Wednesday 7 June 2017

NSCI 280 Full Course

NSCI 280 Full Course
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Week 1 Orientation, Chemistry, and Cells
1.1 – Examine the basic organization of the human body and discuss what it needs to maintain life.
1.2 – Compare and Contrast the differences between organic and inorganic compounds.
1.3 – Summarize the structure of a cell and the different types of cells.
  1. How does the study of anatomy differ from the study of physiology?
  2. What is studied in gross anatomy? In surface anatomy? 
  1. Define Matter and the difference between mass and weight.
  2. State the six roles of lipids in the body and give an example of each.
  1. What are the main chemical components of the plasma membrane?
  2. Differentiate among intracellular, extracellular, and intercellular.
  3. List three ways that substances can move across the plasma membrane?
Week 1 Quiz
worksheet 1
worksheet 2
NSCI 280 Week 2 Tissue and Integumentary System
2.1 – Differentiate between the types of tissue and discuss their related functions.
2.2 – Identify the parts of the integumentrary system, including their functions and development.
Question-9 : List and describe the major functions of epithelial tissue
Question-10 : Describe simple, stratified and pseudostratified epithelial tissues. Distinguish among squamous, cuboidal and columnar epithelial tissues.
Question-11 : How do non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium and keratinized stratified squamous epithelium differ? Where is each type found?
Question-23 : What is connective tissue in human, and animal’s anatomy?
Question-16 : Describe the three layers of hair as seen in cross section
Question-21 : What do sebaceous glands secrete? What is the function of the secretion?
Question-25 : In what ways does the skin provide protection?
Question-27 : How does the skin help regulate body temperature
Week 2 Quiz
NSCI 280 Week 3 Skeletal System, Skeleton, and Joints
3.1 – Examine bone composition, functions, and development in terms of maintaining overall body homeostasis.
3.2 – List the parts of the axial skeleton form and the appendicular skeletal form.
3.3 – Discuss the purpose of joints and their functions in the maintaining the skeletal system.
Question-2 : Describe the five major functions of skeletal system.
Question-12 : Describe the structure of a compact bone. What is an osteon? Name three types of lamellae found in compact bone.
Question-4 : What are the parts and general functions of axial the skeleton.
Question-17 : What are the functions of vertebral column?
Question-24 : What is the function of the ribcage? Distinguish among true, false and floating ribs, and give the number of each.
Question-2 : What are the characteristics of fibrous joint? Name the three types and give the example in each.
Question-8 : On what basis are synovial joints classified? List and describe the six types of synovial joints, and give an example in each
  1. multiple choice questions week 3
  2. worksheet 1
  3. worksheet 2
Week 4 Muscle, Muscle Tissue, and the Muscular System
4.1 – Demonstrate the effects of stimulation on the muscles and muscle tissue.
4.2 – Summarize the roles of skeletal muscles and muscle mechanics.
4.3 – Identify major skeletal muscles of the body.
Question-1 : List and describe the functions performed by skeletal muscle
Question-4 : Identify the four specialized functional properties of a muscle tissue and give an example of each.
Question-43 : Describe isometric, isotonic, concentric and eccentric contractions and give an example of each
Question-46 : Describe what occurs to produce each type of fatigue.
Question-2 : Describe the role of the following muscles actions: agonist, antagonist, synergist, fixator and prime mover.
Question-5 : List the criteria used to name muscles, and give an example of each.
Question-7 : Describe the three classes of lever and give an example of each in the body.
Question-15 : Explain the interaction of the suprahyoid and infrahyoid muscles of swallowing.
  1. Week Four Quiz answers
  2. Worksheet-1
  3. Worksheet-2
Week 5 Nervous Tissue, the Central Nervous System, and the Peripheral Nervous System
5.1 – Examine ways in which nervous serve the body in terms of information processing and muscle stimulation
5.2 – Analyze the different parts of the brain and brain stem and each part’s role, function, and interaction in the body.
5.3 – Describe how sensory receptors and motor endings constitute the peripheral nervous system.
Question-8 : Compare the general functions of the CNS and the PNS.
Question-9 : Describe and give function of a neuron cell body, a dendrite and an axon.
Question-2 : Name the meninges surrounding the spinal cord. What is found with each of this space? The epidural space, the subdural space and the subarachnoid space?
Question-19 : Name the five major nerves that emerge from the brachial plexus. List the muscles they innervate and the areas of skin they supply.
Question-12 : List and explain the functions of hypothalamus.
Question-22 : Describe the production and circulation of CSF. Where does CSF return to the blood?
Question-2 : List the eight major sensory receptors, where they are located, and state the functions they perform.
Question-35 : Name and briefly describe what occurs in the three stages of memory.
Also Included
Week Five Quiz multiple choice.
Week 6 Tha Autonomic Nervous System and the Special Senses
6.1 – Examine the role of autonomic nervous system and how it interacts as a part of the peripheral nervous system to create a homeostatic balance.
6.2 – List the special senses and describe their role in the nervous system.
Chapter-15 Questions
Question-5 : Name and describe the four kinds of papillae on the tongue. Which ones are associated with taste buds?
Question-7 : What are the five primary tastes? Describe how each type of tastants causes depolarization of a taste cell.
Question-10: Describe the structures and state the functions of eyebrows, eyelids, and eyelashes.
Question-15 : Name the three chambers of the eye and substances that fill each chamber.
Chapter-16 Essays
Question-16 : Name three major types of enteric neurons. How do enteric neurons monitor and control the digestive system.
Question-19 : List four major means by which parasympathetic axons reach effectors. List the cranial nerves and ganglia that supply the head and neck.
Question-22 : Name the major types of cholinergic receptors. Where are they located?
Question-25 : In what two ways are adrenergic receptors stimulated?
Also included
Week 6 Quiz
Worksheet 1
Worksheet 2
Week 7 – Endocrine System
7.1 – Discuss the mechanisms of hormone action.
7.2 – Examine the organs of the endocrine system and their functions in the body.
Question-1 : Name and describe the four classes of chemical messengers
Question-3 : Describe the similarities between the nervous system and endocrine system
Question-5 : What are the three general characteristics of hormones?
Question-14 : Describe chronic, acute and episodic patterns of hormone secretion.
Question-2 : List ten regulatory functions of the endocrine system.
Question-21 : What is a gonadotropin? Name two gonadotropins produced by the anterior pituitary gland and explain their functions.
Question-23 : Starting with the uptake of iodide by the follicles, describe the production and secretion of thyroid hormones (T3 and T4)
Question-37 : What can cause hyperparathyroidism? Describe the symptoms.
Also Included
Final Exam

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