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 SBE310 full course latest   all discussions , all you decide full course proj and final

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 SBE310 Week 1 Discussion DQ1 & DQ 2 Latest  
DQ 1
Entrepreneurship (graded)
What do entrepreneurs do that distinguishes them from any other person involved in business? Why is it that personality characteristics may be good predictors of who will be a successful entrepreneur?
DQ 2
Entrepreneurial Passion (graded)
Think of an activity that you love to do; it could be a personal interest or a hobby. How could you turn your passion for this activity into a business? What questions would you have to answer before you took this step? What triggering events in your personal life would it take for you to start this business?

 SBE310 Week 2 Discussion DQ1 & DQ 2 Latest 2016 Jan.
DQ 1
Social Responsibility and Stonyfield Farm (graded)
After watching the video on Stonyfield Farm answer this question: “The responsible thing to do is to identify and examine every potential for doing good and make some kind of investment there.” How has the company’s CEO set about to improve his company according to these words, and what remains to be done?
DQ 2
Investor Decisions (graded)
You are an investor in small businesses, and you have three business plans on your desk. Choose one of the potential business owners listed. Explain why you think that would be the best bet for an investment.

1. A recent college grad, full of energy and ideas, but short on expertise.
2. A middle-management corporate refugee desiring a business of her own after frustration with bureaucratic red tape.
3. A serial entrepreneur who has previously started seven businesses (three of which were huge successes, whereas four failed, losing entire investments).

 SBE310 Week 3 Discussion DQ1 & DQ 2 Latest 2016 Jan.
DQ 1
Finagle a Bagel (graded)
After watching the Finagle a Bagel video, answer the questions below.

1. What financial issues has growth created for Finagle a Bagel?
2. What does Alan mean when he says that the restaurant business is a great top-line business?
3. What does that have to do with the bottom line?
DQ 2
The Role of Angel Investors (graded)
After reading the introductory lecture notes regarding angel investors, describe how an angel investor could assist in the financing of an upstart company.

 SBE310 Week 4 Discussion DQ1 & DQ 2 Latest 2016 Jan.
DQ 1
Franchising (graded)
Explain how a franchise could be considered a partnership. What makes a franchise agreement simpler than a partnership that you would start with another individual?
DQ 2
Sideline Business (graded)
Many entrepreneurs test the waters of a market by starting a sideline business. What are the advantages and disadvantages of selling items on Internet auctions, such as eBay?

 SBE310 Week 5 Discussion DQ1 & DQ 2 Latest 2016 Jan.
DQ 1
Market Segmentation (graded)
Segmentation is the process of breaking a population down into smaller groups and marketing to it. Is it possible for a small business to oversegment its market? How might that be dangerous?
DQ 2
Single Product Development Risks (graded)
Many small businesses are built around one product. What risks does this approach impose? How can small business owners minimize those risks?

 SBE310 Week 6 Discussion DQ1 & DQ 2 Latest 2016 Jan.
DQ 1
Location Analysis (graded)
Why should the small business owner consider the demographics of an area when choosing a location for opening a new business? Name some sources of demographic information that are valuable tools to use in this evaluation.
DQ 2
Pricing Strategy (graded)
What strategies should be considered if a small business is setting prices for a product that is to be exported? How are these strategies different from those used in a domestic market?

 SBE310 Week 7 Discussion DQ1 & DQ 2 Latest 2016 Jan.
DQ 1
Hiring Friends (graded)
As a young entrepreneur, you may soon be in the position of hiring one or more of your college friends in your own business. What are the advantages of hiring your friends? What are the potential pitfalls?
DQ 2
Operations Management at Various Company (graded)
After watching the video on operation management, answer these questions: 

1. How has Finagle A Bagel used customization in its design decisions as a means of distinguishing its service and products?
2. What is materials requirement planning, and how can an organization use it to create its product?

Assignment and Course project

 SBE310 All Week Course Project Latest 2016 Jan.
Course Project> Part 3: Entrepreneur Research Paper
Entrepreneur Research Project
This course project includes interviewing an entrepreneur. Parts 1 and 2 require using the same interview. You may also use the same entrepreneur for Part 3 of this assignment.
Part 1: Entrepreneur Interview Paper
Locate a local entrepreneur to interview and write a reflection paper on your chosen person. You are required to submit a one-page biography of your entrepreneur in Week 3 that is worth 20 points. It is important: Be sure to start this assignment as soon as possible to insure that you find a suitable entrepreneur.
The purpose of this paper is to interview a local entrepreneur in order to develop insights into the world of entrepreneurship. At the end of the process, you will need to take the information and reflect upon the challenges and the rewards of being an entrepreneur.
  • What type of person becomes this type of risk taker?
  • What challenges did he or she face and overcome?
  • What failures did this person have?
  • How many companies has he or she started?
  • How successful is he or she?
  • Why is this person successful?
  • Why did he or she become an entrepreneur?
  • What is this person's measure of success?
  • What did you learn about entrepreneurship from this interview?
This paper should focus on these types of questions but should not be limited to just the ones listed above. Get creative and get into the idea that you need to learn from this person so that you can better understand the challenges this business choice offers.
  • The biography paper must be no more than one page; you will turn this into the dropbox at the end of Week 3.
  • You must follow APA formatting guidelines.
  • Although this is not a scientific-type writing assignment and is mostly creative in nature, references are still very important. You must reference your interviewee. Be sure to look up how to cite an interview in APA style.
  • All DeVry University policies are in effect, including the plagiarism policy.
  • Any questions about this paper may be discussed in the weekly Q & A discussion topic.
  • During Weeks 1 through 3, select a person and conduct an interview. Decide who you are going to interview for the project, make arrangements for the interview, and conduct the interview.
  • In Week 3, submit an entrepreneur biography. In Week 3, you are required to submit a one-page biography in the dropbox.
Frequently Asked Questions
  1. I do not know anyone who is an entrepreneur or owns a small business. What do I do?
Find someone who owns a business (or who has owned a business in the past) in any industry, anywhere. You may have to get on the phone and make some calls. Tell him or her you are a college student and need approximately 30 minutes of his or her time. People are almost always happy to help a student. Have a backup in case your first choice for an interview has a conflict at the last minute. Conflicts and conciliation can happen, so it is best to be prepared.
  1. Do I have to do an interview?
Yes, a personal or phone interview with another person is required. Full contact information for the source should be provided in your paper for verification purposes.
  1. I do this work for my company, can I just talk about my experience?
No, see question 2 above.
  1. How do I cite a personal interview as a source reference?
See the APA Tutorial in the course Syllabus.
Grading Rubric:
Background Information
Ensure that you have a complete background of your entrepreneur. Key elements include company name, start date of company, key historic moments in company, and basic information on entrepreneur.
Grammar and Spelling
Insure your paper is well written. Grammar, spelling, and punctuation should be correct.
Organization and Cohesiveness
The paper is organized, and it tells the story of the entrepreneur. Writing is at the college level.
A quality paper will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.
Part 2: Entrepreneur Reflection Paper
Expand upon the entrepreneur interview, and write a reflection paper on your chosen person. The entrepreneur reflection paper is worth 150 points and is due in Week 5. The purpose of this paper is to take the information from the interview and reflect upon the challenges and rewards of being an entrepreneur.
  • The paper must be 4 - 5 pages in length.
  • You must follow APA formatting.
  • Include a table of contents.
  • Even though this is not a scientific-type writing assignment and is mostly creative in nature, references are still very important. You must reference your interviewee. Be sure to look up how to cite an interview in APA style.
  • All DeVry University policies are in effect including the plagiarism policy.
  • Papers are due during Week 5 of this course and should be submitted to the dropbox.
  • Any questions about this paper may be discussed in the weekly Q & A discussion topic.
  • This paper is worth 150 total points and will be graded on quality of research topic, quality of paper information, use of citations, grammar, and sentence structure.
  • During Week 5, write and submit your entrepreneur reflection paper. In Week 5, you will finish writing your paper (see next section). For APA format guidelines, please refer to the APA Tutorial in the Syllabus. Insure that the body of your paper, excluding cover page and sources, exceeds the minimum and that all of the assignment requirements have been met.
Best Practices
  • Cover Page:Include who you prepared the paper for, who prepared it, and the date.
  • Table of Contents:List the main ideas and section of your paper and the pages where they are located. The illustrations should be included separately.
  • Introduction:Use a header on your paper. It will indicate that you are introducing your paper.
The purpose of an introduction or opening is to
  • introduce the subject and why the subject is important;
  • preview the main ideas and the order in which they will be covered; and
  • establish the tone of the document.
Include in the introduction a reason for the audience to read the paper. Also, include an overview of what you are going to cover in your paper and the importance of the material. (This should include or introduce the questions you are asked to answer on each assignment.)
  • Body of Your Report:Use a header titled with the name of your project (e.g., “The Development of Hotel X - A World Class Resort”). Then proceed to break out the main ideas: state the main ideas, state major points in each idea, and provide evidence. Break out each main idea you will use in the body of your paper. Show some type of division such as separate sections that are labeled, separate group of paragraphs, or headers. You would include the information you found during your research and investigation.
  • Summary and Conclusion:Summarizing is similar to paraphrasing, but summarizing presents the gist of the material in fewer words than the original. An effective summary identifies the main ideas and major support points from the body of your report; minor details are left out. Summarize the benefits of the ideas and how they affect the tourism industry.
  • Work Cited: Use the citation format as specified in the Syllabus.
Grading Rubric:
What insights have you gained from your interview? What did you learn from your entrepreneur?
How did you interpret the message from the entrepreneur with what you have learned so far in class? (How would you apply theories reviewed in class?) How was the information analyzed? What was the message of your interview?
Overall Organization
Was the paper organized, and did it tell the story of the entrepreneur and your findings? The overall paper should be cohesive and tell a story. How complete was the paper?
A quality paper will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.
Part 3: Entrepreneur Research Paper
You will write an extensive research paper on an entrepreneurship failure. As you may be aware, 80% of all small businesses fail within the first five years (50% in the first year). Your research paper must answer the following question: Why does this failure happen, and how can it be avoided? You will need to research a small business or use your entrepreneur that you interviewed to learn about failure. The paper will have three sections.
  • Failure Introduction: Your first 2 pages should be a background of the failed business. What was the business? Who were their competitors? What was their mission or business vision? When did the business start and then fail?
  • Reason for Failure: This section (2 pages) requires your insights and will be a large part of your grade. You must describe why the business failed. There are many reasons small companies fail, and you should do some basic research (hint – some scholarly research is required here) to determine the common causes and then compare this research to your company.
  • Your Analysis: The last section (2 pages) should be what could have been done, in your opinion and based on the knowledge you received in class (another hint – more scholarly research could be used here), to avert the failure. Could the entrepreneur have planned better? Was the idea sound but the implementation poor? Simply put, as the observer after the fact, how could this business have survived?
It is important: Do not write 5 pages on the company and save the last page for the reason and analysis. Please use the guidelines above to ensure that you maximize your effort on this project.
Remember, the point of this research project is for you toevaluatea failure, determine the causes of the failure, and introduce a way the failure could have been averted. This project will give you some insight for your own potential business idea and help you avoid some of the mistakes others have made. As stated above, failure is common in small business; conduct some solid research on this project to identify the risks, so you can create mitigation techniques to increase your chances of success when you venture out with your plan!
  • Papers must be 6 - 8 pages in length. (There would be roughly one page per area included in the report.)
  • You must follow APA formatting guidelines. Appropriate citations are required.
  • Include a table of contents.
  • Even though this is not a scientific-type writing assignment and is mostly creative in nature, references are still very important. You must have at least 4 scholarly references. (For more information, please view research information below.)
  • All DeVry University policies are in effect including the plagiarism policy.
  • Papers are due Week 7.
  • Any questions about this paper may be discussed in the weekly Q & A discussion topic.
  • This paper is worth 200 total points and will be graded on quality of research topic, quality of paper information, use of citations, grammar, and sentence structure.
Research Information
Note that you will conduct online research using scholarly resources, which can be found in the DeVry Online Library (available under Course Home) and online research sources such as Google. Locate at least 4 scholarly articles that discuss the failures in small business for inclusion as sources in your paper. What are current trends in this business (or in the overall industry of which this business is a member) that might impact customer service, customer satisfaction, or customer loyalty positively or negatively?
  • In Weeks 1 through 3 you determined the failure you will research and decided what business failure you planned to research.
  • In Weeks 3 through 5, you researched and analyzed failure.
  • During Weeks 6 and 7, write and submit your entrepreneur reflection paper. Finish writing your paper. For APA format guidance, please refer to the APA Tutorial in the syllabus. Ensure that the body of your paper, excluding cover page and sources, exceeds the minimum page requirement, and that all of the assignment requirements have been met. Then, submit your paper.
Best Practices
  • Cover Page:Include who you prepared the paper for, who prepared it, and the date.
  • Table of Contents:List the main ideas and section of your paper and the pages where they are located. The illustrations should be included separately.
  • Introduction:Use a header on your paper. It will indicate that you are introducing your paper.
The purpose of an introduction or opening is to
  • introduce the subject and why the subject is important;
  • preview the main ideas and the order in which they will be covered; and
  • establish the tone of the document.
Include in the introduction a reason for the audience to read the paper. Also, include an overview of what you are going to cover in your paper and the importance of the material. (This should include or introduce the questions you are asked to answer on each assignment.)
  • Body of Your Report:Use a header titled with the name of your project (e.g., “The Development of Hotel X - A World Class Resort”). Then proceed to break out the main ideas: state the main ideas, state major points in each idea, and provide evidence. Break out each main idea you will use in the body of your paper. Show some type of division such as separate sections that are labeled, separate group of paragraphs, or headers. You would include the information you found during your research and investigation.
  • Summary and Conclusion:Summarizing is similar to paraphrasing, but summarizing presents the gist of the material in fewer words than the original. An effective summary identifies the main ideas and major support points from the body of your report; minor details are left out. Summarize the benefits of the ideas and how they affect the tourism industry.
  • Work Cited: Use the citation format as specified in the Syllabus.
Grading Rubric:
The introduction (2 pages) describes the business in detail. Start and failure dates, industry background, company idea and target customers all are elements that must be included. Additionally, any information about the founder and overall finance (if available) should be included.
The analysis is the core of the project (2-3 pages). You must determine why the failure occurred. You must have some research about general reasons of entrepreneurial failure as your base understanding and incorporate research in the analysis of the business failure.
Your recommendations must demonstrate a thorough understanding of your business's failure and create credible remedies to solve the problem (2-3 pages). For example, if your company lacks capital, simply stating that the company needed more money is not enough. How would you raise that money? Perhaps the business plan was not developed properly, or no plan was created at all, and the idea and sales projections were unrealistic. In other words, your analysis and research must be specific and detailed.
Organization and Cohesiveness
Insure that the paper follows the guidelines listed above and the information is presented in an organized manner.
Grammar and Spelling
Grammar and spelling must be at college level.
A quality paper will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.
Devry SBE310 Week 6 You Decide Latest 2016 Jan.
You Decide> Grading Rubric
Scenario Summary
As outlined in the lecture this week, an incubator is a large firm that nurtures many companies and invests in business ideas. Incubators provide support in many ways and you would like to submit your idea to Rollins Incubator, Inc. in order to benefit from their management and financial support.
Your Assignment
You are an entrepreneur that wants to be funded by Rollins Incubator, Inc. You have an outstanding idea that needs funding and you feel that bringing your idea to an incubator would increase your chances of success.
You have contacted Janet Rodgers, the Vice President of Business Development of Rollins Incubator, Inc., and she told you that you will have 5 minutes with the Michael Rollins, the CEO of Rollins Incubator, Inc.
Key Players
You Decide
ScenarioYour RoleKey PlayersAssignment
As outlined in the lecture this week, an incubator is a large firm that nurtures many companies and invests in business ideas. Incubators provide support in many ways and you would like to submit your idea to Rollins Incubator, Inc. in order to benefit from their management and financial support.
Your Role
You are an entrepreneur that wants to be funded by Rollins Incubator, Inc. You have an outstanding idea that needs funding and you feel that bringing your idea to an incubator would increase your chances of success. You have contacted the Janet Rodgers, Vice President of Business Development of Rollins Incubator, Inc., and she told you that you will have 5 minutes with the Michael Rollins, the CEO of Rollins Incubator, Inc.
Key Players
Janet RodgersVP Business Development Rollins Incubator, Inc.Michael RollinsCEO Rollins Incubator, Inc.
Given the scenario, your role and the information provided by the key players involved, it is time for you to make a decision. If you are finished reviewing this scenario, close this window and return to this Week's You Decide tab, in eCollege, to complete the activity for this scenario. You can return and review this scenario again at any time.
Activity or Assignment
Develop a 12-slide PowerPoint presentation to pitch your idea to Mr. Rollins. Your slideshow must be succinct, compelling, and should include the following elements.
  1. Slide 1: State your company name and motto, with a tagline and a date.
  2. Slide 2: Review business proposition, what will your business create?
  3. Slide 4: Share your objective, how much money do you need, and why you are here?
  4. Slide 3: Review technology platforms you intend to use.
  5. Slide 5: Provide current market review; detail the market; how big is the market?
  6. Slide 6: Provide forecast for current market.
  7. Slide 7: Market competition, who do you sell the product to and how big is that market?
  8. Slide 8: Review business model drivers, what makes you unique from the competition?
  9. Slide 9: Review potential risks.
  10. Slide 10: Review the management team with whom you will partner, including yourself.
  11. Slide 11: Financials; basic revenues and costs, and profits in a 3 to 5 year term.
  12. Slide 12: Amount of money needed to fund your idea, with a basic breakdown of where the money will go.
Be sure to use the Notes section of the PowerPoint to highlight your presentation information. Keep these notes succinct as well.
Grading Rubric
Demonstrate a strong substantiation of your idea. Demonstrate understanding of how the course concepts apply to the idea. Be sure to include the basic concepts and criteria required by the CEO. Your idea must be compelling and creative.
Develop high-level concepts and outline for your idea. Be sure to include all the elements required when presenting a business plan. The elements and slides that are required have been presented to you in the You Decide audio section, be sure to listen carefully, so you will be able to create your slides effectively. Ensure that you utilize the Notes section to outline any specifics you would talk about in your presentation.
Make sure your slideshow is clear and succinct using strong organization and proper grammar. Use citations correctly. There will be an automatic 10-point deduction for any presentation over 12 slides.
A quality slideshow will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.
Devry SBE310 Week 3 You Decide Latest 2016 Jan
You Decide> Grading Rubric
Scenario, Your Role, Key Players
You Decide
ScenarioYour RoleKey PlayersAssignment
In this scenario, you are the Vice President for Johnson Angel Investments, LLC and assistant to an angel investor, Joe Johnson, CEO Johnson Angel Investments, LLC. Joe Johnson made his fortune in the Internet space. He was an executive for a company that went public and he cashed in his options and is now worth over $100 million.
Your Role
You are the Vice President for Johnson Angel Investments, LLC. You have been hired by Mr. Johnson to help select investments and determine viability of business ideas.
Key Players
Ms. Samantha SmithCFO Johnson Angel Investments, LLC.Mr. Joe JohnsonCEO Johnson Angel Investments, LLC.
Given the scenario, your role and the information provided by the key players involved, it is time for you to make a decision. If you are finished reviewing this scenario, close this window and return to this Week's You Decide tab, in eCollege, to complete the activity for this scenario. You can return and review this scenario again at any time.
Assignment or Assignment
Create investment criteria for Mr. Johnson that will outline what his company will be willing to evaluate for investing. The criteria will be created by you, which will be posted on the website to be seen by entrepreneurs.
Here are some examples of criteria, but not limited to the following.
  • Development Stage:What stage does your investor prefer (concept, idea, break-even)?
  • Geographic Location:Location the investor prefers.
  • Industry:The industry your investor prefers.
  • Revenue:Outline the level of profit you want the company to show.
  • Return on Investor (ROI) Desired:The amount of ROI you desire.
  • Technology Focus:The focus of the entrepreneurs' technology (i.e., biomedical, Internet, etc.).
  • Management:Level of experience you desire from the management team.
  • Sustainable Competitive Advantage:A demonstration of the competitive advantage.
  • Exit Strategy:The exit strategy your investor prefers.
  • Size of Market:The size of the marketplace that you prefer.
  • Size of Investment:The range of the investment your investor is willing to disperse.
  • Proof of Concept:A list of sales and a prototype required.
Your proposal should be 2-3 pages in length with a detailed list of your criteria and explanations for the criteria.
Grading Rubric
Demonstrate a strong grasp of the problem. Demonstrate understanding of how the course concepts apply to the problem. Be sure to include the basic concepts and criteria required by the owner and CFO. Show creativity with the assignment and outline interesting ways to create the proposal.
Develop a detailed outline of your criteria. Provide details on angel investor requirements. A simple list of the criteria will not work. A demonstration of research outside of the course work will be evaluated; did you find criteria that is not explained in the details?
Write your answer clearly and succinctly using strong organization and proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Follow APA formatting standards.
A quality paper will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.

final exam

Question 1.1. (TCO 1) Approximately what percentage of businesses have a payroll with fewer than 500 people?
(Points : 5)
Question 2.2. (TCO 1) The impact downsizing has on small business is which of the following?
(Points : 5)
No labor force to work in small businesses
Opportunity to perform the work large businesses no longer perform
An availability of workers with no skills
Lack of financial backing for small businesses
Question 3.3. (TCO 1) The most common cause of business failure is _____.
(Points : 5)
choosing the wrong type of business ownership
starting a business that is too large
lack of marketing expertise by the small business owner
inadequate management and financing
Question 4.4. (TCO 1) Entrepreneurship primarily involves which phase of business?
(Points : 5)
The startup process
Hiring of key employees
Maintaining a positive cash flow
Building and maintaining a sufficient customer base
Question 5.5. (TCO 1) The single biggest disadvantage of sole proprietorships is which of the following?
(Points : 5)
Limited resources
Limited skills
Unlimited liability
Double taxation
Question 6.6. (TCO 4) The best time for a small business to get a lawyer is _____.
(Points : 5)
when the business is in trouble
during court hearings
when writing the business plan
while the business is still an idea
Question 7.7. (TCO 4) Which one below is NOT a pricing strategy discussed in our course? (Points : 5)
Price skimming
Promotional pricing
Penetration price
Prestige pricing
Question 8.8. (TCO 4) Peter Drucker stated that businesses have _____ basic functions.
(Points : 5)
Question 9.9. (TCO 4) Product refers to which of the following?
(Points : 5)
Tangible goods only
Tangible services only
Tangible goods, intangible services, or a combination of both
Intangible services only
Question 10.10. (TCO 4) A small business owner should begin the site selection process by asking which of the following questions?
(Points : 5)
What region would be best?
What state within the region would be best?
What city within that region would be best?
What specific site within that city will work for the business?
Question 11.11. (TCO 4) A long-term agreement to rent a building, equipment, or other assets is known as a _____. (Points : 5)
rental contract
legally liable contract
business contract
Question 12.12. (TCO 4) Consumers typically do not want the cheapest product available; they want the _____. (Points : 5)
best product for the highest price
most reasonable product at the highest price
most reasonable product at the lowest price
best product for the most reasonable price
Question 13.13. (TCO 4) The point at which total cost equals total revenue and the business is neither making or losing money is known as the _______.
(Points : 5)
Profit area
Loss area
Breakeven point
Profit point
Question 14.14. (TCO 2) Through the franchise agreement, the _____ gains the benefit of the parent company's expertise, experience, management systems, marketing, and financial help.
(Points : 5)
Question 15.15. (TCO 2) Adequate cash flow can be especially critical if the business is a _____.
(Points : 5)
manufacturing business
service business
seasonal or cyclical business
healthcare business
Question 16.16. (TCO 2) Which of the following is not included in the marketing plan section of the business plan?
(Points : 5)
How sales forecasts will be reached
Marketing objectives
Identification of potential markets
Cash flow statements
Question 17.17. (TCO 3) When analyzing financial statements, remember that profits can be increased and expenses can be decreased to make the records look better _____.
(Points : 5)
in the short run
in the long run
for tax purposes
for bank audits
Question 18.18. (TCO 3) No matter what type of business a person is starting, one of the most important resources is _____. (Points : 5)
low rental rates
high wages
Question 19.19. (TCO 3) Most Inc. 500 companies receive more than half of their revenue from _____.
(Points : 5)
their local areas
their regional areas
outside their home regions and internationally
within 100 miles of their businesses
Question 20.20. (TCO 3) The stages that products in the marketplace go through are known as what?
(Points : 5)
The product life cycle
The product growth stages
The product timeline
The product opportunity stages
Question 21.21. (TCO 5) Organizing involves all but which of the following?
(Points : 5)
Assembling financial resources
Assembling human resources
Assembling materials
Assembling invoices
Question 22.22. (TCO 5) Job analysis will _____. (Points : 5)
identify the tasks needed to implement your business plan
identify the human capital needed to implement your business plan
identify the skills needed to implement your business plan
None of the above
Question 23.23. (TCO 5) Which percentage of major U.S. employers offer some form of child care assistance?
(Points : 5)
Question 24.24. (TCO 6) Inputs, transformation processes, outputs, control systems, and feedback are the five basic elements of what?
(Points : 5)
Human resource management
Transformation management
Operations management
Time management
Question 25.25. (TCO 6) Information that shows the steps required to produce a product is called which of the following?
(Points : 5)
Question 26.26. (TCO 7) An account number of 13 would represent which of the following accounts?
(Points : 5)
Accounts payable
Accrued taxes
Insurance expense
Accounts receivable
Question 27.27. (TCO 7) Assets that will be converted into cash within 1 year are called _____.
(Points : 5)
short-term assets
long-term assets
capital assets
financial assets
Question 28.28. (TCO 8) In our lecture, we discussed the difference in the missions of today’s companies. The mission of a company in the 21st century is to maximize shareholder _____. (Points : 5)
None of the above
Question 29.29. (TCO 9) The obligation of business to maximize the positive impact it has on society while minimizing the negative impact is called what?
(Points : 5)
Moral obligation
Business responsibility
Business ethics
Social responsibility
Question 30.30. (TCO 9) A long-term planning tool used for viewing a business and the environments in which it operates in the broadest terms is _____.
(Points : 5)
strategic planning
intermediate planning
short-term planning
strategic alternatives
Page 2
Question 1. 1. (TCO 1) Compare and contrast a sole proprietorship, a partnership, and a corporation. Provide examples of where you would use each structure. (Points : 14)
Question 2. 2. (TCO 3) Analyze three areas that should be researched when deciding whether or not to purchase an existing business. Using examples, evaluate these three areas and their importance. (Points : 14)
Question 3. 3. (TCO 4) Compare and contrast economic order quantity and just in time as inventory control methods. Evaluate how these control methods can improve the financial position of a small business. (Points : 14)
Question 4. 4. (TCO 6) Compare and contrast Maslow's hierarchy of needs and Herzberg's motivation-hygiene theories. Relate the importance of each theory to a small business owner. (Points : 14)
Question 5. 5. (TCO 9) Analyze the four levels depicted in the pyramid of social responsibility. (Points : 14)

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