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Embry RSCH202 Full Course Latest

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 Embry RSCH202 Module 1 Discussion latest 2016 November
Module 1 - Discussion: What does research mean to you?
100 100 unread replies. 100 100 replies.
Discussion Topic: What is your definition of research? You may have “researched” a topic of personal interest in the recent past. Perhaps it was related to which degree to pursue, which branch of the military to join, which career to pursue, which car to purchase, which neighborhood to purchase a home in, or other decisions you needed to make. When you personally research a topic, it is something inherently interesting to you and you research it to learn about it so that you can make an informed decision. In this discussion board, introduce yourself by briefly telling your classmates your definition of research and about something you recently researched. Describe the techniques and tools you used to research your topic.
Posting Instructions: You should make your initial discussion board posting no later than the fourth day of the week. Later in the week, return to the discussion, read the postings of your classmates, and comment on at least two of those. Remember to follow similar practice for other discussions throughout the course. Please read these instructions for information (Links to an external site.) on accessing the discussion rubric.
Embry RSCH202 Module 2 Discussion latest 2016 November
Module 2 - Discussion: Variables and Problem Statements
81 81 unread replies. 81 81 replies.
M2_Discussion.jpgIn this Discussion Activity, there are Three Scenarios (Links to an external site.) related to identifying variables and developing problem statements. You will be assigned one these scenarios based on the first letter of your last name.
Discussion Topic:
List and label the variables as independent, dependent, intervening, or moderating
Explain the relationships among the variables
Develop a problem statement for the situation
Posting Instructions: You should make your initial discussion board posting no later than the fourth day of the week. Later in the week, return to the discussion, read the postings of your classmates, and comment on at least two of those. Remember to follow similar practice for other discussions throughout the course.
Embry RSCH202 Module 2 Discussion latest 2016 November
Module 2 - Discussion: Variables and Problem Statements
81 81 unread replies. 81 81 replies.
M2_Discussion.jpgIn this Discussion Activity, there are Three Scenarios (Links to an external site.) related to identifying variables and developing problem statements. You will be assigned one these scenarios based on the first letter of your last name.
Discussion Topic:
List and label the variables as independent, dependent, intervening, or moderating
Explain the relationships among the variables
Develop a problem statement for the situation
Posting Instructions: You should make your initial discussion board posting no later than the fourth day of the week. Later in the week, return to the discussion, read the postings of your classmates, and comment on at least two of those. Remember to follow similar practice for other discussions throughout the course.
Embry RSCH202 Module 3 Discussion latest 2016 November
Module 3 - Discussion: Data Collection - Questionnaire
83 83 unread replies. 83 83 replies.
An undergraduate student named Nicki created a Questionnaire Preview the documentView in a new windowto gain insight into people’s attitudes toward online shopping. To determine the attributes relevant to his study, Nicki first conducted face-to-face interviews. Then based on a rigorous analysis of those interviews, he developed the questionnaire. Read through Nicki’s proposed questionnaire and answer the following questions.
Discussion Topic:
Nicki’s questionnaire starts with questions seeking personal information from the respondents. Some researchers ask for personal data at the end rather than the beginning of the questionnaire. Which do you prefer and why?
Nicki uses a lot of closed questions that ask respondents to make choices among a set of alternatives given by the researcher. In closed questions, care must be taken to ensure that the alternatives are mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive. Are there any of Nicki’s questions that are not mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive? If so, which ones? Tell how you might revise those questions to make them mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive.
Poor phrasing of questions can cause respondents to refuse to answer them or to answer incorrectly (either on purpose or because of misunderstanding). Do you think any of Nicki’s questions are poorly worded and should be reworded? If so, which ones and how would you reword the items?
Posting Instructions: You should make your initial discussion board posting no later than the fourth day of the week. Later in the week, return to the discussion, read the postings of your classmates, and comment on at least two of those. Remember to follow similar practice for other discussions throughout the course.
Embry RSCH202 Module 4 Discussion latest 2016 November
Module 4 - Discussion: The moderating effect of involvement in product effectiveness
8989 unread replies.8989 replies.
Review the description of the proposed study with 4 discussion questions. Read the description, then answer your assigned question. Be sure to answer both parts, 'a' and 'b', of the question. You will pick a question based on the First Letter of your Last Name.
Posting Instructions:In your responses to this week’s discussion board, be sure to read the answers to questions other than the one assigned to you. Your postings must include a response to at least one other question. You should make your initial discussion board posting no later than the 4th day of the week. Later in the week, return to the discussion, read the postings of your classmates, and comment on at least two of those. Remember to follow similar practice for other discussions throughout the course.
Embry RSCH202 Module 5 Discussion latest 2016 November
Module 5 - Discussion: Sampling
83 83 unread replies. 83 83 replies.
In this discussion there are five scenarios related to sampling Preview the document View in a new window. You will be assigned one of these scenarios based on the first letter of your last name.
5.4 Discussion.jpg
Discussion Topic: For your assigned scenario, indicate what would be the relevant population and the most appropriate sampling design. Be sure to give the reasons for your answers.
Posting Instructions: In your responses to this week’s discussion board, be sure to read the answers to scenarios other than the one assigned to you. Your postings must include a response to at least one other scenarios.You should make your initial discussion board posting no later than the 4th day of the week. Later in the week, return to the discussion, read the postings of your classmates, and comment on at least two of those. Remember to follow similar practice for other discussions throughout the course.
Embry RSCH202 Module 6 Discussion latest 2016 November
Module 6 - Discussion: Data analysis technique
88 88 unread replies. 88 88 replies.
You will review five scenarios (Links to an external site.) related to selecting an appropriate data analysis technique. Select one of these scenarios based on the first letter of your last name. Review the PDF versionPreview the documentView in a new window if you are unable to play the scenarios.
6.3 Discussion.jpg
Discussion Topic: For your assigned scenario, state the null and alternate hypotheses (if applicable), indicate what would be the appropriate hypothesis test or analysis technique, and state why you selected that technique.
Posting Instructions: In your responses to this week’s discussion board, be sure to read the answers to scenarios other than the one assigned to you. Your postings must include a response to at least one other scenarios. You should make your initial discussion board posting no later than the 4th day of the week. Later in the week, return to the discussion, read the postings of your classmates, and comment on at least two of those. Remember to follow similar practice for other discussions throughout the course.
Embry RSCH202 Module 7 Discussion latest 2016 November
Module 7 - Discussion: Opportunities to Travel and Present your Research!
83 83 unread replies. 83 83 replies.
Some professional organizations and colleges and universities provide opportunities for undergraduate students to present the results of their research. Some even offer stipends to cover travel expenses for undergraduates.
One example is the Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR). You can learn about events sponsored by CUR by going to the CUR website (Links to an external site.). On the homepage, click on Conferences & Events, then Student Events. CUR hosts an annual national conference on undergraduate research and also sponsors the annual Posters on the Hill event in Washington, DC. M6_CUR.png
Discussion Topic: For this discussion board, do an Internet search on “undergraduate research conferences” or a similar term, find an interesting undergraduate research conference or event that you might like to attend, and post a short description of that conference or event. Be unique – don’t post about a conference or event that another student has already described. Someone should describe the CUR events mentioned above in more detail, so, if you get on this early and are first, you can post about those!
Posting Instructions: You should make your initial discussion board posting no later than the fourth day of the week. Later in the week, return to the discussion, read the postings of your classmates, and comment on at least two of those. Remember to follow similar practice for other discussions throughout the course.
Embry RSCH202 Module 8 Discussion latest 2016 November
Module 8 - Discussion: Qualitative Research Methods
62 62 unread replies. 62 62 replies.
The paper by Beverly Hancock titled “Trent Focus for Research and Development in Primary Health CarePreview the documentView in a new window” gives further explanations of qualitative research techniques and procedures primarily using health care examples. Read and study this paper and answer the questions as you go through the paper. After you complete your reading, go to the Module 8 Discussion Board and answer the following questions.
Discussion Topic:
At the end of Section 2 of the article, the author gives four research problem examples and asks you to determine the most appropriate qualitative method for each problem. Pose a problem related to your work environment that would be appropriate for qualitative research, and determine the most appropriate qualitative method of the four discussed in Section 2. Explain briefly why would you use that technique.
In Section 3, the author discusses interviews, focus groups, and observation. Suppose you want to use a focus group for the problem you described in Question 1 above. Briefly answer the following:
What is the geographical spread of your potential participants?
Are there any specific inclusion criteria for selecting participants? Is so, briefly explain the criteria.
Where or how could you obtain a list of potential participants?
Are there preexisting groups and what are the advantages and disadvantages of using those groups?
Posting Instructions: You should make your initial discussion board posting no later than the fourth day of the week. Later in the week, return to the discussion, read the postings of your classmates, and comment on at least two of those. Remember to follow similar practice for other discussions throughout the course.
Embry RSCH202 Module 9 Discussion latest 2016 November
Module 9 - Discussion: The Research Report
5656 unread replies.7575 replies.
When you looked at the pages of the APA Pocket Style Manual as part of your reading assignment, you saw instructions on what sections should be included in a report and very specific formatting instructions on things like tables, graphs, charts, quotations, headings, references, and a variety of other items. In this course and others you take, you may begin to think that your instructor is way too picky on things such as these. For this discussion board, answer the following questions.
Discussion Topic:
1. Suppose your instructor requires you to follow the formatting instructions in the APA Pocket Style Manualexactly. Is he or she being too picky and should they lighten up a bit?
2. Are specific formatting instructions necessary in a research report? Why or why not?
3. If you are submitting a research report for publication or presentation, why should you be concerned about formatting?
Posting Instructions:You should make your initial discussion board posting no later than the fourth day of the week. Later in the week, return to the discussion, read the postings of your classmates, and comment on at least two of those. Remember to follow similar practice for other discussions throughout the course.
Embry RSCH202 Module 1 Library Basic Training Assignment latest 2016 November
Library Basic Training
You may have completed Library Basic Training in a previous course. That’s great! This course will require extensive use of the library resources, so even if you completed Library Basic Training previously, you should go back and review it at this time.
The Hunt Library's Library Basic Training course is divided into three separate sections:
1. Introduction (introduces the services available)
2. Getting Started with Research (teaches how to use EAGLE search)
3. Focused Research (demonstrates how to access the databases and provides the steps for requesting items from the Hunt Library).
You must complete each section in order before you will be allowed to move on to the next section. After completing the training, you will be emailed a certificate of completion in PDF format.
To complete Library Basic Training, click on the following link:
Remember—to receive credit for completing this course activity, you must forward a copy of the email with your certificate of completion to your RSCH 202 instructor.
Embry RSCH202 Module 1 The Literature Review - Annotated Bibliography Assignment
This assignment builds on material you should be familiar with from your prerequisite English course. Your assignment is to prepare an annotated bibliography using APA style on one of the following topics or another topic of interest to you from a business perspective:
1. Service quality
2. Product development
3. Open-market operations
4. Information systems
5. Manufacturing technology
6. Assessment centers
7. Transfer pricing
Pick a topic that interests you and develop a good annotated bibliography following the instructions below. You will use the resources you find for this assignment in the Literature Review assignment in Module 2 and the Research Methodology assignment in Module 8. As you look for references in this assignment, keep in mind that the Literature Review and Research Methodology assignments will involve formulating a research question and designing a methodology to answer that question, so be thinking of interesting questions related to the topic you select—questions that you might want to explore further.
From the text A Pocket Style Manual, APA Version, read the following:
  • Chapter 6 § 6a: Maintaining a working bibliography, for compiling list of sources at the end of your paper
  • Chapter 12 § 12e: Annotated bibliography (economics), to understand the reference list entry by summarizing the source
  • Chapter 5: Evaluating sources, for specific tips on evaluating sources
Note that you will probably need to refer to Chapter 14 of A Pocket Style Manual, APA Version, for formatting of different types of references. It is important that you pay close attention to formatting requirements.
The assignment has two parts: 1) The list of sources, and 2) The annotation for each source. In the assignment you submit, the annotation for each source should immediately follow the listing of the source as shown in Chapter 12e of A Pocket Style Manual, APA Version.
The list of sources must contain the following:
1. The subject of your research, which you must state at the top of the page.
2. Ten sources of information about your subject, including:
  • At least one book
  • At least four articles from the Hunt Library databases
  • At least two scholarly articles

Special note:Wikipedia is not an acceptable source for scholarly work. Do not use Wikipedia as a source for this or any academic assignment. All sources must be correctly documented in APA style, and the entire references list must be correctly formatted in APA style.
The annotation for each source has two parts:
1. A short summary (1-3 sentences) of the information found in the source
2. An evaluation of the source’s credibility, reliability, currency, possible bias, and usefulness with respect to your topic. Review the following documents on:
Embry RSCH202 Module 1 Library Basic Training Latest 2016 November
Library Basic Training
You may have completed Library Basic Training in a previous course. That’s great! This course will require extensive use of the library resources, so even if you completed Library Basic Training previously, you should go back and review it at this time.
The Hunt Library's Library Basic Training course is divided into three separate sections:
1. Introduction (introduces the services available)
2. Getting Started with Research (teaches how to use EAGLE search)
3. Focused Research (demonstrates how to access the databases and provides the steps for requesting items from the Hunt Library).
You must complete each section in order before you will be allowed to move on to the next section. After completing the training, you will be emailed a certificate of completion in PDF format.
To complete Library Basic Training, click on the following link:
Remember—to receive credit for completing this course activity, you must forward a copy of the email with your certificate of completion to your RSCH 202 instructor.
Embry RSCH202 Module 3 Assignment Case Study Data Collection Latest 2016 November
Assignment: Data Collection – Interviews and Observations
KyotoMidtownisacompositeurbandistrictofmodernbuildingssurroundingahistoricJapanese garden.Itfeaturessophisticatedbars,restaurants,shops,artgalleries,ahotelandleafypublic spaces.KyotoMidtownaimstoofferauniqueshoppingexperiencewithabroadselection of outlets thatincludeJapan'sfirstflagship boutiqueand theworld'sfirstconceptshops. Fromplayful and trendsettingboutiquestoprestigiousbrandsvaluedtheworldover,itaspirestobeaplacefor peoplewhoappreciatethefinerthings in life.
Inthepastfewyearshowever,visitornumbershave declined.Forthisreason, themanagementof KyotoMidtownshoppingcentrefeelsthatitisimportanttodevelopa betterunderstandingofits shoppersin ordertotaketheshoppingexperiencetoanextlevel.Itwantstoknowwhatattracts customerstoitsstores,whatcustomersneedwhileshoppingandhowtheygoaboutshopping. Basedon theseinsights,itwantstodevelopstrategiesthatarecloselyaligned withitscustomers’ shoppingstrategies,needsandpreferences.
The management of theshoppingcentrehashired HoshimiKusunoki, aninternationalfull-time MBA studenttoproduceareportcompletewithpractical,hands-on recommendationsreadyfor implementation.Bornand raisedinanupper classfamily inYamanote,Hoshimi isfamiliarwiththe lifestyleandattitudes of people visitingtheKyotoMidtownshoppingcenterandthe high expectationsthattheyhave.
AkeyaimofHoshimi’sresearchprojectistofindoutwhatshopperswouldneedtoincreasethe frequencyofshoppingatthecentreaswellastounderstandhowitcomparestoothershopping centresinKyotocompetingforcustomers.Based on preliminaryresearch,Hoshimihasbeenable to developthefollowingspecific projectobjectives:
• To establish theprofileof shoppers
• TounderstandtheirawarenessandusageoftheMidtown Shoppingcentre
• Tounderstandhowshoppers travel tothe shoppingcentre,howfar theyhavetravelledand howfrequentlytheyshopthere
• To exploreshopperbehaviorandunderstandwhat theyhavepurchased orhadexpectedto
• Tounderstandtheirexpectationsto theMidtown shoppingcentre
• Tounderstandtheirattitudesto the Midtown shoppingcentre
Hoshimiwants toconduct structured facetofaceinterviewswith 100shoppersatthe shopping centreandacompetingshoppingcentre.Theinterviewswilltakeplaceduringthekeyshopping hours acrosseverydayof theweekamongarepresentativesampleofparticipants.
1. Hoshimihasplannedtocarryoutstructuredinterviews.Howdostructuredinterviewsdiffer fromunstructured interviews? Which would be more appropriate for this study and why?
2. What arethepossibleadvantages anddisadvantagesof usingfacetofaceinterviews in this situation?
3. Theinformationobtained duringinterviewsshouldbeasfreeaspossiblefrombias.Howcan Hoshimiminimizebias introduced bytheinterviewer,theinterviewee,or thesituation?
4. What advice would you give Hoshimiregarding theselectionof participants for her interviews?
DawsonChambersisa young,dynamicandfastgrowingresearchagencythatis specializedinMystery Shopping,MarketResearch,andCustomerServiceTraining.Itislocatedin Geneva,Switzerland from whereitprovidesnational andinternational organizationswithcustomizedperformanceimprovement programs.DawsonChambershasaconsiderablenetwork ofspecialistmysteryshoppersoperatingfrom regionalhubsacrossSwitzerland.Thesemysteryshoppersprovideserviceorganizationswiththetools todevelop,trainandre-train theirteamstoimprove customerserviceandsalesperformance.Dawson Chambershasrecently beenapproachedbySebastianKoch,managerofSwiss-tell,aSwissmobile phoneproviderheadquarteredin Basel.Sebastianhasasked Dawson Chamberstoassessthequality of servicedeliverytocustomers ofSwiss-TelmobilephoneshopsacrossSwitzerland.
Likeinmanyothercountries,themobilephoneindustryinSwitzerlandishugeanddespitetherapid growthofonlineshopping,brick-and-mortarbusinessisstilldominantinthemobilephoneindustry; mostpeopleinteractwith amobilephoneproviderviaaphoneshop.Accordingtomanyhowever,the qualityofservicedeliveryinthesephoneshopsispoor.Aparticipantinapreliminarystudydescribed thequalityofservicedeliveryinphoneshopsasfollows:“Whileitwouldbeunreasonabletoexpect everysalesassistant to knowthecompleteins andouts of eachphone- althoughitwouldberathernice iftheydid-youdoexpectgoodadvice.Most ofthetimehowever,shopassistantsdonot offeranything neartoadvice;they trytoshove certainproducts downyourthroat andtheyarealways tryingtoup- sell.
SebastianKochbelievesthatitdoesn’thavetobethisway. Hethinksthatconsumersshouldgetsound advice withoutbeingbelittledandpatronized.Healsothinksthatmysteryshoppingcanprovidean excellent insightintohis team'sabilitytointeractwith customersand that itis thereforea valuable tool toimproveboth salesand customerservice.ThatiswhySebastian hasasked Dawson Chambersto developandlaunchamysteryshoppingprogram. Sebastianhasexplainedthattheaimsof thisprogram are to:
• highlightif companyprocessesarebeingfollowed;
• provideacomprehensiveevaluationoftheserviceprocess; Sebastianwantstoknowwhat works in thecustomerserviceprocessandwhatdoesnot;
• identifytrainingneeds for thestorestoimprovetheirservice.
Withtheseobjectivesin mindDawsonChambers hasdevelopedamysteryshoppingprogram.The researchagencyhasdrawnupasurveymodeland-afterathoroughdiscussionwithSebastian– decided thatitsmysteryshoppershaveto collect the followinginformation:
• speed of service;
• the questions asked by the shop assistant to help the customer to find a suitable product;
• the types of products shown by the shop assistant;
• the sales arguments used by the shop assistant;
• whether or how the shop assistant attempted to close the sale;
• compliance with company standards relating to service;
• whether the shop assistant suggested any add-on sales;
Theyhavealsoagreeduponthefollowing.Anumber ofmysteryshopperswillbegiven instructionsto makethetransactionatypicaltotesttheknowledgeandserviceskillsoftheshopassistantswhereas otherswilltrytoreturnpreviouslyboughtmerchandise.Notallmysteryshoppingscenarioswillinclude a purchase.
After visitingone or morephoneshopsthe mysteryshoppershavesubmitted thecollecteddatato Dawson Chambers,which reviewedand analyzed theinformation.Areportandapresentation ofthe resultswasproduced,identifyingstrengthsand weaknesses ofthecompany’sperformance.Points on whichimprovementwasrequiredwereidentifiedandrecommendationsmadeastohow toachieve theseimprovements.
1. Define observation and explain (based on your definition) why mystery shopping is a form of observation.
2. If you were Sebastian Koch, would you inform your shop assistants about the mystery shopping program before it actually takes place? Why (not)?
3. (How) would the mystery shoppers benefit from a coding scheme?
4. What are the benefits of mystery shopping over other methods of data collection such as interviews or questionnaires?
5. Sebastianisrelyingsolelyonmysteryshoppingtoimprovethecompany’sperformance.Whatarethe dangers ofthis?Inotherwords,what arethelimitations ofmysteryshopping?
Sekaran, U., & Bougie, R. (2013). Research methods for business: A skill building approach (6th ed.). Chichester, United Kingdom: Wiley. ISBN: 978-1-119-94225-2.
Embry RSCH202 Module 3 Turn in Literature Review Draft Latest 2016 November
The Literature Review Assignment was introduced in Activity 2.6. Take advantage of this opportunity! The purpose of the draft is to give you an opportunity to get feedback from your instructor prior to writing your final proposal – the draft isn’t expected to be perfect. It will be graded, but will count only 2% of your final course grade. A good grade on the draft means that you submitted it on time; your instructor feels that you put good effort into it, and that it addresses the required topics. The literature review that is due in Module 5 will be subject to much more stringent grading criteria. That means it is possible that you could receive a higher grade on a draft than on the corresponding portion of the final complete proposal.
Embry RSCH202 Module 4 Case Study - Measurement of Variables Latest 2016 November
Case Study: Measurement of Variables– Operational Definitions
Chapter 11: TheStandard AsianMerchantBank
TheStandardAsianMerchantBankisa MalaysianmerchantbankheadquarteredinKuala Lumpur.Thebankprovidesfinancialservicesin assetmanagement,corporatefinance,and securities broking. Clients of The Standard Asian Merchant Bank are among others institutional investors, foundations, (semi) public institutions, companies, and high net- worthindividualclients.SegmentsinwhichTheStandardAsianMerchantBankoperatesare smallandmedium-sizedlistedcompanies,realestate,andbiotechfirms.
SyafiqAimiisa BusinessstudentfromtheNationalUniversityof Malaysiawhichislocatedin Bangi, Selangor-about 35km southofKuala Lumpur. Syafiq iscurrentlyundertaking a research project for the Structured Products (SP) desk ofThe Standard Asian Merchant Bank’s securities department. The SP desk is responsiblefor developingand selling structuredproducts:investmentsthatconsist ofa portfolioofsecuritiesandderivatives. Structured productsareinvestment instrumentsthatarecreatedtomeetspecific needs thatcannotbemetfromstandardizedfinancialinstruments.TheproductsoftheSPdeskare tailor-madeandtheyaredevelopedbasedonthe StandardAsian MerchantBank’sniche specializationswhich are Asian listed real estate companies, life sciences companies, and shares.
TheSPdeskofTheStandardAsianMerchantBankhasitsownwebsitethatisprimarilyused toprovideinformationtotheusersofthewebsite.Thewebsitecontainsinformationabout theproductsoffered(e.g.,brochures,legaldocuments,andbid-askspreads),publications, andcontactinformation.Thewebsitecanbeclassifiedasa services-oriented relationship- building website. There are two main groups of website users; financial advisors and institutionalclientsoftheSPdesk.Theyusethewebsitetoexamineproductfeatures,prices oftheproductsofferedbytheSPdesk,andlegalinformation.
For the SP desk, there are several reasons why they have asked Syafiq to undertake a researchproject:
1. Satisfactionwiththewebsitehasneverbeenmeasured.Asaresult,theSPdeskdoes notknowhowtheusersexperiencethewebsite.Thecurrentcontentandlayoutof thewebsitearebasedonassumptionsofwhatusersarelookingforonthewebsite. Forthisreason,thewebsitemaycontainelementsdeemedunnecessarybytheusers andit mightlackfeaturesthatareimportanttotheusers.
2. Usersofthewebsiteonlyspendasmallamountoftimeonthewebsite.In2011,
morethan70%(75.4%)ofthevisitorsspentlessthan30secondsonthewebsiteof theSPdesk(AWStats,2011).Theproductsofferedatthewebsitearequitecomplex and clients often have a lack of knowledge concerning Structured Products. Therefore it is desirable to encourage website users to spend more time on the website.
3. Thewebsiteisnotself-explanatory.Consequently,peoplecontactemployeesofthe SPdesktoaskforexplanationandclarification.Thisisatimeconsumingprocessthat isrelativelyexpensiveforasmalldesk.
“WhatelementsareofimportanceindrivingSatisfactionwiththe WebsiteintheAsian investmentbankingindustry,towhatextentdothesevariablesinfluenceSatisfaction with theWebsite,andhowcantheresultsofthisstudybeusedtocreateawebsitefortheSP deskthat isself-explanatory, thatpeopleuseas theirmain informationsourceand that websiteusersspendmoretimeon?”
SeveralresearchmethodsareusedbySyafiqtoanswertheproblemstatement.Inorderto determinethevariablesrelevanttohisstudySyafiqhascarriedoutaliteraturereviewand face-to-face interviews. Based on the literature review and a rigorous analysis of the interviewsSyafiqhasdevelopedthefollowingconceptualmodel.
Syafiqnowwantstocollectquantitativedatatobeabletotestthismodelwithmultivariate regressionanalysis.In ordertocollectthesequantitativedata,Syafiqis currentlybusywith designingasurveywhichhewantstopostonline.Hehasdevelopedthefollowingtablethatshouldhelphimtooperationalizetheconstructsinhisconceptualmodel.
Table 1:Overview oftheConstructs/variables inmyModel,“Subconstructs”, andSurvey
Information quality
Referstothecontent ofthe information providedbythewebsite (Hernandezet al. 2009)
The information isapplicabletothewebsite’sactivities(zie relevance).
The information isdetailed (zieaccuracy).
The maingoalofthe informationonthewebsiteisclear.
The information onthewebsiteisinformative toyourusage. The information onthewebsiteisvaluable toyour usage. The information onthewebsiteisoftheappropriatedetail.The contentonthewebsitesupportsitsintendedpurpose.
information meetstheneeds ofthe websiteuser (Muylle etal.2004).
Thewebsiteprovidesinformation thatexactlyfits your needs.
The information isapplicabletothewebsite’sactivities.
The information inthewebsiteisrelevant.
The information inthewebsiteistothepoint.
The information inthewebsitedoesnothelpmeatall.
Referstothecurrencyofthe information onthewebsite (McKinneyetal. 2002).
Information isalwaysupdated inthesite.
The information iscurrent.
Yougetthe information youneedintime.
Referstotheclearnessand goodnessoftheinformation (Cheung and Lee2005, 2008).
Thecontentofthewebsiteiseasytounderstand. The meaning ofthe informationisclear.
The information inthewebsiteisclear to me.
The information inthewebsiteispresentedclearly. The information isclear in meaning.
The information iseasytocomprehend.
Ingeneral, information onthewebsite isunderstandablefor youto use.
information onthewebsite(Muylle
etal. 2004)
Thewebsiteprovidessufficientinformation. The information inthewebsiteiscomplete.
The information inthewebsiteissufficientlydetailed.

Referstothedegreeofconsistency anddependabilityoftheinformation onthewebsite(Cheung andLee
2005,2008; McKinneyetal.2002).
Thewebsiteprovidesinformation that youtrust. The information onthewebsiteistrustworthy. The information onthewebsiteis credible.
Ingeneral, information onthewebsite isreliableforyoutouse.
Referstothedegreetowhichthe information onthewebsiteis perceivedtobeprecise(Muylle etal.
2004;Zhangand vonDran2002).
Thewebsiteprovidesaccurateinformation. Thewebsiteprovidespreciseinformation. The information onthewebsiteisdetailed. The information onthewebsiteisaccurate.
The information onthewebsiteisnotprecise. I canrelyonthe information inthewebsite.
The information inthewebsiteissufficientlydetailed.
Referstothedegreetowhichthe user believesthattheinformation onthewebsitewill enhancetheir decision (Cheung and Lee2005,
2008; McKinneyetal.2002)
The information onthewebsiteisuseful.
The information onthewebsiteisinformative toyour usage.
The information onthewebsiteisvaluable toyour usage.
Ingeneral, information onblackboard isusefulfor youtouse.
Referstothe easewithwhichusers
canfindtheneededinformation on thewebsite(Schmidt etal. 2007; EvansandKing 1999*).
I findthesite easytonavigate.
Thenavigation linksarestated in everypage.
Itiseasytofindtheinformation I needfromthiswebsite.
The organizationofthecontentsofthissite makesit easyfor meto know whereI amwhennavigatingit.
You obtaindesired information quickly. Itiseasyto locate theinformation.
Thewebsite isbeing easytogobackandforthbetweenpages. Thewebsite isprovidinga few clickstolocateinformation.
Ingeneral, thewebsite iseasytonavigate.
Referstotheavailabilityofthe websiteatall times(Cheung and Lee
2005; 2008)
Thewebsite isresponsivetoyour request.
Ingeneral, thewebsiteprovidesgoodaccess.
Thewebsite isavailable atall times.
Easeof use
Referstothe easewithwhichthe website canbeused(Tarafdar and Zhang 2006).
I findthesite easytooperate.
Thewebsite iseasytounderstand.
Thiswebsite issimple touse, evenwhenusing itfor thefirsttime. Thewebsite iseasytouse.
Thewebsite isuser-friendly.
Ingeneral, thewebsite isuser friendly.
Thewebsite iswell organized.
I findthewebsite easytouse.
Referstothedegreetowhichthe websiteusersperceivethewebsite tobefastorslow(Muylle etal.
I findthesitedownloadtimeacceptable. Thespeedofdisplaybetweenpagesishigh.
There isverylittle timebetween myrequest forpagesandhavingthe pagesdisplayed onmy computer.
Therateatwhich informationisdisplayed isfast. Thesitedoesn’twastemytime.
Thewebsite istimeconsuming.
Itdoesnottake muchtimetogetfromoneplace inthewebsiteto
Thewebsite isfast.
Thewebsite isquicklyloadingall thetextandgraphics.
WhenI usethewebsitethere is verylittle waitingtimebetweenmy actions andthewebsite’sresponse.
Thewebsite loadsquickly.
Referstotheusersperceptions’ of thewebsite’sreliabilityandsafety (AwamlehandFernandes2005).
Youfeelthewebsite issecure.
Thewebsitehasprovisionsfor user authentication.
Thewebsitehasan informationpolicy.
Referstothe elementsthatprovide websiteusersasenseof privacy (Schmidt etal. 2008).
I feel like myprivacyisprotectedatthiswebsite.
Referstotheaccuracyofthewebsite inprovidinginformationto itsusers.
Thesystem isaccurate.
Areyousatisfiedwith theaccuracyofthesystem?
Referstothereliabilityofthe website inprovidinginformationto itsusers.
Yougetthe informationthatyourequested onthewebsite.
communication channelsthata companyofferstoestablish direct contactwithusersinordertohelp themwithquestions or problems(ChenandYen2004; Hernandez etal.
2009;Wan2000; Wolfinbargerand
I cansendmyfeedbackaboutthesite.
Think ofall thepossible waysthat you cancontactour bank whenyou needto. Based onthisinformation andonyour ownpreferences, how easydoyouthink it istocontactus?
Youaresatisfiedwiththecustomersupportprovidedbythewebsite. Youaresatisfiedwiththeafter-salessupportprovidedbythewebsite. Thewebsiteunderstands your problemsandrequests.
Thewebsiterespondstoyour requestsfast enough.
Thewebsiteprovidesthepersonalized customer supportyouneed.
Thewebsiterespondstoyour problemsandrequestspromptly. Thecompanyiswillingandreadytorespondto customer needs. Whenyouhaveaproblem, thewebsiteshowsasincere interest in solvingit.
Referstotheabilityofwebsitesto presentcustomized informationto fulfill the individual needs ofusers (Tarafdar andZhang 2006; Chenand Hitt2002***; Greer andMurtaza
Thewebsiteprovidesinformation thatexactlyfits your needs. Thewebsitecanunderstandwhat you need viainteractive communication.
Thewebsitehaspersonalization characteristics. Thewebsite offerscustomizedinformation.
The levelofpersonalization isaboutright, nottoo muchortoolittle. Thewebsiteprovidestheprecise information youneed.
Thewebsiteprovidesreportsthat seemtobejustabout exactlywhat youneed.
Thewebsiteallowsmeto interactwithit toreceivetailored information.
I can interactwiththewebsite in ordertogetinformationtailored to my specificneeds.
Referstothe featuresonthewebsite that influence theusers’sense of control(WolfinbargerandGilly
Thesiteprovidesvalueadded features.
WhenI amusingthiswebsite, I feelthatI am incontrolofwhatI can
Theuser controlstheorder or sequenceofinformation access. Theuser controlshowfasttogo throughthewebsite.
Theuser controlsopportunitiesfor interaction.
Userscontrolthedifficultyleveloftheinformation accessed. Thewebsitehasfeatures,whichhelpmeaccomplish mytask.
Referstotheaestheticsofthe website(Loiacono etal. 2002).
Thesitehasanattractiveappearance. Thewebsitehasanattractivelayout.
I like thelayoutofthewebsite.
The layoutofthewebsiteis visuallycomforting. The layoutofthewebsiteisannoying.
Thewebsite isvisuallyattractive.
Thewebsitehasanattractivescreenlayout. Thewebsite isvisuallypleasing.
Thewebsitedisplaysvisuallypleasing design. Thewebsite isvisuallyappealing.
Referstotheuniquenessand creativityofthewebsite(Loiacono et al. 2002).
Thedesignisappropriatetothetypeofthesite. Thewebsite isinnovative.
Thewebsitedesignisinnovative. Thewebsite iscreative.
Referstothe easeofreading ofthe
information onthewebsite(Palmer
Thesitepresentsthe information inanappropriateformat.
The outputformat iseasytoread.
The layoutofthe information iseasytounderstand. Thewebsite iswell organized.
Thewebsitehasasimple layoutfor itscontent. Thewebsitehasacleardesign.
The information onthewebsiteiseasytoread. Thetext on thewebsite iseasytoread.
Referstotheconsistencyofthe imageprojectedbythewebsitewith the imageofthefirm (Loiacono et al.
Thedesignisappropriatetothetypeofwebsite. I findthesitehasconsistentpagelayout.
Youaresatisfiedwiththe imageofthewebsite.
The companyto which the website belongshasa well-knownbrand. The website projectsanimage consistentwiththe company’simage. Thewebsite fitswithmyimageofthecompany.
Thewebsite’simage matchesthat ofthecompany.
Thediscrepancybetweena customer’sexpectations andperceptions of performance
Ingeneralterms, I amsatisfiedwiththewaythatthiswebsitehas carried out myactions.
Ingeneral,Iam satisfied withtheservicethatIreceivedfromthewebsite. Pleasethinkofyouroverallexperience withthewebsite.Onascaleof1-7,overall,howsatisfiedareyouwiththewebsite?
Youaresatisfiedwith thewebsite.
Note.The“surveyquestions”inthe last columnarequestionsfromvariousstudiesonwebsitequality.I havetriedtofind
asmanyquestionsas Icould.Everysinglesurveyquestionis takenoutof(oneof)thepaperspresentedinthereference list.
AwamlehRaedandCedwynFernandes(2005),“Internetbanking:anempiricalinvestigation intotheextentofadoptionbybanksandthedeterminantsofcustomersatisfaction intheUnitedArabEmirates,”JournalofInternetBankingandCommerce,10(1),
Chen,KuanchinandDavidC.Yen(2004),“Improvingthequalityofonlinepresencethrough interactivity,”Information&Management,42,217-26.
Chen,P.S.andL.M.Hitt(2002),“MeasuringSwitchingCostsandtheDeterminantsof CustomerRetentioninInternet-EnabledBusiness,”InformationSystemsResearch,13 (3),255-74.
Cheung,ChristyM.K.andMatthewK.O.Lee(2005),“TheAsymmetricEffectof Website
Evans,J.R.,andV.E.King(1999),“Business-to-businessmarketingandtheWorldWideWeb: Planning,managingandassessingwebsites,”IndustrialMarketingManagement,28 (4),343–58.
Greer,T.H.andM.M.Murtaza(2003),“WebPersonalization:TheImpactofPerceived InnovationCharacteristicsontheIntentiontoUsePersonalization,”Journalof ComputerInformationSystems,Spring,50-3.
Hernandez,Bianca,JulioJimenezandJoseM.Martin(2009),“Keywebsitefactorsin e- businessstrategy,”InternationalJournalofInformationManagement,29(5),362-71.
Loiacono,EleanorT.,RichardT.WatsonandDale L.Goodhue(2002),“WebQual:Ameasure ofwebsitequality,”inMarketingTheoryandApplications,Vol.13,ed.K.K.Evansand
McKinney,Vicki,KanghyunYoonandFatemehM.Zahedi(2002),“TheMeasurementof Web-CustomerSatisfaction:AnExpectationandDisconfirmationApproach,” InformationSystemsResearch,13(3),296-315.
empiricalvalidationof websiteusersatisfaction,”Information&Management,41,
Palmer,JonathanW.(2002),“Websiteusability,designandperformancemetrics,” InformationSystemsResearch,13(2),151–67.
Schmidt,Serje,AntoniS.CantallopsandCristianePizuttidosSantos(2008),“The characteristicsofhotelwebsitesandtheirimplicationsforwebsiteeffectiveness,” InternationalJournalofHospitalityManagement,27(4), 504-16.
Tarafdar,MonideepaandJieZhang(2005),“AnalysisofCriticalWebsiteCharacteristics:A Cross-CategoryStudyofSuccessfulWebsites,”JournalofComputerInformation Systems,46(2),14-24.
proceedingsoftheAmericasConferenceon InformationSystems,LongBeach,CA: AssociationforInformationSystems,1362–6.
FactorsinDifferentWebSiteDomains,”InternationalJournalof ElectronicCommerce,
1. Measurement is the assignment of numbers to characteristics (or attributes) of
objects accordingto apre-specified set ofrules. Describe the objectand characteristicsofSyafiq’sstudy.
2. The measurement ofmore abstract andsubjective characteristics (orattributes - such for instance the attributes in Syafiq’s study) is more difficult than the
measurement of other, moretangibleattributessuchasweight,length, gender, age, and marital status.Whyis that?
3. Onewayoftappingmoreabstractandsubjectiveattributesisoperationalizingthese attributes.
a. Whatisoperationalization?
b. Describetheprocessofoperationalizingvariables.
4. BasedonareviewoftheliteratureSyafiqhasdevelopedatable(Table1)thatshould helphimtooperationalizethe variablesof his conceptualmodel.Usethistableto discusstheattribute‘InformationQuality’intermsofdimensionsandelements.In other words, which dimensions of ‘Information Quality’ has Syafiq found in the literatureand howhavethesedimensionsfurtherbeenbrokenintoelementsby researcherswhohaveinvestigatedthisissueinthepast?
5. Syafiqcoulddecidetousethesurveyquestionshehasfoundintheliteratureasa
basis for hisquestionnaire. Isit,ingeneral, agood ora badideatouseexisting scales?Why?
Sekaran, U., & Bougie, R. (2013). Research methods for business: A skill building approach(6th ed.). Chichester, United Kingdom: Wiley. ISBN: 978-1-119-94225-2.'
Embry RSCH202 Module 5 Final Literature Review Latest 2016 November
You should have turned in a draft in Module 3, received feedback from your instructor, and revised the draft based on the feedback you received. In this activity, you will turn in your final literature review assignment.

In an effort to curb plagiarism, ERAU provides instructors with TurnitIn, an anti-plagiarism tool. When you submit this assignment, it will be automatically screened by TurnitIn. TurnitIn will compare your writing with a database of millions of other written works and checks for originality versus plagiarized papers. You will be able to view your originality report.
Embry RSCH202 Module Module 7 Submit Quantitative Data Analysis Latest 2016 November
Module – 7: CASE STUDY
1. WhyarethedatathatJackhasgatheredqualitativeinnature?
2. Describe the sampling technique that Jack used. Using the sampling techniques described in Chapter 13 and summarized in table 13.2 on page 254, which type technique do you think Jack used? Do you think the technique was appropriate? What are its strengths and weaknesses? Would another technique have been better? Explain your answers.
3. Describethethreestepsinqualitativedataanalysis(datareduction,datadisplay,and thedrawingofconclusions)onthebasisofJack’sstudy.
4. Jackhasnotpaidanyattentiontothereliabilityandvalidityofhisresultsinthefirst
a. Discussreliabilityandvalidityin qualitativeresearch.
b. Describe how Jack could have paid attention to the reliability and validity of his findings.
5. PleasecategorizethefollowingthreeresponsesintoJack’sclassificationsystem.
It is possible that you experienced several emotions at that moment. Which emotion did you feel the strongest?
____I was angry___________________________
How intense did you experience this emotion?
Not intense at all 1 2 3 4 5 Very Intense
Did you experience any other emotions because of this event? If you did, which emotions and to what extent?
Not intense at all Very Intense
____Disappointment__________________ 1 2 3 4 5
________________________________ 1 2 3 4 5
________________________________ 1 2 3 4 5
________________________________ 1 2 3 4 5
________________________________ 1 2 3 4 5

It is possible that you experienced several emotions at that moment. Which emotion did you feel the strongest?
_____I was blind with rage.___________________
How intense did you experience this emotion?
Not intense at all 1 2 3 4 5 Very Intense
Did you experience any other emotions because of this event? If you did, which emotions and to what extent?
Not intense at all Very Intense
_____It was NOT fair_______________ 1 2 3 4 5
_____Fed up with these people!!!________ 1 2 3 4 5
________________________________ 1 2 3 4 5
________________________________ 1 2 3 4 5
________________________________ 1 2 3 4 5

It is possible that you experienced several emotions at that moment. Which emotion did you feel the strongest?
How intense did you experience this emotion?
Not intense at all 1 2 3 4 5 Very Intense
Did you experience any other emotions because of this event? If you did, which emotions and to what extent?
Not intense at all Very Intense
_There was nothing I could do.___________ 1 2 3 4 5
________________________________ 1 2 3 4 5
________________________________ 1 2 3 4 5
________________________________ 1 2 3 4 5
________________________________ 1 2 3 4 5
Embry RSCH202 Module 8 Submit Case Study Qualitative Data Analysis Latest 2016 November
Module – 7: CASE STUDY
1. WhyarethedatathatJackhasgatheredqualitativeinnature?
2. Describe the sampling technique that Jack used. Using the sampling techniques described in Chapter 13 and summarized in table 13.2 on page 254, which type technique do you think Jack used? Do you think the technique was appropriate? What are its strengths and weaknesses? Would another technique have been better? Explain your answers.
3. Describethethreestepsinqualitativedataanalysis(datareduction,datadisplay,and thedrawingofconclusions)onthebasisofJack’sstudy.
4. Jackhasnotpaidanyattentiontothereliabilityandvalidityofhisresultsinthefirst
a. Discussreliabilityandvalidityin qualitativeresearch.
b. Describe how Jack could have paid attention to the reliability and validity of his findings.
5. PleasecategorizethefollowingthreeresponsesintoJack’sclassificationsystem.
It is possible that you experienced several emotions at that moment. Which emotion did you feel the strongest?
____I was angry___________________________
How intense did you experience this emotion?
Not intense at all 1 2 3 4 5 Very Intense
Did you experience any other emotions because of this event? If you did, which emotions and to what extent?
Not intense at all Very Intense
____Disappointment__________________ 1 2 3 4 5
________________________________ 1 2 3 4 5
________________________________ 1 2 3 4 5
________________________________ 1 2 3 4 5
________________________________ 1 2 3 4 5

It is possible that you experienced several emotions at that moment. Which emotion did you feel the strongest?
_____I was blind with rage.___________________
How intense did you experience this emotion?
Not intense at all 1 2 3 4 5 Very Intense
Did you experience any other emotions because of this event? If you did, which emotions and to what extent?
Not intense at all Very Intense
_____It was NOT fair_______________ 1 2 3 4 5
_____Fed up with these people!!!________ 1 2 3 4 5
________________________________ 1 2 3 4 5
________________________________ 1 2 3 4 5
________________________________ 1 2 3 4 5

It is possible that you experienced several emotions at that moment. Which emotion did you feel the strongest?
How intense did you experience this emotion?
Not intense at all 1 2 3 4 5 Very Intense
Did you experience any other emotions because of this event? If you did, which emotions and to what extent?
Not intense at all Very Intense
_There was nothing I could do.___________ 1 2 3 4 5
________________________________ 1 2 3 4 5
________________________________ 1 2 3 4 5
________________________________ 1 2 3 4 5
________________________________ 1 2 3 4 5
Embry RSCH202 Module 9 Submit Research Methodology Latest 2016 November
In Module 8 you worked on a report that contains the following paragraphs taken from Report 3 on page 374 of the Sekaran and Bougie text: Study Design, Population and Sample, Variables and Measures, Data Collection Methods, and Data Analysis Methods.
In an effort to curb plagiarism, ERAU provides instructors with Turnitin, an anti-plagiarism tool. When you submit this assignment, it will be automatically screened by Turnitin. Turnitin will compare your writing with a database of millions of other written works and checks for originality versus plagiarized papers (even patch-quilt plagiarism).

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