Wednesday 27 September 2017

UNV 504 Full Class

UNV 504 Full Class

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UNV 504 Full Class
UNV 504 All Weeks Discussions and Assignments Entire Course

UNV 504 Week 1 Topic 1 DQ 1

Topic 1 reviews some of the major differences between undergraduate and graduate studies. How do you think your graduate educational experience will differ from your undergraduate experience? How would you describe a graduate learning community? What are the key components of a learning community and how might a graduate learning community differ from an undergraduate learning community?

UNV 504 Week 1 Topic 1 DQ 2

This topic discussed the importance of communication. One of GCU’s goals is to help you effectively communicate throughout your life. Access and review the “Communication Tool.” Why is it important to communicate effectively with others? How will effective communication help students in their academic career? Give examples. Why do you think GCU emphasizes quality discussion posts and proper etiquette in the Discussion Forums?

UNV 504 Week 1 Topic 1 DQ 3

Read the GCU Doctrinal Statement, Four Pillars, and Christian Worldview at the following links:
·         GCU Doctrinal Statement:
·         Christian Worldview:
·         Four Pillars:
How do you think GCU’s Christian heritage makes the GCU academic experience different than the experience at a non-faith-based university? What value might this difference add to your educational experience?

UNV 504 Week 1 Class Wall Biography


Class Wall Biography
Participating and getting to know other students in your class is important in order to create the online community at GCU. The Class Wall is a place for students to network and get to know one another. Your first post to the Class Wall will be a biography to share information about you with fellow students.
Here are some things to consider including in your biography:
1.     Your name
2.     Where you are from
3.     Your family
4.     The degree program you are enrolled in
5.     What you currently do for a living
6.     Your hobbies or interests
7.     Motivation for pursuing a graduate degree
Your biography should be 250-350 words.
Post your biography to the Class Wall by the end of Day 2 of Topic 1.
Submit your biography to the appropriate assignment drop box as well as posting it to the Class Wall.
Once other students have posted their bios, go back to the Class Wall and read them, as well as your instructor’s bio.
APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.

UNV 504  Week 1 Assignment Navigating the Online Environment Scavenger Hunt

Learning how to navigate the online classroom environment is essential to your academic success.
1.     Review “Navigating the Online Scavenger Hunt” and search LoudCloud to find the answers.
2.     Complete the scavenger hunt while navigating LoudCloud.
You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.

Online Learning Environment Scavenger Hunt

Learning how to navigate the online classroom environment is essential to your academic success. GCU’s Learning Management System (LMS) LoudCloud has many resources to help you become a successful graduate student.

View the LoudCloud Walk to Class Tutorial as well as search LoudCloud to find answers to the questions below. You should complete the guide while navigating the LoudCloud environment.

Part A: Answer each prompt

1.     List the tabs and other items on the screen when you first enter a course in LoudCloud.

2.     From the course home page in LoudCloud, click on the “Resources” tab and then click on “Classroom Policies.” What do you need to do to make sure you are properly participating in the online classroom?

3.     Under the “Resources” Tab in LoudCloud, click on the “Student Success Center;” under the “Writing Center” tab click on the “Style Guides and Templates” link. Read through the APA 6th Edition Style Guide and APA 6thEdition Template (without Abstract) Why do you think academic writing requires such strict formatting?

4.     Under the “Resources” Tab in LoudCloud, click on the “Student Success Center.” Under which tab in the Student Success Center can you find official Microsoft Tutorials for their software products?

5.     Under the “Resources” Tab in LoudCloud, inside the “Student Success Center,” click on the “Tools for Success” tab at the top. What video might be most helpful to you under the “Success Webinars” section?

6.     From the course home page in LoudCloud, find where you can see your current grade in the course.

7.     Click on the “Resources” Tab in the classroom. Click on “Syllabus.” What are all the different sections found in the Syllabus? Look at the “Overall” and “Current” sections of the syllabus. (Hint: they might be the orange sections on the left of the screen.)

8.     Click on “Library” under the “Resources” tab. Go to the Library website and find a time that a GCU Library Introduction webinar tour is available. Write down a time and date that one is offered.

Part B: Highlight the correct response

9.     Where are the topic lectures found?
10.  The Syllabus
11.  Course Materials
12.  Main Forum
13.  Both A and B

10.  In the Student Success Center located under the Resources Tab in Loud Cloud, which of the following is not found under the “Tools for Success” tab:
11.  The Writing Center
12.  The Basics
13.  First Year Experience
14.  Success Webinars

11.  What do Course Materials in Loud Cloud consist of?
12.  Lecture Notes, Electronic Resources, and Other instructional Media
13.  Computer, Internet, and Software
14.  Pens, Paper, and Books
15.  The Syllabus, Discussion Forum, and Student Success Center

12.  Where do you find the“Announcements” tab for a course in LoudCloud?
13.  In the LoudCloud tool bar at the top of the classroom
14.  The Calendar
15.  The Syllabus
16.  The instructor emails them to you at the start of each week.

13.  What would you do if you wanted to ask your instructor a question in which you felt your classmates could benefit from the answer as well?
14.  Send him or her a personal email
15.  Post the question in the Main Forum
16.  Post the question in the Individual Forum
17.  Post the question in the Questions to Instructor Forum

14.  Looking at the Forum Sectionunder the Tasks tab, which section is not listed in Loud Cloud?
15.  Main Forum
16.  Question to Instructor Forum
17.  Assignment Forum
18.  Individual Forum

15.  Where are the weekly topic learning objectives found?
16.  On the Calendar
17.  In the Syllabus
18.  In the Main Forum
19.  Under the Tasks Tab

16.  Where is the syllabus found in Loud Cloud?
17.  Under the Calendar tab
18.  Under the Resources tab
19.  In the Main Forum
20.  Under the Tasks Tab

UNV 504 Week 1 Time Monitoring Worksheet

This assignment will help you develop an important skill for college and everyday life – time management. For this assignment, you will keep an informal time log in which you note all your activities for 3 days, from 5 a.m. to 10 p.m. Then, you will review your activities to identify times when you were not productive. You should use this information for planning ways to make better use your time.
Part 1: Monitor Your Time in Hourly Increments
1.     Use “Time Monitoring Worksheet” to write down what you did each hour of the day, starting at 5 a.m. and ending at 10 p.m. Even if you do not get up until 10 a.m., you still need to record 5 a.m. to 10 a.m. as “sleep.”
2.     Do not overdo the recording; record the primary activity for the hour. At most, record two activities per hour.
Part 2: Reflection
On day four, review your completed “Time Monitoring Worksheet” in order to take a serious look at how you use your time each day.
Write a reflection (250-500 words) on how you manage your time. Include the following in your reflection:
1.     What are some things you can do more efficiently?
2.     What are the main items/tasks that take up most of your time?
3.     Do you see areas in your daily routine where you can make adjustments to become more productive?
4.     Do you have any “black holes” that unnecessarily suck up a lot of your time?
APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.

UNV 504 Week 2 Topic 2 DQ 1

Find a scholarly article in the GCU Library. Copy an excerpt from the article that is at least 4-5 sentences long. Post the excerpt as your initial Discussion Forum post with your paraphrase of this excerpt directly underneath using appropriate APA paraphrased citations. Use the link below to assist you. Review your peers’ paraphrasing and comment on at least two posts regarding what they did well, and what they could work on for a better paraphrase.
UNV 504 Week 2 Topic 2 DQ 2

Why is it important to critically analyze sources? Why are scholarly sources more appropriate for academic research?

UNV 504 Week 2 Topic 2 DQ 3

Read the policy violation examples at
As you read through the material, think about how these types of situations might arise in your academic career. How does academic dishonesty undermine the purpose of graduate school?

UNV 504 Week 2 APA Activity 1

1.     Correct the in-text citation in the sentence below.

Neither group showed any significant growth (Wong and Tuttle 2005).

2.     Correctly format the reference below.
Bretschneider, John Garrett and McCoy, Nancy Lewis, 1968. Sexual Interest and Behavior in Healthy 80- 102-Year-Olds. Archives of Sexual Behavior, Vol. 14, pp. 343-350.

3.     Correctly format the reference below.
Hashimoto, Thomas. (March 13, 2000, p. 23). Seeing Red in November. Newsweek, vol. 199.

4.     What is the correct way to format quotations longer than 40 words?

5.     Compose a direct quotation using only the underlined information from the sentence below. The quotation should be grammatically and APA stylistically correct.
Pride and Prejudice is a novel by Jane Austen that deals with issues of class, gender, and social status, in addition to being a love story.”

6.     Rewrite the quote below so that it includes an explanation in your own words to the reader that Mr. Johnson is the founder of the Eat More Oreos Foundation.

“Mr. Johnson declined to comment on this article.”

7.     Does the sentence below need to be cited? Why or why not?

Bill Gates is the founder of Microsoft.

8.     Does the sentence below need to be cited? Why or why not?

Students who studied two hours a day did 25% better on the final exam.

UNV 504 Week 2 APA Activity 2: Citing Practice

Create a reference page by citing the following sources in correct APA format. You may use your text or the OWL website to help you, but do not use citation generators.
·         A text book: The second edition of Psychology and Your Life by Robert S. Feldman written in 2013. The publishing city is New York New York published from McGraw Hill Companies.

·         Snickers commercial

·         PBS Frontline special League of Denial

·         The document found at this address:

·         The movie Silver Linings Playbook

·         The episode of Friends titled: The One After Joey and Rachel Kiss

·         The 6th edition of the APA Manual

UNV 504 Week 2 Article Summary

Refer to “Are Writing Deficiencies Creating a Lost Generation of Business Writers?”
Write a 250-500-word summary of the article.
Refer to the guidelines for writing an effective summary presented in the Topic 2 Lecture for use as a guide. Review the assignment rubric as well prior to beginning the assignment.
Be sure to include a discussion of the research problem, questions, method, findings, and implications discussed by the authors.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

UNV 504  Week 3 Topic 3 DQ 1

Colleen Barrett is the former president of Southwest Airlines. She is a proponent of servant leadership and provides a case study of servant leadership in the assigned video, “Southwest Airlines’ Colleen Barrett on ‘Servant Leadership,’” and the article, “Servant Leadership.”
Describe the ways Southwest Airlines uses servant leadership. What did you learn about servant leadership from the video? In what ways will you apply servant leadership in your field? How does servant leadership fit into Grand Canyon University’s Christian worldview?

UNV 504 Week 3 Topic 3 DQ 2

Dr. Clayton Christensen is a Harvard Business School professor, cancer survivor, man of faith, and expert on innovation. As a servant leader, he challenges his students to take a serious look at their lives, relationships, and priorities.
Refer to the assigned article, “How Will You Measure Your Life?” What was the best piece of advice Christensen gave? How will his recommendations help you in your career and personal life? How would implementing this advice affect your personal and professional integrity?

UNV 504 Week 3 Excel Assignment Instructions

Complete the Excel Worksheet assignment using the “Excel Worksheet Instructions” and “Excel Worksheet.”
You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.

Sheet 1
1.     Open the Excel Worksheet found with these instructions in “Excel Assignment” in Topic 3.
2.     Type your first and last name in cell A1.
3.     Type “UNV-504” in cell A2.
4.     Type “Topic 3 Excel Assignment” in cell A3.
5.     Double click Sheet 1 in the bottom left corner and rename Sheet 1 as “Title Sheet.”
Sheet 2
1.     Open Sheet 2 by clicking the Sheet 2 tab at the bottom of the Excel Workbook.
2.     In cell D1, type “Total Unit Sales.”
3.     Using the basic calculation functionality of Excel, find the total unit sales (Price per Unit times the Units Sold) for each product. Do not use a separate calculator to find the results. Include the result in column D.
4.     Use the “Basic Calculations” video link in cell B10 of the Excel Tutorial Links from the Topic 3 Materials for help with these steps.
5.     Type “Average” in cell A12.
6.     In cell B12, insert a function to find the average price per unit.
7.     For help with this, view the “Basic Functions” video link in cell B11 of the Excel Tutorial Links from the Topic 3 Materials.
8.     In cell C12, insert a function to find the average number of units sold.
9.     Change the price per unit of weed spray to $26.06.
10.  Change the plastic buckets units sold to 359.
11.  Type Total Sales in cell F4.
12.  Insert a function in cell G4 for the sum of all Total Unit Sales.
13.  Rename Sheet 2 “Garden Store.”
Sheet 3
1.     Create a pie chart using the data in columns D and E.
2.     Add data labels so that each slice of the pie shows the corresponding percentage and instrument family.
3.     Use the “Pie Chart Labeling Data” video link in cell B15 of the Excel Tutorial Links from the Topic 3 Materials for help with these steps.
4.     Rename Sheet 3 “Symphony.”
Sheet 4
1.     Create a line graph for Northeast Sales and Southeast Sales using the data provided.
2.     Create a second line graph for Northwest Sales and Southwest Sales using the data provided.
3.     Refer to the “Line Graph” video link in cell B16 of the Excel Tutorial Links from the Topic 3 Materials for help with this step.
4.     Rename Sheet 4 “Division Sales.”
Sheet 5
1.     Create a scatterplot using the data provided.
2.     Refer to the “XY Scatterplot” video link in cell B17 of the Excel Tutorial Links from the Topic 3 Materials for help with this step.
3.     Label the X-Axis “Attendance” and the Y-Axis “Soft Drink Sold.”
4.     Label Sheet 5 “Drinks.”
Sheet 6
1.     Create a new tab.
2.     Click the “Use of Tabs” video link in cell B5 of the Excel Tutorial Links from the Topic 3 Materials for help with these steps.
3.     In cell A1, type the most challenging part of this assignment.
4.     In cell A2, write something new that you learned.
5.     Label Sheet 6 “Last.”
6.     Save the Excel Workbook and upload to your Topic 3 Excel Assignment drop box.

UNV 504 Week 3 Assignment Reference List Table

The purpose of this assignment is to conduct research and locate academic and industry-relevant sources to support your Three Pillars Essay assignment in Topic 4, in which you will discuss your career goals following the completion of your master’s degree. When conducting this research, consider selecting articles that support how you will use your university experiences to impact the greater social good in your industry and your community. Your Topic 4 assignment will include the three pillars of the Colangelo College of Business and consider how each of the pillars relates to the Christian mission of Grand Canyon University.
For this assignment, locate sources that provide a direction for your discussion of servant leadership, ethics, and entrepreneurism as they relate to your efforts to promote the greater social good in your career. Locate articles that are relevant to your personal vision and needs. While it is important to search the GCU library for scholarly articles, it is not your only option for sources. The following expectations must be followed to complete the Reference List Table assignment.
1.     Using the GCU Library, the Internet, and other resources (interviews, videos, trade journals, etc.), locate a minimum of three articles, and two additional types of sources to complete the table.
2.     You must find a source that focuses on servant leadership, ethics, and entrepreneurism in your current or future career. These articles should help with writing a vision reflecting the impact you can have on the greater social good, while incorporating the three pillars of the Colangelo College of Business.
3.     These articles will be used as sources for the Three Pillars Essay assignment in the Topic 4.
4.     Using the “Reference List Table” template, complete each section of the table with information from the articles.
While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

UNV 504 Week 4 Topic 4 DQ 1

In the textbook, Colangelo states that “education and experience will teach you how far you can trust your intuition” (p. 26). Entrepreneurs make decisions that impact organizations both internally and externally. In such a position, how do you make decisions when they conflict with your personal ethics and instincts? What personal values and ethical standards do you consider most important when making decisions? Provide an example that you have experienced or observed that supports the idea of trusting your intuition and ethical beliefs.

UNV 504 Week 4 Topic 4 DQ 2

Successful companies try to maintain a positive relationship in the community in which they do business. In the textbook, Colangelo explains that representing your core values in the community wins loyalty to your brand and attracts new customers (p. 62). Entrepreneurs should remember that part of a company’s stewardship includes socially responsible actions in the community.
In what ways do organizations gain trust and show they are socially responsible stewards? How is trust lost and how are reputations damaged? Discuss examples of companies that are socially responsible and have earned the trust of the community. Conversely, discuss other companies that have lost the trust of communities and damaged their reputations through social irresponsibility. What will you do to ensure that your organization maintains a positive reputation in the community?

UNV 504 Week 4 Three Pillars Essay

In Topic 3, you conducted research to identify three sources to support a discussion of the integration of servant leadership, ethics, and entrepreneurism as they relate to your career opportunities.
In 750-1,000-words, describe your vision for your career once you have completed your master’s degree. In your discussion, address the impact completing this degree will have on meeting the greater social good in your industry and within the community. Include information from the sources relating to the three pillars of the Colangelo College of Business (servant leadership, ethics, and entrepreneurism), as well as a discussing how the pillars relate to the Christian mission of Grand Canyon University.
This assignment requires a minimum of three scholarly sources.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

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