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 GSCM326 full course latest all discussions all quizzes and all week Course Project


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GSCM326 Week 1 Discussion DQ1 & DQ 2 Latest 

DQ 1

Total Quality Management (graded)

What is total quality management (TQM)? Is it something you can install, like a refrigerator? How do you know TQM when you see it?

DQ 2

A System Perspective (graded)

When we talk about a system view, what are we interested in and why? Why is a system view so important to have if you are going to implement TQM?

 GSCM326 Week 2 Discussion DQ1 & DQ 2 Latest 2016 Jan.

DQ 1

Deming's 14 Points (graded)

Are Dr. Deming’s 14 points clear, concise, and achievable? If not, what do you think he had in mind? In Deming’s view, who needs to do what and why?

DQ 2

Quality Awards and Standards (graded)

The authors of our text talk about the Baldrige Award throughout their book. In previous versions, they even designed their text around this award. Given that our course is about TQM, an in-depth discussion of the Deming Prize would seem to be appropriate since it is the framework of company-wide quality control in Japan, which embodies what we call TQM in the United States, but is hardly discussed in our text.

So let's do some research. Put on your investigative hats and see what you can find about the Deming Prize. You can use the Internet or any other sources you have available.

How do you see the Deming Prize criteria fitting into TQM? How does the Deming Prize compare to the Baldrige Award? What are the differences and similarities between the Deming Prize and the Baldrige Award?

 GSCM326 Week 3 Discussion DQ1 & DQ 2 Latest 2016 Jan.

DQ 1

TQM Leaders (graded)

How do leaders behave when they are implementing TQM? What expectations should they set? What kind of leaders do TQM leaders need to be?

DQ 2

Who Is the Customer? What Are His or Her Needs? (graded)

What are the dimensions of service quality? How do these dimensions affect customer perception? How do the quality dimensions, as defined by David Gavin, relate to the dimensions of service quality?

 GSCM326 Week 4 Discussion DQ1 & DQ 2 Latest 2016 Jan.

DQ 1

TQM and Teams (graded)

Teams are something we talk about a lot when it comes to TQM. Why are teams instrumental to TQM, or are they? What kinds of teams exist in a TQM operation?

DQ 2

Employee Involvement (graded)

Is it always good? What key elements are necessary to keep it going? Are there different kinds of involvement?

  GSCM326 Week 5 Discussion DQ1 & DQ 2 Latest 2016 Jan.

DQ 1

Cost of Quality (graded)

Although a balanced scorecard is probably the way to go, most companies don't seem to have a clue about the more fundamental aspects of quality, such as the cost of quality. So let's start here. Just what do we mean when we talk about the cost of quality? What major areas does it include?

DQ 2

Supplier Relationships (graded)

An integral part of TCO 9 concerns supplier relationships. What kinds of relationships exist with suppliers? What can be done to reduce the number suppliers you use?

 GSCM326 Week 6 Discussion DQ1 & DQ 2 Latest 2016 Jan.

DQ 1

Statistical Tools (graded)

Before you participate in this discussion, please review this week’s simulation.

Two tools were used by the group in the early analysis of their process. Why was it important for the group to use a histogram when they did? What could have happened if the group had not used it?

DQ 2

Inspection and Process Evaluations (graded)

Is 100% inspection good? Why or why not? What alternatives are there to 100% inspection?

 GSCM326 Week 7 Discussion DQ1 & DQ 2 Latest 2016 Jan.

DQ 1

Implementing TQM (graded)

Over the last 6 weeks, you have been gaining insight into the ultimate question for this course. How do we implement TQM? Where do we begin? What key areas do we need to address first? Once we get our implementation started, what do we need to do in order to sustain our momentum?

DQ 2

Integrating TQM and SCM (graded)

How can TQM and SCM be integrated together? Why is this integration important? What things need to be considered before this is attempted?

week 1 quiz

1. Question : (TCO 2) Which of the following perspectives of quality considers quality to be synonymous with superiority or excellence?

Student Answer: Product perspective

Transcendent perspective

Value perspective

Manufacturing perspective

Instructor Explanation: See Chapter 1, page 6.

Points Received: 5 of 5


Question 2. Question : (TCO 2) The quality assurance function helps to achieve quality by

Student Answer: ensuring that the firm provides adequate training to its salespeople so that they can appropriately answer all customer queries.

ensuring that the firm complies with laws and regulations regarding such things as product labeling, packaging, safety, and transportation.

providing special statistical studies and analyses to the manufacturing or business support functions.

authorizing sufficient budgeting for equipment, training, and other means of assuring quality.

Instructor Explanation: See Chapter 1, page 27.

Points Received: 5 of 5


Question 3. Question : (TCO 1) Which of the following is true regarding production of services?

Student Answer: Compared to manufacturing, it is easier for service organizations to identify and measure customers' needs and performance standards, because they involve human contact.

The production of services typically requires a lower degree of customization than does manufacturing.

Compared to manufacturing, production of services is typically less labor intensive.

Services are produced and consumed simultaneously.

Instructor Explanation: See Chapter 1, page 24.

Points Received: 5 of 5


Question 4. Question : (TCO 1) Kosher’s, a supermarket in Surbury, employs various strategies to provide good quality products to consumers at lower prices compared to other competing stores. This marketing strategy is most likely to influence the _____ perspective of quality.

Student Answer: user




Instructor Explanation: See Chapter 1, page 7.

Points Received: 5 of 5


Question 5. Question : (TCO 1) Which of the following is true of quality management during the age of craftsmanship that existed before the advent of industrial revolution?

Student Answer: Inspection was the primary means of quality control.

Various statistical methods and control charts were being used to identify quality problems in production processes and to ensure consistency of output.

Ensuring quality of the products was the responsibility of the quality departments and not the workers who were directly involved in creating the products.

Quality assurance was informal and efforts were made to ensure that quality was built into products by the people who produced them.

Instructor Explanation: See Chapter 1, page 11.

Points Received: 5 of 5


Question 6. Question : (TCO 2) According to Peter Scholtes, a noted consultant, when people don’t understand systems

Student Answer: they try to resist the process of change.

they are less likely to distinguish between fact and opinion.

they see the symptoms but not the deep causes of problems.

they don’t see events as individual incidents but assume it to be the combined result of several independent forces.

Instructor Explanation: See Chapter 2, page 59.

Points Received: 5 of 5


Question 7. Question : (TCO 2) The maintenance of a quality management system is accomplished by

Student Answer: daily inspections.

weekly staff meetings.

internal audits.

external audits.

Instructor Explanation: See Chapter 2, page 79.

Points Received: 0 of 5


Question 8. Question : (TCO 2) Who among the following in an organization are typically responsible for selecting appropriate technologies, equipment, and work methods for producing quality products?

Student Answer: Production workers


Industrial engineers

Tool engineers

Instructor Explanation: See Chapter 1, page 22.

Points Received: 5 of 5


Question 9. Question : (TCO 1) Organizations can ensure that the quality is rooted in their culture by

Student Answer: encouraging employees to do more than what they are expected to do through reward programs.

internalizing quality at the personal level and encouraging employees to practice quality in all activities of life.

ensuring that the company follows all the laws and regulations regarding product labeling, packaging, and other marketing requirements.

allotting sufficient budget for equipment, training, and other means of assuring quality.

Instructor Explanation: See Chapter 1, page 30.

Points Received: 5 of 5


Question 10. Question : (TCO 1) The value perspective of quality is most important at the _____ stage in the creation and delivery of goods and services.

Student Answer: manufacturing




Instructor Explanation: See Chapter 1, page 10, Figure 1.1.

1. Question : (TCO 1) The core management principles of TQM focus on the customer, teamwork, and what else?

Question 2. Question : (TCO 2) How do leading CEOs and academia define a TQM

week 2

Devry GSCM326 Week 2 Quiz Latest 2016 Jan.

1. Question : (TCO 3) Which of the following has the higher degree of customer focus?

Student Answer: Six Sigma

ISO 9000

Baldrige award

None of the above

Instructor Explanation: See Chapter 10, page 544.

Points Received: 0 of 5


Question 2. Question : (TCO 3) According to your text, the Baldrige criteria, and Deming's 14 points, communication of values, expectations, customer focus, and knowledge as a key area of the Senior Leadership item is discussed under

Student Answer: teach and institute leadership.

improve constantly.

learn the new philosophy.

statement of purpose.

Instructor Explanation: See Chapter 10, page 537.

Points Received: 5 of 5


Question 3. Question : (TCO 3) In the context of the criteria for performance excellence, the _____ category provides real-time information (measures of progress) for evaluation and improvement of processes and products, in alignment with overall organizational strategy.

Student Answer: operations focus


strategic planning

measurement, analysis, and knowledge management

Instructor Explanation: See Chapter 10, pages 526–528.

Points Received: 5 of 5


Question 4. Question : (TCO 3) The leadership category in the 2011–2012 Baldrige criteria consists of two examination items: Senior Leadership and

Student Answer: Support of Key Communities.

Governance and Societal Responsibilities.

Vision, Values, and Mission.

Communication and Organizational Performance.

Instructor Explanation: See Chapter 10, page 526.

Points Received: 5 of 5


Question 5. Question : (TCO 3) Of the four levels of awards given in Australia, the _____ recipients will demonstrate approach and deployment that are well defined, planned, subject to review, and show evidence of improvement over time.

Student Answer: Foundation in Business Excellence Level

Bronze Award Level

Silver Award Level

Gold Award Level

Instructor Explanation: See Chapter 10, page 540.

Points Received: 5 of 5


Question 6. Question : (TCO 4) In Juran’s quality trilogy, the process of preparing to meet quality goals is called

Student Answer: quality leadership.

quality control.

quality improvement.

quality planning.

Instructor Explanation: See Chapter 2, page 31.

Points Received: 5 of 5


Question 7. Question : (TCO 4) Ishikawa is best known for developing a popular quality improvement tool called the

Student Answer: u-chart.

process capability index.


cause-and-effect diagram.

Instructor Explanation: See Chapter 2, page 66.

Points Received: 5 of 5


Question 8. Question : (TCO 4) In Deming’s view, _____ is the chief culprit of poor quality.

Student Answer: concurrent engineering


agility of the production process

low level of tolerance in manufacturing

Instructor Explanation: See Chapter 2, page 49.

Points Received: 5 of 5


Question 9. Question : (TCO 4) Which of the following is one of the four elements of Deming’s system of profound knowledge?

Student Answer: Quality leadership


Understanding variation

Modern quality technology

Instructor Explanation: See Chapter 2, page 55.

Points Received: 5 of 5


Question 10. Question : (TCO 4) With regard to quality management systems, a _____ serves as a permanent reference for implementing and maintaining the system.

Student Answer:

quality minute book

quality manual

quality policy

quality trilogy

Instructor Explanation: See Chapter 2, page 79.

1. Question : (TCO 4) Briefly state some the observations Peter Scholtes made concerning what happens when people do not understand psychology.

Question 2. Question : (TCO 3) How is Deming's Point 3 (understanding inspection) addressed in the Baldrige Award?

quiz 5

Devry GSCM326 Week 5 Quiz Latest 2016 Jan.

1. Question : (TCO 9) As a design tool, a _____ enables management to study and analyze processes prior to implementation in order to improve quality and operational performance.

Likert’s scale


quality manual

affinity diagram

Question 2. Question : (TCO 9) Value-creation processes differ from support processes in that value-creation processes

provide the infrastructure for production or deliver processes to create or deliver the actual product.

rarely align with the organization’s core competencies and strategic objectives.

generally do not add value directly to the product or service.

are driven by external customer needs.

Question 3. Question : (TCO 9) When a service ranks low on the dimensions of customer contact, labor intensity, and customization, the service providers need to emphasize _____ to provide a high-quality service to the customers.

training provided to the employees

employee behavior

professional judgment of the employees

physical facilities and procedures

Question 4. Question : (TCO 8) In the context of service errors, which of the following is an example of a treatment error?

Working on the wrong order

Unclean facilities

Lack of courteous behavior

Doing work incorrectly

Question 5. Question : (TCO 9) The process of measuring a company’s performance against best-in-class companies and using that information as a basis to define the company’s targets, strategies, and implementation is known as

total quality management.

process mapping.



Question 6. Question : (TCO 10) _____ systems allow organizations to share databases in a networking environment and store and process key data in a unique database, distributing them to a large group of users.

Juran’s quality trilogy

Quincunx experimental

The balanced scorecard

Enterprise resource planning

Question 7. Question : (TCO 10) _____ is the term that describes the quantitative modeling of cause-and-effect relationships between performance measures, such as the customer satisfaction and product quality or employee performance.




Enterprise resource planning

Question 8. Question : (TCO 10) Which of the following analytical approaches or technologies is most likely to be used for data mining?


Pareto diagram

Quincunx experiment

Fuzzy logic

Question 9. Question : (TCO 10) _____ involves the process of identifying, capturing, organizing, and using knowledge assets to create and sustain competitive advantage.

Knowledge mining


Knowledge management

Lean production

Question 10. Question : (TCO 10) The ability to identify and transfer best practices within the organization is sometimes called

enterprise resource planning.


internal benchmarking.

data mining.

1. Question : (TCO 1) Briefly describe supplier certification.

Question 2. Question : (TCO 10) What are two of the nice criteria businesses use when selecting appropriate measures and indicators of performance?

• Is it effective in measuring performance?

week 6

Devry GSCM326 Week 6 Quiz Latest 2016 Jan.

1. Question : (TCO 11) The component of statistical methodology that includes the collection, organization, and summarization of data is called

descriptive statistics.

probability distribution.

statistical inference.

predictive statistics.

Question 2. Question : (TCO 11) The process of developing predictions about the future based on historical data is

predictive statistics.

descriptive statistics.

inference statistics.

random inference.

Question 3. Question : (TCO 11) Which of the following is not a type of sampling scheme?

Stratified sampling

Biased sampling

Cluster sampling

Judgment sampling

Question 4. Question : (TCO 11) Calculating the variance for 10 lengths of steel is an example of which of the following?

Descriptive statistics

Statistical inference

Predictive statistics

Analytical statistics

Question 5. Question : (TCO 11) If the process mean and variance do not change over time, the process is considered to be

in statistical control.

normally distributed.



Question 6. Question : (TCO 12) With respect to Pareto analysis, a Pareto _____ is one in which the characteristics observed are ordered from largest frequency to smallest.





Question 7. Question : (TCO 12) Data such as production volume, cost, and customer satisfaction indexes are often plotted on a _____, which displays the data over time.

check sheet

control chart

run chart

SIPOC diagram

Question 8. Question : (TCO 12) Attribute data are


not measurable.



Question 9. Question : (TCO 12) The _____ is used to monitor the centering of the process.

X-bar chart




Question 10. Question : (TCO 12) Process capability calculations make little sense if the process

data were taken over a period of time.

is not in statistical control.

variations are due to common causes.

is not initiated.

1. Question : (TCO 12) Six samples of subgroup size 7 (n = 7) were collected. Determine the upper control limit (UCL) for an X-bar chart if the mean of the sample averages is 4.7 and the mean of the sample ranges is 0.35.

Factors for calculating control limits

n A2 D3 D4

2 1.880 0 3.267

3 1.023 0 2.574

4 0.729 0 2.282

5 0.577 0 2.114

6 0.483 0 2.004

7 0.419 0 1.924

Question 2. Question : (TCO 12) Twenty samples of subgroup size of 4 (n = 4) were collected for a variable measurement. Determine the upper control limit (UCL) for an R-chart if the mean of the sample ranges equals 4.4.

Factors for calculating control limits

n A2 D3 D4

2 1.880 0 3.267

3 1.023 0 2.574

4 0.729 0 2.282

5 0.577 0 2.114

6 0.483 0 2.004

1. Question : (TCO 2) Which of the following perspectives of quality considers quality to be synonymous with superiority or excellence?

Student Answer: Product perspective

Transcendent perspective

Value perspective

Manufacturing perspective

Instructor Explanation: See Chapter 1, page 6.

Points Received: 5 of 5


Question 2. Question : (TCO 2) The quality assurance function helps to achieve quality by

Student Answer: ensuring that the firm provides adequate training to its salespeople so that they can appropriately answer all customer queries.

ensuring that the firm complies with laws and regulations regarding such things as product labeling, packaging, safety, and transportation.

providing special statistical studies and analyses to the manufacturing or business support functions.

authorizing sufficient budgeting for equipment, training, and other means of assuring quality.

Instructor Explanation: See Chapter 1, page 27.

Points Received: 5 of 5


Question 3. Question : (TCO 1) Which of the following is true regarding production of services?

Student Answer: Compared to manufacturing, it is easier for service organizations to identify and measure customers' needs and performance standards, because they involve human contact.

The production of services typically requires a lower degree of customization than does manufacturing.

Compared to manufacturing, production of services is typically less labor intensive.

Services are produced and consumed simultaneously.

Instructor Explanation: See Chapter 1, page 24.

Points Received: 5 of 5


Question 4. Question : (TCO 1) Kosher’s, a supermarket in Surbury, employs various strategies to provide good quality products to consumers at lower prices compared to other competing stores. This marketing strategy is most likely to influence the _____ perspective of quality.

Student Answer: user




Instructor Explanation: See Chapter 1, page 7.

Points Received: 5 of 5


Question 5. Question : (TCO 1) Which of the following is true of quality management during the age of craftsmanship that existed before the advent of industrial revolution?

Student Answer: Inspection was the primary means of quality control.

Various statistical methods and control charts were being used to identify quality problems in production processes and to ensure consistency of output.

Ensuring quality of the products was the responsibility of the quality departments and not the workers who were directly involved in creating the products.

Quality assurance was informal and efforts were made to ensure that quality was built into products by the people who produced them.

Instructor Explanation: See Chapter 1, page 11.

Points Received: 5 of 5


Question 6. Question : (TCO 2) According to Peter Scholtes, a noted consultant, when people don’t understand systems

Student Answer: they try to resist the process of change.

they are less likely to distinguish between fact and opinion.

they see the symptoms but not the deep causes of problems.

they don’t see events as individual incidents but assume it to be the combined result of several independent forces.

Instructor Explanation: See Chapter 2, page 59.

Points Received: 5 of 5


Question 7. Question : (TCO 2) The maintenance of a quality management system is accomplished by

Student Answer: daily inspections.

weekly staff meetings.

internal audits.

external audits.

Instructor Explanation: See Chapter 2, page 79.

Points Received: 0 of 5


Question 8. Question : (TCO 2) Who among the following in an organization are typically responsible for selecting appropriate technologies, equipment, and work methods for producing quality products?

Student Answer: Production workers


Industrial engineers

Tool engineers

Instructor Explanation: See Chapter 1, page 22.

Points Received: 5 of 5


Question 9. Question : (TCO 1) Organizations can ensure that the quality is rooted in their culture by

Student Answer: encouraging employees to do more than what they are expected to do through reward programs.

internalizing quality at the personal level and encouraging employees to practice quality in all activities of life.

ensuring that the company follows all the laws and regulations regarding product labeling, packaging, and other marketing requirements.

allotting sufficient budget for equipment, training, and other means of assuring quality.

Instructor Explanation: See Chapter 1, page 30.

Points Received: 5 of 5


Question 10. Question : (TCO 1) The value perspective of quality is most important at the _____ stage in the creation and delivery of goods and services.

Student Answer: manufacturing




Instructor Explanation: See Chapter 1, page 10, Figure 1.1.

1. Question : (TCO 1) The core management principles of TQM focus on the customer, teamwork, and what else?

Question 2. Question : (TCO 2) How do leading CEOs and academia define a TQM

Week 3 Course Project> Best Practices

Ishikawa Research Paper


This project involves researching and writing a short biography on Dr. Kaoru Ishikawa. Our text addresses many of the areas in the management and control of quality and provides a great amount of information on a number of different quality concepts. However, the authors only mention Dr. Ishikawa in passing. Just who is Kaoru Ishikawa? Prepare a 1,000-word biographical paper on Ishikawa, describing his contributions to quality. You should not limit your research to online materials. Two of his books are excellent sources: (1) What Is Total Quality Control: The Japanese Way(1985) and (2) Guide to Quality Control (1976). Submit the completed paper to your Dropbox.

You will research this person’s life and work to determine the impacts that he has had in the world. You will define the quality leader’s significant contributions to modern quality practices in terms of major impacts in a specific organization. The project will enable you to understand

Ishikawa's key ideas;
how Ishikawa has influenced quality practices throughout the world;
how his ideas fit into total quality management; and
the implications of Ishikawa's ideas for the future of quality.
The project will require sustained research effort until the paper is submitted. You are encouraged to begin work on the project during Week 1 and be prepared to submit the required project deliverables by the end of Week 3. A basic APA tutorial can be found in the Webliography, and a paper template can be found in Doc Sharing.


The paper will be a short biography on Kaoru Ishikawa. It will adhere to the grading specifications as described below. The student will submit a paper of at least 1,000 words, not including the title page and references, by the end of class Week 3. This paper is worth 80 points. The student will use at least two sources plus the course textbook for a minimum of three references. All references are to be from academic journals, professional or academic textbooks, authored websites, or standard business publications, such as The Wall Street Journal. Not more that 15% of the content can be taken directly from all sources. This means if Tunitin is used, then the similarity index must be 15% or lower. The final score will be reduced by one point for each percentage point over 15%.

NOTE: Wikipedia and unauthored websites are not acceptable sources. Do not use these types of sources, otherwise you will lose points.

The format of the paper should conform to the Publication Manual for the American Psychological Association (APA), 6th edition, for the title page, text, citations, references, and so forth. A basic APA tutorial can be found in the Webliography, and a template for the paper can be found in Doc Sharing. Completed papers will be submitted to your Dropbox as MS Word documents. All graphics will be a part of the Word document and submitted as a file. Documents authored in other applications, such as WordPerfect or MS Works, will not be accepted.

This project is to be accomplished individually and will reflect the work of each student. All DeVry University policies are in effect, including the plagiarism policy. Late papers will not be accepted without prior permission.

See the Syllabus section "Due Dates for Assignments & Exams" for due date information.

Grading Rubrics

Ishikawa Research Paper Grading Rubric—also available in the Doc Sharing section (Ishikawa Research Paper Assessment):

Content and Organization (64%)   Points Possible Points Earned   Comments
All key elements of the assignment are covered in a substantive way.

Primary work and significant accomplishments
Sources and references
The content is comprehensive, accurate, or persuasive. The paper develops a central theme or idea directed toward the appropriate audience.          8                     
The paper links theory to relevant examples of current experience and industry practice and uses the vocabulary of the theory correctly.      8                     
The content addresses key questions.

What ideas form the core of Ishikawa’s approach?
What are the implications of his ideas for the future of TQM?
The primary work and significant accomplishments provide sufficient background on each topic.          8           
The conclusion is logical, flows from the body of the paper, and reviews the major points.         8                     
Total          48                   
Readability and Style (19%)          Points Possible Points Earned   Comments
Paragraph transitions are present and logical and maintain the flow throughout the paper.

The tone is appropriate to the content and assignment.      3                     
Sentences are complete, clear, and concise.           3                     
Sentences are well constructed, with consistently strong, varied sentences.           3                     
Sentence transitions are present and maintain the flow of thought.            3                     
Total          16                   
Mechanics (19%)   Points Possible Points Earned   Comments
The paper, including the title page, reference page, tables, and appendices, follow APA guidelines for format.   3             
Citations of original works within the body of the paper follow APA guidelines.  4                     
The paper is laid out with effective use of headings, font styles, and white space.            3                     
Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed.  3                     
Spelling is correct. 3                     
Total          16                   
Total (100%)         Points Possible Points Earned   Comments
Best Practices

The following are the best practices in preparing this paper. Sample papers, using APA format, are located in Doc Sharing. Other useful information has also been provided there, including an APA paper template.

Cover page: Include the person you prepared the paper for, who prepared it, and the date.
Introduction: In APA format, the introduction is understood to be the first content of your work; thus, it does NOT require a title.
The purpose of an introduction or opening is to do the following.

Body of your work: Include titles to identify different areas that you address. State the main ideas, major points in each idea, and supporting information. Break down each main idea you will use in the body of your paper. Show some type of division, such as separate sections that are labeled, separate groups of paragraphs, or headers. You would include the information you found during your research and investigation.
Summary and conclusion: Summarizing is similar to paraphrasing, but it presents the gist of the material in fewer words than the original. An effective summary identifies the main ideas and major support points from the body of your report. Minor details are left out.
Apply a three-step process of writing: plan, write, and complete.
Prepare an outline of your research paper before you go forward.
Complete a first draft, and then go back to edit, evaluate, and make any changes required.
Use visual communication if it will help clarify and support your work. Any material that can be removed and not affect the clarity of your work is essentially filler and should be avoided. Fillerdistracts from the flow of your work and will most likely cause you to lose points.
References: APA-formatted references are required for this assignment.
A possible topic outline of the paper is provided below.

Cover Page
Overview of the paper
Purpose and importance of the effort
Personal background and life history (education, family life, living situations, etc.)
Primary work and significant accomplishments
Summary of his philosophy
Summary of what he was focused on accomplishing in terms of quality
Reviews and highlights of his books, articles, and manuscripts
Detailed description of his key ideas, concepts, and quality approach
Description of results he achieved personally from his life work
Summary of his influence on quality and total quality management (TQM)
Summarize the key points of your paper.

Week 7 Course Project> Best Practices
Fujiyama Electronics Case Study


This case study looks at the behavior of a circuit board process through the use of control charts. At least two control charts will need to be constructed, and from them, you will be asked to provide an assessment of what you see. A template to facilitate the construction of the control charts has been provided in Doc Sharing You are not required to use this template; however, it will greatly facilitate the solution.

Problem Statement

Fujiyama Electronics Inc. has had difficulties with circuit boards purchased from an outside supplier. Unacceptable variability occurs between two drilled holes that are supposed to be 5 cm apart on the circuit boards. Thirty samples of four boards each were taken from shipments from the supplier. The data obtained can be found on a worksheet in Doc Sharing titled Fujiyama Electronics Sample Data or can be obtained by clicking


The student will submit the completed case study in a Word document to the Dropbox by the end of class Week 7. The paper is worth 80 points.

The students will complete and answer the following questions.

Calculate X-bar-bar, R-bar, and associated control limits using the data in the table above.
Create x? and R (average and range) control charts from the data in the table above.
Discuss notable out-of-control conditions displayed in the completed x? and R (average and range) control charts. Only consider points outside the control limits. Do not consider runs, set of points within certain zones, and so forth.
If the conditions you note could be defined as assignable conditions, and they are removed from the process, then what will happen to the X-bar and R control chart?
Remove the data related to the out-of-control points you observed from the original data, and recalculate new X-bar-bar, R-bar, and associated control limits.
Create new X-bar and R (average and range) control charts from your updated data.
Discuss how the two sets of control charts are different. What has changed?
The format of the case study should conform to the Publication Manualfor the American Psychological Association (APA), 6th edition, for the title page and text. Citations and references are not required. A basic APA tutorial can be found in the Webliography, and a paper template can be found in Doc Sharing. The completed case study will be submitted to your Dropbox as an MS Word document. All graphics and charts will be a part of the Word document and submitted as a file. Documents authored in other applications, such as WordPerfect or MS Works, will not be accepted.

This project is to be accomplished individually, and it will reflect the work of each student. All DeVry University policies are in effect, including the plagiarism policy. Late papers will not be accepted without prior permission.

See the Syllabus section "Due Dates for Assignments & Exams" for due date information.

Grading Rubrics

Fujiyama Electronics Case Study Grading Rubric—also available in the Doc Sharing section (Fujiyama Electronics Case Study Assessment):

First Control Chart (40%)  Points Possible Points Earned   Comments
All calculations are correct.           10                   
X-bar and R-charts are presented and correct.       10                   
All conditions of importance are discussed.          12                   
Total          48                   
Second Control Chart (40%)          Points Possible Points Earned   Comments
All calculations are correct.           10                   
X-bar and R-charts are presented and correct.       10                   
Differences between the two sets of control charts are thoroughly discussed.       12                   
Total          32                   
Mechanics (20%)   Points Possible Points Earned   Comments
The paper, including the title page, follows APA guidelines for format (references and citations not required).   4             
Sentences are complete, clear, and concise.           4                     
The paper is laid out with effective use of headings, font styles, and white space.            4                     
Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed.  4                     
Spelling is correct. 2                     
Total          16                   
Total (100%)         Points Possible Points Earned   Comments
Best Practices

The following are the best practices in preparing this paper. Sample papers, using APA format, are located in Doc Sharing. Other useful information has also been provided there, including an APA paper template.

Cover page: Include the person you prepared the paper for, who prepared it, and the date.
Body of your work: Include titles to identify different areas that you address. State the main ideas, major points in each idea, and supporting information. Break down each main idea you will use in the body of your paper. Show some types of division, like separate sections that are labeled, separate groups of paragraphs, or headers. You would include the information you found during your research and investigation.
Summary and conclusion: Summarizing is similar to paraphrasing, but it presents the gist of the material in fewer words than the original. An effective summary identifies the main ideas and major support points from the body of your report.
Additional hints on preparing the best possible project include the following.

References: APA-formatted references are required for this assignment.

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