Thursday 10 May 2018

BUS 309 Week 5 Chapters 4 and 5 Quiz

BUS 309 Week 5 Chapters 4 and 5 Quiz 
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             Question 1
5 out of 5 points
                Marxism states                                
                Selected Answer:             
capitalism leads to a concentration of property and thus a concentration of resources and power in relatively few hands.

             Question 2
5 out of 5 points
                An exclusive focus on short-term performance                                

             Question 3
5 out of 5 points
                An assessment of work in America is                                     

             Question 4
5 out of 5 points
                Which statement accurately describes capitalism?                                           

             Question 5
5 out of 5 points
                The profit motive                                            

             Question 6
5 out of 5 points
                For the first time since the Industrial Revolution, less than _____ percent of the American workforce was employed by manufacturing.                                    

             Question 7
5 out of 5 points
                According to one survey of cultural values                                           

             Question 8
5 out of 5 points
                Which of the following is an accurate statement?                                            

             Question 9
5 out of 5 points
                Though many jobs are outsourced, most economists believe                                     

             Question 10
5 out of 5 points
                Which of the following accurately reflects the concept of Marxism?                                        

             Question 11
5 out of 5 points
                For employees who are paid handsomely for their efforts, Marx said their work would ultimately prove to be                                   

             Question 12
5 out of 5 points
                One of the key features of capitalism is                                

             Question 13
5 out of 5 points
                Rather than strong work ethic, a common attitude is:                                    

             Question 14
5 out of 5 points
                Evidence for the idea that American manufacturing is declining is                                             

             Question 15
5 out of 5 points
                A basic tenet of capitalism is that                                             

             Question 16
5 out of 5 points
                Those with a broader view concerning business obligations believe that with power comes                                        

             Question 17
5 out of 5 points
                The statement that accurately describes corporations is                                               

             Question 18
5 out of 5 points
                The debate over corporate moral agency hinges on which issue?                                             
             Question 19
5 out of 5 points
                A common point of contention about corporations is                                     

             Question 20
5 out of 5 points
                Milton Snoeyenbos argues that                                               

             Question 21
5 out of 5 points
                Which of the following do advocates of the broader view of corporate social responsibility believe?                                       
             Question 22
5 out of 5 points
                Momentum for the corporate organization of business really gained momentum after which war?                                         

             Question 23
5 out of 5 points
                The “rules of the game” for corporate work are intended to                                       

             Question 24
5 out of 5 points
                One of the three important "limits to what the law can do" discussed by Christopher Stone is                    
             Question 25
5 out of 5 points
                Melvin Anshen suggests that there is a relationship between business and society which he termed as                                

             Question 26
5 out of 5 points
                Some argue for the narrow view of corporate social responsibility on the ground that managers have a fiduciary responsibility to maximize the profits of their shareholders. As discussed in Chapter 5, one problem with this argument is that                                       

             Question 27
5 out of 5 points
                Corporations differ from partnerships and other forms of business association in two ways. One of these is that                                               

             Question 28
5 out of 5 points
                In the corporate world, the board of directors will typically                                          
             Question 29
5 out of 5 points
                The idea that corporations are moral agents                                       
             Question 30
5 out of 5 points
                The first corporations                                    


             Question 1
5 out of 5 points
                How many Americans believe that “if you work hard enough, you'll make it?”

             Question 2
5 out of 5 points
                Which statement accurately describes capitalism?
             Question 3
5 out of 5 points
                According to one survey of cultural values

             Question 4
5 out of 5 points
                Evidence for the idea that American manufacturing is declining is

             Question 5
0 out of 5 points
                Marxism states

             Question 6
0 out of 5 points
                Rather than strong work ethic, a common attitude is:

             Question 7
5 out of 5 points
                Which of the following historical stages of capitalism came first?

             Question 8
5 out of 5 points
                A basic premise of Adam Smith's invisible hand argument is

             Question 9
5 out of 5 points
                Karl Marx believed that

             Question 10
5 out of 5 points
                The concept of the "invisible hand" means

             Question 11
0 out of 5 points
                The profit motive

             Question 12
5 out of 5 points
                For the first time since the Industrial Revolution, less than _____ percent of the American workforce was employed by manufacturing.

             Question 13
5 out of 5 points
                The Fugger dynasty was an example of

             Question 14
5 out of 5 points
                Though many jobs are outsourced, most economists believe

             Question 15
5 out of 5 points
                An assessment of work in America is

             Question 16
5 out of 5 points
                Kenneth Arrow discussed two important situations in which profit maximization can be socially inefficient. One of these occurs when


             Question 17
0 out of 5 points
                Which of the following contributed to the more relaxed incorporation procedures of modern times?

             Question 18
5 out of 5 points
                The best statement concerning corporations is

             Question 19
5 out of 5 points
                The debate over corporate moral agency hinges on which issue?

             Question 20
5 out of 5 points
                The “rules of the game” for corporate work are intended to

             Question 21
5 out of 5 points
                Melvin Anshen suggests that there is a relationship between business and society which he termed as

             Question 22
0 out of 5 points
                Corporations differ from partnerships and other forms of business association in two ways. One of these is that

             Question 23
5 out of 5 points
                A common point of contention about corporations is

             Question 24
0 out of 5 points
                The idea that corporations are moral agents

             Question 25
5 out of 5 points
                Milton Friedman’s perspective is that the only social responsibility of a business is to

             Question 26
5 out of 5 points
                Those with a broader view concerning business obligations believe that with power comes

             Question 27
0 out of 5 points
                Which of the following is one of the three arguments in favor of narrow corporate social responsibility discussed in Chapter 5?

Question 28

                Adam Smith proposed that in our pursuit of economic interests we are led by

             Question 29
5 out of 5 points
                The first corporations

             Question 30
0 out of 5 points
                Most Americans believe a corporation’s top obligation is to its

Question 1
0 out of 5 points
                One reason for believing that in practice capitalism fails to live up to its own ideal of competition is

 Question 2
5 out of 5 points
                How many Americans believe that “if you work hard enough, you'll make it?”

 Question 3
5 out of 5 points
                The profit motive

 Question 4
5 out of 5 points
                Marxism states

 Question 5
5 out of 5 points
                Which of the following accurately reflects the concept of Marxism?

 Question 6
5 out of 5 points
                Some critics of capitalism believe that it rests on a flawed view of human beings because

 Question 7
5 out of 5 points
                The concept of the "invisible hand" means

 Question 8
5 out of 5 points
                Evidence for the idea that American manufacturing is declining is

 Question 9
5 out of 5 points
                The Fugger dynasty was an example of

 Question 10
0 out of 5 points
                For employees who are paid handsomely for their efforts, Marx said their work would ultimately prove to be

 Question 11
5 out of 5 points
                Karl Marx believed that

 Question 12
5 out of 5 points
                Many economists are concerned that the growing trade deficit makes the U.S. vulnerable to

 Question 13
5 out of 5 points
                Though many jobs are outsourced, most economists believe

 Question 14
5 out of 5 points
                An assessment of work in America is

 Question 15
5 out of 5 points
                One of the key features of capitalism is

 Question 16
5 out of 5 points
                The statement that accurately describes corporations is

 Question 17
5 out of 5 points
                Externalities are

 Question 18
0 out of 5 points
                In the corporate world, the board of directors will typically

 Question 19
5 out of 5 points
                Which of the following do advocates of the broader view of corporate social responsibility believe?

 Question 20
5 out of 5 points
                The best statement concerning corporations is

 Question 21
5 out of 5 points
                Melvin Anshen suggests that there is a relationship between business and society which he termed as

 Question 22
5 out of 5 points
                Corporations differ from partnerships and other forms of business association in two ways. One of these is that

 Question 23
5 out of 5 points
                In Citizens United v. Federal Elections Commission, the U.S. Supreme Court

 Question 24
5 out of 5 points
                Milton Friedman’s perspective is that the only social responsibility of a business is to

 Question 25
5 out of 5 points
                A common point of contention about corporations is

 Question 26
5 out of 5 points
                The debate over corporate moral agency hinges on which issue?

 Question 27
5 out of 5 points
                Momentum for the corporate organization of business really gained momentum after which war?

 Question 28
5 out of 5 points
                Milton Friedman argues that

 Question 29
5 out of 5 points
                Those with a broader view concerning business obligations believe that with power comes
 Question 30
5 out of 5 points
                One of the three important "limits to what the law can do" discussed by Christopher Stone is

Question 1
5 out of 5 points
For the first time since the Industrial Revolution, less than _____ percent of the American workforce was employed by manufacturing.

Question 2
5 out of 5 points
Karl Marx believed that

Question 3
5 out of 5 points
Though many jobs are outsourced, most economists believe

Question 4
5 out of 5 points
A basic premise of Adam Smith's invisible hand argument is

Question 5
5 out of 5 points
The Fugger dynasty was an example of

Question 6
5 out of 5 points
An assessment of work in America is

Question 7
5 out of 5 points
The concept of the "invisible hand" means

Question 8
5 out of 5 points
The profit motive

Question 9
5 out of 5 points
Marxism states

Question 10
5 out of 5 points
A basic tenet of capitalism is that

Question 11
5 out of 5 points
One reason for believing that in practice capitalism fails to live up to its own ideal of competition is

Question 12
5 out of 5 points

For employees who are paid handsomely for their efforts, Marx said their work would ultimately prove to be

Question 13
5 out of 5 points

How many Americans believe that “if you work hard enough, you'll make it?”

Question 14
5 out of 5 points
According to one survey of cultural values
Americans typically value things like their children's education and a satisfactory love life more than work.

 Question 30
5 out of 5 points
                Which of the following do advocates of the broader view of corporate social responsibility believe?


Chapter 4—The Nature of Capitalism


                1.            Which of the following historical stages of capitalism came first?
a.            financial               b.            mercantile          c.             industrial             d.            state welfare

                2.            The profit motive
a.            is a fundamental feature of all societies.
b.            is no longer a key feature of capitalism.
c.             must be checked by competition if society is to benefit.
d.            is basically immoral.

                3 …………………………..
All Questions Solution Included

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