Friday 30 June 2017

G150 PHA15 Structures and Functions Module 11 Final

G150 PHA15 Structures and Functions Module 11 Final

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 1.This plane divides the body/organ into anterior and posterior sections?

 2.This plane divides the body/organ into superior and inferior sections

 3.Which term best describes the body maintaining a constant internal balance despite changes in the external environment?

 4.Physiology refers to the study of the body’s structure while anatomy refers to the study of the body’s function?

 5.The axilla region is medial compared to the nose?
  6.This type of organic compound is utilized as structural support to cell membranes, acts as a reservoir (storage) unit for energy, and is involved in the production of steroids?

 7.This type of organic compound is utilized in structural support of cells, in the production of enzymes and hormones and is a main component in the contractile units of a muscle cells?

 8.What is NOT true of atoms?

 9.This organelle is responsible for producing our body’s energy source, ATP?

 10.Where is our body’s DNA, genetic material, located?

 11.What is NOT true of the plasma (cell) membrane?              

 12.The processes of diffusion and osmosis require energy, ATP, for it to occur?
 13.Cells have to replicate, or make a copy of, its DNA prior to going through mitosis and dividing into two new cells?

 14. This type of tissue allows for allows for the transmission of electrical impulses that provide communication signals with the body?

 15.This type of tissues lines hollow organs, covers the outer surface of the skin and functions to provide protection or allow for absorption and secretion of substances?

 16.What statement is true of the skin?

 17.A permanent tattoo will have ink in which layer or layers of the skin?

 18.This type of skin cell is involved in regulating our overall skin tone and color?

 19.Blood cell production is a function of the skeletal system?

 20.A sarcomere stores calcium within the muscle cell?

 21.What is NOT true of the skeletal system?  

 22.Which type of joint has the most range of motion?

 23. Calcium is a vital component for muscle contraction to occur?

 24.What lower extremity bone is the arrow pointing to?

 25.What upper extremity bone is the arrow pointing to?

 26.What posterior arm muscle is the arrow pointing to?

 27.What lower extremity muscle is the arrow pointing to?

 28.What muscle is the arrow pointing to?
 29.This cerebral lobe of the brain is involved in our ability to see?

 30.This region of the brain is involved in coordinated movement of large muscle groups, posture, and balance?

 31.The sympathetic nervous system will cause an increase to the heart rate, respiration rate, and cause the pupils to dilate?

 32.What lobe of the cerebrum controls our consciousness, intelligence and conscious movement of muscles?

 33. A neurotransmitter is a chemical released from the soma (cell body) of the neuron?

 34.The spinal cord transmits information from the body to the brain only?
 35.This region of the brain controls primitive functions of the body such as, respiration rate, heart rate, sneezing, and coughing?

 36.Which hormone controls the body’s metabolism?

 37.Which endocrine gland secretes hormones that help the body adapt to stressful situations and release hormones that can reduce inflammation?

 38. The hormone insulin increases blood glucose (sugar) levels.

 39.What is not a characteristic of the eye?    

 40.The cones of the retina allow for color vision and are found concentrated in an area of the eye called the fovea centralis?

 41.The sense of taste and smell both involve the nervous system binding molecules to specialized hair cells in the mouth and nose?

 42.What endocrine gland secretes a hormone that increases the blood calcium levels?

 43.What blood vessel carries blood away from the heart out to the body and typically carries oxygenated blood?

 44. What blood vessel carries blood back to the heart?

 45.This type of blood vessel allows nutrient exchange between the blood vessel and body’s cells and tissues?

 46.Which heart chamber receives deoxygenated blood from the body?

 47.This heart chamber will pump oxygenated blood out to the body?
 48.The AV bundle, also called the pacemaker, assists in setting the heart rate of the heart?

 49.What type of blood cell assists in transporting oxygen throughout the body?

 50.What statement is true of type A+ blood type?

 51.What statement is NOT true about hemostasis?

 52.The myocardium of the heart contains the heart muscle that allows for muscle contraction?

 53.What is NOT a classic (or cardinal) sign of inflammation?

 54.When the immune system overreacts to a normal, non-harmful antigen as in the case of allergies, what type of immune disorder is this called?

When the immune system is weaken and cannot optimally perform is normal function, what type of immune disorder is this called?

 56.When a person contracts and gets a cold or infection, what type of immunity is this?
  57.Specific immunity is more effective when it has been previously been exposed to a specific bacteria or virus?

 58.The pancreas makes bile and stores in the gallbladder, which assists in the digestion of lipids (fat)?

 59.The majority of nutrient absorption occurs in what digestive organ?

 60.This nutrient is the primary source of energy (ATP) production for the body?

 61.The diaphragm and abdominal muscles are the main muscle that initiates the pulmonary respiration process to occur?

 62.Where does gas exchange occur within the respiratory system?

 63.What part of the nephron is involved in the glomerular filtration process of urine formation?

 64.The ureter transport urine from the bladder to the outside or external portion of the body?

 65.The stomach main function is to mechanical digest food into a substance called chyme?

 66. It is the inner layer of the vagina that is sloughed off during the uterine (menstrual) cycle?
 67.What organ will produce estrogen and progesterone in the female reproductive system?

 68.Fertilization of an egg typically occurs here (first answer), while implantation of a fertilized egg occurs here (second answer)?

 69.What is NOT true of the male reproductive system?

 70.What is not an obstacle sperm face within the female reproductive system?

 71. This structure acts as the in between structure between the mother’s blood and baby’s blood?       

 72.For an individual to express an autosomal dominant genetic disorder they will have to inherit both copies of mutated gene?

 73.Alleles of a gene can either be dominant or recessive?

 74.What is not a function of inflammation?

 75.What statement is NOT true of cellular respiration?

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