Sunday 17 September 2017

SOC 322 Complete Class

SOC 322 Complete Class
Discussions and Assignments

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Discussion Forum 1
Discussion Forum 1: What is your cultural background, and what is it like where you live?

In Discussion Forum 1, post your response to the following discussion questions. Reply to at least two classmates’ responses by the date indicated in the course Calendar.
1.      What is your cultural background, and what is it like where you live?
2.      Describe how you have encountered the strange in the familiar in your own neighborhood or in some other place and what reference groups do people use in your neighborhood to define what is culturally and socially appropriate habitus?
3.      In your neighborhood, are there ways that the people create social distance to separate themselves from others unlike them even to the point of being ethnocentric?
CO1, CO7
Discussion Forum 2
Discussion Forum 2: Cultural Experiences

In Discussion Forum 2, post your response to the following discussion question. Reply to at least two classmates’ responses by the date indicated in the course Calendar.
Using a blend of your own experiences, supported by your understanding of the course readings and key terms integrate the following questions into your discussion board posting. It should be three strong paragraphs of 4 – 5 sentences in each paragraph. Then respond to at least two colleagues with an antithesis question on their posting.
4.      Culture defines social roles, religion, family, fashion, foodways, language etc. within a given people group. Describe some aspects of your culture.
5.      At times, culture goes against our own belief systems. How do we counteract this? Do we attempt to change it? Can we affect change?
6.      Some families uphold particular traditions that we disagree with and constrains us. Define some ways to affirm the elders and peers whom uphold these traditions, while sustaining your own identity separate from them.
7.      Describe experiences you may have had of culture shock, assimilation, or cultural change identifying how you responded to those issues.
CO5, CO7
Discussion Forum 3
Discussion Forum 3: What is your group? The in-group and out-group in your community

In Discussion Forum 3, post your response to the following discussion question. Reply to at least two classmates’ responses by the date indicated in the course Calendar.
The movie Crash highlights the integration between various racial groups in the urban environment of Los Angeles. One of the unique themes of the movie is how the movie uses the metaphor of a “crash” to describe the collisions of culture between various people groups who define their identity in particular ways.
In your post:
8.      First, analyze key vignettes you observe that show ethnocentrism, racism, prestige hierarchy, peer groups, discrimination, and prejudice.

9.      Second, show the degree to which you believe these interactions are active in your own community and the large American community including racism, ethnocentrism, in-group focus, minority and dominant group, authoritarian personality, among other themes you find are important as related to the course reading.

10.  Third, are you a part of one of the groups highlighted in the movie and how would you react the same and differently than the characterizations in the movie?

11.  When analyzing and attempting to understand racial and ethnic conflict to what degree and how are the various social theories encountered in this course helpful? Note how Structural Functionalism, Conflict Perspective, and Symbolic Interaction can all be used in this analysis.
CO3, CO4, CO6
Discussion Forum 4
Discussion Forum 4: The paradox of white privilege and hiding white poverty: CEOs and Honey Boo-Boo, Jerry Springer and the trashing of trailer trash in popular American media.

Review these online articles:

In Discussion Forum 4, post your response to the following discussion question. Reply to at least two classmates’ responses by the date indicated in the Course Calendar.
In recent years with the expansion of diversity viewership, the rise of negative stereotyping of white poverty has become prevalent. It has become popular fare to make fun of white poverty on television, in comedy, and movies. This hides the dire fact that there are more white poor people by head-count than blacks or Hispanics, though by percentage of their racial group it is a smaller portion of people.
12.  What do you think is the reason that creating stereotypes and making fun of poor white people has become normalized in popular American culture?
13.  What is your view of the relationship between white poverty and white privilege?
14.  In what ways do the non-textbook assignments unpack the realities of being white in American beyond the stereotypes we have?
15.  Based on the textbook reading, describe some of the different experiences of white immigrant groups that were significant and notable to you.
Discussion Forum 5
Discussion Forum 5: Native Residential Schools and Forgiveness: Remnants of the Genocide

In Discussion Forum 5, post your response to the following discussion question. Reply to at least two classmates’ responses by the date indicated in the course Calendar.
Answer the following questions in a well-written response that demonstrates you have read the textbook and articles that accompany these topics.
16.  Why are many Americans quiet about the Native genocide while advancing civil rights? Describe ways that the native voice has been abolished or trivialized in contemporary American society.

17.  Present your reaction to the current lifestyles of native peoples in America (and Canada), paying particular attention to the CBC video and 30 Days episode.

18.  What is your view of the Washington Redskins naming controversy and its impact for college and high school teams across the country? What do you think should be done?

19.  Engage one of the current social issues in Native reparations (water rights, casinos). Describe the acts and issues, and give your opinion on what should be done. Attempt to integrate this with one or more of the sociological theories: Structural Functionalism, Conflict Perspective, Symbolic Interactionism.
CO4, CO5, CO6, CO7
Discussion Forum 6
Discussion Forum 6: Linsanity: Identity for Second Generation Model Minorities

In Discussion Forum 6, post your response to the following discussion question. Reply to at least two classmates’ responses by the date indicated in the course Calendar.
Linsanity was a short-term moment in American sports history, but one that was highly important to Asian-American young men. Traditionally, Asian-American men have played in the shadows of all the stereotypes that they are education focused and athletics is way down the priority list. Linsanity, some have said, was the arrival into popular American sports culture of an Asian-American who could hold his own amidst his black counterparts. This was met with disdain by some in the black establishment basketball community who did not appreciate this intrusion into their social subculture of professional basketball. Whether this was true or imagined one will never know. The movie Linsanity profiles this short but quite historic moment in American sports. It also shows a commonality with religious belief that is not uncommon among Asian Americans, with some critiquing it as a means to become “more Western”.
Respond to the following:
20.  What is your view of the Linsanity Phenomenon? Did it present a case for eliminating educational stereotypes about young Asian-American males and in what ways? What stereotypes are sustained?

21.  Describe your understanding of the cultural conflict between first generation and second generation Asian-Americans and how does this apply to other immigrant groups?

22.  How is the model minority stereotype a help and a hindrance to Asian-American progress in contemporary society?

23.  Is there a new yellow peril in the rapid advancement of Asian Americans into other American social strongholds such as basketball, education, professions, and wealth?
CO4, CO5, CO6 Discussion Forum 7
Discussion Forum 7: Fear mongering post 9-11 and the Muslim conflict

In Discussion Forum 7, post your response to the following discussion question. Reply to at least two classmates’ responses by the date indicated in the course Calendar.
  • The United States prides itself in the freedom of religion. This allows for the uninterrupted worship in places of sanctuary without the free of police or surveillance. Knowing that Muslim radicals do mix within the larger more peaceful Muslim worship community, how do you propose the police, FBI, Homeland Security, NSA, and other “protection groups” should interact with mosques and temples?
  • Describe the historical patterns of Arab relationships with the West from the colonial age to the global age of today.
  • What is your impression of the Muslim community in America? What about the Muslim community abroad? Are there stereotypes that are valid? Are there inaccurate and unfair ones?
  • How do you see American movies depict the relationship between military, war, and the Muslim community? To what degree are they the new enemy to replace the traditional concept that America always has an adversary (such as the Cold War and Soviet Union, Nazis)?
  • Show how Structural Functionalism, Conflict Theory, and Symbolic Interactionism all are applicable in understanding the relationship between the nation state of the United States and the interrelations that take place between Arabs in daily life such as the dollar store, taxi driver, or doctors?
CO3, CO4, CO5, CO6, CO7
Discussion Forum 8
Discussion Forum 8: The Obama Generation: The Rise of Black Classism

In Discussion Forum 8, post your response to the following discussion question. Reply to at least two classmates’ responses by the date indicated in the course Calendar.
  • What are the most significant social policies that have defined the Black and White conflict? Briefly define them and demonstrate how they have had an effect.
  • What is your view of the rise of black classism?
  • Describe the differences in experience between different black groups.
  • What can be done to overcome the racial conflict that exists in the cosmopolitan canopy? You may wish to use Structural Functionalism, Conflict Theory, or Symbolic Interactionism to describe it.
CO5, CO6, CO7
Discussion Forum 9
Discussion Forum 9: Hispanics as Political Pawns: There is More to Being Hispanic Than Illegal Immigration

In Discussion Forum 9, post your response to the following discussion question. Reply to at least two classmates’ responses by the date indicated in the course Calendar.
  • Discuss some of the current political issues that are affecting the opinions of Americans about Latin Americans, immigration and migration through elements such as the DREAM Act, Comprehensive Immigration Reform, and border security in response to undocumented immigration. What is your opinion of these issues and how have they affected your perspectives on Hispanics in America?
  • Show how Structural Functionalism, Conflict Theory, and Symbolic Interactionism can be used to describe the experience of Hispanics in America and their migration to America.
CO4, CO5, CO6, CO7
Discussion Forum 10
Discussion Forum 10: The Pain of a People Group: Agendas to overcome discrimination

In Discussion Forum 10, post your response to the following discussion question. Reply to at least two classmates’ responses by the date indicated in the course Calendar.
Choose an people/social group from within the module and describe how discrimination towards them is active or not apparent in your area, neighborhood, state, or life.
Show how there are movements or political agendas to overcome the discrimination. Show how this people/social group can be defined through Structural Functionalism, Conflict Theory, and Symbolic Interactionism.
How can you as an individual help to overcome both overt and covert discrimination

                           Written Assignment 1
Written Assignment 1: Ethnographic Interview

Interview a relative or close friend (preferably an elder) about their culture, how the family celebrates culture, the history of the family line, and their home country. Integrate learning from the readings that relate to this cultural history.
  • This 500 - 700 word paper is to be presented in correct APA format, double-spaced, 12pt. Times New Roman Font, and sources must be referenced in the paper.
  • An excellent paper will incorporate the definitions from the course such as cultural diffusion, ethnocentrism, cultural relativism, and assimilation or any of the other terms as they are appropriate to the paper that demonstrates that the student has read and engaged the reading materials and applied it to their interview case study.
  • Include a paragraph using the textbook and course materials discussing how culture is formed and determined.
  • Demonstrate how ethnography is a primary research method for Symbolic Interactionism.
                  CO1, CO7 Written Assignment 2
Written Assignment 2: Racism, Ethnocentrism, and The American Immigrant Story

In a 500 to 700 word APA formatted paper, integrate your readings on racism, ethnocentrism, prejudice, nativism, xenophobia, groupthink, prestige hierarchy, and discrimination.
  • Define the terms in your own words while citing sources in the textbook and other course materials.
  • Examine how this is an important element of American history in the development of a diverse culture, while at the same time increasing social distance.
  • Include a description of how Affirmative Action has reformed some of the discrimination and racism in the United States while also enhancing social distance.
  • Attempt to align your findings with Structural Functionalism, Conflict Perspective, and/or Symbolic Interactionism. (Note: You are not just to copy what Parilla’s conclusions are here).
  • You may also add your own experiences to how these things have affected your lives and community.
  • Sources from the textbook and course materials must be cited, both in text and on a reference page according to APA standards.
CO3, CO4, CO7

                              Written Assignment 3
Written Assignment 3: Cultural People Group - Part One

Submit a 500 – 700 word APA formatted paper presented in narrative form, including a title page and reference page.
  • Choose one of the people groups, other than your own, from the Module 4, 5, or 6 readings.
  • Restate the materials in your own narrative form, demonstrating a deep engagement with cultural understanding.
  • Include a brief socio-historical account and key cultural markers in that culture in encountering American life
  • Describe important public policies that have affected this people group. The People Group must be one other than their own.
  • Integrate your work with one of the primary sociological theories: Structural Functionalism, Conflict Perspective, Symbolic Interactionism

                      Written Assignment 4
Written Assignment 4: Cultural People Group - Part Two

Hispanics are the most significant growing and emerging people group in America. Chose a particular Hispanic people group to focus on.
  • In this 500 - 700 word paper, use the movies My Family and De Nadie, and the 30 Days episode Immigration, to describe their experiences and the rationale for coming to America.
  • Further, use the textbook materials to describe some of the Hispanic cultural definitions that show how they are a diverse group of cultures while also sharing commonalities.
CO2, CO3

                Written Assignment 5
Written Assignment 5: Movie Review

Choose any of the movies in the course and write a comprehensive movie review that integrates material from the course.
  • Include the core elements of the movie, its relationship to topics in the course, and your opinion of the movie in relationship to how it depicts diversity or cultural appreciation or antagonism.
  • The paper should 500 - 700 words, double-spaced, APA format and referenced with content from the textbooks, and other work.
CO2, CO3, CO5, CO6

            Final     OVERVIEW

The Final Paper presents an overview of the topics of the course framed within one of the people groups studied, demonstrating the student’s’ ability to integrate the readings, writing assignments, and key term into a seminal project.


      The paper requires you to choose one of the people groups studied in the course and apply as many applicable social theories from the coursework as are appropriate. It will be supported by other work related to that people group such as movie reviews, discussion boards, article research, keywords, and the like. Students will include at least five sources from outside of the coursework to supplement the paper. The paper must show how pluralism, diversity, multiculturalism, ethnocentrism, racism, and assimilation are elements of American society.


      Your paper should be 6 to 8 pages (2200 – 2500 words) and should cover the directives already given.
      You should follow accepted research approaches and citation format (APA).
      Your paper must be double-spaced in Times New Roman 12 point font.
      It is to include a simple title page in Times New Roman 12 point font including Name of paper, Course, Professor, School, Date, Student Name. It is NOT to include any pictures or artwork.
      Your paper must include an APA-style reference page that shows the sources used.
      Your paper should be well developed and convey your understanding of the readings and concepts.
      Your paper should be organized, coherent, and unified.
      Your paper should be free of spelling and grammatical errors.
      Base your research paper on at least five different research sources which must be listed in the concluding bibliography list.  It must also include pertinent reading from the course and the textbook. Use an outline to structure your paper ensuring that you include:
  Course theories
  Examples from the textbook

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