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comm600 full course latest 2016 feb all weeks discussions all assignments and all quizzes

comm600 full course latest 2016 feb  all weeks discussions all assignments and all quizzes

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i Learners! :) For this discussion topic, you will make your main post by Saturday of Week One (January 9) and post two substantive replies to classmates by Tuesday of Week One (January 12). This topic is required and graded, and your main post will be worth 60 points, with your two thorough, substantive replies to classmates being worth 20 points each. You will be graded on the quality, depth, and level of expansion and detail in your main and reply posts.
This semester we'll be exploring the topic of "Millennials" in articles that you be assigned to analyze, evaluate, and use as references for the assigned essays in this course.
To begin thinking about this topic, please view either of the two videos on millennials that follow. Please note the attached critical thinking strategies to consider as you view. Then respond in the attached Discussion area to at least ONE of the following questions.:
1. What information was new or surprising to you, and why?
2. What information or concept left you confused, and why?
3. What comment(s) did you disagree with, and why?
4. What information do you find most important, and why?
Please include the title of the video you viewed in the subject line of your post.
Millennials: 60-minutes documentary
This "60 Minutes" video about the millennial generation is 12 minutes long. Feel free to watch it in segments if you would like to:
The people being interviewed in the video talk about the changes coming to society as a result of the millennial generation's influences.
Questions to consider as you watch and reflect on the video:
  • What are the causes identified in this video? In other words, why do millennials act as they do, according to the video?
  • What are the effects identified in this video? In other words, what effects on business, culture, society, etc. are millennials having?
  • Please draw upon your own experience or understanding of millennials as you consider whether you agree, disagree, or partially agree/disagree.
Millennials: A discussion on video
This video discussion about millennials is a little over 9 minutes long:
Questions to consider as you view and reflect on the video:
1. Do the authors, Morley Winograd and Michael D. Hais, agree with the conclusions of the "60 Minutes" video about the impact of millennials? On what points do they agree? In what areas do they disagree?
2. At around the 2:50 mark in the video, Michael D. Hais argues that we will see "softer" and "more optimistic" music and more team players in professional sports because of the millennial generation. Do you agree with this? Why or why not? Give examples from your own life, experience, or knowledge of music and sports (or any other areas that might be appropriate).
3. At around the 4:00 mark in the video, Michael D. Hais says that millennials see government as "almost like a parent" in some ways. How does this mirror the analysis in the "60 Minutes" video?
4. Scroll down the web page and look at the comments by viewers. What points of critique or disagreement do viewers make? Do the comments by viewers make valid arguments against the analysis of the authors, Winograd and Hais?

week 2

Greetings All! :) For this discussion topic, please make your main post by Saturday of Week 2 (January 16) and at least two substantive replies to classmates by Tuesday of Week 2 (January 19). :) This topic is required and graded, and your main post will be worth 60 points, with your two thorough, substantive replies to classmates being worth 20 points each. You will be graded on the quality, depth, and level of expansion and detail in your main and reply posts.
Summarizing Practice
The following article is available in eReserves: “A Generational Approach to Understanding Students” by Coomes and DeBard.Please read the section "Current Generations on Campus"on pages 10-13 in this article. Then, please post the following:
1. Write a 150-200-word summary (about a page) of pages 10-13 ("Current Generations on Campus"). Use at least two brief quotations.
2. Post your summary as a Word file to this Discussion.
3. Do you have any questions about this discussion or about your Essay 1- Summary?

week 3

Hello Everyone! :) For this discussion topic, please make your main post by Saturday of Week 3 (January 23) and at least two substantive replies to classmates by Tuesday of Week 3 (January 26). :) This topic is required and graded, and your main post will be worth 60 points, with your two thorough, substantive replies to classmates being worth 20 points each. You will be graded on the quality, depth, and level of expansion and detail in your main and reply posts.
Critique Essay Planning Steps 1&2 
The Critique Essay (with an element of synthesis in bringing in another source) will focus on the Kennedy et al. article "First Year Students' Experiences with Technology: Are They Really Digital Natives?" in Reserved Readings. Pre-writing and planning steps on pages 123-124 of the Wilhoit text help you to get a solid start. For this discussion, please focus on "Step # 2: Analyze and evaluate the reading, breaking it down into its parts and judging the quality of each element."Seventeen (17) questions are listed in this step.
Respond to this post by answering oneof the 17 questions. Share your answer and support it by referring to concrete evidence from the reading. Please type the question you are answering in the "Subject line" of your response, and do not initially respond to a question that someone else has already answered.
In your main post, please let me know if you have any questions about Critique Planning/Writing and/or about Essay 2- Critique! :)

week 4

Hello All! :) As noted in the instructions below, your main post (your full Critique Essay Draft) is due as your main post by the end of Week 4 (Tuesday, February 2), and your two thorough peer reviews are due by the end of Week 5 (Tuesday, February 9). :) This topic is required and graded differently from regular discussions and rather as a peer review. Your thorough, expansive peer reviews for classmates will hold the most weight in this task, with each thorough, expansive, detailed peer review being worth 40 points, and with your main posting of your draft worth 20 points. You will be graded on the quality, depth, and level of expansion and detail in your peer reviews and on how thoroughly you've addressed the assignment guidelines for your drafts. :)
Exchanging feedback with peers contributes in several ways to strengthening your writing skills, including the following:
  • You will benefit from being conscious of writing and revising to communicate your ideas to another reader.
  • You will receive constructive feedback from other learners who are familiar with the expectations for this assignment. You will use your own judgment, of course, in deciding whether and how to implement the suggestions as you revise.
  • Your awareness of effective writing skills and applications of the assignment criteria will become sharper from closely reading and critiquing other students' drafts.
This peer review activity will help you revise your Critique Essay before submitting it to your Assignment folder by the end of the week.
1. Draft your Critique Essay using the Assignment guidelines, grading criteria, and textbook resources. Then, please post a full draft, following the assignment guidelines, as your main post in this discussionby Tuesday of Week 4.
2. By Tuesday of Week 5, please very, very thoroughly and carefully review the drafts of at least two classmates, posting your reviews as replies to their draft posts.Please carefully review the Week 4, Discussion 2 area to prepare for peer review, and please refer to the Essay Assignment grading criteria and textbook resources for areas that you should scrutinize. I suggest that you provide at least one thorough, detailed, constructive comment for each main area of the rubric and point to a specific example from the peer's draft to explain each comment and suggestion. Again, do provide detailed, constructive feedback.

week 6

Hi All! :) Your main post for this required discussion is due Saturday of Week 6 (February 13), with at least two replies due to classmates by Tuesday of Week 6 (February 16). Do try to read as many posts as possible to help you conceptualize this final essay, and ask me as many questions as needed! :) This topic is required and graded, and your main post will be worth 60 points, with your two thorough, substantive replies to classmates being worth 20 points each. You will be graded on the quality, depth, and level of expansion and detail in your main and reply posts.
Preparing for the Synthesis Essay
Please share the following information:
1. Indicate whether you will be writing an Informative or Argumentative Essay and why you've made that choice.
2. Provide at least one quotation from each source required (see the assignment for the list of sources) that you believe you will use in your essay, and cite it properly with an in-text citation and a full, correct end reference. Note: For this essay, you will be graded on correctness in APA citation - see for help with this. (Also note that for your actual essay you are being asked to format the entire document correctly in APA and that you will want to use the link in the assignment document to help with that.)
3. Draft a thesis statement that makes the purpose of a Synthesis Essay clear. Refer to page 198 of Wilhoit for an examples of Informative synthesis thesis statements or pages 224-5 for examples of argumentative thesis statements.
4. Loosely outline your "Organizational Plan." Please note that the assignment advises you to use Alternating Format.Refer to pages 199 &208 for Informative or 228 & 260 for Argumentative. (Point 4 in the charts).
5. Do you have any questions about this essay?

week 7

Hello All! :) As noted in the instructions below, your main post (your full Synthesis Essay Draft) is due as your main post by the end of Week 7 (Tuesday, February 23rd), and your two thorough peer reviews are due by the end of Week 8 (Tuesday, March 1). :) This topic is required andgraded differently from regular discussions and rather as a peer review. Your thorough, expansive peer reviews for classmates will hold the most weight in this task, with each thorough, expansive, detailed peer review being worth 40 points, and with your main posting of your draft worth 20 points. You will be graded on the quality, depth, and level of expansion and detail in your peer reviews and on how thoroughly you've addressed the assigHi All! :) For this final discussion, you are not required to reply to classmates, although you are absolutely welcome to! :) Please make your post here by MONDAY of Week 10 - March 14. :) This topic is required and graded, and your main post will be worth 100 points. You will be graded on the quality, depth, and level of expansion and detail in your main post.
Reflecting on the Semester
As the semester draws to a close, please share your final reflections:
1. What are two or three of the most important concepts you have learned about academic writing for graduate students?
2. What advice for success would you give to a student who was considering taking this class?
3. Please share any other thoughts that come to mind.nment guidelines for your drafts. :)
Exchanging feedback with peers contributes in several ways to strengthening your writing skills, including the following:
  • You will benefit from being conscious of writing and revising to communicate your ideas to another reader.
  • You will receive constructive feedback from other learners who are familiar with the expectations for this assignment. You will use your own judgment, of course, in deciding whether and how to implement the suggestions as you revise.
  • Your awareness of effective writing skills and applications of the assignment criteria will become sharper from closely reading and critiquing other students' drafts.
This peer review activity will help you revise your Synthesis Essay before submitting it to your Assignment folder by the final due date for the essay.
1. Draft your Synthesis Essay using the Assignment guidelines, grading criteria, and textbook resources. Then, please post a full draft, following the assignment guidelines, as your main post in this discussion by Tuesday of Week 7.
2. By Tuesday of Week 8, please very, very thoroughly and carefully review the drafts of at least two classmates, posting your reviews as replies to their draft posts.Please carefully go back and review the Week 4, Discussion 2 area to prepare for peer review again, and please refer to the Essay Assignment grading criteria and textbook resources for areas that you should scrutinize. I suggest that you provide at least one thorough, detailed, constructive comment for each main area of the Essay 3: Synthesis rubric and point to a specific example from the peer's draft to explain each comment and suggestion. Again, do provide detailed, constructive feedback.
Exchanging feedback with a peer contributes in several ways to strengthening your writing skills, including the following:
  • You will benefit from being conscious of writing and revising to communicate your ideas to another reader.
  • You will receive constructive feedback from another person who is familiar with the expectations for this assignment. You will use your own judgment, of course, in deciding whether and how to implement the suggestions as you revise.
  • Your awareness of effective writing skills and applications of the assignment criteria will become sharper from closely reading and critiquing another student's draft.

week 10

Hi All! :) For this final discussion, you are not required to reply to classmates, although you are absolutely welcome to! :) Please make your post here by MONDAY of Week 10 - March 14. :) This topic is required and graded, and your main post will be worth 100 points. You will be graded on the quality, depth, and level of expansion and detail in your main post.
Reflecting on the Semester
As the semester draws to a close, please share your final reflections:
1. What are two or three of the most important concepts you have learned about academic writing for graduate students?
2. What advice for success would you give to a student who was considering taking this class?
3. Please share any other thoughts that come to mind.

Quiz #1
COMM 600
Subject-Verb Agreement
I.The following sentences have sets of two verbs provided in parentheses. Please circle the verb that represents the correct choice in the sentence. Four points will be deducted for each incorrect answer.
The following example illustrates how each item should be completed.
Many classes in the Human Resource Management program (is, are) challenging.
1.    Internet culture, as is the case with all cultures, (is, are) difficult to define.
1.    A group of people known as digital natives (has, have) emerged in the scholarly literature.
1.    Some studies that have been conducted on the concept of the digital native (shows, show) distinct characteristics that digital natives (exhibits, exhibit).
1.    Smith and Johnson (2001) (explores, explore) the concept of the Internet as a grass-roots culture.

1.    We must recognize that the first generation of digital natives, identified as young people born after 1980, (includes, include) not only K-12 students but also young people in their late teens and 20s.
Adapted from Lei, J. (2009). Digital natives as preservice teachers: What technology preparation is needed?. Journal Of Computing In Teacher Education, 25(3), 87-97. Retrieved from
1.    A review of the literature on this topic of Internet culture (identifies, identify) the key values attributed to Internet culture.
Adapted from Rettie, R. (2002). Net generation culture. Journal Of Electronic Commerce Research, 3(4), 254-264. Retrieved from
1.    A number of studies on digital natives (has, have) concluded that their learning styles may be different from the learning styles of previous generations.
1.    However, the number of studies that have been conducted on this topic (is, are) not high. More research (is, are) needed on this concept.
1.    Internet culture has bred a group of Internet learners who (is, are) changing the landscape of pedagogy in various universities.
1.    Some studies suggest that computer-mediated communication (CMC) (is, are) a more democratic form of communication than earlier forms of communication were.
Adapted from Rettie, R. (2002). Net generation culture. Journal Of Electronic Commerce Research, 3(4), 254-264. Retrieved from
1.    As a result, some observers (has, have) noted that the lack of social cues on the Internet (is, are) thought to make people more open and friendly when on the Internet.
Adapted from Rettie, R. (2002). Net generation culture. Journal Of Electronic Commerce Research, 3(4), 254-264. Retrieved from
1.    Whether this democratic form of communication on the Internet among digital natives has resulted in more friendly behavior in classes among digital natives (has, have) not been determined. More analysis is being carried out on this topic.
1.    At this point, conclusive evidence on the issues about the learning styles of digital natives (is, are) not apparent.
1.    The term “Baby Boomers” (describes, describe) the post-war generation, while “Baby Bust” (refers, refer) to those born between the mid-sixties and the mid-seventies.
Adapted from Rettie, R. (2002). Net generation culture. Journal Of Electronic Commerce Research, 3(4), 254-264. Retrieved from
1.    Digital natives (is, are) different from Boomers and Busters in that they exhibit different responses to text and video on the Internet than Boomers and Busters (seems, seem) to demonstrate.

II.The following paragraph contains four errors in subject-verb agreement. Please locate the errors and write the correct form of the verb above the error.
The following example illustrates how each item should be completed.

Steroid use in professional sports have been a controversial topic in the last twenty years.
The literature suggest that through the process of acculturation Internet users acquire the cultural values of the Internet. The process of acculturation depend on age, so members of the Net Generation is more likely to develop cultural values from their early, formative, exposure to the Internet. Therefore, this generation have different values compared to the values that the Baby Boomer generation demonstrates.
Adapted from Rettie, R. (2002). Net generation culture. Journal Of Electronic Commerce Research, 3(4), 254-264. Retrieved from

Run-on sentencesandsentencefragments
I.Pleasereadthefollowingwordgroups.Ifthewordgroupcontainsasentence fragment,writeF.Ifthewordgroupcontainsarun-onsentence,writeROS.Ifthe wordgroupisagrammaticallycorrectsentenceorsentences,writeC. Each incorrect answer will result in a deduction of 3 points.
1. Educationalproviderscanorganizetheirservicesfornewstudents,institutions,and otherpatrons,theyoftenunbundletheirproductsforspecificgroups.
2. Information environmentchanging dramatically.As doesthenatureoftheparticipantsinthisenvironment.
3. ___________The currentperiodisafluidanduncertainperiod,notonlyistherateofchange accelerating,theformthatchangeisassumingisbecomingindistinct.
4. The natureofourinformationenvironmenthaschangedandcontinuestochange,as doesthenatureoftheparticipantsinthisenvironment.
5. Becausethenatureofourinformationenvironmenthaschangedandcontinuesto change,asdoesthenatureoftheparticipantsinthisenvironment.
6. ___________Educationalproviderscanorganizetheirservicesfornewstudents,institutions,and otherpatrons,oftenunbundlingtheircurrentproductsforspecificgroups.
7. ___________The currentperiodisafluidanduncertainperiod.Notonlyistherateofchange accelerating,buttheformthatchangeisassumingisbecomingindistinct.
8. ___________While cloudcomputingremainsanemergingtechnology.
9. __________While cloudcomputingremainsanemergingtechnology,itisclearthatmoreopen informationonthewebisresultinginmorestandardizationoftheInformationTechnologyfield.
10. ___________Cloud computingremainsanemergingtechnology,itisclearthatmoreopen informationonthewebisresultinginmorestandardizationoftheInformationTechnologyfield.
AdaptedfromRadford,M.L.,Connaway,L.,Agosto,D.E.,Cooper,L.Z.,Reuter,K.,&Zhou, N.(2007).Behaviors andpreferences of digital natives:Informingaresearchagenda.Proceedings Of TheAmericanSocietyForInformationScienceAndTechnology,44(1),1.

II.Pleasereadthefollowingwordgroups.Ifthewordgroupcontainsasentence fragment,writeF.Ifthewordgroupcontainsarun-onsentence,writeROS.Ifthe wordgroupisagrammaticallycorrectsentenceorsentences,writeC.
1. __________ThebottomlineisthatmanyBabyBoomersexhibit“Millennial”learningstyles,and—to alesserextent—viceversa.
2. __________Demographicallyandtechnologicallydetermineddifferences amonggenerations,whilefuntodiscussatasuperficiallevelandastypical characteristicsoflargegroups.
3. __________This providesapoorfoundationfordecision-makingaboutthe learningneedsofindividualstudents.
4. __________Thesegeneralizations breakdownevenfurtherwhenappliedtothediverse,cross-age mixturesofpeoplefoundinmanycollegeanduniversitycourses,thereforecanany usefulconclusions bereachedabouttrendsinlearningstyles?
5. __________Ifonediscardsthehypeaboutgenerationaldeterminism, thelearningpreferenceascribed to“Millennials”areincreasinglytrueformanystudentsacrossawiderangeofages.
6. __________Drivennotonlybythetechnologiestheygrewupwithbutalsobythetoolsandmedia theyuseeveryday.
7. __________Forexample,byitsnature,theWebrewardscomparingmultiple sourcesofinformation,individuallyincompleteandcollectivelyinconsistent,thisinduces learningbasedonseeking,sieving,andsynthesizing.
8. __________Ratherthanonassimilatingasingle “validated”sourceofknowledgeasfrombooks, television,oraprofessorlecturing.
9. __________Similarly,digitalmediaandinterfacesencouragemulti-tasking,myteenagedaughter “doesherhomework”bysimultaneouslyreadinghertextbook,listeningtoherMP3 player, and receivingandsendingemail.
10. __________Utilizingherwebbrowser,anddialoguingwithsixof herclassmatesviainstantmessaging!
Adaptedfrom Dede,C.(2005).Planning for neomillenniallearning styles.EducauseQuarterly,28(1),7-12.

III.Pleasereadthefollowingwordgroups.Ifthewordgroupcontainsasentence fragment,writeF.Ifthewordgroupcontainsarun-onsentence,writeROS.Ifthe wordgroupisagrammaticallycorrectsentenceorsentences,writeC.
1. __________ H.G.Wellsdescribedhumanhistoryasaracebetweeneducationandcatastrophe.
2. __________ Ifthisdescriptionisaccurate.
3. __________ Highereducationhasplayedamajorroleinsafeguarding theworld.
4. __________ IntheWest,educatorsoftentracetheirprofessionaloriginstoPlato’sacademy, whereskepticsreasonedandreflectedongoodnessandknowledge, Platoniceducationwaspersonal, eschewingeventhewrittenword.
5. __________ Socratesdescribedwritingasan“invention[that]willproduceforgetfulnessinthesoulsofthose whohavelearnedit.”
6. __________ InearlymodernEurope,itineranteducatorstraveledtostudents inordertoeducatethemwheretheywere however,the11thand12thcenturiesrepresentaturningpointinthehistoryofhighereducation.
7. __________Withthefounding ofvariousinstitutions, universitiesintheWestassumedthephysicalformwerecognizetoday andoperatedunderpapalorroyalcharters.
8. __________ TheWesternformofuniversitiesandcollegesisresilient.
9. __________ Manyinstitutionshaveservedtheirsocieties.
10. __________ Throughnaturaldisasters,timesofwar,revolution,economicturmoil,andpoliticalupheaval.
Adaptedfrom Katz,R.N.(2008).Thegatheringcloud:Is this theendofthemiddle?InKatz,R.N.(Ed.) Thetower andthecloud: Higher educationintheageofcloudcomputing(pp.2-42).Boulder,Colo.:Educause.

For each set of questions, please choose the sentence that demonstrates no errors related to pronoun-antecedent agreement.
a. Georgecalledhisprofessortothankherforherhelp,whichwasverythoughtful.
b. Georgecalledhisprofessortothankhimforhishelp,a thoughtful gesture.
c. George thoughtfullycalledhisprofessortothankherforherhelp.
a. Beforethegame,an announcertoldtheaudiencenottobringalcoholicbeveragesintothe stadium.
b. Beforethegame,ittoldtheaudiencenottobringalcoholic beveragesintothe stadium.
c. Beforethegame,theaudience was told by the stadiumnottobringalcoholic beveragesintothe stadium.
a. Creditcardspendinggotthestudentintotrouble,soheburnedthem.
b. Creditcardspendinggotthestudentintotrouble,soheburnedhis credit cards.
c. Creditcardspendinggotthestudentintotrouble,sohedestroyed them.
a. Thedoctorinformedthepatientthatifherpetcatshadanyvirusessheshould destroythemwiththemedication.
b. Thedoctorinformedthepatientthatifherpetcatshadanyvirusessheshould destroythe viruseswiththemedication.
c. Theclinictoldthepatientthatifherpetcatshadanyvirusessheshould destroythemwiththemedication.
a. Neitherconstructionworkerwasawareoftheirmistakeduringtheearlystagesof thebuilding project.
b. Neitherconstructionworkerwasawareofhismistakeduringtheearlystagesof thebuildingproject.
c. Bothconstructionworkersweren’t awareofitsmistakeduringtheearlystagesof thebuilding project.
a. Everyoneinthisclassmustsubmit theirpapersbeforeThanksgiving.
b. Each of youinthisclassmustsubmittheir papers beforeThanksgiving.
c. Everyoneinthisclassmustsubmit his or her paperbeforeThanksgiving.
a. ThecustomercalledtheHelpDesktoinquireabouthispurchase,andittold himthathispackagehadbeenmailedthepreviousWednesday.
b. ThecustomercalledtheHelpDesktoinquireabouthispurchase,andthe Help Desk employeetold himthathispackagehadbeenmailedthepreviousWednesday.
c. ThecustomercalledtheHelpDesktoinquireabouthispurchase,andtheytold himthathispackagehadbeenmailedthepreviousWednesday.
a. Peterisanextremelytalentedstatistician,buthenevertookanyclassesinstatistics.
b. Peterisanextremelytalentedstatistician,buthenevertookanyclassesinit.
c. Peter and Maryare extremelytalentedstatisticians,buttheynevertookanyclassesinit.
a. Abluevanwasfollowingusonthehighway,andthe driverkeptflashing the van’s headlightsatus.
b. Abluevanwasfollowingusonthehighway,andhisheadlightskeptflashingatus.
c. Abluevanwasfollowingusonthehighway,andit kept flashing itsheadlightsatus.
a. Juliette is displeased with her lawn care service; however, nothinghasbeenproposedbyshefor improvement.
b. Juliette is displeased with her lawn care worker; however, she has not come up with a solution.
c. Juliette is displeased with her lawn care service; however, nothinghasbeenproposedbyhefor improvement.

In the following groups of sentences, choose the correct answer (a, b, or c) that represents a correct parallel sentence. Each answer is worth 10 points.
a. Throughtheuseofe-portfolios, studentworkisdigitizedand iskeptonrecordin computerizedsystems, revision of drafts,andisavailableforstudentstoorganizeand presenttofaculty,friends,andtoprospectiveemployers.
b. Throughtheuseofe-portfolios, studentworkisdigitized,keptonrecordin computerizedsystems,revisedovertime,andmadeavailableforstudentstoorganizeand to presenttofaculty,friends,andprospectiveemployers.
c. Throughtheuseofe-portfolios, studentworkisdigitizedandkeptonrecordin computerizedsystems,revisedovertime,andisavailableforstudentstoorganizeand presenttofaculty,friends,andtoprospectiveemployers.
a. Studentscandigitizeworkinvarious mediaformatssuchaspodcasts,discussionboards, blogs,digitalvideo,slideshowpresentations, orelectronicjournals. Throughtheuseofe-portfolios, studentscansharetheircreativeworkanddocumented lifeexperienceswithotherswhoprovidefeedbackandassessmentoftheirlearningand skillsdevelopment.
b. Studentscandigitizeworkinvarious mediaformatssuchaspodcasts,discussionboards, in blogs,digitalvideo,showninslideshowpresentations,orelectronicjournals. Throughtheuseofe-portfolios, studentscansharetheircreativeworkanddocumented lifeexperienceswithotherswhoprovidefeedbackandassessmentoftheirlearningand skillsdevelopment.
c. Studentscandigitizeworkinvarious mediaformatssuchaspodcasts,discussionboards, in blogs,digitalvideo,inslideshowpresentations, orelectronicjournals. Throughtheuseofe-portfolios, studentscansharetheircreativeworkanddocumented lifeexperienceswithotherswhoprovidefeedbackandassessmentoftheirlearningand skillsdevelopment.
a. Anothertraitthatcharacterizesmillennialstudentsistheneedfortimelyfeedback, which canbevitalformillennialstudents,whofeelanimpulsiveneedfor acceptanceandoftenworkingzealouslytoachieveapproval.
b. Anothertraitthatcharacterizesmillennialstudentsistheneedfortimelyfeedbackon theirwork.Feedbackcanbevitalformillennialstudents,whofeelanimpulsiveneedfor acceptanceandoftenworkingzealouslytoachieveapproval.
c. Anothertraitthatcharacterizesmillennialstudentsistheneedfortimelyfeedback on assignments.Feedbackcanbevitalformillennialstudents,whofeelanimpulsiveneedfor acceptanceandwho often work zealouslytoachieveapproval.
a. Thee-portfoliopermits instructorsandevaluatorstoreviewmaterialsonlineandalso providingameansoffast,sometimesinstant,feedback.
b. Thee-portfoliopermits instructorsand forevaluatorstoreviewmaterialsonlineandalso in providingameansoffast,sometimesinstant,feedback.
c. Thee-portfoliopermits instructorsandevaluatorstoreviewmaterialsonlineandto provideameansoffast,sometimesinstant,feedback.
a. Often,reviewerscanviewtheinformationpresentedonlineandrespondingtothestudent byemailortocallthemonthephone.
b. Often,reviewerscanviewtheinformationpresentedonlineand byrespondingtothestudent viaemailorcan callthemonthephone.
c. Often,reviewerscanviewtheinformationpresentedonlineandcan respondtothestudent byemailorbyphone.
a. Withane-portfoliosystem,facultycanmovebeyondtheirowncoursesandstarttotrack theprogressofeachstudentoveranentireprogram,overawholecurriculum,ortracking themthroughoutaseriesofcourses.
b. Withane-portfoliosystem,facultycanmovebeyondtheirowncoursesandstarttotrack theprogressofeachstudentoveranentireprogram,overawholecurriculum,over aseriesofcourses.
c. Withane-portfoliosystem,facultycanmovebeyondtheirowncoursesandstarttotrack theprogressofeachstudentoveranentireprogram,awholecurriculum,orthroughoutaseriesofcourses.
a. Thisallowsforongoingevaluation;astudentcanreflectonfeedbackandon improvement.
b. Thisallowsforongoingevaluation;astudentcanreflectonfeedbackand for working oncontinual directedimprovement.
c. Thisallowsforongoingevaluation;astudentcanreflect, use,feedback,and oncontinual directedimprovement.
a. Forexample,ifaninstitutionwishedtotrackstudentprogressinwritingskillsfrom freshmantosenioryear,facultycouldintegratearegimentofwritingassignments throughouttheprogramalldesignedforclearcomparisonand to showingimprovementin writingskills.
b. Forexample,ifaninstitutionwishedtotrackstudentprogressinwritingskillsfrom freshmantosenioryear,facultycouldintegratearegimentofwritingassignments throughouttheprogramalldesignedforclearcomparisonandfor improvementin writing skills.
c. Forexample,ifaninstitutionwishedtotrackstudentprogressinwritingskillsfrom freshmantosenioryear,facultycouldintegratearegimentofwritingassignments throughouttheprogramalldesignedforclearcomparisonandwith improvingin writingskills.
a. Studentscanberequiredtoarchive thecollectionofwriting assignmentsintheire- portfolioandmakingthearchiveavailabletotheirinstructorswhocanevaluate, comparing,andtheycanprovidefeedbackfromacurrentandhistoricalperspective.
b. Studentscanberequiredtoarchive thecollectionofwriting assignmentsintheire- portfolioandto make thearchiveavailabletotheirinstructorswhocanevaluate, compare, andprovidefeedbackfromacurrentandhistoricalperspective.
c. Studentscanberequiredtoarchive thecollectionofwriting assignmentsintheire- portfolioandmakingthearchiveavailabletotheirinstructorswhocanevaluate, for comparing,andtoprovidefeedbackfromacurrentandhistoricalperspective.
a. Studentshaveameanstoidentifyareasforimprovementovertime,to make adjustments, and toverifythattheyhaveimproved.
b. Studentshaveameanstoidentifyareasforimprovementovertime,for makingadjustments, andverifythattheyhaveimproved.
c. Studentshaveameanstoidentifyareasforimprovementovertime, inmaking adjustments, andverifiedthattheyhaveimproved.
Items adaptedfromCiocco,M.D.,&Holtzman,D.(2008).E-Portfoliosandthe millennialstudents.JournalOf ContinuingHigherEducation,56(3),69-71.

Quiz 5: Combining Sentences
For each question, please choose the combination (a or b) that represents a correct sentence created from the list of phrases. Each answer is worth 10 points.
· Boomers were born between 1946 and 1964
· Generation Xers were born between 1965 and 1980
· Millennials were born between 1981 and 2000.
a.Boomers were born between 1946 and 1964, but Generation Xers were born between 1965 and 1980, and Millennials were between 1981 and 2000.
b.While Boomers were born between 1946 and 1964, Generation Xers were born between 1965 and 1980, and Millennials were born between 1981 and 2000.
· Boomers were considered to be idealist
· Gen Xers were considered to be reactive
· Millennials are considered to be civic
a.Although Boomers were considered to be idealist, Gen Xers were considered to be reactive; Millennials are considered to be civic.
b.Boomers were considered to be idealist, and Gen Xers were considered to be reactive, but Millennials are considered to be civic.
· The Boomers enjoyed The Rolling Stones
· The Gen Xers preferred Bon Jovi
· The Millennials listened to The Backstreet Boys
a.The Boomers enjoyed the Rolling Stones and the Gen Xers preferred Bon Jovi, however, the Millennials listened to The Backstreet Boys.
b.The Boomers and the Gen Xers preferred the Rolling Stones and Bon Jovi respectively; however, the Millennials listened to The Backstreet Boys.
· the Gen Xers were in high school
· the Department of Education declared a nation at risk from the “rising tide of mediocrity.”
a.While the Gen Xers were in high school, the Department of Education declared a nation at risk from the “rising tide of mediocrity.”
b.While the Gen Xers were in high school; the Department of Education declared a nation at risk from the “rising tide of mediocrity.”
· Generation X students matriculated through college
· they were seeking independence and freedom from their families
· they had an attitude of getting by with as little effort as possible.
a.When Generation X students matriculated through college and were seeking independence and freedom from their families, they had an attitude of getting by with as little effort as possible.
b.When Generation X students matriculated through college, they were seeking independence and freedom from their families, they had an attitude of getting by with as little effort as possible.
· Gen Xers did not challenge discussions or participate in organizations
· social societies decreased
a.Gen Xers did not challenge discussions or participate in organizations; and social societies decreased.
b.Gen Xers did not challenge discussions or participate in organizations, and social societies decreased.
· Gen Xers were in college
· they were less interested in intellectual engagement
· more interested in completing a degree
· progressing in their life to earn a living
a.While Gen Xers were in college, they were less interested in intellectual engagement and more interested in completing a degree and progressing in their life to earn a living.
b.While Gen Xers were in college, they were less interested in intellectual engagement and they were more interested in completing a degree and progressing in their life to earn a living.
· faculty members were no longer engaged in debates about curriculum
· faculty members were not questioned about facts
a.Faculty members were no longer engaged in debates about curriculum, nor were they questioned about facts.
b.Faculty members were no longer engaged in debates about curriculum and they were not questioned about facts, either.
· students wanted to gain a degree with the least amount of effort
· there was a decrease in the academic core curriculum
· cynicism took the place of school spirit
a. Students wanted to gain a degree with the least amount of effort, there was a decrease in the academic core curriculum; therefore, cynicism took the place of school spirit.
b. Because students wanted to gain a degree with the least amount of effort, there was a decrease in the academic core curriculum; therefore, cynicism took the place of school spirit.
· history guides them
· the Gen Xers do not desire the same for their children
· they want to protect their children from academic deficiencies that affected their own youth
a.History guides them, therefore, the Gen Xers do not desire the same for their children, they want to protect their children from academic deficiencies that affected their own youth.
b.As history guides them, the Gen Xers do not desire the same for their children, so they want to protect their children from academic deficiencies that affected their own youth.

Quiz #6
COMM 600
· Comma Use in Adjective Clauses and Phrases
· Various Other Punctuation Marks
I.The following sentences have adjective clauses and adjective phrases. Some are restrictive, while others are non-restrictive.
The sentences feature arrows that point to the beginning of ending of an adjective clause or phrase. Please insert a comma in the sentence under the arrow if a comma is needed in that part of the sentence. If a comma is not needed in the part of the sentence under the arrow, then do not insert a comma into that part of the sentence. Each comma is worth 4 points.
The following example illustrates how each item should be completed.

Jill who is my next-door neighbor recently bought a car that runs on electricity.

Jill, who is my next-door neighbor,recently bought a car that runs on electricity.

1. Generational differences can be difficult to define. Scholars who study generational change attempt to identify cultural characteristics that distinguish one group of people from the generation that preceded it.

2. Generation Y also known as Millennials is a generation of individuals who were born between 1980 and 2000.

3. Millennials are a group of citizens who have various possibly contradictory characteristics. In some ways, they are ultra-loyal. In other ways, they are very individualist.
4. The last four generations have been identified as Traditionalists, Baby Boomers, Generation Xers, and Millennials. The Traditionalists who were born before 1946 valued commitment and loyalty to one’s employer.
5. The Baby Boomers were born between 1946 and 1964. The values which they held onto were a bit different from those of the Traditionalists.
6. The Boomers valued self-improvement and individual loyalty over company loyalty. The bosses for whom they worked were often Traditionalists who differed in their views of company dedication.

7. Generation Xers who were born between 1964 and 1979 felt like a lost generation at times.

8. The lifetime job that the Traditionalists and Boomers had become accustomed to was a thing of the past for Gen Xers.

9. The number of people who stayed with the same job for five to ten years declined by 21.3 percent between 1972 and 2000. The Gen Xers many of whom had seen their parents work the same job their entire life saw this trend as a culture shock.
10. Millennials also known as Gen Yers have emerged as a generation that is characterized by optimism and an embracement of change.
Information adapted from Martin, J & R. Ewing (2008). Power up! Using digital gaming techniques to enhance library instruction. Internet Reference Services Quarterly 12 (2-3). Retrieved from

COMM 600

Writing Assignment #1: Summary Essay
Writing Assignment #1 will be an informative summary essay.
General Description from the syllabus
In this essay, students will be given a text to read, analyze, and summarize in a few paragraphs. The instructor will provide details as well as a rubric for this assignment.
Approach and Requirements
In chapter 4 of your textbook, A Brief to Writing from Readings, Stephen Wilhoit distinguishes between the informative summary and theexplanatory summary. For this writing assignment, you will write an informative summary of the article “Welcoming a New Generation to College: The Millennial Students,” by Elam, Stratton, and Gibson. This article is included in the EReserves section of your classroom.
Your essay should have the following:
· an introductory paragraph with a thesis statement.
Wilhoit explains on page 67 what the opening section of your summary should contain. In addition, on the bottom of page 75, the sample informative summary essay demonstrates an opening paragraph for a summary.
· at least one body paragraph
As Wilhoit explains on page 67, you will “paraphrase the primary content of the source text.”
· a concluding paragraph.
As Wilhoit explains on page 67, the conclusion will “summarize the source text’s last key assertion, finding, or argument.” You as the writer of the summary should not editorialize or make judgments on the text. Rather, as Wilhoit points out, you should “be neutral and objective” as you summarize the key points.

Length:700-900 words
Some strategies to consider when writing this essay:
On pages 78-79, Wilhoit demonstrates several strategies in writing a summary. In following the advice from Wilhoit, you will want to read and annotate the material, perhaps construct a one-sentence summary for each section of the text, and draft the summary essay. Before you submit the essay to your instructor, proofread the summary for grammatical, punctuation, and other errors.
A summary revision checklist is provided on page 80. Please apply this checklist to your summary before you submit it.
Please see Course Schedule for Due Dates

COMM 600
Writing Assignment #2: Critique Essay
Writing Assignment #2 will be a critique essay.

General Description from the syllabus
In this essay, students will be given a text on which to present a more formal evaluation than that which was given in the response essay. Students will evaluate the text in an argumentative fashion using various criteria as directed by the instructor. The paper will be written in at least two drafts, with due dates noted in the Course Schedule. The student will receive feedback from peers on the first draft. The student will then submit a revision of the critique essay for grading.

Approach and Requirements
In chapter 6 of your textbook, A Brief to Writing from Readings, Stephen Wilhoit writes on page 95:
While response essays focus on your personal reactions to a reading, critiques offer a more formal evaluation. Instead of responding to a reading in light of your experience and feelings, in a critique you evaluate a source text’s quality or worth according to a set of established criteria.
Wilhoit then continues to explain more strategies in writing a critique on pages 96-97 by looking at film review as critique.
For this writing assignment, you will write a critique essay in response to the article “First Year Students’ Experiences with Technology: Are They Really Digital Natives?” by Kennedy et al. This article is included in the EReserves section of your classroom.
When writing your critique essay, you will want to incorporate the analysis of at least one other article in your essay. You should choose any of the articles in the ERserves section of the classroom to include in your critique. You may want to select an article that we have already read as a class. Overall, you may select any articles in the EReserves you prefer.
You will cite all sources you refer to in the paper using APA citation style. You will list the sources at the end of the paper using APA style as well.
Your essay should have the following:
· an introduction with a thesis statement.
Wilhoit explains on page 109 that in the introduction you will introduce the topic of the article and provide the title and full name of the author. You also integrate “your thesis and a brief summary of the reading (one or two paragraphs long).” The overall introduction can be, as Wilhoit notes, two or three paragraphs long.
· at least three body paragraphs
As Wilhoit explains on pages 109-110, your body of your essay will “state the criteria of your judgments,” “offer examples,” and “explain your judgments.” This type of analysis will involve at least three paragraphs.
· a concluding paragraph
As Wilhoit instructs on page 110, in your concluding paragraph, you will “wrap up the paper” and “reassert your thesis.” A suggestion made by Wilhoit is that you “mirror” the strategy you used in your opening in your concluding paragraph.
· A References page listing the articles you cited. Please use APA format in listing your sources.
Length:1000-1200 words

Some strategies to consider when writing this essay:
On pages 123-125, Wilhoit demonstrates several strategies in writing a critique essay. In following the advice from Wilhoit, you will evaluate the author’s logic and reasoning and the evidence and examples used in the text. You might also examine the author’s organization and the author’s style.
You will then write and revise your rough draft. Before you submit the essay to your instructor, proofread the summary for grammatical, punctuation, and other errors.
A critique revision checklist is provided on page 125. Please apply this checklist to your response essay before you submit it.

Please See Course Schedule for Due Dates.

COMM 600
Writing Assignment #3: Synthesis Essay
Writing Assignment #3 will be a synthesis essay.

General Description from the syllabus
In this essay, students will be given three or more pieces of text. They will then annotate the information in the texts and write an analysis of the texts. In the analysis, they will determine major themes that the authors communicated and will synthesize the main themes in an essay. An informative synthesis will inform a reader of the meaning of various authors’ texts. An argumentative synthesis will persuade a reader by making a claim from the authors’ texts. Students will be given a choice as to which type of essay, informative or argumentative, they will write. The paper will be written in at least two drafts.

Approach and Requirements
In chapter 9 of your textbook, A Brief to Writing from Readings, Stephen Wilhoit writes on page 171, “in a synthesis, you combine information from two or more readings to support a position of your own.” In writing a synthesis, you will read the articles assigned to you, organize the material from the articles into themes, and construct the essay around those themes.
For this writing assignment, you will write either an informative or argumentative synthesis essay. Chapter 9 in Wilhoit’s book describes the informative synthesis essay, while chapter 10 describes the argumentative synthesis essay. You will employ the alternating form in your synthesis essay.
You will write a synthesis that incorporates material from the following articles:
  • “Teaching, Learning, and Millennial Students,” by Maureen E. Wilson
  • “Preferred Learning Methods of the Millennial Generation,” by Arlene J. Nicholas
  • "Undergraduates' Personal Academic Information Management and the Consideration of Time and Task-Urgency," by Mizrachi and Bates:/content/enforced/151426-021467-04-2161-MBA-9240/Mizrachi and Bates.pdf
You will cite these sources throughout the paper and list these sources at the end of the paper using APA format.

Your essay should have the following:
· A title page in APA format
· an introduction with a thesis statement.
Wilhoit explains on page 198 the components of the introduction in an informative synthesis essay. He explains on page 226 the components of the introduction of an argumentative synthesis essay.
· at least three body paragraphs
You will want to follow the alternating format of organization for your essay. This format is explained by Wilhoit on pages 199-200 for the informative synthesis essay and on page 228 for the argumentative synthesis essay.
· a concluding paragraph
Strategies in writing the concluding paragraph are explained by Wilhoit on page 201 for the informative synthesis essay and on page 229 for the argumentative synthesis essay.
· A References page listing the three articles in APA format.
In addition, the formatting of the entire paper should be in APA style. A video tutorial on how to format your paper in APA style is available at the following url:

Length:1200-1500 words
Some strategies to consider when writing this essay:
On pages 208-211, Wilhoit demonstrates several strategies in writing an informative synthesis. On pages 260-263, he demonstrates several strategies in writing an argumentative synthesis. Please peruse the pages that correspond to the approach you will take in your synthesis essay.
Before you submit the essay to your instructor, proofread the summary for grammatical, punctuation, and other errors.

Please See Course Schedule for Due Dates.

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