Wednesday 7 June 2017

NETW 471 Course Project and Assignments

NETW 471 Course Project and Assignments
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The objective of this project is to develop a research paper and presentation on an area of emerging technology. Approach the project as if you were recommending technology implementation initiatives to your corporation's technology planning committee. The analysis will have three sections. Each section will require a written paper, as well as an oral presentation by your team. During Week 8, in lieu of a Final Exam, a final presentation will be provided that summarizes all three portions of your project.
Provide a business profile of an existing company that you have selected. Identify the main functions that this company provides and analyze internal workflows to identify areas that may be improved through the implementation of new technologies. Examine the internal structure of the company, as well as its customers, vendors, and business partners. Discuss areas where there are problems, bottlenecks, or inefficiencies.
Provide at least two alternatives for addressing the problem identified with your chosen company. For each potential technology considered, provide an overview of its operation, availability, cost, implementation issues, and overall benefit to the company. Perform an analysis of the candidate technologies. This analysis should include both qualitative and quantitative techniques. Based upon your analysis, select a suitable solution and justify your selection.
Develop an implementation plan for your technical solution. The plan should include a work breakdown structure, a PERT/CPM diagram, and schedule. Discuss the implications for stakeholders' integration considerations; the impact on the company's employees; and operational concerns (i.e., increased productivity/efficiency, short-term challenges versus long-term benefits, etc.) for management, technical staff, nontechnical staff, the company's customers and clients, and other business partners of your selected corporation.
Any questions about this paper may be discussed in the weekly Q & A Discussion topic.
The final submission of the written portion of your project should be a compilation of each of the three previous sections—the company profile, the technology selection, and the implementation plan. When combining these sections, it is important to insure that the document is cohesive and flows as if it were originally written as a single document. To tie everything together, your paper should include the following additional sections.
Executive summary of the project: a brief overview that describes the project and outlines its major sections. You should describe the problem that you are attempting to solve, or the process you are attempting to enhance. The overall solution(s) should be presented, although specific details need not be included.
Table of contents
Conclusion: briefly summarize what your paper discussed and any conclusion(s) you reached in the paper.
Appendices: technical specifications, photos, Internet links (with descriptions), citations, or any other information that may help clarify or support your paper.
Grading and Deliverables
Project Grading
Each project phase will be evaluated according to the following rubric.
Written Paper
For each written section of your project submitted, provide a cover sheet that includes the following:
Title of paper
Course number, session, and date
Names of each team member
Full credit (100%) will be awarded if all of the following criteria are met.
All of the required content has been included.
The narrative is clear and concise.
The text is mechanically and grammatically correct.
The level of detail is appropriate.
A score between 80–99% will be awarded if one or more of the following issues exists.
Some of the required content is missing.
The narrative is a bit wordy and/or some of the ideas are unclear.
A few mechanical and/or grammatical errors are present.
The level of detail is inappropriate.
A score between 60–79% will be awarded if one or more of the following issues exists.
Much of the required content is missing.
The narrative is very wordy and/or most of the ideas are unclear.
Several mechanical and/or grammatical errors are present.
There is little detail provided.
A score below 60% will be awarded if one or more of the following issues exists.
Most of the required content is missing.
Many mechanical and/or grammatical errors are present.
There is little detail provided.
Most or all of the ideas presented are very unclear.
For the oral presentation associated with each section of your project, provide an electronic copy of the presentation (PowerPoint, etc.) along with your submission of the written portion.
Full credit (100%) will be awarded if all of the following criteria are met.
All of the team members contribute equally.
The presentation is clear and well organized.
The visuals provided are easy to see and understand.
The level of detail is appropriate.
A score between 80–99% will be awarded if one or more of the following issues exists.
The presentation does not include all team members.
The presentation is a bit unorganized.
The visuals are a bit difficult to see or difficult to understand.
The level of detail is inappropriate.
A score between 60–79% will be awarded if one or more of the following issues exists.
Some team members do not contribute to the presentation at all.
The presentation is poorly organized.
Visuals are difficult to see and/or are confusing.
There is little detail provided.
A score below 60% will be awarded if one or more of the following issues exists.
Most of the team members do not contribute.
The presentation is very poorly organized.
There are no visuals provided.
There is virtually no detail provided.
Project Deliverables
Project Requirements
The objective of this project is to develop a research paper and presentation on an area of emerging technology. Approach the project as if you were recommending technology implementation initiatives to your corporation's technology planning committee. The analysis will have three sections.Each section will require a written paper, as well as a presentation by your team. ). Each team member will be responsible for submitting the project for that week to their drop box. During Week 7, in lieu of a Final Exam, a final paper and presentation will be provided that summarizes all three portions of your project.
Week 1 – Form teams (Instructor will provide team breakdown)/Complete team organizational template (Not necessary for turn in). Remember, this is just like a real world project in a business. You are responsible for working with your fellow team members and identifying ones who do not participate in the weekly project submissions.
Week 2 - Provide a business profile of an existing company that you have selected. Identify the main functions that this company provides and analyze internal workflows to identify areas that may be improved through the implementation of new technologies. Examine the internal structure of the company, as well as its customers, vendors, and business partners. Discuss areas where there are problems, bottlenecks, or inefficiencies.
Document – 5-7 pages double spaced APA format not including title page and sources.
Presentation – 10-12 slides not including title page and source slide.
Week 4 - Provide at least two alternatives for addressing the problem identified with your chosen company. For each potential technology considered, provide an overview of its operation, availability, cost, implementation issues, and overall benefit to the company. Perform an analysis of the candidate technologies. This analysis should include both qualitative and quantitative techniques. Based upon your analysis, select a suitable solution and justify your selection.
Document – 5-7 pages double spaced APA format not including title page and sources.
Presentation – 10-12 slides not including title page and source slide.
Week 6 - Develop an implementation plan for your technical solution. The plan should include a work breakdown structure, a PERT/CPM diagram, and schedule. Discuss the implications for stakeholders' integration considerations; the impact on the company's employees; and operational concerns (i.e., increased productivity/efficiency, short-term challenges versus long-term benefits, etc.) for management, technical staff, nontechnical staff, the company's customers and clients, and other business partners of your selected corporation.
Document – 5-7 pages double spaced APA format not including title page and sources.
Presentation – 10-12 slides not including title page and source slide.
Week 7 - The final submission of the written portion of your project should be a compilation of each of the three previous sections—the company profile, the technology selection, and the implementation plan. When combining these sections, it is important to insure that the document is cohesive and flows as if it were originally written as a single document. To tie everything together, your paper should include the following additional sections.
Executive summary of the project: a brief overview that describes the project and outlines its major sections. You should describe the problem that you are attempting to solve, or the process you are attempting to enhance. The overall solution(s) should be presented, although specific details need not be included.
Table of contents
Conclusion: briefly summarize what your paper discussed and any conclusion(s) you reached in the paper.
Appendices: technical specifications, photos, Internet links (with descriptions), citations, or any other information that may help clarify or support your paper.
Document – Minimum 10-15 pages double spaced APA format not including title page and sources.
Presentation – Minimum 15-20 slides not including title page and source slide.
Week 8 –Complete peer review/team organizational template. You will be peer reviewing your own team members.
Any questions about this paper may be discussed in the weekly Q & A Discussion topic.

perr review

NETW471 Peer Review Template

Team <name>
Reviewer Name ___________________________
Please assign a numeric value to each item according to the following scale:
Grading Scale:
4 Excellent (A)
3 Good (B)
2 Fair (C)
1 Poor (D)
0 Failure (F)
Name of Team Member Reviewed _________________________
Review Metric   Evaluation
Realistic understanding of role within the team (0 – 4)   
Worked well with other team members (0 – 4) 
Arrived on time for team meetings (0 – 4)           
Arrived prepared for team meetings (0 – 4)        
Contributed actively to team effort (0 – 4)          
Completed assignments on time (0 – 4)
Turned in assignments in usable form (0 – 4)      
Shared information, perceptions, and feedback (0 – 4) 
Demonstrated understanding of all project components (0 – 4)
Technical expertise (0 – 4)          
Optional Qualitative Comments:(Note: The grade, but not your comments, will be available to students.)

Peer Evaluation
This week you will be completing your peer evaluation assignment.
Use the Peer Review Template and the Team Organization Template found in DocSharing to complete this assignment.
Submit your assignment to the Dropbox, located at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these step-by-step instructions.
See the Syllabus section "Due Dates for Assignments & Exams" for due date information.

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