Wednesday 3 January 2018

tc160 full course Discussions

 tc160 full course Discussions



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week 1

Communication Technology (graded)

Communication technology has evolved from cave paintings to smartphones. Select a communication technology, define it, and tell us the impact it had on society. Be sure to select a technology that has not been discussed already by another student. Our goal here is to explore as many different communication technologies as we can so that we can fully assess its impact on our world through all phases and types of communications.

Digital Entertainment and its Impact (graded)

Digital entertainment is any type of digital media used to entertain us, such as images, videos, audio files, and so forth. Select a type of digital media, define it, explain how it is used, and discuss its impact on society. Consider ethical, legal, medical, political, and social impacts. In your discussion, also consider age and gender. Finally, discuss how digital entertainment affects our communication.

week 2

Freedom on the Internet (graded)

The Electronic Frontier Foundation and the The Freenet Projectare two organizations whose purpose is to protect freedom on the Internet. Explore these organizations' websites and learn more about them. Select one to write about in your post. Tell us what the organization is working on or what it has accomplished in the past. Have its efforts benefited freedom on the Internet? How?

Net Neutrality (graded)

What is net neutrality? Review the website Save the Internet to learn more. Use Google and explore the topic on the Web. Read blogs, view videos on YouTube, and learn more about net neutrality. Is net neutrality a good thing or should there be some controls in place for the Web? Research the topic, formulate an opinion, and take a stand in your post. Pick a side and argue for or against net neutrality. Our goal isn't to get into a fight. Let's explore both sides of the argument. We are better Internet users when we are informed.

week 3

Off the Grid? (graded)

Being off the grid means having little or no digital presence. People choose to live off the grid for privacy purposes. Learn more about living off the grid from Off the Grid News. Is being off the grid a good idea? What are the benefits of being on the grid? Explore the Web to learn more and share your research and ideas with us.

USA PATRIOT Act (graded)

The age of the textbook is clearly evident in chapter 8. Google Earth, GPS, and the use of drones were not current topics when the book was written, but the USA PATRIOT Act was in full swing by the time the book was written. USA PATRIOT is an acronym for Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism. Learn more about the PATRIOT Act from the Justice Department's Highlights of the USA Patriot Act. After reading Chapter 8 and learning more about the PATRIOT Act, tell us what effect the act has had on information warfare. Our goal here isn't to determine if the act is good or bad. Let's explore its impact on our world and technology communication.

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Edward Snowden (graded)

Edward Snowden's story addresses many issues from our textbook (i.e., surveillance, privacy, censorship, and professionalism in IT). Research the Web to find out more about Edward Snowden. Then tell us what area he violated the most. Support your post with research. Did he violate a law or a professional creed? Were there any ethical or moral implications to his actions? How did Edward Snowden impact communication technology?

Creative Commons (graded)

Chapter 12 discusses a website for sharing creative works called Creative Commons. Feel free to explore this excellent website. How does Creative Commons solve or address issues of copyrights on the Web? Research the Web to find whether there are any complaints or comments about Creative Commons. Are there any other sites on the Web that provide the same services as Creative Commons?

week 5

Telemedicine (graded)

Explore the website for The American Telemedicine Association to learn more about telemedicine, which was discussed in Chapter 9. Has telemedicine advanced since the book was published in 2008? What role does communication technology play in telemedicine? Where is the future of telemedicine?

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Unwanted Attention (graded)

Chapter 13 covers many forms of unwanted electronic attention. With the explosion of social media since the book was written in 2008, forms of unwanted attention have only grown. Select any form of unwanted electronic attention, tell us what it is, how it works, and any recourse available to users to ward off the unwanted attention. Is there a law in place? A software remedy?

week 6

Hackers for Hire (graded)

Computer crime is a booming industry, both for those committing the crime and those fighting the criminals. Hacking, though an offensive crime, is also a legitimate business. It takes someone who knows how to break into a system to know how to protect it. Research the Web to find out more about hacking, both legal and illegal. Check out sites like TRUSTe, Hacker for Hire Online, Trust Guard, and Hacker for Hire Review, which helps you shop for a hacker. Learn to become a hacker or join a legal hacker group at Legal Hackers, Hack This Site, and the Happy Hacker. The latter two sites are training grounds for hacker wannabes. Write a summary about what you learned. Which site did you explore? If you could summarize the site in a single sentence, what would it be? What should computer users know about the site you researched? Is ignorance bliss, as the saying goes, or should we do more through communication to spread the word? Share your research with us.

Accessibility of Education (graded)

Tim Berners-Lee, one of the founding fathers of the Internet, once said, “The power of the Web is in its universality. Access by everyone regardless of disability is an essential aspect.” Research the Web to find tools available to help those with disabilities use computers and the Internet to learn. For example, visually impaired people use screen readers to surf the Web or take online classes. Search for videos, software applications, or any tool designed to help make the Web and learning accessible by anyone with a disability. Remember that a disability could be physical, mental, or emotional. As future professional communicators, why is it important to understand how those with disabilities learn or access information from the Internet?

week 7

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Skills (graded)

Research the 21st-century workplace. What changes are expected in the future? Why and how are ICT skills necessary to succeed in any career? You may concentrate your research and discussion on your chosen career.

The Digital Divide (graded)

The digital divide is an economic or social inequality of people due to a lack of access to information. Offer an example of a digital divide. Research the Web to find inventions or tools in the works to address the issue. For example, think back to our discussion about accessibility to education. Visually impaired people were part of a digital divide until screen readers were created. Focus your research on economic and social digital divides instead of individual disabilities. Share your research with us.

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