Wednesday 7 June 2017

SEC 340 Full Class Latest Business Continuity

SEC 340 Full Class Latest Business Continuity  
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SEC 340 Incident Response Plan Paper Week 3 DeVry

Students will submit a 750-1,000-word paper (double spaced) this week, identifying and describing the key components of a comprehensive incident response plan for any attack on an organization’s network and data. This paper should start with the identification of trigger events and should include immediate actions that should be taken. The rubric for this assignment is located in Doc Sharing.
Implementing the IRP all starts with identifying a threat or incident. Time is of the essence in this stage of the IRP and most Network Administrations would like to get ahead of the curve by installing Intrusion Detection Systems or IDS. An IDS will send an alarm if there is any network traffic that is out of the norm. However, this in…
SEC 340 Disaster Recovery Plan Paper Week 5 DeVry

Students will submit a 750-1,000-word paper (double-spaced) this week, identifying and describing the key components of a comprehensive disaster recovery plan for any incident that could disrupt an organization’s network and data. This paper should start with the composition of the disaster recovery team and their respective roles and responsibilities. The rubric for this assignment is located in Doc Sharing.
When a hurricane hits and building have been destroyed what measures are in place to ensure a company can recover from this disaster? Sure, there are some things they may seem like they are near impossible to recover from, like a hurricane. However, if a company has a…
SEC 340 You Decide Paper Week 6 DeVry

Sunshine Machine Works has an infrastructure which includes over 100 employees working within their one-story headquarters. Management needs a business continuity plan to help them continue with their business in the event of a serious incident.
You are an outside consultant brought in to provide some valuable insight and feedback for Sunshine Machine Works. This company has seen rapid growth and management is looking to you to provide critical input for a business continuity plan. Although they have a format they can use for the policy, they are looking to you to provide some guidance on areas they will need to address when creating this policy.
Wilma Stone – Chief Executive Officer
When we first started this company there were only a few computers that we used to share our files. Now, with the growth of our company we have a situation where we have centralized our file storage, created an extensive online collaboration process, and increased our dependency on all of that information. I am concerned that if we do not make preparations, some type of natural disaster or malicious act could jeopardize the future of our company. We need a good business continuity plan in place.
Margie Nelson – Chief Financial Officer

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