Wednesday 7 June 2017

HSM 320 Full Course NEW

HSM 320 Full Course NEW  

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HSM 320 Application Paper Week 4
Paper 1: Professional Liability—select an allied health (nonphysician) profession; this can be your own profession or another profession that interests you. Some examples of allied health professions include physical therapy, respiratory therapy, pharmacy, nursing, physician assisting, radiography, ultrasonography, nuclear medicine, medical laboratory, medical assisting, phlebotomy, and many others. Discuss a situation in which an individual in this profession might be held liable for negligence. Also discuss ways to proactively avoid or prevent negligence in the profession that you selected.
Professional liability occurs when the individual does not or fail to perform effectively his or her job.  It can happen in many kinds of jobs, thus, it is important for the professional to understand what constitutes neglect and malpractice when it comes to the execution of the job. This situation can also occur in the medical field where medical malpractice…
HSM 320 Application Paper Week 7
Paper 2: Advance Directives—research and discuss the legal and ethical basis for Advance Directives such as the Living Will and Durable Power of Attorney for healthcare. Why are these documents so valuable in healthcare situations? What legal authority do these documents provide for decision making by family and/or healthcare providers? Briefly discuss a situation in which a

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