PHA15 S & F Module 1 Quiz
Module 1 Structure and Function Quiz
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1. What is the state
of balance in which the body’s internal environment (factors) remains within
normal ranges?
2. What is not a
component of a feedback loop?
3. A negative
feedback loop reverses or opposes the initial stimulus to return it back into
the set point range?
4. The dorsal cavity
contains which cavity or cavities?
5. The term that
represents a structure further away from the midline of the body when compared
to another structure is:
6. This plane divides
the body or section of the body into anterior and posterior portions?
7. Physiology is the
study of structure within the body while anatomy is the study of function?
8. Within the
anatomical position, the rib cage compared to the heart is:
9. Within the
anatomical position, the knee compared to the ankle is:
10. Body temperature,
along with the majority of factors within the body, are regulated by positive
feedback loops?
11. Chemical bonding
between two or more atoms is determined by the number of protons in an atom?
12. What answer is
NOT true regarding chemical bonds?
13. According to the
pH scale, a solution that has pH of 6.5 would be considered:
14. This type of
organic compound is the body’s main source of energy and are considered sugars?
15. This type of
organic compound is very diverse in its functions, which includes energy
storage, structural support and is considered to be fats?
16. This type of
organic compound is composed of amino acids and has vital functions in the body
such as functioning as enzymes.
17. ATP (adenosine
triphosphate), our body’s source of energy, is classified as this type of
organic compound?
18. This type of
chemical bond is the strongest due to it sharing electrons?
19. What term refers
to all of the chemical reactions that occur in the body?
20. What is NOT true
of an atom?
G150 PHA15 S & F Module 2 Quiz
Module 2 Structure and Function Quiz
1. What is NOT true
of the plasma membrane?
2. What organelle or
structure is the DNA, our genetic material, found within?
3. What organelle is
responsible for the production of the ATP, our body’s energy compound?
4. What statement is
true of cellular respiration?
5. Diffusion is the
movement of molecules from an area of low concentration to an area of high
6. What is NOT true
of osmosis?
7. Diffusion is a
form of active transport?
8. What is statement
is true of cells?
9. The body’s DNA
contains the “instructions” or code for cells to produce proteins?
10. Which phase of
the cell cycle does the cell divide into two new cells?
11. Muscle tissue is
categorized and divided into:
12. This type of
tissue has a key function of protection and absorption and is classified
according to the shape and layer of cells.
13. This type of
tissue is very diverse in the cellular type and typically contains a lot of
matrix space; it’s functions includes energy storage and structural support.
14. This type of
muscle tissue is striated in appearance, is under voluntary control and allows
for body movement?
15. This type of
tissue allows for the transmission of electrical impulses that provide
communication signals with the body?
16. When comparing
tissue types, it is important to examine and compare these characteristics?
17. What is NOT a
type of connective tissue?
18. The process of
fibrosis tissue repair occurs when damaged cells are replaced by new cells of
the same type?
19. This type of
connective tissue fiber provides structural support, resist stretch and are the
most abundant?
20. Simple squamous
epithelium tissue is commonly located in high friction areas of the body?
G150 PHA15 S & F Module 3 Quiz
Structure and Function Module 3 Quiz
1. What layer of the
skin are blood vessels found within?
2. This type of cell
is responsible for the color and tone of our skin?
3. The melanocytes
are found in the dermis?
4. Keratin is a
protective and tough protein produced by the keratinocytes when they die within
the epidermis
5. This type of gland
is the most numerous within our skin and secretes sweat?
6. This type of gland
produces and secretes an oil substance that prevents the hair and skin from
drying out?
7. A permanent tattoo
has ink found in which layer of the skin?
8. This type of skin
cancer is the most dangerous and has the highest potential for death?
9. What is NOT a
function of the integument system?
10. The epidermis is
in a continuously state of shedding old, dead cells and producing new cells to
replace the ones lost?
11. What is NOT true
of skin burns?
12. Blood cell
formation is completed by red bone marrow and is a function of the skeletal
13. Which statement
is NOT true regarding the bones and the skeletal system?
14. What term is
given to the end of long bones?
15. The trabeculae of
spongy bone is composed of different cells and structures in the extracellular
matrix compared to osteons?
16. What is the outer
covering of bones that provides protection to the bone?
17. Which process of
bone repair relates to when the broken bones are re-connected by a soft
template of tissue?
18. Once the
epiphyseal plates close, or are no longer functional, bones cannot grow
19. This bone cell
assists in the production or synthesis of new matrix within bone tissue?
20. This bone cell
assists in the breakdown of the matrix of bone tissue, releasing calcium into
G150 PHA15 S & F Module 4 Quiz
Structure and Function Module 4 Quiz
1. This type of joint
provides the most range of motion for movement?
2. What is released
from the nerve axon terminal to stimulate the muscle cell?
3. This type of
synovial joint movement involves increasing the angle between bones and the
joint space:
4. What best
describes a muscle fascicle?
5. This type of
muscle is found within internal organs such as the stomach, small intestine,
bladder and uterus within women?
6. Muscle cells are
filled with specialized proteins that allow for contraction to occur?
7. What is not needed
for the process of muscle contraction to occur?
8. What statement is
true regarding muscle contraction?
9. ATP is needed in
muscle contraction for what process?
10. What is NOT true
of muscle cells?
11. The bone that
contains the lower socket of teeth and is considered the jawbone is:
12. This large muscle
is found in the buttock region of the body:
13. This bone is
located in the lower arm on the lateral aspect in the anatomical position:
14. This muscle is
considered the shoulder muscle and is commonly a location for medical
15. Which region of
the vertebrae is the arrow point to and is commonly referred to as the low
16. This muscle is a
large superficial lower back muscle as demonstrated in the picture:
17. This is the
posterior bone of the shoulder, sometimes referred to as shoulder blade:
18. The region of
muscles that the arrow is pointing to is:
19. The bones of the
wrist are called:
20. This muscle is
the major anterior chest muscle of the body, which the arrow is pointing to
within the picture:
G150 PHA15 S & F Module 5 Quiz
Structure and Function Module 5 Quiz
1. This portion of
the brain controls IQ, personality and social judgment?
2. This portion of
the neuron contains the nucleus?
3. Grey matter of the
central nervous system is a collection of neuron axons?
4. What statement is
NOT true of the nervous system?
5. White matter in
the central nervous system (CNS) performs the neural integration; in other
words the decision-making process and storage of memories?
6. What is true of
the meninges, ventricles and cerebral spinal fluid (CSF)?
7. This lobe of the
cerebrum is involved in vision perception?
8. This is the
largest portion of the brain and allows for your ability to think, feel, see
and use social judgment?
9. This portion of
the brain allows for balance, coordinated movement of large muscle groups,
posture, and overall coordination?
10. This portion of
the brain contains nuclei centers that control and regulate breathing, blood
pressure and heart rate?
11. The cranial
nerves are classified as part of the peripheral nervous system and provide
sensory and motor function primarily to the head and neck?
12. What is NOT true
regarding the autonomic nervous system (ANS)?
13. The spinal nerves
are part of the peripheral nervous system?
14. What is true of
cerebral spinal fluid (CSF)?
15. The main function
of the neuroglia cells is:
16. What is released
at a synapse between two neurons?
17. What is true of
the parasympathetic nervous system stimulation?
18. What statement is
NOT true of the spinal nerves?
19. The spinal cord
relays information from the body to the brain and from the brain to the body
via spinal nerve tracts?
20. What region of
the brain interprets stimulation and sensations such as pain, touch, and
G150 PHA15 S & F Module 6 Quiz
Structure and Function Module 6 Quiz
1. The rod and cones
are located in what structure within the eye?
2. The general senses
are only found in localized areas of the body, such as the head, and includes
pain, touch, and temperature sensation.
3. Which statement is
NOT true regarding the special senses?
4. The primary
function of this structure in the eye is to refract or bend the light to a
specific location on the retina?
5. The rod cells of
the eye are specialized cells to help with the vision of color?
6. The size of the
pupil is dependent upon which structure of the eye?
7. What choice is NOT
needed or required for the sense of hearing?
8. What statement is
true regarding the sense of vision?
9. Pain originating
from the skin or joint that’s perceived as pain coming from the an organ, such
as the liver, is called referred pain?
10.What statement is
NOT true regarding the special senses?
11.This hormone
influences the body’s metabolism rate?
12.Secretion of this
hormone will decrease the blood glucose (sugar) levels?
13.This endocrine
gland secretes a hormone that influences the sleep-wake cycle?
14. The spleen secretes the hormones insulin
and glucagon?
15.Hormones secreted
by the hypothalamus and pituitary glands are regulated by a positive feedback
16.Which endocrine
gland secretes hormones that assist the body to adapt to stressful situations,
reduces inflammation and prepares the body for physical stimulation?
17.When blood calcium
levels are low, this hormone is secreted?
18. Hormones must
bind to a receptor on or in the cell to trigger changes within that cell?
19.Low energy,
fatigue, weight gain, dry skin, hair loss, and constipation are some symptoms
associated with a decreased production and secretion of this hormone?
20.What statement is
NOT true regarding the endocrine system?
G150 PHA15 S & F Module 7 Quiz
Module 7 Quiz
1.What statement is
NOT true regarding blood cells?
2.Blood cells are
produced in the red bone marrow found within spongy bone of the skeletal
3.What statement is
NOT true regarding red blood cells?
4.Which type of blood
cell assists in the hemostasis process?
5.The majority of
plasma is composed of:
6.What type of blood
type is the universal donor?
7.What is NOT true
about the hemostasis process?
8.The pericardium is
the inner layer of the heart?
9.Which chamber of
the heart pumps blood out to the systemic (body) circuit?
10.Which chamber of
the heart receives blood from the lungs?
11.The right
ventricle will pump oxygenated blood to the lungs?
12.What is NOT true
regarding blood pressure?
13.What is true of
the cardiac conduction system (pacemaker) of the heart?
14.Which portion of
the cardiac conduction system sets the heart rate?
15.What role do the
heart valves have within the function of the heart?
16.Which blood vessel
transports blood from the heart out to the body?
17.Which blood vessel
transports blood back to the heart from the body?
18.Which blood vessel
allows for gas and nutrient exchange to occur between the blood and body?
19.Veins can
influence blood pressure because they can undergo vasoconstriction and
20.Arteries typically
carry blood that is oxygenated?
G150 PHA15 S & F Module 8 Quiz
Structure & Function Module 8 Quiz
1. What is NOT a
function of the lymphatic system?
2. The lymph fluid
collected within the lymphatic system is eventually returned to the
3. What statement is
NOT true regarding inflammation?
4. Common allergies
to tree pollen and animals would be classified as which type of immune
5. This immune
dysfunction occurs when the immune system mistakenly attacks and destroys its
own healthy tissue and cells?
6. What is NOT true
of specific immunity?
7. Receiving the flu
vaccine is classified as which type of immunity?
8. What is true of a
9. What is NOT true
of lymph nodes?
10. Non-specific
immunity effectiveness is dependent upon the number of times it is exposed to a
pathogen, such as a specific type of bacteria?
11. Which layer of
the alimentary canal is exposed to the food we eat and ingest?
12. The primary organ
of the digestive system that produces digestive enzymes is the:
13. What is NOT true
of the small intestine?
14. Bile and
pancreatic juices are secreted into the duodenum of the small intestine?
15. What is NOT true
of the digestive system?
16. What statement is
NOT true regarding the stomach?
17. This type of
nutrient is considered sugars and is the primary energy source for the body?
18. This type of
nutrient is utilized by the body for energy storage, structural integrity of a
cell, and is used for organ protection?
19. Which nutrient
cannot be metabolized (utilized) for the production of ATP (adenosine
20. Mechanical
digestion is dependent upon digestive enzymes?
S & F Module 9 Quiz
1. What is NOT true
of the larynx?
2. Gas exchange in
the lungs occurs in the:
3. For air to enter
into the lungs, the intrapulmonary pressure (pressure within the lungs) has to
be higher than the atmospheric pressure?
4. What is NOT true
regarding the trachea?
5. What muscle is not
involved in the pulmonary ventilation (respiration) process?
6. The pleura of the
lungs assist in the pulmonary ventilation and allow the lungs to expand without
any friction in the thoracic cavity?
7. The respiratory
muscles allow for the thoracic cavity to expand, which increases the lung
volume and decreases the intrapulmonary pressure.
8. For oxygen gas
exchange to occur between the lungs and circulatory system (blood vessels)
there has to be a high concentration of oxygen in the blood vessels and a low
concentration of oxygen in the lungs?
9. What is the role
of the epiglottis?
10. What statement is
true regarding the upper respiratory system?
11. Which portion of
the nephron is involved in producing the filtrate from the blood?
12. The urethra
transports urine from the kidney to the bladder.
13. What statement is
NOT true of the urinary system?
14. Reabsorption of
nutrients and substances within the kidneys occurs within the renal tubular
portion of the nephron?
15. What is NOT a
function of the urinary system?
16. What is NOT true
regarding the urethra?
17. The glomerulus is
the portion of the nephron that fluid, mostly blood plasma, is filtered out of
and is collected in the Bowman’s capsule.
18. What statement is
true regarding the kidneys?
19. The term
micturition refers to the process of sending urine down from the kidneys to the
20. What is NOT a
step or process involved with urine formation?
G150 PHA15 S & F Module 10 Quiz
Structure and Function Module 10 Quiz
1. What statement
best describes the role of the epididymis?
2. Erectile tissues
are found in the shaft of the penis that fill with blood to allow for erection.
3. Where are sperm
4. The majority of
semen consists of:
5. What statement is
NOT true of the testes?
6. Which organ of the
female reproductive system produces the eggs and sex hormones estrogen and
7. What is NOT true
of the uterus?
8. During ovulation,
a mature egg cell is ovulated from the uterus into the fallopian tube?
9. What is NOT true
of the ovarian cycle?
10. What is true of
the uterine (menstrual) cycle?
11. What is NOT true
regarding the ovaries?
12. What stage of
prenatal development does implantation occur?
13. Where is an egg
commonly fertilized?
14. What is NOT a
change to a female’s body during pregnancy?
15. What does the
term locus refer to regarding chromosomes?
16. Where does the
implantation of a fertilized egg occur?
17. What is NOT true
regarding heredity and chromosomes?
18. During labor,
which organ contracts and pushes the fetus out of the female body?
19. Sex-linked X
chromosome genetic disorders/diseases will affect females in great proportion
when compared to males?
20. What statement
best describes the concept of alleles?
PHA15 Structures and Functions Module 11 Final
1.This plane divides the body/organ into
anterior and posterior sections?
2.This plane divides the body/organ into
superior and inferior sections
3.Which term best describes the body
maintaining a constant internal balance despite changes in the external
4.Physiology refers to the study of the body’s
structure while anatomy refers to the study of the body’s function?
5.The axilla region is medial compared to the
type of organic compound is utilized as structural support to cell membranes,
acts as a reservoir (storage) unit for energy, and is involved in the
production of steroids?
7.This type of organic compound is utilized in
structural support of cells, in the production of enzymes and hormones and is a
main component in the contractile units of a muscle cells?
8.What is NOT true of atoms?
9.This organelle is responsible for producing
our body’s energy source, ATP?
10.Where is our body’s DNA, genetic material,
11.What is NOT true of the plasma (cell)
12.The processes of diffusion and osmosis
require energy, ATP, for it to occur?
13.Cells have to replicate, or make a copy of,
its DNA prior to going through mitosis and dividing into two new cells?
14. This type of tissue allows for allows for
the transmission of electrical impulses that provide communication signals with
the body?
15.This type of tissues lines hollow organs,
covers the outer surface of the skin and functions to provide protection or
allow for absorption and secretion of substances?
16.What statement is true of the skin?
17.A permanent tattoo will have ink in which
layer or layers of the skin?
18.This type of skin cell is involved in
regulating our overall skin tone and color?
19.Blood cell production is a function of the
skeletal system?
20.A sarcomere stores calcium within the
muscle cell?
21.What is NOT true of the skeletal system?
22.Which type of joint has the most range of
23. Calcium is a vital component for muscle
contraction to occur?
24.What lower extremity bone is the arrow
pointing to?
25.What upper extremity bone is the arrow
pointing to?
26.What posterior arm muscle is the arrow
pointing to?
27.What lower extremity muscle is the arrow
pointing to?
28.What muscle is the arrow pointing to?
29.This cerebral lobe of the brain is involved
in our ability to see?
30.This region of the brain is involved in
coordinated movement of large muscle groups, posture, and balance?
31.The sympathetic nervous system will cause
an increase to the heart rate, respiration rate, and cause the pupils to
32.What lobe of the cerebrum controls our
consciousness, intelligence and conscious movement of muscles?
33. A neurotransmitter is a chemical released
from the soma (cell body) of the neuron?
34.The spinal cord transmits information from
the body to the brain only?
35.This region of the brain controls primitive
functions of the body such as, respiration rate, heart rate, sneezing, and
36.Which hormone controls the body’s
37.Which endocrine gland secretes hormones
that help the body adapt to stressful situations and release hormones that can
reduce inflammation?
38. The hormone insulin increases blood
glucose (sugar) levels.
39.What is not a characteristic of the eye?
40.The cones of the retina allow for color
vision and are found concentrated in an area of the eye called the fovea
41.The sense of taste and smell both involve
the nervous system binding molecules to specialized hair cells in the mouth and
42.What endocrine gland secretes a hormone
that increases the blood calcium levels?
43.What blood vessel carries blood away from
the heart out to the body and typically carries oxygenated blood?
44. What blood vessel carries blood back to
the heart?
45.This type of blood vessel allows nutrient
exchange between the blood vessel and body’s cells and tissues?
46.Which heart chamber receives deoxygenated
blood from the body?
47.This heart chamber will pump oxygenated
blood out to the body?
48.The AV bundle, also called the pacemaker,
assists in setting the heart rate of the heart?
49.What type of blood cell assists in
transporting oxygen throughout the body?
50.What statement is true of type A+ blood
51.What statement is NOT true about
52.The myocardium of the heart contains the
heart muscle that allows for muscle contraction?
53.What is NOT a classic (or cardinal) sign of
54.When the immune system overreacts to a
normal, non-harmful antigen as in the case of allergies, what type of immune
disorder is this called?
the immune system is weaken and cannot optimally perform is normal function,
what type of immune disorder is this called?
56.When a person contracts and gets a cold or
infection, what type of immunity is this?
57.Specific immunity is more effective when it
has been previously been exposed to a specific bacteria or virus?
58.The pancreas makes bile and stores in the
gallbladder, which assists in the digestion of lipids (fat)?
59.The majority of nutrient absorption occurs
in what digestive organ?
60.This nutrient is the primary source of
energy (ATP) production for the body?
61.The diaphragm and abdominal muscles are the
main muscle that initiates the pulmonary respiration process to occur?
62.Where does gas exchange occur within the
respiratory system?
63.What part of the nephron is involved in the
glomerular filtration process of urine formation?
64.The ureter transport urine from the bladder
to the outside or external portion of the body?
65.The stomach main function is to mechanical
digest food into a substance called chyme?
66. It is the inner layer of the vagina that
is sloughed off during the uterine (menstrual) cycle?
67.What organ will produce estrogen and
progesterone in the female reproductive system?
68.Fertilization of an egg typically occurs
here (first answer), while implantation of a fertilized egg occurs here (second
69.What is NOT true of the male reproductive
70.What is not an obstacle sperm face within
the female reproductive system?
71. This structure acts as the in between
structure between the mother’s blood and baby’s blood?
72.For an individual to express an autosomal
dominant genetic disorder they will have to inherit both copies of mutated
73.Alleles of a gene can either be dominant or
74.What is not a function of inflammation?
75.What statement is NOT true of cellular
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