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HRM 420 Complete Course Training and Development Latest

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HRM 420 Quiz Week 1 DeVry
 (TCO 1) Understanding intangible assets in a business setting is critical to human resource managers, especially those in training and development roles. According to Noe, our textbook author, there are four specific types of intangible assets we need to consider in our work as HRMs: human, intellectual, social, and customer capital. Which choice best describes intellectual capital?
The attributes, life experiences, knowledge, inventiveness, energy, and enthusiasm that the company’s employees invest in their work
The codified knowledge that exists in a company
The quality of the products which are produced in a company
The value of interpersonal relationships in the company
The value of relationships with persons or other organizations outside the company for accomplishing the goals of the company
(TCO 1) ADDIE stands for (Points : 4)
Advertise, determine, delineate, internal, and efficient
Analyze, designate, determine, internalize, and effective.
Assess, design, development, implement, and evaluate.
Analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluate.
Alternative, direct, develop, implement, and evaluate.
(TCO 1) Understanding intangible assets in a business setting is critical to human resource managers, especially those in training and development roles. According to Noe, our textbook author, there are four specific types of intangible assets we need to consider in our work as HRMs: human, intellectual, social, and customer capital. Which choice best describes customer capital?
The attributes, life experiences, knowledge, inventiveness, energy, and enthusiasm that the company’s employees invest in their work
The codified knowledge that exists in a company
The quality of the products which are produced in a company
The value of relationships which occur outside the company
(TCO 1) Understanding intangible assets in a business setting is critical to human resource managers, especially those in training and development roles. According to Raymond Noe, our textbook author, there are four specific types of intangible assets we need to consider in our work as HRMs: human, intellectual, social, and customer capital. Which choice best describes human capital? (Points : 4)
The attributes, life experiences, knowledge, inventiveness, energy, and enthusiasm that the company’s employees invest in their work
The codified knowledge that exists in a company
The quality of the products that are produced in a company
The value of interpersonal relationships in the company
The value of relationships with persons or other organizations outside the company for accomplishing the goals of the company
(TCO 1) Which is an important implication of the value of intangible assets and human capital on a company? (Points : 4)
A focus on knowledge worker
An understanding of the total quality management benchmarks
Employee engagement
An increased emphasis on adapting to change and continuous learning
All of the above
(TCOs 1, 8) When comparing employees’ uniqueness and strategic value using typical training and development terms, which describes an employee known as a contract employee?
High value and low uniqueness
Low value and low uniqueness
High uniqueness and low value
High value and high uniqueness
(TCOs 1, 8) Training and development is (Points : 4)
Part of strategic HRM, especially when core competencies are included in training plans.
A function of more than just the HRM team.
Sometimes handled by outside vendors and organizations, but typically this is only the training portion and not development.
One of the most important pieces of HRM if an organization is a learning organization.
All of the above
(TCOs 1, 8) The term uniqueness, as used by training and development pertaining to certain employees, means
Employees with high value to the company.
Employees who will make the company diverse.
Employees who have green cards.
Employees with rare, specialized knowledge not easily obtained in the market.
(TCOs 1, 8) The CEO’s input into training is important for all but the following reason (select the one that is not important to training). (Points : 4)
Creating the vision for the training
Seeking out new employees for vice president positions (who will later have to be trained by the training team)
Reviewing goals and objectives to govern the alignment with the training process
Communicating the importance of training
Teaching and training him- or herself
(TCOs 1, 8) Trainers need to understand different needs for companies based on a company’s strategy. According to Noe, the author of the textbook, in a company with large external growth due to acquiring other companies that are different from the parent company, training implications will include
doing a skills assessment of acquired employees from the new company.
job search skills training.
improving product quality.
All of the above
(TCOs 1, 8) Provide two reasons for and two reasons against outsourcing training. Give one example of a company from your textbook, the discussions, or your work experience that has outsourced its training, and explain (briefly) why it did so. Cite any sources you use. (Points : 10)
HRM 420 Homework Week 2 DeVry
Gap Analysis, SWOT Analysis, and Needs Assessment
Needs Assessment is an important part of Training and Development. Review the course readings for this week, and utilize the SWOT you created for the thread this week. Create a Needs Assessment for your company you have analyzed in the SWOT. To do this, create a 2-4 page paper, following APA 6th guidelines, with the following headings:
  • Company information: Brief introduction. Provide company information, background, and recent stock value trending in this section. (i.e. in the past year, has the stock gone up or down? Have there been recent significant changes in their industry? Basic orienting information goes here.) (5 points.)
  • SWOT: Include your SWOT from the threaded discussion (you can use bullets and SWOT headings here.) (5 points, but required.)
  • Gap analysis: What possible gaps do you see in the company (think opportunities, weaknesses, threats) which haven’t already been addressed? Perhaps these have to do with new regulations forthcoming in the industry which may need addressing? Perhaps the company has just acquired a new company and is branching out into new territory? Discuss two or three of those gaps, with are employee related, and which could lend themselves to potential training needs. Explain why these gaps would be best filled with training, and not some other method. (25 points.)
  • Needs Assessment: What two methods of needs assessment would you utilize at this company, if you were hired to do a TNA (training needs assessment) on the gaps you have identified in C above? Using Chapter 3 of your textbook (Noe, 2013) and the Lucier (2008) article, explain what methods you might use, and support your idea from the text and article, or some other research item you discover as a reference. (Cite your sources.) If you plan to use interviews, explain who you would interview and provide at least five sample questions. If you plan to use a questionnaire, explain who you would send it to and provide at least five sample questions. You can include the samples in an appendix to the document. If you plan to use company information, explain what information you will use (i.e. HR data, lawsuit information, new regulations, etc.) Give details about how this information will impact your needs assessment. (25 points.) NOTE: You can consider the responses your classmates have made to your SWOT about potential training needs when coming up with your Gap analysis and Needs Assessment. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel.
  • Conclusion: Suggest training which you would recommend be done based on the assessment you have done so far. Explain any limitations to your assessment you feel may need to be revised based on feedback from your assessment methods (which you obviously don’t have.) (10 points.)
  • APA Formatting: 5 Points
Wal-Mart began in 1962 in Rogers, Arkansas as a small discount store called 5-10 Walton’s. It was founded by Sam Walton and grew the business based on a strategy of offering merchandise at “the lowest prices, anytime, anywhere” (Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., 2016).  In 1969, the company was incorporated and named Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.  Over the years, backed by its innovative supply chain management, the company was able to replicate…
HRM 420 Homework Week 3 DeVry
Training Objectives and SMART Goals Paper
Building on your assignment from last week, where you used a SWOT and gap analysis to conduct a needs assessment on a particular company, identify a specific training need from that assessment, and identify a group of employees who need the training. Then, create three specific training objectives for that training, and analyze those objectives by creating SMART training goals. Your paper should include the following sections.
  1. Post an introduction that explains the company background (brief), the training need established from last week’s needs assessment, and the group of employees who need the training. (5 points)
  2. Based on your readings from this week, identify the specific learning styles that will apply to that particular group of employees. (15 points)
  3. Create three specific training objectives for your training. Ensure those are broken down in the three parts identified in our course lecture this week, and in your textbook (outcome, criterion, and condition). (25 points)
  4. As is done in the lecture, analyze your training objectives using SMART training goals. Provide your analysis of your objectives, your brainstorming of the connections to future pieces of training (where applicable), and create your training goals. Again, show your work. (25 points)
Your paper should be about 3–5 pages, not including references or a title page. Use APA formatting.
In its 2015 Annual Report, Wal-Mart CEO Doug McMilon had highlighted that the company will be beefing up its eCommerce where future huge growth can come from.  It plans to increase and expand assortment of merchandise it offers online by incorporating non-store inventory, as well as to integrate its in-store and online retailing by enabling Wal-Mart customers to shop online and pick up their orders at the store.  Given this and based on the earlier SWOT and Gap analysis of the company, Wal-Mart’s…
HRM 420 Homework Week 4 DeVry
Part A: Download the individual development plan template from the Doc Sharing tab and begin preparing to fill it out. This will be used in the threads this week, as well as a final weekly deliverable. (Homework Part 1, 50 points)
Part B: Answer the four following problems and submit all questions in a Word document. Include a title page with your name and APA (6th edition) information, headers, and any references you use to answer the problems. Note to students who are planning to take the SHRM Assurance of Learning exam, PHR, or SPHR exam, these problems are derived from SHRM-based scenarios. (Homework Part 2, 25 points)
  1. Training return on investment (ROI)is a calculation of economic return on a project. Refer to the lecture for the formula. Review this problem.
    An organization lost 125 employees last year, at a cost of $5,000.00 each. (Value is derived from cost to rehire and fill opening, as well as lost investment in the employee.) You suggest that a one-time investment in a training program (costing $250,000 up front) will reduce turnover by 50%. Calculate the following numbers using historical figures as your assumptions.
    1. Total savings that the program stands to create
    2. Net savings the first year in place
    3. Return on investment after one year
    4. Return on investment after two years
    5. Return on investment after six months (assume half of the employees/but all of the cost) (5 points)
  2. Cost-benefit analysispresents data as a ratio to determine financial impact on company profitability. The formula is: cost-benefit ratio = value of projected benefits divided by cost.We have estimated that a training program on sexual harassment will cost $14,000 and result in a savings of $70,000 (the cost of the two settlements we paid last year).
    1. What is the cost-benefit ratio of this training? (2.5 points)
    2. What is the return on investment after one year? (2.5 points)
    3. Do you agree that we can use the amount of our settlements from the prior year as our savings figure? Why or why not? (5 points) (10 points total)
  1. Break-even analysis.This is the point in which revenue (or savings) from the program equals the cost of the program-the time the company has “broken even” on the cost of the training.
    Formula = Break-even point = cost/savings * time 
    *time is the period of time in which the return is being calculated−if annually, then 12 months.
2.      A program has an annual cost of $70,000 and is expected to generate in return a savings of $80,000. When would the break-even point occur, given steady savings and costs? (5 points)
                        Why is it important for trainers to be able to estimate the ROI, cost-benefit analysis, and break-even analysis?Give three reasons why calculating this information will assist the training endeavors.(5 points)
Preview: Part B
  1. Training return on investment (ROI)is a calculation of economic return on a project. Refer to the lecture for the formula.  Review this problem.
    An organization lost 125 employees last year, at a cost of $5,000.00 each.  (Value is derived from cost to rehire and fill opening, as well as lost investment in the employee.)  You suggest that a one-time investment in a training program (costing $250,000 up front) will reduce turnover by 50%.  Calculate the following numbers using historical figures as your assumptions.
    1. Total savings that the program stands to create
Savings= reduced turnover by 50%
Last year 125 employees left costing $5,000 each.
Thus, Savings =…
HRM 420 Homework Week 5 DeVry
Choose two of the following online trainings that are located in THE|HUB and watch the trainings. Transcripts are also available, and you are encouraged to download those and read them as well. Take notes as you watch the trainings—you may want to watch them quite a few times, so you should get started earlier in the week.

As you watch the trainings, take notes on the following things you notice or consider.
  1. Who does the audience seem to be for the training?
  2. What type of learner would best learn from this training?
  3. How much learner control do the learners have in this training? How much should they have?
  4. What is the reason this training is being done through technology and not traditionally? Does this seem to be the best method? If not, what method would you have suggested?
  5. Was a positive online learning experience created?
  6. Were learning objectives for the training provided to the trainees before, during, or after the training? If yes, what were they, and were they met? If not, what did they seem to be, and were they met?
  7. How would you rate the quality of the training? Would you recommend this training? Would you pay to take this training if this is your field?
Your paper will analyze two of the trainings and should cover the following concepts. The organization of your paper will be like a report, so please use headings to organize the report. Your boss wants to know if you think these training modules will work for some upcoming training. The training will be for 25 people in your organization, at a cost of $150 per seat, for access for 2 weeks. You will be reporting to your boss as to whether you think your organization should purchase these trainings to use. You will provide a one-page analysis (each) for each of the trainings; and then on your final one to two pages, you will discuss the business case for using these modules (or not using them). This might include the cost-effectiveness of providing these modules as training to your organization, the benefits of using these modules for training, or any downsides and alternatives you recommend to the use of these modules. Based on your best estimate, determine whether you feel the value of the training will be recouped by the organization through a benefit (savings) or whether it will be borne by the organization as a necessary expense. Feel free to supplement your analysis with your own assumed facts. (Be as creative as you want to be.)
Page 1
Explain the background of one of the training videos, the content, the learning objectives that it would meet, the time frame it will take, and the style of learners it will appeal to.
Provide a brief analysis as to the quality of the training tutorial and whether it seems worth $150 per seat, and provide at least one alternative training method that could be done (and at approximately what cost). Use at least one alternative method of training discussed in Chapter 7. Finally discuss the cost of live-styled traditional training—hiring an expert in the field of the tutorial’s topic—or whether you feel you have in-house experts who could do this training just as well. These alternatives can be summarized and explained briefly.
Page 2
Write a similar analysis and write-up of the second training video. Where your thoughts are the same as for the first video, you can briefly summarize by saying, “This training is similar to the first module in the areas of . . .” Then move into what is different. Perhaps there are benefits as a result of the two modules being similar; explain these in your paper as well.
Pages 3 and 4
Propose to either use these videos for your training or some alternative method for training. In your proposal, explain to your boss (using professional-style writing) the reasons for your choice. Include the concepts that are covered in Chapters 7 and 8 as reasons for or against the use of the training tutorials or videos or modules or your alternative method you proposed on pages 1 and 2. Provide your final recommendation in your concluding paragraph.
Title Page and Executive Summary
On the front page of the report, use a title page. On page 2, create a brief executive summary (four to five sentences, tops) that provides to your supervisor the topic of your proposal with your final recommendation. Assume that your supervisor may want to use that document to send up the chain as a training recommendation, so include any specific numbers you feel are important in that document. (Note that APA sixth edition does not provide for executive summaries; instead, it discusses abstracts. APA sixth edition is for scholarly publications and not business writing. Because this is a report to your supervisor, title it as an executive summary to get practice in business writing method.)
ABC Company is a growing retail toy store company in the U.S. with over 100 outlets and 2,000 full-time and part-time employees.  With plans for expansion in both domestic and foreign markets, the company anticipates potential challenges on its business ethics.  Since integrity is one of its core values, two online training modules are being…
HRM 420 Homework Week 6 DeVry
Transfer of Training and Evaluation
This week, using your homework assignment from last week (your proposal you wrote for your supervisor on whether to purchase the training modules you evaluated), create two evaluation instruments for one of the training modules that you reviewed last week. First, create a pretest that you would give your trainees prior to taking the training. Then, create a Level 2 or Level 3 instrument that shows what the trainees learned after taking the training. Explain how you would measure the gains your trainees achieved from the training. (For more on the levels, see Table 6.1, page 239, of your textbook.) Your submission to the Dropbox should include a title page with your name and pertinent information, your explanation section on how you will measure the gains, and two instruments (i.e., questionnaires, quizzes, survey forms, manager feedback, etc.). The instruments should be copy ready, in that whoever would fill out the instrument (i.e., the trainee or the manager) should be able to do so based on your submission. In other words, don’t just tell what your instrument would be; create the instrument. See the lecture for more information on this as well. If you use a tool like Surveymonkey™ (not required but allowed), you can provide the link to the live survey as your instrument(s). If you don’t use a tool like Surveymonkey™, then you will need to create a paper copy of your instrument for your instructor to grade. Be sure to publish your survey if you create one, and make the link live for your professor to be able to access and grade.
Grading Points Breakdown
Instrument #1: 30 points
Instrument #2: 30 points
Explanation on measurement: 15 points
As noted from prior week’s training video evaluation, ABC Company—a growing toy retail company intends to implement a training program about business ethics to prepare its organization for an expansion strategy, both domestically and internationally.  Presumably, the benefits of the training program for the employees are: new knowledge, skills and behaviors pertaining to business ethics issues.  On the other hand, for the company, it is…
HRM 420 Discussions Week 1-7 All Posts 424 Pages DeVry
HRM 420 Core Competencies and ADDIE and Training Discussions Week 1 All Posts 62 Pages DeVry
HRM 420 Core Competencies Discussions 1 Week 1 All Posts 31 Pages DeVry
Core competencies are important to training and development teams in human resource management groups. Review the lecture this week and the information about Fermilab, the governmental body that is discussed there. There are seven core competencies listed in the lecture and on the Fermilab website. Let’s talk about core competencies and ways of determining them for your company. To start, either discuss the Fermilab core competencies and what you think they mean to employees and employers or review the mission statement of a company where you work or one you have researched online, and provide your thoughts on some of the core competencies that you would expect to find in that company. What is the difference between company core competencies, job core competencies, and trainer and HRM competencies? Are they the same or different? How can one build on the other?…
HRM 420 ADDIE and Training Discussions 2 Week 1 All Posts 31 Pages DeVry
ADDIE training is discussed in the lecture and will be utilized throughout the course to help you organize your thoughts about training. Let’s talk about ADDIE and also about training you may have taken part in at your current work, previous work, or even at school. To start, here are three questions (pick either 1 and 3, or 2 and 3, and then respond to a classmate’s post as well):
  1. Think about and describe briefly one of the best training sessions you have been involved with in the past or currently. What made it good? Did you find it improved your ability to do your job?
  2. Think about and describe briefly one of the worst training sessions you have been involved with in the past or currently. What made it so bad? Did you find it did nothing to assist you with your job? Or if it did assist you, why didn’t you to think it was good training?
  3. How did the trainer’s personality impact your answer to No. 1 or 2 above?
As discussed in the lecture, ADDIE is the acronym for – Analysis, Design, Development, Implement and Evaluate. A recent model of this concept depicts the function of evaluation occurring in all phases and that the process is evaluated by management during all phases. In other words, the process becomes a non-linear process, which the original model suggested. What are your thoughts regarding this change?  If you were to use the ADDIE model to improve the training situation in an organization, what would be the major steps in the process?…
HRM 420 SWOT Analysis and Needs Assessments Discussions Week 2 All Posts 77 Pages DeVry
HRM 420 SWOT Analysis Discussions 1 Week 2 All Posts 50 Pages DeVry
Review the lecture discussing SWOT analysis before attempting to post to the thread. Then, please review the 10-K and/or current event information about a publicly traded organization. The Assignments page gives a link to the McDonald’s 10-K for 2012, but to find a 10-K, simply use the search engine of your choice, and in the query box, type in the name of the publicly traded company and 10-K. Review the first few sections of the 10-K and consider the statements there. Using the SWOT analysis format, create a mini-SWOT analysis based on the company’s 10-K and post here. Your SWOT should be posted by Wednesday. Then respond to at least two of your classmates’ SWOTs with at least two ideas on training needs that you think may exist based on your classmates’ SWOT analysis. Respond back to anyone who posts to your SWOT. Your instructor will participate as well and may have more questions. Your post should include the following.
  1. The name and ticker symbol of your company
  2. The link where you found the 10-K (use the most recent one for your company available)
  3. Information for your analysis organized under these headings (about three to four bullets each)
The SWOT analysis taken from our lecture on McDonald provides some interesting information. Do you agree with the content in the SWOT. If so, why or why not. Using this information, what type of training and development program needs to be developed?…
HRM 420 Needs Assessments Discussions 2 Week 2 All Posts 27 Pages DeVry
Review this article.
Lucier, K. H. (2008). A consultative training program: Collateral effect of a needs assessment. Communication Education. 57(4), 482–489. doi:10.1080/03634520802094305 (Academic Search Complete database)
Instructions on how to locate this article are on the Assignments page.
In your initial post, answer these questions based on your opinion of the actions of Lucier in the article, and utilize at least one concept from Chapter 3 of the textbook in analyzing the method Lucier used for needs assessment at the bank.
  1. What was the initial reason that Lucier was called in to consult with the bank’s employees and manager? Do you feel this is in line with a traditional style of conducting a training needs assessment? Why or why not? (Opinions on this will vary; include at least one statement by Noe in your answer to support your opinion.)
  2. Explain one needs assessment method that Lucier used to conduct her needs assessment. State how she did this, and whether you feel this was an appropriate or inappropriate method considering the job she was asked to do for the project. If appropriate, why do you think that way? If inappropriate, which method would you have tried and why?
Throughout the week, your instructor will ask you more questions about needs assessment. Respond to your classmates’ original posts as well with thoughtful follow-up questions to their considerations.
How did Ms. Lucier revise the training based on the information she found in the needs assessment? How did the combination of doing needs assessment with the creation of training content assist with making training more effective?  What needs assessment method would you use to assess the organization needs for training and development?…
HRM 420 Adult Learning Styles and SMART Training Goals and Objectives Discussions Week 3 All Posts 54 Pages DeVry
HRM 420 Adult Learning Styles Discussions 1 Week 3 All Posts 26 Pages DeVry
Your textbook briefly discusses the work of Malcolm Knowles and David Kolb on adult learning theories. Using Internet research or our DeVry library, find an article (not Wikipedia) about one or the other’s theories (or both), and read the article. Explain in a one- to two-paragraph post something interesting you learned about how adults learn differently than children and how you would apply this knowledge to a training decision, method, or design. Cite your source please. Then reply to a classmate’s post with a question or feedback about how you think you would learn better because of the information that student brought to the thread. Throughout the week, your professor will ask further questions about how adult learning styles will impact your training designs and method selections. Come back frequently and join in the discussions.
After reviewing the four learning styles – diverger, assimilator, converger, or accommodator – which style do you feel best describe your style of learning, and why? Can you think of a time when you were involved in training that skipped a stage or stages or focused too heavily on just one? Explain your example and how you feel it impacted your training. What learning conditions are necessary for short- and long-term retention of training content to occur?…
HRM 420 SMART Training Goals and Objectives Discussions 2 Week 3 All Posts 28 Pages DeVry
Assume you are a manager in the HR department of McDonald’s. Review the SWOT analysis that was performed in the Week 2 Lecture. Utilizing that SWOT and the information about McDonald’s you are aware of from your own experiences eating there, determine a training need for McDonald’s that you think would improve its bottom line. For your first post (by Wednesday), identify the need for training you have identified, and write one training objective for that training need. Write the objective in the manner that is used in the lecture (using the three parts).
Then reply to at least one classmate’s learning objective with a SMART goal analysis. Analyze how you could take that training objective and make it SMART for future evaluation. Title your post with SMART analysis so your classmates and instructor know that is what you are doing. If you get confused, your professor or classmates will help.
Respond to one SMART reply of a classmate by creating the SMART goal. Return often and debate this with your classmates. Further respond, if you can, to questions your professor will ask about further thoughts or clarifications about your posts or your classmates’ posts. Title your post with SMART goal to differentiate this from the analysis. You don’t have to use the same student who you did the analysis on, but you can. Help out your classmates.
Having goals for training is as important as having a blueprint for the construction of a bridge or a building. Before you begin the development, it is important to know what your end result should look like and how you are going to get there. In other words, this is your roadmap for achieving your training goal.
For this week discussion, identify the need for training you have identified from your experience eating at McDonald and their SWOT we discussed last week, and write one training objective for that training need. Write the objective in the manner that is used in the lecture (using the three parts).
Training Objective: Clear statement of the training objective
  1. Performance or outcome desired: What improvement is expected?
  2. Criterion of performance: How will this improvement be determined?
  1. Condition: When will this improvement occur?
Based on your experience creating S.M.A.R.T., would you say that this tool would be only useful in a large organization, if so why or why not?…
HRM 420 Costs and Benefits of Training and Employee Development Discussions Week 4 All Posts 59 Pages DeVry
HRM 420 Costs and Benefits of Training Discussions 1 Week 4 All Posts 30 Pages DeVry
In this thread, we are going to only look at the costs and benefits of different types of training. We will start with one sample training need, and your professor will bring in one or two more during the week, depending on how quickly the class moves through the material. As a group, let’s compile all of the costs and benefits we can think of for each training event or process. Then, as a team, we’ll come up with a cost-benefit analysis or return on investment proposal for each training event. Assumptions of dollar figures will have to be made.
Training Event 1: You are the library director of a large public law school’s library. Over 300 students use the library on any given week, and you also service local attorneys (who pay a monthly fee of $45 for the right to use the library). The library fee for students is set by the school’s board of directors, and it is $450 per student per year. The school has 900 students (about 350 first-year, 300 second-year, and 250 third-year students). There are 250 local attorneys currently paying library fees, but a market of 8,000 lawyers exist in the area who are potential future customers.
A new service is being rolled out to lawyers and law students called BriefLaw. This service is a brief database of all appellate court cases and briefs that have been used in all appellate courts throughout the country. Access to the database is in pilot form and is only available through select law schools. This is a government service. Only one law school per state will have access to BriefLaw for the first year, and then it will slowly roll out to other schools and eventually onto WestLaw and Lexis (planned for about 3 years from now if things go well.)
Training for librarians on how to use the service will cost about $1,250 per librarian for the class itself. Travel from the university to the training location in Washington D.C. will cost about $2,500 per librarian, including airfare, food, hotels, and other travel costs. Training will last 1 week (5 days) and is only offered once. You are trying to determine all of the costs of the training, as well as the return on investment. The library is supported by the law school but also has to pay for many of its own expenses through income from book fines and student and attorney fees. You estimate that next year’s budget will be about 25% from your income, and you are hoping this new service will entice more attorneys to sign up for the service. You are considering a bifurcated fee where attorneys who want just the library services continue to pay $45 per month but those who want both services will pay $75 per month.
From what you can tell, the training for using BriefLaw has a steep learning curve. It is really complicated to set a proper query to get briefs to pull up on topics. The technology itself has many steps. It is likely you are going to have to devote at least two full-time librarians to training students and attorneys on how to use BriefLaw, as well as helping them with the service.
You have 15 full-time librarians on staff, 22 part-time librarians, and 20 student assistants. Discuss in your first post, or respond to a classmate, about the following.
  1. The costs of training, both explicit and implicit
  2. The benefits of training, both explicit and implicit
  3. The opportunity potential of doing this training
  4. The opportunity costs of not doing this training
From the example, let’s look deep into the numbers and talk about business opportunities and/or costs. Noting that the school is a public school. How might this scenario play out differently for a private school?
         From the information provided,  how many· librarians should be sent to training? Remember there is a cost when people are gone for 5 days – sending your five best librarians means not having them around for 5 days. What is the cost for covering for them?
         The· numbers in this are somewhat vague. What are the potential income possibilities with marketing? Also, the library could charge for potentially training attorneys?…
HRM 420 Employee Development Discussions 2 Week 4 All Posts 29 Pages DeVry
Download the individual development plan template from Doc Sharing and begin thinking about how you would fill it out if you were going to submit it to your boss at work, your boss at your last job, or your boss at a job you would like to have in the future. Start filling it out, because it will help you start thinking about why employees fill these out and how complicated it might be to have a discussion with an employee about this form.
For your first post, think about three things that an employee would need to have available to him or her in order to complete the IDP. These could be information about self, about future jobs, and so forth. Think about some questions you would want to ask your supervisor before having to submit a completed IDP form. Also think about some concerns you would have about putting information down on this form.
In your first post, provide information about the following.
  1. Which section of the form do you feel you would need more information about to fill it in? What information do you need?
  2. What are your two top questions you want to ask your supervisor before filling out this form?
  3. What are your two top concerns you have about filling out this form?
With respect to employee development, please address the following questions:
How many of you think that mentoring would be a valuable method of development?
Did you put it on your IDP? If not, do you think you might want to add it? Why?
Who would you want as your mentor, and how would you go about asking them to be one?”
What are the advantages and disadvantages of mentoring?
Do you think it is better to have a mentor within the organization or outside the organization? Why?…
HRM 420 Traditional Training Methods and Technology-Based Training Methods Discussions Week 5 All Posts 59 Pages DeVry

HRM 420 Traditional Training Methods Discussions 1 Week 5 All Posts 32 Pages DeVry
Traditional learning methods include lectures, hands-on, on-the-job training, self-directed learning, apprenticeship, case studies, business games, role plays, behavior modeling, group building, cross and team training, and so forth. Your textbook covers these methods in detail in Chapter 7. For your first post, please consider some kind of training you have taken that falls into one of the types discussed in Chapter 7 (not Chapter 8, which comes in the other discussion).
Briefly describe the training and explain the method that was used. If you knew what the learning outcomes were for the training, provide those. If not, come up with one or two that you felt were probably the learning outcomes and provide them. Explain whether the training did or didn’t meet the learning outcomes. In other words, did you learn what it seemed like you were supposed to learn from the training? Did you feel this method of training worked for the training you were involved in? Your professor will follow up with more questions.
Please feel free to ask your classmates questions about their training as well. (If you have never had training at work, talk about some other kind of training you have had—sports related, the arts, etc.). Be sure not to use a technology-based training in this thread, because that is what we will discuss in the other thread. Only discuss traditional training, such as is covered in Chapter 7.  With respect to traditional learning, what are the strengths and weaknesses of the lecture, the case study and the behavior modeling? What are some methods for keeping trainees actively involved?…
HRM 420 Technology-Based Training Methods Discussions 2 Week 5 All Posts 27 Pages DeVry
Taking the topic you discussed in the other thread to start, explain how you would morph the traditional training you described, taking into account a technology-based training. Describe what technology method you would consider using as an alternative way to deliver the training you took and discussed in the other thread (perhaps this would be some hybrid of traditional and technology).
Do you feel that your new technology-styled training would have worked better or worse than the traditional training you took? Why? Do you think it would have been more or less cost effective to do the training in that way? Name at least one principle you would follow to create a positive technical learning experience in this technical training, and reply to your classmates’ ideas with other positive learning experiences that could occur in their trainings. Your professor will bring in more questions throughout the week. Return often!  Hands-on training using technology is moving quickly in many organizations. Besides the cost saving what other benefits are there?  What are the differences between expert systems and electronic performance tools?…
HRM 420 Kirkpatrick’s Levels and Transfer of Training and Instruments of Evaluation Discussions Week 6 All Posts 56 Pages DeVry
HRM 420 Kirkpatrick’s Levels and Transfer of Training Discussions 1 Week 6 All Posts 28 Pages DeVry
Review the information in Table 6.1, page 239. This shows the correlation between Kirkpatrick’s framework for training outcomes and how they can be measured. In the second discussion this week, we will discuss specific instruments you may use for measuring training. In this thread, we will talk about evaluation itself: the why, where, how, when, and so forth.
To begin, please provide a synopsis of the Kirkpatrick theory for categorizing training outcomes and how the different levels of evaluation are measured and ultimately used. How does Kirkpatrick’s theory help us to know whether our training created transfer of training? In your answer give your view of what transfer of training is. Examples to assist our understanding of your post are appropriate. Be sure to read the textbook and lecture to assist you with this. Do not simply copy and paste; this should be a synthesis of what you learned or understand from your readings. Your instructor will bring in follow-up questions to move this forward through the week.  What are criteria relevance, criterion contamination, and criterion deficiency, and how can you, as a trainer, ensure that your training has relevance using these concepts? Explain with respect to training you have taken, training you are planning to take, or training you have decided not to take as a result of these concepts….
HRM 420 Instruments of Evaluation Discussions 2 Week 6 All Posts 28 Pages DeVry
Instruments of evaluation are used at all of the levels of Kirkpatrick’s (and Phillips’s) framework of evaluating outcomes. These instruments come in many forms but include questionnaires, interviews, monitoring with checklists, surveys, tests, benchmarking, and scorecards. Return on investment measurements are the fifth level of evaluation, and we have already discussed those.
This week, we will look at different instruments, discuss which level of evaluation they pertain to, and also discuss evaluation practices and designs. To start, let’s look back at last week’s training in the lecture on the decision tree tutorial. If you were going to design an evaluation method for that training, what method would you use? Include in your answer (a) the level of Kirkpatrick’s framework you would utilize and why (but not ROI), (b) which evaluation design type you would use and why (i.e., posttest, pre- or posttest, prepost with comparison, Solomon four-group, time series.), and (c) what instrument or instruments you would use. A very important concept for trainers to understand regarding training evaluations is Likert scaling, however, this concept is missing from the book. Please search the web for a definition and use of Likert scores. Do you think this concept is an important concept for trainers – why or why not?…
HRM 420 Employee Development, Improvement, and Gaps and Review for Final Exam Discussions Week 7 All Posts 57 Pages DeVry
HRM 420 Employee Development, Improvement, and Gaps Discussions 1 Week 7 All Posts 28 Pages DeVry
Let’s consider the company of ABCs & 123s, Inc., a manufacturer learning toys for elementary schools.  Angel and Bob work for Ms. Missy in the human resource IT department. Angel and Bob have worked in the department for 15 years each and were part of the company’s original HRIS department. Angel was the supervisor and Bob her one employee until last year. Last year, as part of a revamping of HR, the department was placed under Group Vice President of HR Services, Martin Shorter, and Angel was demoted to HR specialist, from manager. This demotion was a result of a new company requirement that all HR employees at manager level and higher must have either a PHR, SPHR, or GPHR designation (or California equivalent). Angel did not have this designation, and refused to sit for the exam, and thus, Ms. Missy was hired as the new manager of the team.  Martin Shorter has all HR departments under him; Ms. Missy’s team is his smallest team of employees.
Ms. Missy’s team is in charge of just one thing: an in-house created benchmarking, metrics, scorecard, and performance and talent management IT product called “HR By The Numbers” (or HRBTN as it’s known in HR circles).  All other HRIS is handled by outside vendors, including but not limited to benefits, disability issues, and payroll. Along with being used by ABCs & 123s, Inc., HRBTN is vendor-serviced out to other organizations, and it has won two awards for innovation in the last few years. This product has actually turned the entire HR Department from an expense side of the company, into a significant income producing portion of the company (which justified the creation of the group vice president position.) Martin believes that HRBTN is why ABCs & 123s, Inc. is doing so well in the industry—because they are able to quickly and efficiently pinpoint the highest producing employees, products, as well as the problem areas, which allows the company to quickly ramp up or lower support for each area. Productivity of the company has increased 85% since the invention of HRBTN.
Angel and Bob invented HRBTN together and are responsible for debugging and updates to clients and to the company. Both have significant IT certifications, are degreed computer programmers, and highly efficient workers. Neither have HR backgrounds, except that today, they are both considered as HR metrics seminal engineering experts, as their product can be tailored to each company’s benchmarking needs in a highly unique and patented way (the company owns the patent). Martin Shorter is old-school HR and received his SPHR designation in 1982, before education or experience requirements were standard process. He is a very hands-off department leader, with a golf handicap of two. Until now, this has worked well for Martin.
Ms. Missy recently graduated with a bachelor’s degree in business, with an HRM concentration. She has worked in the HR field for five years and took and passed the PHR exam three months before being hired to manage this team. She has no computer programming experience, but she did own her own consulting firm for two years, and utilized QuickBooks to run her business, so she feels she has enough computer software experience to understand the ramifications of her department employees’ needs. When Martin hired her, he said, “Look, this department runs itself. Just let it do so, and keep things flowing smoothly.”
Since Angel’s demotion, problems have arisen. The updates to the vendor serviced accounts have been requiring two-to-three attempts to push and download on their customers’ side. Further, bugs in the updates have caused two of their customers’ systems to require extensive network analysis and repairs. Last year, Bob decided to allow the bugs in their customers’ systems to create metrics for solutions, and he decided (once Angel was no longer his supervisor) to start using the learning from those problems to impact when and how he did updates toABCs & 123s, Inc. in-house systems. In the past, the company handled updates and changes in the opposite way—testing them in their own company first, cleaning up bugs, and then pushing them out to the customers.
Angel would never have approved the change in process, but because Ms. Missy was new, and didn’t understand the ramifications or technical jargon Bob used when explaining this, she approved the change. Angel immediately realized what was going to happen but, still stinging from her demotion, Angel said nothing.
In the past few weeks, the customer complaints from HRBTN have created havoc in the company. Because this product is an outlier to the core business, there are no systems in place to handle such complaints (which is the main reason Angel had used the company as the update guinea pig, instead of the clients.) Ms. Missy is trying to handle the complaints on her own, as they are being pushed to her from Martin. Because Ms. Missy took over sales from Angel when she was hired, and her time is being spent dealing with complaints, sales of HRBTN are down for the first time since it was invented. Martin is at a loss because in the past, the company handled bugs before the customers got the updates (he doesn’t know of the process change.)
Bob explains (deceptively) to Ms. Missy that the problem stems from companies who have upgraded to Windows 8. Angel sits on the sidelines silently, knowing that has nothing to do with the problem. Ms. Missy tells Martin the problem is Windows 8, not her team, and Martin (who had to give up this week’s golf game as a result of this issue) sets up a meeting with the customers to discuss them moving back to Windows 7 until this can be resolved. At the meeting, he finds out that none of the customers with the problem are using Windows 8, and Ms. Missy can’t assist as she sits dumbfounded and silent. After the meeting, Ms. Missy meets with Martin and says, “I am starting to think Angel is sabotaging the work in this department. All she does is sit around, code, and cry. I have had it with her. I need you to talk to her. I think Bob is helping her because they are mad I am the new supervisor.”
Before doing anything, Martin pulls out the performance appraisals on Angel and Bob, which just occurred two months ago. Bob’s performance metrics for this year were based on the company’s slowdowns from bugs, not customers’ complaints, so within the first year of Ms. Missy’s arrival, Bob’s performance numbers skyrocketed. Angel’s new performance metrics were simply based on her coding speed, so her last performance review was “exceeds expectations” although due to her demotion, she did not get a raise (but she also didn’t get a pay cut.) Ms. Missy also earned “exceeds” because of the income level of the department as well as a sign-on bonus of $2,500 when she joined the company, and 5% raise after her first year.
Martin calls Angel into his office privately, and she spills the beans on the entire problem while crying. She then quits and says, “I used to wake up and run to work every day. Since my demotion, I can’t stop crying. I can’t work here anymore,” and she runs out of the room, gets her things from her desk, and leaves.
Think about what you have learned this term about needs assessment, gap analysis, person analysis, training and development, mentoring, coaching, PIPS, and the IDP processes. Write a very short analysis of some short- and long-term root causes of this problem. Feel free to use a SWOT to assist you in this task. Pick only one or two focus points for your first post, and then as a class, we will work through some learning concepts from this scenario. In the event you feel that anyone in this scenario would be benefited by training or a PIP, you can use that as a second post and create that plan. Finally, we will talk about solutions together during the week.  What do you see as the short- and long-term root causes of this problem?…
HRM 420 Review for Final Exam Discussions 2 Week 7 All Posts 29 Pages DeVry
This term, we have covered eight Terminal Course Objectives and focused on learning concepts for each objective in your discussions, homework, papers, and projects. Here are those eight learning objectives.
  1. Given that human capital’s capabilities drive organizational success, identify core competencies in the organization, and examine methods to train and develop employees towards those core competencies.
  2. Given that training and development must align with the strategic goals of an organization, assess the organization’s training needs by creating a gap analysis using current HRM approved methods, including needs assessment, task analysis, SWOT analysis, and environmental scanning.
  3. Given the need to create assessment metrics for training adult learners, select SMART goals for training, and construct training objectives to align with the goals which conform to current adult learning (andragogy) theories.
  4. Given the economic reality that training return on investment will be a significant measure of training effectiveness, assess the financial costs and benefits of training activities, establish or work within a training budget, and evaluate the benefit of training through established ROI measurement methods.
  5. Given that HR trainers will need to understand how to create valid training plans and modules, describe experiential learning, identify learning methods and activities, and select and/or design the appropriate training activities.
  6. Given the importance of transfer of training, use valid and reliable evaluation methods to assess transfer of training.
  7. Given that employee development and employee training have both similar and different qualities, differentiate between the two HR functions and create a plan for employee development which includes employee training, career planning, and individual development planning.
  8. Given that ADDIE-based training and development should address contemporary issues relevant to all employees, incorporate timely themes into training and development programs, included but not limited to the prevention of sexual and racial harassment, diversity, legal issues as they arise, wellness, safety, customer service, management, leadership, and team skills.
For your first post, select one of the above Terminal Course Objectives, and apply the learning you have received about that objective to a workplace concern or problem that you have experienced at some time in your working life (or the work history of a friend or family member.) How has your learning from that TCO changed (a) your reaction to a workplace event, (b) your understanding of why something was done that way at work, or (c) your desire to do something differently at work? Explain the concern or problem, which TCO you are discussing, how it applies, and your analysis of either (a), (b), or (c) above. Respond to your classmates. Let’s try to cover all of the TCOs this week to assist with reviewing for the Final Exam! Your professor will assist.
Can training go hand in hand with performance improvement plans? If so, how; if not, why not? What do KSAO stand for? Also, what are the steps of a task analysis and how do these steps help with a need analysis?…
HRM 420 Final Exam DeVry
 (TCOs 1, 8) Explain three essential differences between employee capabilities and company core competencies. Why is it important for a trainer to understand these differences? (Points : 35)
Core competencies refer to the behaviors that employees need in order to exceed and excel. These comprise the way that the organization wants its employees to…
(TCOs 2, 8) Explain the steps of SWOT analysis and its connection to needs assessment. Do a very basic SWOT on Starbucks or Disney (two items per letter) based on common information you have about either company. (Points : 40)
First, it must be determined how the SWOT analysis will be used or what the purpose for the analysis is. Next, a chart should be prepared. It can be a box that is divided into four sections, namely the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. Under the…
(TCOs 3, 8) First, provide the meaning of the acronym SMART with respect to training goals. Then, consider these four training objectives. Rewrite them as two SMART training goals.
a) Write a valid sales contract that includes the verbiage required by lending agencies.
b) Use the Realtor commission program as a marketing tool to attract increased Realtor referrals, for both internal and external customers.
c) Validly execute the Realtor commission documentation upon closing the deal.
d) Explain and properly include the items in the PPI section of the contract. (Points : 40)
SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable,…
2 SMART Training Goals:
Enable trainees to learn about writing a valid contract that includes the verbiage required by lending agencies and enable them to…
(TCOs 4, 5, 6) Explain, using cost, ROI, and strategic principles, why event-style training is falling more out of favor and why electronic-based, or e-training, is becoming more customary. Why do you think that younger generations favor e-training over event-style training? (Points : 40)
E-training is gaining more favor over event-style training because it is more convenient and more cost-effective, and scalable. From a strategic perspective, e-training can be more easily administered on a global workforce. This is especially important for…
(TCO 7) Explain how the use of training can go hand in hand with performance improvement plans, and give an example. What kind of performance improvement would NOT appropriately go hand in hand with training (provide an example)? (Points : 40)
sTraining can go hand in hand with performance improvement plans in that training can be provided to address gaps in the employees’ skills or to help an employee better perform a task that they are having a difficulty with. For example…

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