Thursday 10 May 2018

STAT 3507 Exercise Questions Solutions

STAT 3507 Exercise Questions Solutions

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Bernoulli Sampling Questions 
Cluster Sampling Questions
Ratio, Regression and Difference Estimation
Stratified Random Sampling
Systematic Sampling
Two-stage Cluster Sampling Questions

1-A university professor who is correcting 600 written examinations decides to get a preliminary idea of the passing rate on the test. He decides to use a simple randomized scheme to single out a smaller number of exam copies for first-hand correction. In passing through the pile of exams, he tosses an ordinary six-sided die, once for each exam copy. If the die shows a 6, he corrects the corresponding exam, otherwise not. Suppose the sample selected in this way consists of 90 students and that 60 out of these are found to have passed.
a.               Identify the sampling design implemented.
b.                 Estimate the total number of students who passed the exams
c.               Compute a 95% confidence interval, based on the normal approximation, for the number of passing students (among the 600).
d.              Repeat (b) and (c) using the alternative (improved) estimator.

Table: Number of Employees and Range
Number of employees
Cumulative range
1— 1200
1201 —1650
1651— 3750
3751— 4610
4611 — 7450
7451— 9350
9361 — 9750
9751 - 12950


i.                        Suppose 2011, 7972 and 10281 are the random numbers generated between 1 and 12950. Using this information what are the clusters selected?
ii.                      Suppose the total number of sick days used by the three sampled divisions during the past quarter are respectively, y, = 4320 y2 = 4160 y3 = 5790 .
Estimate the average number of sick clays used per person for the entire firm and place a bound on the error of estimation.

Ratio and Regression Estimators (Examples) under Simple Random Sampling Without Replacement
Set 1: Estimation of Ratio
Let us consider a community having eight community areas. Suppose that we wish to estimate the ratio R of total pharmaceutical expenses Y to total medical expenses X among all persons in the community. To do this, a simple random sample of two community areas is to be taken and every household in each sample community area is to be interviewed. The data for the community areas am as given in Table 1 below:
Table 1: Pharmaceutical Expenses and Total Medical Expenses Among All
Residents of Eight Community Areas
Community Area Total Pharmaceutical Expenses, Y ($) Total Medical Expenses, X ($) 1 100,000 300.000 2 50,000 200.000 3 75,000 300.000 4 200,000 600.000 5 150,000 450,000 6 175,000 520.000 7 170,000 680.000 8 150,000 450.000 Total 1,070,000 3,500,000
Suppose that community areas 2 and 5 were selected in the sample.
a. State the target population for the study b. What are the elements in this sampling design? c. What am the sampling units? d. Estimate the ratio of total pharmaceutical expenses to total medical expenses. e. Estimate the variance of the estimate in (d). f. Based on the sample data, how many community areas would have to be sampled if it is desired to estimate the population ratio with 95% certainty to within 5% of its true value?

Set 2: Estimation of Total
Suppose that a road having a length of 24 miles traverses areas that can be classified as urban and rural and that the road is divided into eight segments, each having a length equal to 3 miles. A sample of three segments is taken, and on each segment sampled, special equipment is installed for purposes of counting the number of total motor vehicle miles traveled by cars and trucks on the segment during a particular year. In addition, a record of all accidents occurring on each sample segment is kept.
The number of truck miles and the number of accidents in which a truck was involved during a certain period are given in Table 2 for each of the eight segments in the population.
Suppose that we take a simple random sample of three segments for purposes of estimating the total number of truck miles traveled on the road.
Table 2: Truck Miles and Number of Accidents Involving Trucks by Type of Road Segment

Segment Type Truck Miles x 1000 Number of Accidents Urban 6327 oo in Cs CT in ,-1 cr% ct Rural 2555 Urban 8691 Urban 7834 V, Rural 1586 Rural 2034 Rural 2015 Rural 3012
Suppose the segments 1, 3 and 4 were selected in the sample.
a. Estimate the total number of truck miles traveled on the mad using the customary and ratio estimators. b. Estimate the 95% confidence interval for the total number of truck miles using the customary and the ratio estimators. c. How do these estimators compare? d. Based on the sample data, how many road segments would have to be sampled if it is desired to estimate the total number of truck miles with 95% certainty to within 10% of its true value? Use the customary estimator and the ratio estimator.

Example I: Cavities and Post -stratification
Two dentists conduct a survey on the condition of teeth of 200 children in a village. The
first dentist selects using a simple random sampling 20 children among 200, and counts
the data in the sample according to the number of teeth with cavities. The results are
the Table
The second dentist examines the 200 children but with the sole
goal of determining who has no cavities. He notices that 50 children are in this category.
Table I: Teeth with cavities
Number of teeth with cavities
Number of children
Estimate the mean number of teeth with cavities per child in the village using only
the results of the first dentist. What is the accuracy of the unbiased estimator
obtained? Estimate this accuracy and the associated confidence interval.
Propose another estimator for the mean number of teeth with cavities per child
using the results of the two dentists. Calculate the new estimate, and estimate the
gain in efficiency obtained.

Example II: Foot Size
The director of a business that makes shoes wants to estimate the average length of
right feet of adult men in a city. Let _v be the characteristic length of right foot (in
centimetres) and x be the height of the individual (in centimetres). The director
knows moreover from the results of a census that the average height of adult men in
this city is 168 cm. To estimate the average foot length, the director draws a simple
random sample without replacement of 100 adult men. The results are the following:
Y=169, 7:24, sn,=l5. st=lO, s‘_=2.
Knowing that 400,000 adult men live in this city,
a) Calculate the I-lorvitz-Thompson (customary) estimator, the ratio estimator,
the difference estimator and the regression estimator.
b) Estimate the variances of these four estimators.
c) Which estimator would you recommend to the director?
d) Express the literal difference between the estimated variance of the ratio
estimator and the estimated variance of the regression estimator, as a function
i j
of X , Y and the slope bof the regression of _\~' on x in the sample. Comment
on this.

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< t gt ment of a particular com ' '
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in “W M(m.],manying time ifliiiigt tile end of a Particular workday. Use the data
)h(_p _ ‘ l - H - . ‘P. it proportion in favor of the new policy and
I * ‘I "HI!" OH the P1101‘ nf <~stunat1on. Assume N = 2000
Ii 1
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edin question, determine the sampie size required
For the situation outlined in the pree g .
't. What type of systematic sample should be run?
in ('SiiIlMi(' p to within 0.01 um
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Elements of Sampling Theory and Methods - Zakkula Govindarajulu
Toyota Manufacturing Company in Georgetown, Kentucky, wants to estimate the
ratio of the number of man-hours lost due to sickness of its employees. It has
N = 7000 employees and it takes a random sample of n =10 employees and
obtains the following data. Let x and y denote the number of man hours during
the previous and current years respectively.
Employee x .\’
l 15 l4
2 18 20
30 34
25 18
10 l5
20 25
16 20
12 l5
9 13 10
l0 2 5
Total 161 l 76
Estimate the desired ratio and obtain 95% confidence interval for it.

Suppose we wish to estimate the grade-point average of the graduating seniors at
Mars University. Let N = 1000, the number of graduating seniors. We take a
random sample of n = 9 students. Let x denote their SAT scores and y denote
the grade-point average at the University. Assume that Y = 600.
Student # x Y
550 2.8
630 3.]
570 2.9
650 3.3
700 3.5
520 3.0
720 3.6
660 3.5
9 575 3.2
Total 5575 28.9
Obtain a ratio estimate of the average grade-point average of a graduating senior
at the University of Mars and also set up 95% confidence interval for the same.

A simple random sample of 10 customers was taken at a local grocery store and
the following data were obtained:
Customer Total Annual Income x Annual Amount Spent on
(in thousands) Food y (in thousands)
25 3.7
32 4.1
40 4.5
35 3.9
29 3.8
42 4.6
50 4.8
38 4.0
41 4.5
44 4.4
Assuming that N is effectively infinite, estimate R , the population ratio
(R = Y/X ) , and obtain its standard error.

A simple random sample of 10 customers was taken at a local grocery store and
the following data were obtained:
Customer Total Annual Income x Annual Amount Spent on
(in thousands) Food y (in thousands)
25 3.7
32 4.1
40 4.5
35 3.9
29 3.8
42 4.6
50 4.8
38 4.0
41 4.5
44 4.4
Assuming that N is effectively infinite, estimate R , the population ratio
(R = Y/X ) , and obtain its standard error.

A simple random sample of 10 customers was taken at a local grocery store and
the following data were obtained:
Customer Total Annual Income x Annual Amount Spent on
(in thousands) Food y (in thousands)
25 3.7
32 4.1
40 4.5
35 3.9
29 3.8
42 4.6
50 4.8
38 4.0
41 4.5
44 4.4
Assuming that N is effectively infinite, estimate R , the population ratio
(R = Y/X ) , and obtain its standard error.

A simple random sample of 10 customers was taken at a local grocery store and
the following data were obtained:
Customer Total Annual Income x Annual Amount Spent on
(in thousands) Food y (in thousands)
25 3.7
32 4.1
40 4.5
35 3.9
29 3.8
42 4.6
50 4.8
38 4.0
41 4.5
44 4.4
Assuming that N is effectively infinite, estimate R , the population ratio
(R = Y/X ) , and obtain its standard error.

A simple random sample of 10 customers was taken at a local grocery store and
the following data were obtained:
Customer Total Annual Income x Annual Amount Spent on
(in thousands) Food y (in thousands)
25 3.7
32 4.1
40 4.5
35 3.9
29 3.8
42 4.6
50 4.8
38 4.0
41 4.5
44 4.4
Assuming that N is effectively infinite, estimate R , the population ratio
(R = Y/X ) , and obtain its standard error.

A simple random sample of 10 customers was taken at a local grocery store and
the following data were obtained:
Customer Total Annual Income x Annual Amount Spent on
(in thousands) Food y (in thousands)
25 3.7
32 4.1
40 4.5
35 3.9
29 3.8
42 4.6
50 4.8
38 4.0
41 4.5
44 4.4
Assuming that N is effectively infinite, estimate R , the population ratio
(R = Y/X ) , and obtain its standard error.

A simple random sample of 10 customers was taken at a local grocery store and
the following data were obtained:
Customer Total Annual Income x Annual Amount Spent on
(in thousands) Food y (in thousands)
25 3.7
32 4.1
40 4.5
35 3.9
29 3.8
42 4.6
50 4.8
38 4.0
41 4.5
44 4.4
Assuming that N is effectively infinite, estimate R , the population ratio
(R = Y/X ) , and obtain its standard error.

A simple random sample of 10 customers was taken at a local grocery store and
the following data were obtained:
Customer Total Annual Income x Annual Amount Spent on
(in thousands) Food y (in thousands)
25 3.7
32 4.1
40 4.5
35 3.9
29 3.8
42 4.6
50 4.8
38 4.0
41 4.5
44 4.4
Assuming that N is effectively infinite, estimate R , the population ratio
(R = Y/X ) , and obtain its standard error.

A simple random sample of 10 customers was taken at a local grocery store and
the following data were obtained:
Customer Total Annual Income x Annual Amount Spent on
(in thousands) Food y (in thousands)
25 3.7
32 4.1
40 4.5
35 3.9
29 3.8
42 4.6
50 4.8
38 4.0
41 4.5
44 4.4
Assuming that N is effectively infinite, estimate R , the population ratio
(R = Y/X ) , and obtain its standard error.

A simple random sample of 10 customers was taken at a local grocery store and
the following data were obtained:
Customer Total Annual Income x Annual Amount Spent on
(in thousands) Food y (in thousands)
25 3.7
32 4.1
40 4.5
35 3.9
29 3.8
42 4.6
50 4.8
38 4.0
41 4.5
44 4.4
Assuming that N is effectively infinite, estimate R , the population ratio
(R = Y/X ) , and obtain its standard error.

A simple random sample of 10 customers was taken at a local grocery store and
the following data were obtained:
Customer Total Annual Income x Annual Amount Spent on
(in thousands) Food y (in thousands)
25 3.7
32 4.1
40 4.5
35 3.9
29 3.8
42 4.6
50 4.8
38 4.0
41 4.5
44 4.4
Assuming that N is effectively infinite, estimate R , the population ratio
(R = Y/X ) , and obtain its standard error.

A simple random sample of 10 customers was taken at a local grocery store and
the following data were obtained:
Customer Total Annual Income x Annual Amount Spent on
(in thousands) Food y (in thousands)
25 3.7
32 4.1
40 4.5
35 3.9
29 3.8
42 4.6
50 4.8
38 4.0
41 4.5
44 4.4
Assuming that N is effectively infinite, estimate R , the population ratio
(R = Y/X ) , and obtain its standard error.

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