Thursday 10 May 2018

BUS 352 Module 8

 BUS 352 Module 8
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Problems 11.55,  10.57,  10.61,  11.25,  12.1,  12.5, 12.9,  12.17,  12.21, 12.43
10.55 Consider an experiment with four groups, with eight values in each. For the ANOVA summary table below, fill in all the missing results:

10.57 The Computer Anxiety Rating Scale (CARS) measures an individual’s level of computer anxiety, on a scale from 20 (no anxiety) to 100 (highest level of anxiety). Researchers at Miami University administered CARS to 172 business students. One of the objectives of the study was to determine whether there are differences in the amount of computer anxiety experienced by students with different majors. They found the following:

10.61 The following data (stored in the file ) represent the nationwide highest yield of different types of accounts (extracted from, March 31, 2008):
11.25 Where people turn to for news is different for various age groups. A study indicated where different age groups primarily get their news:

12.1 Fitting a straight line to a set of data yields the following prediction line:
12.5 Circulation is the lifeblood of the publishing business. The larger the sales of a magazine, the more it can charge advertisers. Recently, a circulation gap has appeared between the publishers’ reports of magazines’ newsstand sales and subsequent audits by the Audit Bureau of Circulations. The data in the file represent the reported and audited newsstand yearly sales (in thousands) for the following 10 magazines:

12.9 An agent for a residential real estate company in a large city would like to be able to predict the monthly rental cost for apartments, based on the size of the apartment, as defined by square footage. A sample of 25 apartments (stored in the file ) in a particular residential neighborhood was selected, and the information gathered revealed the following:

12.17 In Problem 12.5 on page 417, you used reported magazine newsstand sales to predict audited sales (stored in the file ). For that data, SSR = 130,301.41 and SST = 144,538.64

12.21 In Problem 12.9 on page 418, an agent for a real estate company wanted to predict the monthly rent for apartments, based on the size of the apartment (stored in the file). Using the results of that problem,

12.43 The data in the file represent the calories and fat (in grams) of 16-ounce iced coffee drinks at Dunkin’ Donuts and Starbucks:

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