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BIO 220 Entire Course-GC

BIO 220 Entire Course-GC

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BIO 220 Grand Canyon Entire Course
BIO 220 Grand Canyon Week 1 Discussion 1
Choose an environmental issue from your textbook, or from your own personal experience and explain how this environmental issue directly affects you. What is the role of environmental science in addressing this issue? What challenges do you believe are the obstacles that would hinder the recommendations of environmental scientists to address this environmental issue from being successfully implemented?
BIO 220 Grand Canyon Week 1 Discussion 2
Go to the following website to determine your personal footprint:.nature.org/greenliving/carboncalculator/index.htm”>.nature.org/greenliving/carboncalculator/index.htm”>http://www.nature.org/greenliving/carboncalculator/index.htm Report the result of your personal footprint assessment. What factors do you think had the most effect on your footprint? What can you do to change your footprint? (Note: For those students using a Screen Reader refer to the Directions for Screen Reader Users.)
BIO 220 Grand Canyon Week 2 Discussion 1
Select an example of a global biome and an example of an ecosystem found in that global biome (grassland, forest, desert). What kind of animals and plants would you expect to make up that ecosystem? Provide one symbiotic relationship example within your selected ecosystem (such as mutualism, commensalism, and predator prey).
BIO 220 Grand Canyon Week 2 Discussion 2
View Biome Explorer located in the Topic 2 materials. Choose a biome and a scenario and explain how conservation genetics (refer to the lecture notes and textbook for examples) could affect the survival of any of the species in the scenario. Other than the factors identified in the media piece, what other factors can you identify that contribute to the growth, stability, and decline of a species’ population?
BIO 220 Grand Canyon Week 3 Discussion 1
Many people outside of China believe that the country’s effort to reduce birth rates, through its one-child policy, does not justify its methods. Do you agree? Can you think of any future, unintended consequences for China as a result of adopting this policy? Offer an alternative technique (one not currently used by China) to reduce a country’s fertility rates that you believe would be less controversial.
BIO 220 Grand Canyon Week 3 Discussion 2
Consider the most recent oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Describe the various mechanisms and pathways that transport toxins to the environment. Note: Avoid only talking about the oil spill affecting people in Mexico.
BIO 220 Grand Canyon Week 4 Discussion 1
Explain how employing best practices in farming can benefit both the farmer and the environment. Explain the consequences to both the farmer and environment for not following sustainable practices.
BIO 220 Grand Canyon Week 4 Discussion 2
Given what you know about genetically modified organisms (GMOs), identify some of the costs and benefits associated with GMO crops. Which of the costs and benefits do you find most important? Why? Support your response with scientific rationale based on concepts you learned from the readings.
BIO 220 Grand Canyon Week 5 Discussion 1
Explain why biodiversity is important for the survival of species, including humans. How could the destruction of the rainforest, and its biodiversity, affect people living in the United States?
BIO 220 Grand Canyon Week 5 Discussion 2
How would you balance human preferences—such as aesthetics, utility, and cost—with biological considerations such as biodiversity, ecological authenticity, and evolutionary potential? Provide an example of you would achieve this balance.
BIO 220 Grand Canyon Week 6 Discussion 1
Study the following articles:
.ehow.com/info_8259688_plants-animals-around-volcanoes.html”>http://www.ehow.com/info_8259688_plants-animals-around-volcanoes.html .nps.gov/sucr/naturescience/index.htm”>http://www.nps.gov/sucr/naturescience/index.htm
Based on the above articles and your understanding of ecosystems and populations from this course, explain how volcanoes both destroy and rejuvenate ecosystems. Make a prediction about how the succession of plants and animals will unfold as the landscape at Sunset Crater Monument recovers from the volcanic eruption. What are other geological risks that could have positive and negative impacts?
BIO 220 Grand Canyon Week 6 Discussion 2
Drilling for oil in the Arctic, off the coast of California, and in the Gulf of Mexico is a controversial issue. Based on the 2010 British Petroleum (BP) oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, provide reasons both for drilling and against drilling in these locations. Which side of the argument do you find more persuasive? Why?
BIO 220 Grand Canyon Week 7 Discussion 1
Describe the hydrologic cycle and various methods of water use and management. What changes might occur in the hydrologic cycle if our climate were to warm up or cool down significantly?
BIO 220 Grand Canyon Week 7 Discussion 2
Obtain a water quality report from your local municipality. If you are unable to locate a recent report from your municipality, use a report from a neighboring municipality. Post a short description of what you found. What are your thoughts about your tap water after reading the report you obtained? If you were in charge of your local municipality, and the report indicate organic impurities within the water supply, what technique(s) for water management (water pollution control, remediation, or water legislation) would you employ to address this problem? Predict how the application of the technique(s) would affect your daily life?
BIO 220 Grand Canyon Week 1 Assignment
Complete the “Scientific Method Matching Exercise Resource.”
GCU style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected. You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin,
Scientific Method Matching Exercise Resource In Part I, match each example from Column 2 with the correct step of the scientific method in Column 1. Explain the reasoning for your choice in Part II. Part I
Column 1: Scientific Method Steps
Column 2: Examples of Tasks
___ Observe
___ Ask a question
___ Create a hypothesis
___ Conduct an experiment
___ Collect data
___ Interpret results
___ Report results
a) A scientist, based on his observation of the pond, believes that if a pond is exposed to the waste of an industrial plant, then the growth of algae will be accelerated.
b) In her laboratory, a scientist pours a vial of waste water, collected from the industrial plant, and adds it to a dish containing pond water. A second dish (the control dish), containing the same pond water, does not receive the waste water sample.
c) A scientist wonders if the waste water emitted from an industrial plant is accelerating the growth of algae in a pond.
d) After five days, the scientist measures the amount of algae present in each dish.
e) The scientist submits his findings to a scientific journal.
f) After the data is collected, the scientist discovers that the dish containing both the pond water and waste water had more than twice the amount of algae than the control dish.
g) A scientist observes that a pond adjacent to an industrial plant has heavier algae growth than ponds farther away.
Part II
Explain why you believe the “Examples of Task” (Column 2) that you selected is an example of the corresponding “Scientific Method Steps” (Column 1).
1) The “Examples of Tasks” I selected for the Scientific Method Step: “Observe”, is accurate because:
2) The “Examples of Tasks” I selected for the Scientific Method Step: “Ask a question” is accurate because:
3) The “Examples of Tasks” I selected for the Scientific Method Step: “Create a hypothesis” is accurate because:
4) The “Examples of Tasks” I selected for the Scientific Method Step: “Conduct an experiment” is accurate because:
5) The “Examples of Tasks” I selected for the Scientific Method Step: “Collect data” is accurate because:
6) The “Examples of Tasks” I selected for the Scientific Method Step: “Interpret results” is accurate because:
7) The “Examples of Tasks” I selected for the Scientific Method Step: “Report results”, is accurate because:
BIO 220 Grand Canyon Week 2 Assignment 1
Biomes and Ecosystems
In this assignment, you will be creating a trophic pyramid, also known as an “ecological pyramid,” for a specific ecosystem, using the “Trophic Pyramid” template located in the Biome Explorer at
.gcumedia.com/bio220/biome-explorer/v2.1/index.html”>http://lc.gcumedia.com/bio220/biome-explorer/v2.1/index.html. Your completed trophic pyramid will be used to identify the trophic levels within the food web, as well as their effects on the ecosystem. To complete this assignment, do the following:
1. Select an ecosystem from an area of interest to you. When choosing an ecosystem, be specific. For help differentiating between biomes and ecosystems, review “Biomes, Ecosystems, and Trophic Levels.
2.Utilize credible sources to select and research your chosen ecosystem, including the textbook and the Internet (specifically, you may find the World Biomes page located at .blueplanetbiomes.org/world_biomes.htm”>http://www.blueplanetbiomes.org/world_biomes.htm helpful).
3.When researching your selected ecosystem, give special attention to the plant and animals species that inhabit that ecosystem. This information will be used to design the ecological pyramid.
4.Refer to the “Trophic Pyramid.” You will complete this template by entering the names of the species that belong to the various trophic levels (Apex predator, tertiary consumers, secondary consumers, primary consumers, and primary producers).
5.Refer to the text for further information and an explanation of trophic levels.
Using your completed trophic pyramid, answer the following questions in a Word document of at least 250-500 words:
1. Of the primary producers you selected, which one do you think has the biggest impact on the ecosystem you researched? Explain.
2.”What species did you select for the apex predator? Explain the importance the apex predator’s impact on the other species in your tropic pyramid.
3.How did the amount of energy gained compare to the amount of energy lost as heat at the 2nd–4th trophic levels?
4.Referring to your completed trophic pyramid template, select one species. If this species was removed from your trophic pyramid, what would be the impact on the other species of the ecosystem?
5.Can efforts to save a species from extinction be successful if the focus of preservation is only on that species? Explain your answer
6.Considering the amount of energy required in producing animal-based foods and goods, should humans change their habits so they consume products closer to the bottom of the trophic pyramid? Provide rationale for your response.
This assignment requires a minimum of two references to be included.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the GCU Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.
You are required to submit the short answer portion of this assignment to Turnitin. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center. Only Word documents can be submitted to Turnitin.
Submit both the Trophic Pyramid and Word document to the instructor.
Biomes are global geographical areas that share similar climatic conditions.
Examples of biomes include rain forests, tropical forests, tundra, grasslands, and deserts.
Biomes contain ecosystems, which are comprised of the living and nonliving components that occupy an environment.
Examples of ecosystems include coral reefs and ponds, tidal zones, oceans, coral reefs, kelp forests, alpine meadows, and the Arctic and Antarctic Ocean.
Ecosystems consist of various trophic levels, which comprise complex networks of food chains called food webs. The more diverse an ecosystem, the healthier and more feasible it is.
Differentiating the Two
The grasslands are a kind of biome, while the African savanna or the Brazilian credo are both ecosystems found within the grassland biome.
Tidal zones, Eastern Pacific Ocean, Pacific Northwest tidal zones, and Puget Sound tidal zones are all specific ecosystems within the marine biome.
BIO 220 Grand Canyon Week 2 Assignment 2
CLC Agreement
As a group, complete the CLC agreement for the Topic 5 assignment “Collaborative Learning Community: Conservation Presentation.” This resource is an organizational tool for your group, to assist you in completing the assignment.
BIO 220 Grand Canyon Week 2 Assignment 3
Course Final Report Task 1
Review “Course Final Report: Overall Project Review.” This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment. For Task 1, identify one environmental issue that has impacted you or someone you know. The issue that you pick will be the topic for your course final report. For help in selecting topics, refer to “Suggestions for Environmental Topics.” To successfully complete task 1, do the following:
1. Briefly describe the selected environmental issue.
2. State your initial position on the issue in one to two paragraphs.
3. Find three articles that support your position.
4. List all the references at the end of the report according to the guidelines found in the GCU Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
BIO 220 Grand Canyon Week 3 Assignment
Ecosystems and Trophic Levels
In this assignment, you will be creating a trophic pyramid, also known as an “ecological pyramid,” for a specific ecosystem, using the “Trophic Pyramid” template. Your trophic completed trophic pyramid will be used to identify the trophic levels within the food web, as well as their effects on the ecosystem. To complete this assignment, do the following:
1. Select an ecosystem from an area of interest to you. When choosing an ecosystem, be specific. For help differentiating between biomes and ecosystems, review “Biomes, Ecosystems, and Trophic Levels.
2. Utilize credible sources to select and research your chosen ecosystem, including the textbook and the internet (specifically, you may find the “World Resources Institute “website, located at http://www.wri.org/ecosystems/data-maps-and-tools, helpful).
3. When researching your selected ecosystem, give special attention to the plant and animals species that inhabit that ecosystem. This information will be used to design the ecological pyramid.
4. Refer to the “Trophic Pyramid, template. You will complete this template by entering the names of the species that belong to the various trophic levels (Apex predator, tertiary consumers, secondary consumers, primary consumers, and primary producers).
5. Refer to pages 63-65 in the text for further information and an explanation of trophic levels.
Using your completed trophic pyramid, answer the following questions:
1. Of the primary producers you selected, which one do you think has the biggest impact on the ecosystem you researched? Explain.
2. “What species did you select for the apex predator? Explain the importance the apex predator’s impact on the other species in your tropic pyramid.
3. Refer to pages 63-65 in the text. How did the amount of energy gained compare to the amount of energy lost as heat at the 2nd–4th trophic levels?
4. Referring to your completed trophic pyramid template, select one species. If this species was removed from your trophic pyramid, what would be the impact on the other species of the ecosystem?
5. Can efforts to save a species from extinction be successful if the focus of preservation is only on that species? Explain your answer
6. Considering the amount of energy required in producing animal-based foods and goods, should humans change their habits so they consume products closer to the bottom of the trophic pyramid? Provide rationale for your response.
7. Submit your responses in a Word document of at least 250-500 words.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the GCU Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
BIO 220 Grand Canyon Week 4 Assignment
Course Final Report Task 2
Review “Course Final Report: Overall Project Review.”
This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.
Using the same environmental issue you chose in Task 1, now find one or more articles which oppose the position you took in Task 1.
To successfully complete Task 2, do the following:
Briefly describe the selected environmental issue. Task 2 is similar to Task 1; however, when working on Task 2, revisions should be made based upon feedback comments and/or proof reading.
State the opposing position on the issue in one to two paragraphs.
State your rebuttals to the opposing position on the issue in one to two paragraphs.
Find one or more articles that oppose your position.
List all the references at the end of the report according to the guidelines found in the GCU Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
BIO 220 Grand Canyon Week 5 Assignment
Collaborative Learning Community Conservation Presentation
This is a Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) assignment.
Select an endangered species and create a 15-slide PowerPoint that outlines the following:
1- Explain the causes for the decline of this species; include statistics that demonstrate the decline of the species, when available.
2- Explain how human activities may have affected the species.
3- Provide information on current efforts by conservationist to preserve this endangered species, include information on how conservationists are taking into account preserving the entire ecosystem of the endangered species.
4- One slide should include a sample picture that could be used for a marketing campaign to save the endangered species.
5- List a minimum of four references (on the last slide according to the guidelines found in the GCU Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center
Note: Each student is to include their name in the notes section of the slides that they worked on.
While GCU style format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using GCU documentation guidelines, which can be found in the GCU Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.
You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin, unless otherwise directed by your instructor. If so directed, refer to the Student Success Center for directions. Only Word documents can be submitted to Turnitin.
BIO 220 Grand Canyon Week 6 Assignment
Global Warming Essay
Write a 500-750 word essay about global warming that addresses the following points:
1- What is global warming?
2- Describe how human activities impact global warming
3- Explain what you can do as an individual to minimize your contribution to global warming.
Remember to support your data and information with appropriate citations. A minimum of two references must be included.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the GCU Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center. Only Word documents can be submitted to Turnitin.

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