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LAS 432 Course Project Week 1-7 Recent DeVry

LAS 432 Proposal and Outline Week 1 DeVry

Topic and Thesis Proposal
This week, you will select your topic of research for the Course Project. You will need to define the chosen topic, provide a brief description of the emergent technology, and write a thesis statement. Each proposal should include the following items.
The name and a brief description of the emergent technology selected
A thesis statement (Please note that a thesis sentence presents the central idea of the paper. It must always be a complete, grammatical sentence, it must be specific and brief, and it must express the point of view you are taking on the subject. This thesis statement will be included in the introduction of your final report.)
The purpose of this paper is to clarify questions and issues pertaining in vitro meat production, including a clear definition of what this emerging technology is all about and previous related emergent technologies that brought about in vitro meat production and other influences that helped develop this line of thinking.  This paper will also compare in vitro…
LAS 432 Course Project Bibliography Week 2 DeVry

Resource Review
This week, you will assemble at least five scholarly academic references that will be used to write your course research paper (refer to the tutorial on Scholarly References and Accessing Library Databases found in the Writing and Research Help tab for help on this assignment). You will need to list your references using APA format and provide a brief explanation of each resource indicating how that resource will be used. The focus should be on your specific research assignment. An approximate length for this bibliography is two to three pages.
Preview: Bibliography
Bhat, Z.F., & Bhat, H. (2011). Tissue engineered meat – Future meat. Journal of Stored Products and Postharvest Research. 2(1) 1-10. Print.
Bhat & Bhat (2011) acknowledges that conventional methods of producing meat create many problems associated with health and environmental concerns.  These issues are highly linked to infectious animal diseases, environmental…
LAS 432 Course Project Draft Week 3 DeVry
Historical Timeline and Predecessor Assessment Draft
This week, you will submit a draft of your Historical Timeline and Predecessor Assessment. This portion of the Course Project will include a historical timeline that diagrams at least three predecessors to the emergent technology and a written assessment explaining how these technologies influenced the development of the current technology (roughly two pages, APA format).
This section should include the following:
A visual historical timeline that diagrams at least three predecessors to the emergent technology
An assessment on how these three technologies influenced the development of the current technology
In-text APA-formatted citations with a reference page
The assessment should be well written and should incorporate proper grammar and no spelling errors. It should incorporate an introduction, a body, and a conclusion.
The objective of creating synthetic meat that is viable for human consumption has already been entertained even in the early 1900s.  Various scientists have studied the possibility of growing meat out of a Petri dish with varying results.  Some became successful in the beginning, but later on found some discrepancies in their research that resulted to failed laboratory experiments.  Mainly, the…
LAS 432 Course Project Analysis of Impact draft Week 4 DeVry
Analysis of Impact Draft
This week, you will submit your Analysis of Impact draft (roughly four pages, using APA format).
This portion of the Course Project provides an analysis of the chosen technology’s influence on society considering all of the following components:
How has this technology been received, accepted, or rejected? Why? Is it feared or favored? What is the attitude toward change? How are the developers trying to sell the technology to the general public? Look at attitudes, feelings (emotions), behaviors, personality, and the ways humans change as a result of this technology. What is being thought, and why? Is the human mind impacted? How? Are interactions between people changing as a result? Who is included or excluded, and why? Use Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, Piaget, or some other theorist. What psychological needs are met by the technology (e.g., cell phones once granted status and now promote a sense of belonging or connectedness) or created by the technology? Consumerism?
Look at groups and organizations that have arisen and prospered because of this technology. Are these groups supportive or antagonistic, and why? (An example is genetically modified foods [GMOs] and the backlash against the Monsanto corporation. Another is cochlear implants that allow the deaf to hear yet reduce the deaf population that calls itself a community.) How does the technology change society, or how does society change in response to the technology? What factors in society led to the development in the first place? What do class, gender roles, race, norms, and the like mean in this context? Who will benefit from the technology, and who might be harmed (this might also belong in the ethics and morals section)? For example, prosthetics enable people to participate more fully and actively in society (some people compete in triathlons and marathons), and war has brought about the need for advances in prosthetic technology as casualties with missing limbs return home to the United States. Look at the workplace, new companies, and/or jobs created, jobs lost (or save this for the economics section, perhaps). Look at roles—subgroups, people’s interpersonal and intrapersonal relationships. Consider crime, healthcare, and schools. Surveillance cameras, for example, have recently been installed in New York City, and the result has been a decrease in the amount of crime, purse-snatching, pickpocketing, and so forth. Yet some fear the big-brother effect of always being watched and tracked, as well as concerns over “who will guard the guards.”
This is a really important section. Consider the elements that comprise the culture and subcultures. Compare the United States’ use of the technology with that of other nations around the world. What is it about Americans that brings about innovation, or has America declined in terms of technical innovation, scientific research, and development? Look at advertising for the technology, the use of celebrities or stars or heroes, the applications (e.g., sports and nanotechnology), and the values represented by the culture. What has priority, and why? An example: IBM was spelled out in xenon atoms. Why were these letters chosen instead of something else? What new words have been added to our vocabulary from this technology? Horseless carriage was used long before the term automobileWireless preceded Wi-Fi, andwebcasting preceded podcastingBroadcast was a term adapted from agriculture long before it was used for radio and television.
How do musicians and artists react to, use, or incorporate the technology in their artistic productions? For example, fiber optic lighting has been used on the stage and in parades (Disney) for costuming. The drama term in the limelight, for example, was derived from a lens and lighting system used in lighthouses. Look at literature—perhaps science fiction or fantasy stories—that predate the technology (Jules Verne, for example, wrote about submarines before they were actually invented and used—though Leonardo da Vinci had sketched the idea centuries before Verne). Are there any songs, short stories, poems, plays, TV shows, or films that directly make reference to the technology? Are there any related literary works that apply? Is the artifact in a museum or will it be? Why? How does the technology relate to concepts of beauty and novelty and human creativity? How can people express their humanity through this technology? An example: Scientists experimenting with nano made a nano guitar that actually played a tune, though it was subthreshold to human hearing.
Look at government policy, government intervention, government involvement (support or lack of support, funding), both nationally and internationally. Consider Congress, the president, the Supreme Court (decisions), the rate of change, liberalism, conservatism, legislation, litigation, and so forth. What political factors are at work in the progression or regression of the technology (e.g. lobbyists, special interest groups, partisan views, vocal advocates, or spokespersons)? For example: The Americans with Disabilities Act was designed to prevent discrimination and encourage accessibility to public facilities; it impacted architects, companies, organizations, and persons with disabilities through the installation of ramps (wider doors, lower knobs and handles, larger restroom stalls), the use of assistive devices in schools and in the workplace, hiring practices, and lawsuits against employers, among other things.
Consider production, consumption, costs, variables of supply-demand, corporations, private enterprise, and impact on the nation’s economy (employment, displacement, outsourcing). Are certain industries impacted more than others? Look up financial projections—expectations for growth, startup companies, the stock exchange, and so forth—anything related to business and the United States and global economy. Who are the chief players in the business environment, and what is their role? How much has been invested in research and development? How will the price fluctuate? What economic trends are to be observed? Who will make money from the technology? Who is funding the research and development? Who controls the purse strings, and why? Look at foundations and charitable organizations, the outcomes and the nature of consumers. Be sure to use charts and tables and quantitative data in this section. Tables, figures, and data and statistics must be current, valid, and used appropriately.
And the Environmental Impact
Consider such things as dangers to humans, the depletion of resources, air and water pollution, discovery before inventions, impact on wildlife and humans (health and safety), long-term and short-term effects, waste disposal, and aesthetic considerations (how the technology changes the landscape). Look also at the positive effects (savings of raw materials or fossil fuels, low environmental impact, enhancement to the environment). For example, some thought the Alaskan Pipeline would impact the caribou population and its ability to migrate; the scientists discovered that the population actually increased and was healthier because they had “shade” from the above-the-ground pipe, fewer biting flies, and less physically stressed females.
Other negative examples: The spotted owl and deforestation in Washington State; the snail darter and the dam, endangered species and loss of habitats, extinction, over-mining, overproduction, pollution of ground water, landfills, toxic wastes, stripping the soil of nutrients, over fishing, over hunting, and over harvesting.
This section should include the following items.
All of the required sections listed above
At least two statistical graphs or visual aids that support different sections of the analysis
In-text, APA-formatted citations with a reference page
The assessment should be well written and incorporate proper grammar and no spelling errors. It should incorporate an introduction, body, and a conclusion paragraph.
As world population continues to grow in number, it is inevitable that the world will soon experience new challenges when it comes to food supply.  Growing scientific evidence supports the presumption that continuous use of animals for agricultural purposes cannot be sustained in the future.  Negative consequences present themselves in the production of meat for human consumption in terms of the environment, culture, economy, and human health.  There is also an…
LAS 432 Research Paper Draft Week 5 DeVry
Ethical Considerations Draft
This week, you will submit your Ethical Considerations draft. This portion of the Course Project will provide an evaluation of the ethical considerations associated with the student’s chosen technology in relation to its impact on humanity (roughly two pages, APA format).
Following are the components needed for this section:
A detailed evaluation of the ethical considerations associated with the technology in relation to its impact on humanity
An illustration of at least two specific ethical theories that differentiates their varying approaches in consideration of the questions raised by the selected technology
At least one statistical graph or visual aid that supports or provides value to the section
In-text, APA-fformatted citations with a reference page
The assessment should be well written and should incorporate proper grammar and no spelling errors. It should incorporate an introduction, body, and a conclusion paragraph.
Developments in the production of meat are happening everywhere from meat-based meat to plant-based meat.  If someone says there is a way to eat meat without harming animals, would the public be accepting of the idea?  Would people consider this option thinking that the meat will come from plants if not from animals?  What if the meat is grown in a laboratory?  This new process of growing…
LAS 432 Assignment Week 6 DeVry
Peer Evaluation Assessment and PowerPoint Presentation
For the Peer Evaluation Assessment and PowerPoint Presentation, you will read and respond to a fellow student’s paper by completing a written assessment and creating a PowerPoint presentation, with audio, that communicates a professional and considerate response.
This is a five-step process.
All students must upload a draft of the entire paper to the team area by Tuesday.
Students must download the Peer Evaluation Presentation Assessment Form.
Students must read their peer’s work and complete the Peer Evaluation Presentation Assessment Form.
Students must then create a PowerPoint presentation, with audio, to communicate their findings regarding the report (refer to this Peer Evaluation Presentation Template for help in this area). The final product will assess the communication style of the presenter and should include the following components:
A title page
An introduction slide, outlining the purpose and flow of the presentation
Format of paper evaluation
Historical Timeline and Predecessor Assessment Evaluation
Analysis of Impact Evaluation
Ethical Considerations Evaluation
Concluding Remarks
In-text citations and a references slide
Appropriate visual aids to support the presentation
Preview:  Draft, Peer Evaluation, and 31 Power Point Slides:
The paper has no introduction.  Instead, it delved straight to the historical timeline of the chosen technology.  The paper would have been more effective had there been an introduction because it would have prepared the reader in terms of what to expect in the whole research.  It is supposed to lead the reader from a general…
LAS 432 Research Papert Week 7 DeVry
The Research Paper
This week, you will submit the final draft of your research paper. The paper is expected to be professional and written following APA guidelines. An APA paper template has been provided here for students unfamiliar with these requirements.
The paper must incorporate all of the following components required for the assignment:
A title page, including the student’s name and DSI number
An abstract
A table of contents
An introduction, including a clearly defined thesis statement (roughly one page)
A historical timeline that diagrams at least three predecessors to the emergent technology that includes an assessment on how these technologies influenced the development of the current technology (roughly two pages)
An analysis of the technology’s influence on society considering all of the following components (roughly four pages)
Environmental impact
An evaluation of the ethical considerations associated with the technology in relation to its impact on humanity (roughly two pages)
Concluding remarks that include predictions for the future of humanity given the technology’s emergence (roughly one page)
In-text, APA-formatted citations with a reference page
A one-page peer evaluation analysis detailing the following items:
A copy of the Peer Evaluation Grading Sheet
The edits added or subtracted from the suggestions provided by the collaboration
A description of the reasoning behind the changes
Visual aids, including appropriate graphics and statistical chartsW
Preview: 25 Pages
Meat has always been considered an important food staple.  Due to its huge popularity, livestock production cannot sustain the demand for meat.  Apart from being a favorite food item, it is also highly valued due to the nutritional worth it offers.  To keep up with the high demand for meat, the livestock production industry has been thinking of ways to increase production of meat.  One emerging technology related to meat manufacturing is called…
LAS 432 Self-Assessment Week 8 DeVry
Making good use of the writing process enables us to accomplish two things:
  1. Extend our thinking
  2. Communicate and share our ideas with readers
The goal of this exercise is that in evaluating your writing process you further develop your skills as a thoughtful reader of your own writing and thus identify areas on which to focus attention as you write and revise in the future.
First, to help you evaluate your success regarding the overall writing process, please read over the following list and consider your effectiveness in these areas.  Please then rate yourself on a scale from 1 – 10, with 1 representing an item in which you struggled and 10 meaning you had no problems at all in this area.  (4 points)
Developing a project:
__9__ Understanding the assignment
__8__ Discovering or refining a topic
__8__ Constructing a thesis
__9__ Researching the topic
__8__ Synthesizing and integrating research
__8__ Developing ideas
__8__ Supporting ideas
__9__ Organizing ideas
__9__ Clarifying ideas
Mechanical/grammatical points of writing:
__8__ Transitions (between paragraphs or sentences)
__8__ Sentence structure (run-on’s, comma splices, fragments, etc.)
__9__ Paragraph structure (unity, topic sentences, etc.)
__9__ Integrating quotations
_10__ Capitalization
__9__ Word usage (accuracy)
__9__ Verb usage (verb tense, subject-verb agreement, passive voice, etc.)
__9__ Pronoun usage (pronoun-antecedent agreement, consistent POV, etc.)
__9__ Punctuation
_10_ Spelling
Stylistic points of writing:
__9__ Voice/tone
__9__ Diction
__9__ Conciseness/wordiness
__10__ In-text citations/reference page format (APA)
Please address the following questions concerning your writing process for completing the Course Project.  Please be sure to explain your answers in detail, with at least 4-5 sentences. (6 points each)
I think the main strength of my writing is that the whole paper “sounded” like an academic paper, that is, without any traces of personal views coming from myself. The paper was objectively written as evidenced by the references used in coming up with the entire paper.  Additionally…
LAS 432 Discussions Week 1-7 All Posts 555 Pages Recent DeVry
LAS 432 The Role of a Thesis and Science and Technology Discussions Week 1 All Posts 79 Pages DeVry

LAS 432 The Role of a Thesis Discussions 1 Week 1 All Posts 39 Pages DeVry
A thesis statement plays an important role in the research process. Baase states in her prologue that “Computer technology is the most significant new technology since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution.” In doing so, she had to back up this argument with solid scholarly research. To evaluate the strength of her argument, consider for a moment whether she accomplished this goal. How did she do in convincing you of her claim? What were the arguments she used to support her point within Week 1’s reading? Were they enough to convince you that she was right in stating this? Why is Baase’s thesis statement considered a good example to study in preparing for writing your own thesis statement this week?…
LAS 432 Science and Technology Discussions 2 Week 1 All Posts 40 Pages DeVry
If the scientific test of a scientific theory is accepted by the community of men and women who are called scientists, does that mean that anything is acceptable as long as enough of the right people agree with it? Does that mean there is no such thing as scientific truth? How, if at all, does science differ from politics, art, or religion? Sometimes repeated research finds conflicting results about a formerly reported scientific fact – how does this affect American trust in scientific facts? Why is it that scientists follow the steps of the scientific method – what is gained by this process?…
LAS 432 Technology and Social Change and Historical Impact Discussions Week 2 All Posts 76 Pages DeVry

LAS 432 Technology and Social Change Discussions 1 Week 2 All Posts 38 Pages DeVry
In what way or ways is the current knowledge revolution a child of the Industrial Revolution? Is this a new revolution or simply an extension of the 18th-century revolution? Given the history, is it perhaps more appropriate to call the current revolution a communications revolution? Many of our digital technology tools involve communication for personal and for business reasons.  Do you think that this trend will continue into the next technology revolution?…
LAS 432 Historical Impact Discussions 2 Week 2 All Posts 38 Pages DeVry
Your online lesson this week details the events of the Protestant Reformation, a historic turning point for Western civilizations. Please discuss the specific role that the Protestant Reformation played in laying the groundwork for the advancement of communication techniques and technologies within Western culture. Can you identify an historical event within our own nation which has laid the foundation for new ways of thinking and behaving involving technology?…
LAS 432 The Politics of Technology and Considering the Fourth Amendment Discussions Week 3 All Posts 84 Pages DeVry
LAS 432 The Politics of Technology Discussions 1 Week 3 All Posts 43 Pages DeVry
Freedom of speech and censorship, in light of the modern digital landscape, are important concepts to consider, especially given the dubious ways in which technology can be utilized sometimes. Superior expertise about how technologies work does not guarantee superior judgment about how they should be used, regulated, or governed. As technology becomes more sophisticated, how can citizens and political leaders judge and understand whether a given technology offers great perils or great promises? When great technological projects, such as venturing farther into the galaxy or developing new life-extending medicines, are proposed, how should government officials make decisions about how tax dollars should be spent? Can you provide some examples of what you have referred to as “sophisticated technologies”?…
LAS 432 Considering the Fourth Amendment Discussions 2 Week 3 All Posts 41 Pages DeVry
The Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution secures the right of privacy. It protects American citizens from unreasonable searches and seizures. Advancements in technology have raised issues regarding this protected right. Explain the reasons for governmental surveillance of electronic communications, and the fear associated with these actions. From your review of the Fourth Amendment, do you think that legislative action is required to more fully address issues related to our digital technology? From what you read, do you think that legislation like the Electronic Communications Privacy Act is needed or not to address changes that occur over time in our technology?…
LAS 432 Technology and Art and Globalization and the Threat to the Environment Discussions Week 4 All Posts 78 Pages DeVry
LAS 432 Technology and Art Discussions 1 Week 4 All Posts 37 Pages DeVry
We normally think of the arts as very different from technologies in spite of the fact that art (with perhaps a few exceptions) is practiced with the help of technology. This practice creates interdependence between technology and art. To what extent does art respond to, or is shaped by, the technology that enables it? To what extent have advanced and accessible digital technologies, such as websites, digital photography, and YouTube, changed the relationship between art and technology? Are these technologies reshaping our attitudes toward artists? This discussion includes how art and technology can be combined to produce new genres of artistic expression.  I have posted a site below which represents just one example of how digital technology and the fine arts are being linked together.
Digital Fine Art
Please feel comfortable in sharing your own examples! When a computer generates a painting, who do you feel the artist is, the computer or the individual who created the program to do this?…
LAS 432 Globalization and the Threat to the Environment Discussions 2 Week 4 All Posts 41 Pages DeVry
Before we decide what to do about the environment globally, let’s see what we can do locally. What environmental problems are you aware of in the area where you live? What solutions do you think would be most appropriate to solve these problems? Incentives can encourage utilization of actions like recycling.  In the county where you live, do you think this idea could be seriously considered?  What is going on in your areas related to the use of solar energy?…
LAS 432 Technology Morality and Ethics and What is Reality Discussions Week 5 All Posts 72 Pages DeVry
LAS 432 Technology Morality and Ethics Discussions 1 Week 5 All Posts 36 Pages DeVry
This week, we will explore the concept of ethical thought. As your lecture points out, there are many different ethical arguments, but two large groups of thought are deontological (largely associated with the work of Immanuel Kant) and telelogical ethics (largely associated with John Stuart Mill). The first believes that we should judge our ethics based on the idea of universal understandings. For example, it is logical that all persons do not wish to be harmed, so ethically we can establish a principle based on this. So, under this line of thought, if it is ethically wrong to harm a person, then the death penalty must be ethically wrong, because it violates this principle. If you follow this ethical approach, all ethical questions must be evaluated in accordance to these universal principles. In contrast, telelogical ethics, which utilizes utilitarian thought, looks to the outcome of the action and weighs if it is good based on its impact on the majority. For example, in considering the idea of the death penalty again, one must weigh whether utilizing the death penalty benefits the majority of the population. If the majority is helped, then the action is viewed as ethically sound; if the majority is hurt, it is not. In understanding these thoughts and approaches, what do you think about cloning? Is there a universal thought it may violate? Or can it be considered as good for a majority? What are your thoughts, and what are the different questions that can be raised behind them?  Cloning technology has raised many ethical questions and debates – at the same time, therapeutic cloning is being used at some University-based hospitals in our nation – why is this?…
LAS 432 What is Reality Discussions 2 Week 5 All Posts 36 Pages DeVry
The concept of a computer obtaining consciousness is not new. It has been the inspiration for sci-fi writers for years. However, the larger question at play here is whether artificial intelligence can actually be achieved. And if so, what are the ethical implications concerning this advancement. Take a moment to explain the Turing test (discussed in Chapter 1) and its use in determining computer intelligence. In doing so, please address the philosophical idea of the singularity (discussed in Chapter 7) and assess why conscious computers may be essential to the singularity. From what you have read, what are some of the ethical issues generated by AI technology? Do you foresee intelligent robotics being used to deliver services to people?…
LAS 432 Technology and Modern Culture and Technology’s Impact Discussions Week 6 All Posts 81 Pages DeVry
LAS 432 Technology and Modern Culture Discussions 1 Week 6 All Posts 43 Pages DeVry
What are some of the ways that the ease and simplicity of our current technological devices have led us to surrogate our daily responsibilities onto these devices? How do these make us vulnerable to errors, risks, and/or failures? Please include examples, and be as specific as possible. Class, below I have posted the site for the Institute for Global Futures which describes how robotics are used to perform specific human tasks.  This is a different type of use of technology to delegate human duties to, as compared to the everyday delegation we can make to our smart phones, as one example.
SURROGATING HUMAN TASKS TO ROBOTICS Do you foresee into the future, robotics “managing” workers? While our reliance upon technology does generate dependency, from your observations, are there skills acquired from our frequent use of digital technology?…
LAS 432 Technology’s Impact Discussions 2 Week 6 All Posts 38 Pages DeVry
Cell phones have become a part of Americans’ daily lives, as well as that of other cultures around the globe. Over the past decade, reports that reflect a danger associated with this technology have emerged, although some experts say there is not enough evidence to support these claims. In considering both arguments, assess whether there is causative link between cell phones and brain cancer. Or is it just a coincidence?
Class, in this discussion, it is important to examine and discuss different facts and different perspectives related to the health issues associated with cell phones.  I encourage you to research the topic and share information sources in the discussion.
Below I have posted the link to the site and its review of literature on this topic, which is later accompanied by a summary list of pros and cons related to whether or not cell phones are safe.
Are Cell Phones Safe?
Do you think that product testing by the federal government should be lengthened? Studies of the possible correlation between cell phone usage and brain cancer show mixed outcomes.  But do you think that public education about potential health risks associated with cell phones might be helpful or not?…
LAS 432 Employee Monitoring and Technology and the Job Market Discussions Week 7 All Posts 85 Pages DeVry
LAS 432 Employee Monitoring Discussions 1 Week 7 All Posts 40 Pages DeVry
Consider the reasons given in Figure 6.1 that list why employers monitor employee communications. Of the examples provided, for which do you think it is appropriate to have regular, ongoing monitoring for all employees, and for which do you think an employer should access employee communications only when a problem occurs? Explain your reasoning. Workplace monitoring has increased in our nation – what factors have generated its growth? Most employers are concerned daily with the productivity of their employees.  From what you have read and observed, do you think that most American workers are aware of this perspective?…
LAS 432 Technology and the Job Market Discussions 2 Week 7 All Posts 45 Pages DeVry
Technology has had a direct and distinct impact on the job market. Many online resources exist to help you assess strengths and identify areas to develop as you prepare for your career or for your next career move. For this week, you’ll complete and reflect on one online assessment that measures your skills in: 1) reading and critical thinking, 2) writing, and 3) mathematics. This assessment is part of the DeVry University Assessment plan and helps us to demonstrate what students have learned so that we can continuously improve the curriculum and represent the achievements of our students as they near graduation. Completing the ETS Proficiency Profile is an important part of this week’s class activity.
The profile consists of a 40-minute, 36-item assessment. Follow the step-by-step instructions included in the attached. Please print and review the instructions before beginning. Once you’ve completed the assessment, share how you reacted to difficult questions. What did you learn from the process that you can take forward into your career?
In discussing the impact that technology has had and can have upon the employment of Americans, it is important to be specific about “what technology” is being considered…

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