Sunday 15 April 2018

IBUS 311 International Business /Time Limit 2 days

IBUS 311 International Business /Time Limit 2 days

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Binghamton University, School of Management
Milan Dedek
Team Project
The team projects are intended to demonstrate an understanding of the concepts and techniques provided by the
course by applying the team’s research on a Home Country, a Host Country and a firm headquartered in the
Home Country.
The main deliverables for the project are a paper and a presentation to the class.
The assignment
1. Choose a Home Country meeting the following criteria:
a. None of the members of the team are from the Home Country.
b. None of the team’s members belong to a first generation family from the Home Country.
2. Choose a Host Country meeting the same criteria in 1a and 1b, for the Home Country.
3. Choose a Firm headquartered in the Home Country that is not currently in the Host Country.
4. Write a paper describing the team’s strategy for Firm while demonstrating use of the tools and concepts
learned in the assigned Part of the text and lectures. The team assignments are listed at the end of these
5. Presentation of the paper to the class. The full team must participate in this presentation
6. Both the paper and the presentation are due at 11:59PM the day before the presentation. No late assignments
will be accepted.
Grading will be based on:
1. Reasonableness and logic of the analysis.
2. Storyline and professionalism of the manuscript.
3. Appropriateness of recommendations / conclusions.
4. Comprehensiveness of the use of concepts and tools for the assigned Part of the text. How well those
concepts are addressed will have the greatest influence on the Team Score.
Format and References
The format of the paper shall be as follows:
1. The first page is a title page that will list and label the Team Name the Team Members, the Home Country,
the Host Country and the formal name of the Firm.
2. The paper will be divided into logical Sections with clear titles. The first section is to be an Introduction
summarizing the team’s strategy for the Firm to enter the Host Country. Each of the remaining sections of
the paper will answer each of the questions in the assignment at the end of these instructions.
3. The overall paper will be no more than 5 pages in length (12pt Times New Roman double spaced) excluding
title page, references, exhibits, etc.
The format of the presentation is entirely up to the team, but must make use of a Presentation tool (e.g.,
PowerPoint, Google Slides, etc.). The presentation will be a summary of each of the sections of the paper. The
full team must participate in the presentation to the class, which will be no longer than 10 minutes from set up
to finish. Submission
Use via Blackboard to submit one copy of the paper and presentation file per team.
Remember that any evidence of plagiarism will result in a recommendation to Judicial Affairs for a failing
grade for the entire course. Please ask questions in advance of submittal if you are unsure of any ethical
IBUS 311 International Business
Binghamton University, School of Management
Milan Dedek
Part 1 Teams (due 13 February at Noon)
Using your answers to these questions:
a. How should the Firm address the formal institutions of both countries to enter the Host
b. How should the Firm address the informal institutions of both countries to enter the Host
c. How should the Firm adapt its resources and capabilities entering the Host Country?
d. What Corporate Social Responsibility aspects the Firm consider?
Demonstrate use of the tools and concepts discussed in these chapters of the text:
 Global Business and Globalization (Chapter 1)
 Politics, Laws and Economics (2)
 Culture, Ethics, and Norms (3)
 Resources and Capabilities (4)
 Managing Corporate Social Responsibility Globally (17)

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