Wednesday 7 June 2017

BUSN 460 Full Course - Senior Project Latest

BUSN 460 Full Course - Senior Project Latest

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BUSN 460 Course Project Team Name and Contract Week 1 DeVry
Successful teams begin with guidelines that help to manage their work. For this class you and your teammates will need to create a set of rules called a Team Contract. As a team, complete all the sections listed below to build your Team Contract.
BUSN 460 Video Analysis Report Week 1 & 2 DeVry
In preparation for preparing and submitting the team’s Final Project, each week you will create your own consultant’s notes as you observe various CanGo meetings (via the video episodes/cases).
For the week 2 Team report you are to list 6 issues facing CanGo that you gleaned from the week 1 and 2 videos. They should be prioritized in order of importance. They should be numbered.
The team must then come up with an actionable recommendation for each of the issues found. These should also be numbered.
Each Issue and Recommendation is worth 4 points for a total of 48 points.
First, the company needs to develop both a mission and vision statement. A mission statement defines the reason why the company exists and what do they do.  The vision will support and serve as communication to both purpose and…
BUSN 460 Financial Analysis Week 3 DeVry
Conclude working on your Individual Financial Analysis Report, due this week. Note that this is not a team assignment. Be sure to include proper citations for all references you use.
Go to the CanGo Intranet and pull the financial statements. Use these to fill out the table found in Doc Sharing labeled Financial Analysis Project, and submit to the Individual Financial Analysis Dropbox in Week 3 
Formula (express the ratio in words)
Detailed calculation (actual numbers from financial statements used for the calculation)
Final number (final result of the detailed calculation)
Explanation of why ratio is important

Term A/Term B (Term A divided by Term B)

This is the explanation of the role of this ratio and why it is important

Efficiency Ratio: Receivables Turnover
Net credit sales/ Average net accounts receivables*

This ratio measures the company’s ability to collect cash from credit customers (i.e., Accounts receivables). The higher the number the better as it means the faster the company can….

BUSN 460 Video Analysis Report Week 3 & 4 DeVry
For the week 4 Team report you are to list 6 issues facing CanGo that you gleaned from the week 3 and 4 videos. They should be prioritized in order of importance. They should be numbered.
The team must then come up with an actionable recommendation for each of the issues found. These should also be numbered.
Each Issue and Recommendation is worth 4 points for a total of 48 points.

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