Sunday 17 September 2017

ITM301 Module 1

 ITM301 Module 1

Module 1 – Case


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Data, Information, and Organizational Knowledge

Assignment Overview

Every company has, to a greater or lesser extent, an information subsystem -- that is, a means by which it gathers data, interprets it, and makes it available to employees through a distribution system. Whether we are talking about marketing information, cost projections, accounting results, or internal quality reports, every company depends on knowledge to support its planning, decision-making, and control.
So how does knowledge fit into the picture? The emergence of the field called knowledge management has highlighted some key propositions in the last 10 years or so.
All organizations are storehouses of knowledge that operate in information-rich environments made up of people and things both inside and outside the organization itself
Organizations organize, interpret, and evaluate this information to solve organizational problems
Knowledge is the primary mechanism for processing and utilizing information
People's brains are the key knowledge resource of any organization
Codified knowledge stored in books, audio, videotapes, and computer systems can be an important knowledge resource as well
There are organizational processes and strategies for IT management and management in general. Therefore, processes and strategies in particular can significantly enhance the ability of organizations to use their knowledge resources for problem solving
Several of these themes will come up again in later modules in this course. But by way of introduction to the subject, let's take a look at some views of how knowledge works. Read and review each of the lectures in Frost’s Knowledge Management site to gain a good understanding of KM and its relation to data, information, and knowledge.
Frost, A. (2015). Knowledge Management. KMT An Educational KM Site. Retrieved from
Leonard, D., & Swap, W. (2005). The Knowledge Coach. HBS Working Knowledge. Retrieved from:

Case Assignment

The Case assignment for Module 1 consists of two parts. Part I introduces the notion of computer basics. Part II analyzes the Kobuku Food Company which provides an opportunity to appreciate how companies use and differentiate among data, information, and knowledge.
Part 1:
Please review the following tutorials on computer basics and answer the questions below. The tutorials are located at
1.    What are computers? [video 1]
2.    Understanding Operating Systems [video 2]
3.    Understanding Applications [video 3]
4.    Understanding the Cloud [video 4]
After watching the videos, please answer the following questions in 2-3 pages.
1.    What operating system does your computer use?
2.    What are some examples of applications residing in your personal computer?
3.    Do you use any apps or websites now that you think are cloud-based?
4.    How is a web app different from a desktop application?
Part 2:
For part II of the assignment, read the required articles and then write a 3-5 page paper answering the Kokubu case study questions. Be sure your discussion demonstrates that you understand the meanings and differences between data, information, and knowledge. In your discussion, give a real-world example of data, knowledge, and information in the context of the Kokubu Food Company.
Kokubu management has asked you to be the company consultant and prepare a management analysis of the business to help assess the firm’s current situation and future plans. To familiarize yourself with Kokubu’s background, you should review the corporate information, functions and business, and social and environmental conservation activities in the website. Particular attention must be given to the functions and business link to appreciate how IT supports Kokubu operations and knowledge management activities within the company.
Review the Kokubu website at and after finding the answers to the Case questions, prepare a summary in 3-5 pages analyzing the following questions.
  • What kind of organizational trends are evident in the Kokubu case when we consider the business environment, management, and technology?
  • Discuss the IT applications to the company operations as discussed in the website.
  • Why is the company considered to be customer focused?
  • The CEO said his company “created a culture where people are addicted to data, information, and knowledge.” What does he mean by that, and what are the benefits and drawbacks of such a culture?
As a reminder, you must have at least two outside scholarly references when you write cases.

Assignment Expectations

1.    Include Part I and Part II of the Case in one document, properly labeling each section.
2.    The Case assignment should be 5-8 pages in total excluding cover page and reference list.
Your assignments will be graded following these expectations:
  • Precision: the questions asked are answered.
  • Clarity: Your answers are clear and show your good understanding of the topic.
  • Breadth and depth: The scope covered in your paper is directly related to the questions of the assignment and the learning objectives of the module.
  • Critical Thinking: It is important to read the “required readings” posted in the background material plus others you find relevant. Your paper should include important concepts from these readings and incorporate your reactions and examples that illustrate your reflective judgment and good understanding of the concepts.
  • Your paper meets the page requirements, excluding the cover page or the references pages.

Module 1 - SLP

Data, Information, and Organizational Knowledge

In this module, you will be introduced to Excel and some of its basic functions. After watching the recommended videos, do the following:
1.    Open the Excel software.
1.    You will see a blank worksheet. Click on the filetab and click Save As.
2.    Next to File name, type Module1-exercise.
3.    Choose where on your computer to save the file, and click the Save button.
2.    Close the worksheet.
3.    Locate the assignment file Module1-exercise and open it.
4.    Enter the following data into the worksheet, starting from cell A2 (the intersection of column A and row 2) on the left side, and perform the functions below. For the three exercises below, you can use the same Excel worksheet with proper spacing between each assignment. Always remember to save the file to your local drive every so often.
For the first table, add the numbers in cells A2 through D2 and give a sum in cell E2. Add the numbers in the next three rows and give sums in the E column.
Add numbers in rows:
For the second table, add cells A1 through A5 and give a sumtotal in cell A6. Do the same in columns B and C respectively.
Add numbers in columns:
1.    Use Save Asto make a copy as Module 1- Exercise 2.
Create a third table within the same Excel worksheet and perform the following.
1.    Enter the following data and use Calibri font size 11 pt. and AutoFit text to column width.
2.    Change the fonts and size to Georgia and 14 pt., then AutoFit to column width again.
1.    Jack Johnson
2.    Rayon Robinson
3.    Alex Hollywood
3.    Change page orientation and change margin to “narrow.” Save the file.
Desired margin: Narrow.
Save your file.
After completing the Excel exercises, please upload the Excel file with your results to SLP 1 Dropbox.

SLP Assignment Expectations

Your assignments will be graded following these expectations:
  • The assignment file must be developed in Excel and saved as .xls file.
  • Precision: the questions asked are answered.
  • Clarity: Your answers are clear and show your good understanding of the topic.
  • Breadth and depth: The scope covered in your paper is directly related to the questions of the assignment and the learning objectives of the module.
  • Critical Thinking: It is important to read the “required readings” posted in the background material plus others you find relevant. Your paper should include important concepts from these readings and incorporate your reactions and examples that illustrate your reflective judgment and good understanding of the concepts.

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