Thursday 10 May 2018

STAT 3504 A5 Questions Solution

STAT 3504 A5 Questions Solution

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1.             A researcher studied the effects of 3 experimental diets with varying fat contents on the total lipid
(fat) content in plasma. Total lipid level is a widely used predictor of coronary heart disease. 15 male subjects who were within 20% of their ideal body weight were put into 5 groups of 3 according to age. Within each age group the 3 experimental diets were randomly assigned to the 3 subjects. The reductions in lipid level after the subjects were on the diet for a fixed period of time were recorded as follows.
Fat Content of Diet
1 Extremely Low
2 Fairly Low
3 Moderately Low

a)            What was the blocking variable? Why do you think this blocking variable was used?
b)            Give the model for the experiment. What is the additional major assumption that is needed here? How could you do a very rough check of whether it was violated?
c)            Given that                 SSTO = 2.75856 set up the ANOVA table and test whether the mean
reduction in lipid level differs for the 3 diets. Use a = .01.
d)            If appropriate, carry out all pairwise comparisons between the 3 diet means. Use a = .01. Summarize your results in words and in a graphical line summary.
e)            What is the relative efficiency of the RBD in this case? Would you recommend using the same blocks in a future experiment? Explain.
Verify your results using SAS. The data is on my web page under ch2lpr07.dat
col 1 has the response             col 2 has "time elapsed since graduation"                    col 3 has training method

2.    -An experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of timing of nitrogen application to the soil
(early, optimum, late) and 2 different levels of nitrogen fertilizer (1 , 2). 3 fields were each divided
into 6 plots and the treatments were randomly assigned to the 6 plots within each field. The data
are amount of nitrogen absorbed by sweet corn plants grown on the plots.
Use the SAS output given below to help you draw the appropriate conclusions about the
effects of timing and nitrogen level. Use a = 0.01
Carry out a hypothesis test to determine whether the blocking was effective. Use a = 0.01
Use the Kimball inequality to put an upper bound on the overall significance level for all the
tests from (a) and (b).

3.    - A software design company has produced 2 voice recognition packages. The language being
tested is Canadian English. It is desired to test any differences in recognition accuracy between the 2
packages. It is also desired to test whether it makes a difference if the packages are in a "trained" or
"untrained" state. A trained state results from the speaker testing the package having spent time
teaching the software to recognize their voice patterns by reading words prompted by the software
and repeated as requested by the software. Each speaker is to record the same reading of 150 words
which will then be fed through both types of software in both the trained and untrained states. It is
thought that gender and maternal language (French or English), that is accented or unaccented
English might possibly affect the recognition accuracy. The speakers available are native English
speakers and bilingual speakers whose first language is French.
How would you design the experiment? To help consider the following questions.
a)      What are the factors of interest? What are their levels?
b)      Would blocking be useful here? If so what might you choose as blocks?
c)              How many speakers would you need to read the 150 word script? Would you use both native
english and bilingual speakers and how would you use them?
a)      In actual fact, it turned out that there were 3 native english males, 3 bilingual (accented)
english male, and 3 native english female speakers available. How would you set up the
experiment now?

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