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BUS 100 Introduction To Business Entire Course

BUS 100 Introduction To Business Entire Course
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BUS 100 Assignment 1 Fundamentals of Effective Communication in the Workplace
BUS 100 Assignment 2 Ethical and Socially Responsive Business
BUS 100 Introduction To Business Week 1-11 Discussions
BUS 100 week 1 discussions
BUS 100 week 2 Discussions
BUS 100 week 3 Discussions
BUS 100 week 4 Discussions
BUS 100 week 5 Discussions
BUS 100 week 6 Discussions
BUS 100 week 7 Discussions
BUS 100 week 8 Discussions
BUS 100 week 9 Discussions
BUS 100 week 10 Discussions
BUS 100 week 11 Discussions
BUS 100 Week 2 Quiz 1
BUS 100 Week 2 Quiz 2
BUS 100 Week 3 Quiz 3
BUS 100 Week 3 Quiz 4
BUS 100 Week 4 Quiz 5

BUS 100 Assignment 1 Fundamentals of Effective Communication in the Workplace
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Effective communication skills are essential in the workplace. Some businesses invest in training their employees on how to effectively communicate, because effective communication skills go beyond conversations. Employees must know how to express business issues effectively when writing reports and emails. Understanding the benefits of effective communication helps businesses to develop a workforce that is able to communicate effectively with coworkers, customers, and suppliers and increase productivity.
Write a one to two (1-2) page paper in which you:
Describe a time when you experienced effective communication in a business environment. Discuss at least three (3) reasons why you perceived the communication to be effective, and explain the resulting impact to the business.

BUS 100 Assignment 2 Ethical and Socially Responsive Business
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Due Week 10 and worth 120 points
Because of the human aspect of ethics and its links to business success, corporate leaders must be careful about their behaviors, and how they address problems. For this assignment, you must select the code of ethical conduct for one (1) of the following restaurants:
Chipotle (
As a basis for your written assignment, you will assume that you are the CEO of your chosen restaurant. Be sure to identify the restaurant you have chosen in your written paper.
Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you:
1.Describe key areas of the selected company’s code of conduct that are of significant importance to the business, and explain why.
2.Explain the key steps that the company should take to ensure that employees follow the code of conduct.
3.Suggest three (3) ways in which the restaurant can engage in socially responsive activities in the community within which it operates.
4.Use at least two (2) quality resources. Note: Wikipedia does not qualify as a quality resource.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
Discuss the roles of ethics and social responsibilities in business.
Use technology and information resources to research issues in business.
Write clearly and concisely about business issues using proper writing mechanics.

BUS 100 Introduction To Business Week 1-11 Discussions
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BUS 100 week 1 discussions

From the scenarios, Chris stated that there are many factors to consider related to starting a business. Discuss the key factors for consideration, and explain why you believe these considerations are important for Chris and Erica’s vision for their restaurant business.
From the case study, identify three (3) factors that contributed to the failure of Hostess Brands, Inc. and discuss what management could have done to address these issues.

BUS 100 week 2 Discussions

From the scenarios, Lena explained to Chris and Erica that they need to determine how the surrounding restaurants in their selected location can impact their business. Suggest key steps they should take to make this determination, and recommend at least three strategies they can use to differentiate their business from the other restaurants.
From the case study, discuss two (2) major factors that contributed to the failure of the Borders chain, and suggest how those factors could have been avoided.

BUS 100 week 3 Discussions

From the scenarios, Erica and Chris have determined their weaknesses after performing a SWOT analysis. However, they have yet to identify opportunities for their business. Determine two potential opportunities specific to their restaurant’s business environment, and discuss how the partners can take advantage of these opportunities.
Discuss a situation where you were influenced by an infomercial, attractive packaging, and a discount flyer to purchase a product, and explain why you think the promotional method made such an impact on you.

BUS 100 week 4 Discussions

* From the scenarios, we see that Chris and Erica have different communication styles that could potentially have a negative impact on the business. Suggest at least two strategies that these partners can use to improve on these weaknesses, and explain why you believe these strategies would be effective for running the business.
From the e-Activity, briefly describe your results from the communication skills quiz. Describe the areas where you see yourself lacking or needing improvement as a communicator, and suggest steps you could take to improve or fill a void

BUS 100 week 5 Discussions

From the scenarios, Chris and Erica are facing some human resource challenges. Erica believes the staff should be involved in creating the work schedule so they will be more motivated and satisfied. Discuss three reasons why employees should be involved in some decision-making activities, and explain how employee satisfaction could benefit the business.
Workplace discrimination comes in different forms. Describe a situation where you felt that your manager’s actions were discriminatory, and suggest how the manager should have proceeded.

BUS 100 week 6 Discussions

* From the scenarios, Chris and Erica are faced with efficiency challenges at the café. Explain how these challenges could potentially harm the business, and suggest a brief plan to improve on efficiency and customer satisfaction.
From the case study, discuss Walmart’s distribution strategy, and explain two (2) key ways in which this strategy has helped Walmart gain a competitive advantage.

BUS 100 week 7 Discussions

From the scenarios, upon reviewing their financial statement, Erica and Chris determined that the restaurant is not as profitable as they thought mainly because of overages related to labor cost. Discuss the proposed ways to reduce labor costs that Lena recommended, and explain why you believe the two (2) suggested approaches would be effective in resolving the problem.
From the case study, discuss three (3) approaches you would use to fund a startup business. Consider the disadvantages and explain why you think your plan would be effective.

BUS 100 week 8 Discussions

From the scenarios, Chris and Erica are having problems assigning managerial responsibilities. Suggest at least three (3) ways in which they could effectively address these problems, and explain why you believe your suggested approaches are appropriate.
Suggest three (3) actions that organizations can take in order to foster employee motivation, and explain why you believe these steps are effective.

BUS 100 week 9 Discussions

* From the scenarios, Chris and Erica find themselves facing an ethical dilemma regarding an employee’s unauthorized activities. Assuming you were in their position, discuss how you would address the problem to ensure that your final decision is fair and balanced, and explain why it is important to use balanced criteria for ethical decision making.
From the case study, determine who should be held accountable for the unethical activities at GlaxoSmithKline, and explain your response.

BUS 100 week 10 Discussions

From the scenarios, Chris and Erica are considering different options for business expansion, and one of the considerations is to venture into the global market. Discuss two strategies that they can use to enter the global market, and explain why these approaches would be appropriate and beneficial to the business.
From the case study, discuss why it was necessary for McDonald’s to adjust its global business strategy, and explain whether or not you believe this approach is a sound one. Provide a rationale for your response.

BUS 100 week 11 Discussions

* From the scenarios, discuss two (2) business challenges you identified from Chris and Erica’s weekly scenarios, and suggest how you would effectively address these issues.
Discuss three (3) reasons why some businesses fail, and suggest how business owners should address these issues in order to avoid pitfalls.

BUS 100 Introduction To Business Quizzes

BUS 100 Week 2 Quiz 1

Question 1
The marketing era introduced
Question 2
The relationship era introduced the idea
Question 3
Successful firms of today would
Question 4
3 out of 3 points
The evolution of business included the
Question 5
As a factor of production, capital would include
Question 6
Doing business today without harming the ability of future generations to meet their needs is referred to as
Question 7
The hard sell or aggressive persuasion designed to separate consumers from their cash emerged during the
Question 8
Question 9
Human resources include the
Question 10
_____ refers to the quality and quantity of products and goods available to a population at a given time.
BUS 100 Week 2 Quiz 2

Question 1
_____ is the contractual relationship in which an established firm supplies another business with unique resources in exchange for payment and other considerations.
Question 2
A _____ merger is the combination of firms in the same industry.
Question 3
A _____ is a legal entity created by permission of a state or federal government.
Question 4
Not all corporations are large.  In recent years, about 25 percent of corporations have reported less than _____ in total sales revenue.
Question 5
The most effective way to form a general partnership is
Question 6
The _____is a relatively new and increasingly popular form of business ownership that is like a corporation in some ways and like a partnership in others.
Question 7
Sole proprietors have _____ for the debts of their companies.
Question 8
In an acquisition, the firm being purchased is the _____ and the firm which is purchasing the other firm is the _____.
Question 9
            The _____  is the business entity in a franchise relationship that allows others to operate a business using resources it supplies in exchange for money and other considerations.
Question 10
A(n) _____ occurs when two companies agree to combine operations to form a new company.

BUS 100 Week 3 Quiz 3

Question 1
In the broadest sense, economics studies the choices that
Question 2
_____ means that prices on average are rising.
Question 3
In the business cycle, a period in which GDP declines for at least two consecutive quarters is known as a(n)
Question 4
The Consumer Price Index (CPI) measures the
Question 5
The M2 money supply includes
Question 6
_____ refers to government efforts to influence the economy through taxation and spending decisions designed to encourage growth, boost employment, and curb inflation.
Question 7
In _____, many firms compete by selling differentiated products.
Question 8
The Federal Reserve is the _____ of the United States.
Question 9
When tax revenue is higher than government expenditures, the government incurs a
Question 10
_____ is the process of converting government-owned businesses to private ownership.

BUS 100 Week 3 Quiz 4

Question 1
A(n) _____ is a formal document that describes a business concept and outlines the core business objectives while detailing the strategies and timelines for achieving those objectives.
Question 2
_____  are people willing to take the risk of starting, owning, and operating a business.
Question 3
People with a(n) _____ have a strong sense of personal responsibility for what happens in their lives.
Question 4
_____are small segments within a market that can offer profit potential to entrepreneurs who know how to serve them.
Question 5
In low-income countries, a higher percentage of entrepreneurs are considered
Question 6
The majority of new small business owners rely heavily on _____ to finance their start-ups.
Question 7
Entrepreneurs who find new solutions to old problems and develop new products that people didn’t even realize they needed are said to have
Question 8
Which of the following is an actual competitive disadvantage for many small businesses?
Question 9
The primary reason many people become entrepreneurs is to
Question 10
_____ are local offices affiliated with the Small Business Administration that provide comprehensive management assistance to current and prospective small business owners.

BUS 100 Week 4 Quiz 5

Question 1
_____ describes how people act when buying products to use directly or indirectly to produce other products.
Question 2
Which of the following sets of terms describe approaches used by B2C marketers to segment their markets?
Question 3
_____ refers specifically to how people act when buying goods and services for personal consumption.
Question 4
In customer relationship management, firms selling big-ticket items with small customer bases often find it advantageous to develop
Question 5
_____ is an organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating, and delivering value to customers and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders.
Question 6
The consumer decision-making process involves need recognition, followed by
Question 7
When firms in B2C markets divide up the potential market according to values, attitudes, and lifestyles, they are making use of _____ segmentation.
Question 8
_____ holds that delivering unmatched value to customers is the only way to achieve long-term profitability for the organization.
Question 9
When data is gathered using _____ the researcher does not directly interact with the research subject.
Question 10
Market research involves

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