Tuesday 12 September 2017

JUS 104 Entire Course-GC

JUS 104 Entire Course-GC

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JUS 104 Entire Course-GC
JUS 104 Grand Canyon Module 1 Discussion 1
How do various cultures of the world determine which acts are criminal and which acts are not?
JUS 104 Grand Canyon Module 1 Discussion 2
What is meant by federalism? What are the three levels of law enforcement and what are their purposes?
JUS 104 Grand Canyon Module 2 Discussion 1
What differences exist between crimes mala in se and mala prohibita? Give examples.
JUS 104 Grand Canyon Module 2 Discussion 2
Discuss the primary goals of criminal law and civil law. What are the differences in proof?
JUS 104 Grand Canyon Module 3 Discussion 1
What are some benefits and detriments of televised trials?
JUS 104 Grand Canyon Module 3 Discussion 2
List and explain the elements required to establish mens rea. What arguments might be presented in a courtroom to establish mens rea?
JUS 104 Grand Canyon Module 4 Discussion 1
Why did the first systems of law enforcement in Colonial America and the 19th century take the form that they did? Justify your answer.
JUS 104 Grand Canyon Module 4 Discussion 2
According to “Hiring and Keeping Police Officers,” what were some of the reasons for agencies being unable to fill vacancies?
JUS 104 Grand Canyon Module 5 Discussion 1
The essential problem for the justice system in rehabilitating prisoners is to balance the cost of the rehabilitation programs with the cost of incarceration itself. How would you accomplish this task?
JUS 104 Grand Canyon Module 5 Discussion 2
Is it possible to rehabilitate serial killers? What are the pros and cons of your argument?
JUS 104 Grand Canyon Module 6 Discussion 1
If you were a warden of a prison, what programs would you offer in order to rehabilitate juveniles?
JUS 104 Grand Canyon Module 6 Discussion 2
In what way should juvenile courts differ from adult courts?
JUS 104 Grand Canyon Module 7 Discussion 1
Many criminologists have suggested that babies be finger and toe printed, and that a sample of the baby’s DNA be taken at birth so that the data can be stored for future criminal investigations. Do you think that this is a good idea and why?
JUS 104 Grand Canyon Module 7 Discussion 2
How are new technologies assisting in the fight against terrorism, monitoring sexual offenders, monitoring gang offenders, sketching crime scenes, and tracking high speed pursuits?
JUS 104 Grand Canyon Week 1 Assignment
Write an essay of 600-800-words that analyzes how this question is answered in the modern American criminal justice system. Your analysis should be from a historical perspective. Biblical and philosophical references are required.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the GCU Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
JUS 104 Grand Canyon Week 2 Assignment
Using the module 2 readings and the film “A Time to Kill” as a springboard, write a 600-800-word reflective essay.
The essay must be source-based and must discuss how a law enforcement officer should prepare for the unique ethical, emotional, spiritual, and practical challenges of his or her chosen career.
Examine the UCR for your city. Your essay must detail the following:
1- How your city compares to the state and national figures.
2- Whether your city’s crime rate is increasing or decreasing in comparison to the national average.
3- Provide an explanation of which statistics are most surprising when comparing your city to the national average. Explain why these statistics are surprising.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the GCU Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
JUS 104 Grand Canyon Week 3 Assignment
Write a reflective essay of 750-1000 words on the historical development of policing, and the unique challenges faced by today’s law enforcement officers.
Support your essay assertions with supporting evidence taken from either the lecture or the textbook.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the GCU Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
JUS 104 Grand Canyon Week 4 Assignment
Utilizing the GCU eLibrary collection, research the plea bargaining process. Write a positional essay of 600-800 words that discusses the merits, deficits, and feasible alternatives of our limited funding for complete trials.
The paper should focus on both the absolute merits of the plea bargaining process and the practical aspects of the practice given political realities.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the GCU Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
JUS 104 Grand Canyon Week 5 Assignment
Write an essay of 1,000-1,250 words that examines the increasing privatization of the prison industry in the United States.
In your essay, you should outline the historical trend towards privatization and the reasons for it, and examine its effects on the prison system and on inmates and staff. You should also provide an opinion, based on your research, as to whether you feel the trend is a positive one or not.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the GCU Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
JUS 104 Grand Canyon Week 6 Assignment
Write an essay of 600-800 words from the perspective of a young person living in an inner city with no parental role model and no obvious path to education or career advancement. Discuss the reasons that the individual joined a gang, the benefits that he or she receives from gang membership, and the potential costs that the individual considered before undertaking this path.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the GCU Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
JUS 104 Grand Canyon Week 7 Assignment
Write a positional paper of 600-800 words regarding the Patriot Act. Critically support your position either defending or advocating the merits of the Patriot Act.
Given the breadth and complexity of the Patriot Act, most people find parts with which they agree and parts with which they disagree.
In your essay take a positional approach that advocates your opinion regarding whether or not the Patriot Act falls within the purview of the U.S. Constitution.
Suggest methods to address any perceived racial/religious bias in the “War on Terror.”
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the GCU Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

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