Sunday 17 September 2017

Mat 510 Midterm

Mat 510 Midterm

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Question 1
            Improvement is needed for an organization to survive because:

Question 2
            Understanding variation is important because variation:                                   

Question 3

            Which of the following are principles of Statistical Thinking?                            

Question 4

            The standard deviation is:                          

Question 5
            Process improvement activities typically include:                        
Question 6
            In Figure 2.11, Coach Hau presented data showing where goals were scored on crosses. This produced unexpected results, in terms of where the goals came from, and helped his team determine an effective strategy on free kicks. This is an example of what principle of statistical thinking?                        


Question 7
            Box, Hunter, and Hunter are quoted in this chapter as stating: “Data have no meaning in themselves; they are meaningful only in relation to a conceptual model of the phenomenon studied.” This critical point is related to which of the following principles of statistical thinking?

Question 8
            The fact that processes tend to be dynamic, rather than static, is a key principle of statistical thinking. Which of the following is a natural consequence of this fact?

Question 9
            Figure 2.16 shows a chart of the Dow Jones Industrial Average from 1990 through 2011. This plot reveals some obvious change points, such as the 2008 financial collapse, and some unexplainable short-term variation. Assuming that these are the only sources of variation in this plot, what source of variation is NOT visible in the plot?

Question 10
            In the advertising case study, the unexpected “V” shaped pattern in the plot of advertising dollars versus sales indicated what?

Question 11
            Figure 2.15 displays a model of the statistics discipline, showing the relationship between statistical thinking, statistical engineering, and statistical methods and tools. Which of the following is a principle illustrated by this model?                            
Question 12

            What is tool that can be used to detect the structure variation?


Question 13
            Service and non-manufacturing processes:                                  

Question 14
            The primary goal of process mapping is to:                                 

Question 15

            Improving the quality of process measurements is:                                

Question 16

            Refer to Figure 3.21 and choose the correct statement for the measurements                                  


Question 17

            We measure, monitor and improve process cycle time because:                                  

Question 18

            Processes are important because:                         

Question 19

            Process complexity is important because complex processes:                          


Question 20

            Use of subject matter knowledge is a key aspect of the Statistical Thinking Strategy discussed in Chapter 2. For which of the following case studies in Chapter 4 was this principle NOT clearly applied?                           


Question 21

            The Problem Solving Framework begins with a “Document the Problem” phase. The Process Improvement Framework does not begin this way, but rather begins with an “Understand the Process phase.” Which of the following are valid reasons for this difference?                          

Question 22

            We learned in Chapter 2 that most processes are dynamic in nature, and therefore the time dimension is often a critical consideration in process improvement. For which of the case studies in Chapter 4 was plotting data over time NOT critical to success?                           


Question 23

            Suppose the Problem Solving Framework were used to attack a problem where the process in question was inherently stable. Which of the following would be a likely result of this effort?                                

Question 24

            Suppose a DMAIC Framework were used to attack a problem where the process in question was inherently stable. Which of the following would be a likely result of this effort?

Question 25

            Which of the following are accurate statements about the relationship between the Process Improvement Framework (PIF) and the Problem Solving Framework (PSF)?                        

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