Friday 22 September 2017

PSYC 354 Homework1

PSYC 354 Homework1

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PSYC 354 Homework1  Introduction to Statistics

When submitting this file, be sure the filename includes your full name, course and section.    
Be sure you have reviewed this module/week’s lesson and presentations before proceeding to the
homework exercises. Number all responses. Review theHomework Instructions: General
document for an example of how homework assignments must look.
All Questions
Part I: Concepts

These questions are based on the Nolan and Heinzen reading and end-of-chapter questions.

Fill in the blank with the appropriate word or words.

1.   A statistic that uses sample data to make general estimates about the larger population is   statistic.

2.   A statistic that summarizes a group of numbers is a(n)                       statistic.

3.   A(n)                          is a set of observations drawn from the larger group of interest.

4.   The large group about which you want to know something is called                       .

5.   A five-star rating system for movies is a variable at the                level of measurement.

6.   A person's religious preference is a variable at the                     level of measurement.

7.   A(n)                    variable is a variable that meets the criteria for an interval and ratio variable.

8.   Discrete values that the independent variable can take on are called the                      of the independent variable.

9.   A variable that is manipulated to determine its effects on another variable is a(n)

10. A(n)                         variable makes it impossible to determine whether the independent variable is the cause of changes in the dependent variable.

11.                                is the process of drawing conclusions about whether or not a particular relation between variables is supported by the data.

12. The hallmark of a(n)                         is the random assignment of participants to conditions

so that cause and effect can be discovered.

13. When each participant has the same chance of being assigned to the various levels of the manipulation, they are said to be                          to conditions.

14. Each participant experiences all levels of the independent variable in a(n)                    design.

15. Participants experience only one level of the independent variable in a(n)                    design.

Answer the following questions:
Question 1a-1b

A health psychologists decides to study the effects of living region (rural, suburban, urban) on the number of extra-curricular activities of residents.
1-a) What would the independent variable be in this study?
1-b) What would the dependent variable be in this study?

Question 2 (a-d)
Hsee and Tang (2007) reported the results of a study in which 195 college students completed a happiness
scale (from 1 to 7) one day in class. On this scale, 1 corresponded to very unhappy and 7 to very happy. On average, the students rated their happiness as 6.18. Identify each of the following for this study.

Questions 3-6
Answer these general SPSS questions.
3) In which window do you enter data in SPSS?
4) Which window displays the results of your analysis in SPSS?
5) Which SPSS main menu would you use to choose a particular statistical test?
6) If you wanted to custom define a variable in SPSS, which window would you open?
Question 7
Suppose you have administered a personality inventory to 12 people and have recorded their score on
each item in SPSS. The personality inventory has 8 items, so the SPSS file has 8 variables representing each item (item1, item2, etc.). You want to compute a total score for each participant that represents the
sum of items 1–8.

7a)  Which main SPSS menu contains the option for computing a variable like this?
7b)  According to the presentation and to Lesson 19 in Green and Salkind, what could you type into the “Numeric Expressiontext box in order to have SPSS add items 1–8 together? (There is more than one way to do this.)
Submit Homework 1 by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of Module/Week 1. Remember to name file appropriately.

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