded)

What are some of the possible biases and points of error that may arise in team communication systems? Use relevant research and citations. Please provide relevant work or project examples to support your thinking.

dq 2

Team Creativity (graded)

What are the differences between convergent and divergent thinking? What factors stimulate divergent thinking, and why? Please provide relevant work or project examples to support your thinking.

devry proj330 week 7 discussion dq1 & dq 2 latest 2016 july
dq 1

Myers-Brigg Indicator (graded)
You are the civil engineering foreman in charge of a 24-person group whose charter is to erect 3,000 tents for refugees who lost their homes in an earthquake. You have 10 days to accomplish erecting the tents. Based on the team member resumes you received, you selected four people (two men, two women) to be team chiefs of six-person details (4 X 6 = 24 group members).
The first one is Mary; she is an extrovert (ESTJ). The second is Joe, and he is a sensing data gatherer (ISTP). The third is Amy, and she is a thinker versus a feeling-type (INTJ). Finally, Ted is a judging versus a perceiving type of fellow (ENFJ).
There are going to be some tense, tough days ahead. Your work will have to be coordinated with utilities personnel, emergency workers, firefighters, police, care organizations, temporary housing units organizations, and many other people and groups. Many stakeholders are involved.
Given the scenario above, tell how you will communicate with each team leader when delivering complex information in a stressful situation. Propose effective communication techniques for the different personality types. Use relevant research to back up your points.

dq 2

Individual and Team Identity (graded)

What are some of the challenges inherent in maintaining both individual and team identity?

devry proj330 week 3 quiz

1.      1. Question : (TCO 1) What are some challenges of the future that point to importance of teams?
: Competition
Information Age
A and B
Question 2. Question : (TCO 1) Which of the following is NOT TRUE about teams and teamwork?
: Experimenting with failures leads to better teams.
Teams are not always the answer.
Conflict among team members is always a bad thing.
Strong leadership is not always necessary for strong teams.
Question 3. Question : (TCO 1) A leader has two main functions:
: A design function and a coaching function
An analyze and improve function
To take the team on retreats and to teach teams to compete
To control the team and to make decisions
Question 4. Question : (TCO 2) Team design:
: includes the basic structure of the organization
refers to the observable structure of the team
is the personality of a team
includes the unstated, implicit aspects of the team
Question 5. Question : (TCO 2) Social Inhibition:
: occurs at a precise point between boredom with a task and intense pressure
occurs when teams perceive their goals as a challenge
occurs when a person is highly engaged in a task
occurs when people are the center of attention and are concerned with discrepancies between their performance and standards of excellence
Question 6. Question : (TCO 2) Organizational context includes:
: the basic structure of the organization
the information system
the education system
all of the above
Question 7. Question : (TCO 2) Gainsharing is:
: geared toward production-oriented workers
easy to implement
risky if base pay is reduced
none of the above
Question 8. Question : (TCO 2) Inflation bias is:
: when we perceive other information we learn about a person in line with our initial perceptions
an appraisal cost
when employees are primarily motivated by extrinsic incentives
when raters positively distort performance ratings when they anticipate giving feedback to rates
Question 9. Question : (TCO 3) ___ is a source of power based on a person’s holding of a formal position:
: Expert power
Legitimate power
Referent power
Reward power
Question 10. Question : (TCO 4) Groups pass through five stages of group development that include:
: dependency and inclusion, trust and structure
role negotiation
status competition
pseudostatus characteristics

devry proj330 week 5 quiz

1.      1. Question : (TCO 4) Newcomers can pose a threat to a team because:
they have a fresh and relatively objective view of the team which causes them to ask questions that can be unsettling
they experience more conflict and less group identification
they are less confident about their performance
they are more likely to be accepted by old-timers
Question 2. Question : (TCO 5) The three types of tasks a team performs are:
tactical, problem solving, and diversity
tactical, problem solving, and creative
authoritative, problem solving, and creative
prescriptive, goal-oriented, and high performance.
Question 3. Question : (TCO 5) ____ is the classic assembly line or division of labor
Pooled interdependence
Sequential interdependence
Egalitarian values
Meritocratic values
Question 4. Question : (TCO 5) The desire to create a shared sense of membership is/are:
meritocratic values
egalitarian values
sequential interdependence
reciprocal interdependence
Question 5. Question : (TCO 5) Perceptual conflict:
occurs at a precise point between boredom with a task and intense pressure.
occurs when teams perceive their goals as a challenge.
occurs when a person is highly engaged in a task.
occurs when there is agreement or lack thereof, in terms of whether team members perceive conflict.
Question 6. Question : (TCO 5) Which statement is true?
Conflicts do not center upon symbolic issues.
Effective teams do not always share common practices.
People can take at least five courses of action when they find themselves involved in conflict.
Conflict is not usually part of high performance teamwork.
Question 7. Question : (TCO 5) A _________focuses on applying some standard of fairness, precedent, contract, or law.
power-based argument
interest-based approach
rights-based argument
Question 8. Question : (TCO 6) Group decision rules include:
Condorcet majority rule
best member rule
random member rule
all of the above
Question 9. Question : (TCO 6) Which behavior leads to groupthink?
Risk taking
Internal debate
Question 10. Question : (TCO 6) Which behavior leads to preventive conditions of groupthink:
openness and candidness
less pessimism
task orientation
all of the above

devry proj330 week 7 Course Project

To create a Communication Plan based on the Denver Airport Project.
The template for the Communications Plan is located in Doc Sharing. Based on the information you learned about the project, develop a recommended Communication Plan for the project.
The Case Study can be found in the DeVry online library, Books 24×7. The name of the book isAdvanced Project Management by Harold Kerzner. It is Case 23, Denver International Airport.–Accessing_the_DeVry_Online_Library_PROJ330.docx”>here for detailed instructions on accessing our library for this case.
·         Week 3: Begin Initial Draft (not turned in)
·         Week 5: Final Draft Complete (not turned in)
·         Week 7: Submit Completed Communication Plan to your Dropbox.
Grading Rubrics
Documentation and Formatting
The plan is professionally presented with formatting that aids the reader in understanding the content. Proper citations are included.
Organization and Cohesiveness
Entries are clear and consistent with the categories of the Communications Plan template.
The plan is free of spelling and grammatical errors.
The content of the plan addresses all elements of the assignment.
A quality Communications Plan will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.
Best Practices
·         Fill out the template in its entirety.
·         Use the information you gather to answer the Week 3 Checkpoint (which uses the same case study) to help you begin your plan.
·         Do not wait until the last minute to read the Case Study. You need to work a little on the document each week, and follow the suggested milestones for completion.
·         There are several books in the DeVry online library on project management that can be a source of reference for helping you determine the information that should be included in the plan.
Your Name here.
What (The Content of
the Communication)
Why (Communication Purpose; then
.See purpose codes below)
Who (Responsible, in
italics, then Audiences)
When (Timing
or Periodicity)
How (Typical Methods
of Communication)
A. Initial Communications

What (The Content of
the Communication)
Why (Communication Purpose; then
.See purpose codes below)
Who (Responsible,in
italics, then Audiences)
When (Timing
or Periodicity)
How (Typical Methods
of Communication)
B. Recurring Communications

What (The Content of
the Communication)
Why (Communication Purpose; then
.See purpose codes below)
Who (Responsible,in
italics, then Audiences)
When (Timing
or Periodicity)
How (Typical Methods
of Communication)
C. Close-out Communications(assignment, phase or project)
Based on Goff, The Project Guide; 1990
Comments? Questions? Contact Stacy Goff,

Key to the abbreviations in the above table
Why: Communication
Purpose codes
italics, and Audiences
When: Timing or Periodicity
How: Methods of
C Collect Information from others, while increasing their ownership stake in the project
D Decide: Action Required; persuade others to take action: to influence a manager to decide to resolve an issue
E Exchange Information:Dialogue, to arrive at mutually agreeable ways to respond to Issues or Risks
G Govern: Project Governance, to meet legal, regulatory, enterprise policy or standard process requirements
I Inform others, and get their commitment, causing all interested parties or stakeholders to engage in the project, to want it to succeed, and to help assure that it meets their needs
TheWho’s in italicsare Responsible. The others are the target audiences.
Additional Notes:
Sponsor could be multiple persons, from multiple enterprises; or they could be a Steering Committee
Auditors could be Internal or External
Key Decision Makers include managers of internal team members within or beyond the Sponsor’s control, or mangers in the Seller organization
Executives include Management in the top several levels of the enterprise
Interested Parties include Stakeholders and internal Customers
Leadership Team includes Program and/or Project Managers, Team Leads, and captive PMO’s
PMO is an independent Project or Program Management Office
Sellers also include any Subcontractors
Experts are Subject Area Experts
The majority of the items are recurring, with as-needed updates after initial establishment
The methods depend on whether a topic is formal or informal, and within or beyond the team. Communications may have retention requirements.
Formal Reports and Proceedingscan use paper, or be electronic with access and tracking controls. They usually must leave an audit trail.
Informal Reportscan be paper or electronic; if electronic, project wikis or collaborative software can be useful.
Meetingscan be virtual or onsite; depending on their purpose, their results are either Formal or Informal.
DiscussionsandPhone Callsrarely leave a documentation trail unless they are part of a formal event.
Emailsleave a trail and have retention requirements, while text messaging typically does not (currently).
devry Proj330 final exam
Question 1. 1. (TCO 1) Which is not a defining characteristic of a team? (Points : 5)
They exist to achieve a shared goal.
Teams are bounded and stable over time.
Teams are not interdependent.
Team members have the authority to manage their own work and internal processes.
Question 2. 2. (TCO 1) Critical success factors for self-managing teams include: (Points : 5)
Team Goals
Team Rewards
Strategy norms
A, B, and C
Question 3. 3. (TCO 2) Team design: (Points : 5)
includes the basic structure of the organization
refers to the observable structure of the team
is the personality of a team
includes the unstated, implicit aspects of the team
Question 4. 4. (TCO 2) Social inhibition occurs when: (Points : 5)
at a precise point between boredom with a task and intense pressure
teams perceive their goals as a challenge
a person is highly engaged in a task
people are the center of attention and are concerned with discrepancies between their performance and standards of excellence
Question 5. 5. (TCO 3 ) An example of team coaching is: (Points : 5)
negating for resources
holding a press meeting before a new product is released
giving instructions on how to complete a task
reducing turnover in groups
Question 6. 6. (TCO 3) Guidelines for delegation include: (Points : 5)
Discussing tasks in terms of what’s in it for others
Setting specific goals with subordinates
Passing on challenges and responsibility
All of the above
Question 7. 7. (TCO 4) Types of newcomer roles include: (Points : 5)
all of the above
Question 8. 8. (TCO 4) ___is the process of how individuals enter into and then leave teams. (Points : 5)
Psychological safety
Group socialization
Question 9. 9. (TCO 5) Goals should be articulated in the form of: (Points : 5)
a team staffing plan.
on-line planning.
a team charter.
Question 10. 10. (TCO 5) _____are those in which the key objective is to create something, think out of the box, and question assumptions. (Points : 5)
Creative teams
Problem solving teams
Strategic teams
Performance teams
Question 11. 11. (TCO 6) The most common decision rule is: (Points : 5)
a moral judgment
majority rule
best member rule
Question 12. 12. (TCO 6) Three key symptoms of groupthink are: (Points : 5)
pressures toward uniformity
overestimation of the group and close-mindedness
a and b
selection bias
Question 13. 13. (TCO 7) Advantages of boundary spanning networks include: (Points : 5)
Greater innovation
Leverages scrutiny
A & B
Redundant communication
Question 14. 14. (TCO 7) Which of the following statement(s) is/are true? (Points : 5)
In bureaucratic organizations, boundary spanners need to network laterally and hierarchically.
Advice, friendship, and trust ties are mutually exclusive.
Friendship ties are close interpersonal ties between people.
A & C
Question 15. 15. (TCO 7) Gender relationships include gender specific activities such as: (Points : 5)
Playing golf
Evening dinner gatherings
A & B
None of the above
age 2
Question 1. 1. (TCO 8) Indirect speech acts are: (Points : 5)
Situations where people do the majority of the talking.
A good means for effective communications.
Ways in which people ask others to do things in an indirect way.
Related to understanding symbols.
Question 2. 2. (TCO 8) Which statement(s) are true about team longevity? (Points : 5)
Natural biases do not affect teamwork.
A certain amount of familiarity is necessary for teams to work together in a productive fashion.
Teams don’t necessarily need a shared knowledge base.
Question 3. 3. (TCO 8) The two considerations in terms of mental models that members have about actual work are: (Points : 5)
Accuracy of the model
Divergent alternatives among team members
Degree of correspondence between members’ models
A & C
Question 4. 4. (TCO 8) Which of the following statement(s) is/are true? (Points : 5)
EBS will solve many problems for an organization.
Larger EBS groups do not generate as many ideas as do smaller groups.
Smaller EBS groups do not generate as many ideas as do larger groups.
EBS will not create any new problems for an organization.
Question 5. 5. (TCO 8) Ways in which people conspire and therefore fail in brainstorming include: (Points : 5)
Failing to abide by the rules of brainstorming
Slack off of production
Conformance in ideas
All of the above.
Question 6. 6. (TCO 8) How does a manager ensure teams develop an accurate TMS? (Points : 20)
Question 7. 7. (TCO 8) What is conservative realism? (Points : 20)
Question 8. 8. (TCO 7) What are the three specific types of ties in which people in teams bond? (Points : 20)
Question 9. 9. (TCO 1) Give an example of organizations that use each of the four types of teams described in Chapter 1. How is this type of team structure used by each organization? Give specific examples, including specific companies or industries. (Points : 30)
Question 10. 10. (TCO 3) There are five types of decision styles. Describe key characteristics of each of these decision styles. What style is most effective? Why? Provide examples to prove your point. (Points : 30)
Question 11. 11. (TCO 6) What are some key strategies a project manager can use to avoid the escalation of commitment pitfall? Please briefly describe each strategy and provide relevant examples. (Points : 30)

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