Sunday 15 April 2018

RESEARCH PAPER about Cognitive-Developmental

RESEARCH PAPER about Cognitive-Developmental

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write a RESEARCH PAPER about Cognitive-Developmental Theory. This is in fulfillment of my requirements in the course Principles of Child Development (Early Childhood Education). This research paper will follow the APA standard. This research paper should be at least 7 to 8 full-pages (not including the cover page , reference page, stages and diagram of concepts), double-spaced, using 12 pt. Times New Roman. Sources of information gathered in the research can include the course textbook but should include at least three (3) additional PEER REVIEWED sources which should be cited in your bibliography. Please write your paper in ESSAY form without bullet points, labeling, or numbering as this is not APA formatting. This research should include the following:
1. Description/ Definition of the theory
2. Principles, key, tenets, underlying beliefs
3. Individuals / theorists responsible for theory and interesting facts about them
4. Stages, diagram of concepts etc. proposed by the theory, if any (are not included in the page count)
5. Criticisms of the theory in the literature (This is very important, remember to include and have a cited information to support the claim)
6. Do you agree / disagree with this theory? Explain your reasoning ( Do not use the 1st person voice, instead,  please use 3rd person voice)
7. How would this theorist explain, value or not value cultural differences that are pertinent in today's day and age?
8. Provide 2 or 3 examples of child behavior that demonstrates some of the concepts/stages of this theory.
9. How might this theory affect teaching methodology or approach in this current educational climate of assessment, data collecting, structured play?
*Please be mindful of the given hints on what to include in the research (#1-9) to consider your research a complete one.

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