Friday 30 June 2017

A draft of five-seven pages, impeccably presented

A draft of five-seven pages, impeccably presented

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A draft of five-seven pages, impeccably presented with in-text citations and reference page. This is due in Week 6.
Course Project: Draft Paper
This week you are required to submit a draft of your paper. A “draft” does not imply sloppy, half-baked work–not at all. A draft is the most complete and impeccable presentation you can execute at this point in time. Drafts should be 5-7 pages, use at least 3 of your 5 academic resources, and be impeccably cited and formatted. End references are required, and APA (except for the cover page–not required) should be followed.
These are specific requirements for this paper and my following one which will be the last one. Please pay close attention to instructions as I have been loosing a lot of points:
Research Paper (WK6 Assignment – Draft & WK8 Assignment – Final Paper)
All of the assignments thus far have been in preparing you to write the research paper you will submit as your main Course Project.
As you prepare to submit your course projects Drafts, here are some tips and reminders that will help you do well:
• Writing should be in 3rd person and be objective. There should be no 1st person references to yourself (‘I believe’, ‘I think’, personal stories/anecdotes, etc.), neither should it speak directly to the reader (‘when you look at this you will see’, ‘you might think’, etc.). This is a formal research paper in which a thesis is stated and then the argument is backed up by the use of scholarly writings.
• Do not use passive language (‘it is known’, ‘it has been seen’, ‘history has shown’, etc.). There must be a real and specific subject carrying out the action, and if you are stating it, you should be able to prove it.
• Do not use broad stereotypes or platitudes (‘most people think’, ‘everyone knows’, ‘throughout history’, etc.). These are based on assumption and are usually un-documentable. Be specific in your writings.
• To avoid plagiarism, in-text citations are required for all references including those paraphrased. For direct quotes, quotation marks are also required. If you need help on citation of specific types of sources in the APA format, a quick google search of ‘APA Format’ will bring up the OWL Guide which is a fantastic reference.
• If you have trouble with spelling and/or grammar, be sure to leave enough time to have someone else help proofread your work for you. Spelling and grammar are worth 25 points (20% of possible points). This is an area where I loathe deducting points, but all too often have to simply because students have not paid attention to things like noun/verb agreement and tense.
• Papers may have no more than 30% similarity rate. Should your paper come in above that number, you may edit and resubmit as many times as you need to until the due date – you can see exactly what text is word for word on the Originality tab of TurnitIn. If anyone has questions about how this works, I have put a short guide in Doc Sharing that outlines how to use it. If you have read that and are still having trouble, please contact me as soon as possible so we can arrange a call and I can help.
• Please be sure to highlight your thesis with bold text.
• Do not include a cover page.
• Do not include your annotations. This information can be used, but needs to be incorporated into your argument logically and eloquently with good transitions rather than copied and pasted in the format you have already submitted.
• Note* – the length requirement for the draft is 5-7 pages and the requirement on the final paper is 9-10 pages. This is a structure set up by the school rather than me. Personally, I think it makes more sense to write the whole thing for the draft, receive feedback on it, and then edit as necessary, rather than trying to add 50% new material -after- feedback. You are more than welcome to submit the whole thing at the draft phase and then simply make appropriate edits for the final if you like.
Ideas/Content Draft Points Final Points
Ideas are strong and relevant to a Humanities paper. The thesis includes a clear statement of purpose and sensitively explores its subject matter. It is supported with effective, specific, and relevant details selected with a Humanities audience in mind. Body of the paper fulfills length requirements (5-7 for draft & 9-10 for final not including the Bibliography). 31.25 50
Organization 31.25 50
The paper offers a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. The writing is structured to enhance meaning. Transitions are used to move from point to point. Transitions provide logical sequence appropriate for the purpose. Each paragraph ends with an original statement that connects to the thesis. The paper is coherent, sensible, and flows satisfactorily.
Language 31.25 50
GRAMMAR/SPELLING/FLUENCY/WORD CHOICE – The paper reflects correctness of expression and has been edited for spelling, style, grammar, fragments, verb errors, and punctuation. Sentence structures vary and contain no major flaws such as run-on sentences. Sentences add interest and flow to text. There is strong control over simple and complex sentence structures. The language is rich, effective, natural, precise, and vivid. Words used to convey images are appropriate to the audience and purpose. Vocabulary is varied, specific, and accurate. It is appropriate for college-level writing.
Formatting 12.5 20
The paper is double-spaced and is in a 12-point Times Roman font. No title page included. No extra space included between paragraphs and standard margins are used.
References 18.75 30
There are a minimum of 5 academic sources. The Bibliography Page includes full citations, and in-text citations are included when material is used from a source. Sources do not exceed 30% of the content and are cited correctly (in-text, quotation marks where quote is direct and on the Bibliography page).

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