Sunday 15 April 2018

Accounting SEC10-K Project

Accounting SEC10-K Project

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Accounting SEC10-K Project
You will write a 2 – 3 page paper, single spaced, one inch margins, 12 pt font, with double space between paragraphs. Your paper should comment on the financial statements for your company as they relate to the information presented in chapters 12-17 of your textbook, including the notes to the financial statements.You should write about several of the topics covered in these chapters and the weekly SEC 10-K related conference activities, one of which must be either financial ratio analysis or cash flow statements (DO NOT INCLUDE BOTH). It is expected that either ratio analysis or cash flow statement analysis be explored in detail. Use headings in your paper, in APA format, such as Investments, Dividends, etc. (topics from our textbook; other examples would be Financial Ratios or Cash Flow). Do not include topics covered in ACCT 220 (such as Accounts Receivable, Inventory, Balance Sheet, Income Statement, etc.) Write  your paper as if it was intended for readers without a financial background, so explain all financial terminology used and concepts presented
Please keep your paper to no more than 3 pages The report will be submitted after Chapter 17. Do not consider information from Ch 18 – 25 in your paper.
  Take care to avoid academic dishonesty. Write your paper, read it, and edit. Use your own words – you will be required to use which will indicate similarities to other sources.
Please include a brief introduction of your company as well as a conclusion/summary at the end.
You will also be required to include the Income Statement, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Statement as an attachment to your report (you can cut and paste directly from the 10-K report).
APA style is required for citations and a reference list.
Additional guidance for your paper and resources:
Page count does not include title page, tables and exhibits, table of contents, and reference list
Please include a title page (include your name on the title page)
  Include a reference list (business classes use APA format)
  Include in text citations (business classes use APA format)
Your paper should use one-inch margins on the left, right, top, and bottom of each page, and font set at 12 point.
Write your paper, in your own words, using accounting words from our textbook and explaining how these relate to the financial statements of your company.
Chapter 12-17 cover
Stockholder’s Equity
Long-term Liabilities
Ratio Analysis
Current Ratio
Return on Common Stockholder’s equity
Profit Margin
Return on Assets
Equity Ratio
Statement of Cash Flow
focus on the elements of the cash flow statement and compare each section. The analysis is not to compare the volume of cash flow. Many companies that are competitors of each other are very different in size. Concentrate on how each company is obtaining its cash and how they are using that cash and note similarities and differences. Compare year over year numbers and note and research any significant trends or differences from year to year.

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