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Chapter 1 Test Questions

1. Aristotle was a student of which Greek philosopher?

2.          The rise of rhetoric and a well known model of communication can be traced to which 

3. The emphasis on the importance of understanding the experiences and motivations of individual receivers can be identified in which period?    

4.Who believed that people communicate through natural and conventional signs?

5. All of the following are true regarding Aristotle, EXCEPT:

6. Each of the following is a canon of rhetoric, EXCEPT:   

7.Francis Bacon's idea that "most of us are, by nature, careless thinkers often ruled by emotion," is an Idol of the__________.   Your

8. The four paths of rhetoric including the classical approach, psychological/epistemological approach, belletristic approach, and elocutionary approach can be traced to the  ____. Correct

9.Rhetoricians who took a belletristic view were interested in

10.The vigorous style was based on  ________Correct 

Multiple Choice.
1. Communication has been a subject of systematic study for

2. The formal study of communication began in

3. In ancient Greece, the study of communication was known as

4. The Lyceum was founded by

5. Pathos is

6. Ethos is

7. Logos is

8. The classical period in the history of rhetoric lasted

9. The canons of rhetoric were

10. The canons of rhetoric were written in which period?

11. Bellestristic rhetoric flourished in which period?

12. In which period were letter writing and preaching the core communication activities studied by

13. In which period did communication study expanded to include interpersonal and group as well as

14. In which period were Bacon and Campbell major figures?

15. In which period was Erasmus a major figure?

16. In which period were Cicero and Quintilian major figures?

17. The canons of rhetoric include

18. According to Cicero’s classifications of speaking style, the style that was logical, clear, and restrained
and worked to convince the audience of the speaker’s good character, good sense, and trustworthiness

19. Which of the following skills was Simonides noted for?

20. The process of deciding on the subject matter of a speech and developing arguments is called

21. __________ is the process of selecting proper words to convey a message.

22. Ordering ideas in an effective way is called

23. One of the most popular mnemonic systems called for speakers to visualize their speeches as a

24. If a student tries to persuade fellow students to donate money to charity by showing them pictures of
starving children in order to arouse their pity, the student is using which method of proof?

25. When an audience is swayed not by the logic of a speaker’s message but by their high regard for the
speaker’s character, they are being influenced by which method of proof?

26. Rhetoricians who took a psychological/epistemological approach focused on

27. According to Francis Bacon, the tendency to use language imprecisely was called

28. During the contemporary period, communication scientists

29. The scientific method emphasizes which method of attaining knowledge?

Chapter 2 Test Questions

Chapter 2 Study Questions
 1.  By looking at how broad or narrow we want communication to be addresses the issue of
 ____________. Correct Answer

2. Arbitrary and conventionalized representations to transmit meaning is known as the ability to use _________  .Correct Answer

3. A ____________ is an abstract representation of a process, a description of its structure or function.   Correct Answer

4. In the psychological process, two individuals exchange meanings through the transmission and reception of communication.  

5. In a social constructionist model, people exist within, and perceive themselves and others through, the communicative practices of their ____.  

6. In a pragmatic model, communication is seen as a game of sequential, interlocking moves between _______________ partners.   

7. This perspective is considered to be overtly political in nature.

8. Dell Hymes developed which model for describing communication?

9. When people share common ways of thinking about communication and common styles of talk, they have formed a ________

10. If we wanted to gain insight of our class as a communication situation we would most likely use the  ________. Correct

1. People who see definitions as constructions rather than discoveries believe

2. Of the following definitions, the one that is broadest is

3. Of the following definitions, the one that implies that communication is intentional is

4. Of the following definitions, the one that is sender-based is:

5. When people who study communication focus their attention on spoken symbolic interaction, their

6. Which of the following ways of understanding a city is an example of a model?

7. The three functions of models are

8. Models do all of the following EXCEPT

9. The psychological perspective

10. Which of the following elements are part of the psychological perspective?

11. A mental set consists of

12. Which of the following is NOT true of the psychological perspective?

13. The psychological perspective is generally associated with

14. According to a laws approach to research

15. Which of the following research questions takes a systems approach?

16. Which of the following research questions takes a rules approach?

17. Which of the following is a criticism of the social constructionist perspective?

18. The perspective that places the most emphasis on behavioral patterns is

19. According to the social constructionist perspective we can improve communication by

20. According to the pragmatic perspective we can improve communication by

21. People who take a pragmatic perspective to communication

22. People who take a cultural studies perspective to communication

23. Which of the following elements are part of the social constructionist

24. Which of the perspectives would be most likely to generate the following research question: In what
ways do the situation comedies of the Golden Age of Television support the subservience of women?

25. Which of the following elements are part of Hymes ethnographic model?

Chapter 3 Test Questions

Ch 3  Trenholm

1. The first stage of the listening process is to

2.           All of the following are ways to improve responding EXCEPT:

3. Before class, Alice decided to read the chapter and take notes in order to familiarize herself with the topic. Alice is trying to improve which part of the listening process?

4. Marshall has an idealized representation of his favorite instructor and is trying to find other instructors to place in this category. Which type of Cognitive Schemata is Marshall using?

5. When you follow certain behaviors while eating at a restaurant or greeting someone you are following a

6.Sue decided to watch the political debate on television. Sue was intent on judging the quality of the candidate's information in their messages. Sue exemplified which part of the listening process?

7. What type of term expresses negative values and repels a listener?

8. What do you need to be aware of before you make your final evaluation of a message?

9. Johnny is speaking with Roberta and he states, "I am very upset with my grade on the midterm and want to drop the class." Roberta responds with, "So, you want to drop the class because you are upset with your midterm grade?" Roberta's response is an example of

10. Chris wants to ensure acceptance from the audience, therefore Chris should

1. The story that opens chapter three (the story about scientists attending a convention) illustrates that

2. Which of these statements is true of listening?

3. The gap between Americans’ listening ability and their performance is due to

4. In order to improve attention it is a good idea to do all of the following EXCEPT

5. During the interpretive step in the listening process, people do all of the following EXCEPT

6. When we recognize a moving object as a single entity rather than as a series of separate entities, we are

7. When we translate the flickering lights and shadows we see in a TV shot as a recognizable object, we

8. A schema is

9. Person prototypes are:

10. Sue has given campus tours to prospective students for so long that she knows exactly what to do
next. Her knowledge of the sequence of actions involved in giving a tour is an example of

11. Sue has very strong ideas about what a professor should look like. She is surprised when she meets
Dr. Smith, because Smith does not look like a professor should. Smith violates one of Sue’s

12. One of the characteristics that Sue always looks for in others is honesty. For Sue, honesty is an
example of

13. Which of the following statements is true about chronically accessible constructs?

14. Mindless processing is

15. When we say a construct is primed, we mean that

16. A perception check is

17. Which of the following is a description (rather than an inference or an evaluation)?

18. Which of the following should be AVOIDED if you want to improve listening?

19. Which of the following is true of memory?

20. In order to make sure that audiences understand and accept their messages, it is a good idea for
speakers to

21. Which of the following kinds of information will be difficult to store and retrieve?

22. When Della tutors Nathan, she makes sure to use analogies that relate new material to familiar
material that Nathan already understands. In doing so she is

23. Scott wants to capture the attention of his audience. He should

24. Emily wants to persuade an audience to accept her proposal. To increase acceptance, she should do all
of the following EXCEPT

25. According to cognitive response theory

26. The method that most encourages cognitive responses is

27. Which is an example of triggering?

Chapter 4 Test Questions

1. Each of these are important characteristics of language EXCEPT:

2.When a subgroup speaks a language using a different vocabulary, grammar, or pronunciation from others who speak that language, this is known as

3.           Individuals who change the meaning of a word for protection and concealment from outsiders are using   

4.If you were to study the ways in which people use language forms to achieve goals in social contexts, you are using  _________  ,

5. All are components of the Coordinated Management of Meaning hierarchy EXCEPT: Your 

6.According to the Coordinated Management of Meaning hierarchy, if your identity was based on class, national, religious, or ethnic membership then this would be part of your _____________. 

7._____________ is the study of the rules that govern the combination of words into permissible strings .
8.The _____________ hypothesis states, "If we think and remember linguistically, then it stands to reason that the nature of our language affects the nature of our thought."

9.If you wanted to study the semantics of language and looked for the smallest unit of meaning in language, you would be identifying a

10. In certain cultures, the speaker assumes that the listener doesn't know very much about the situation and must be told everything explicitly. This is an example of which kind of culture?   

2. Which of the following is a characteristic of language?

3. A symbol differs from other kinds of signs in that

4. Which of the following statements best describes linguistic productivity?

5. Linguistic relativity means that

6. Which of the following statements describes the experiment used in the Carmichael study?

7. According to linguistic determinism

8. Which of the following is a conclusion from the Carmichael study?

9. Who where Sapir and Whorf?

10. __________ is a simple language deliberately invented so that people new to an area can
communicate with those who live in that area is

11. When criminals use secret words so that police can’t understand what they mean, they are using

12. In English, “b” and “p” are separate

13. Which is NOT true of the word boys?

14. The kind of linguistic knowledge that allows us to interpret others’ communication intent and to make
socially acceptable language choices is

15. __________ knowledge allows us to pronounce familiar words correctly and know how unfamiliar
words sound.

16. Which kind of linguistic knowledge allows us to recognize how the addition or subtraction of a
morpheme can change meaning?

17. A speech act is

18. A __________ speech act commits a speaker to a future line of action.

19. The cooperative principle states

20. CMM theory helps us understand

21. Which of the following describes how classroom discourse differs from conversation?

22. Dr. Smith’s letter of recommendation for Jane consists of one sentence: “Jane always came to class.”
Dr. Smith has violated which conversational maxim?

23. John never answers a question directly. Although he stays on topic, he hems and haws and is far from
clear. He violates which maxim?

24. Which is true of gender and communication?

25. John and Sandra Condry asked people to interpret why a newborn was crying. Those who were told
the baby was a girl assumed the baby was

26. Which of the following describes the tendency to add fragments like “right?” or “ok?” at the end of a

27. The hall of mirrors effect refers to the idea that

28. Ling belongs to a __________ culture therefore, it is not necessary to spell out messages explicitly
and she seldom says things she believes listeners already know.

29. In equivocal communication

30. Empirical studies show that the use of verbal immediacy

31. Which of the following actions is something most people do in conversational closings?

Chapter 5 Test Questions

Ch  5   Trenholm text
1. Tommy went to the library to study. Before he sat down he spread out his materials which covered the entire table so that he was the only one that could sit at the table. Tommy used which nonverbal code to define his territory?
2. Rather than yelling across the room to her friend to come join her, Jill waived her friend over instead. Jill used which form of kinesics to invite her friend over?

3. Tapping one's watch to let the other know you have to leave is an example of   Correct 
4.          You feel that your friend does not respect you because they are always late when you make plans. This is an example of which nonverbal code?
5.                         Which territory is the most private of all our territories?
6. Most business relationships fall into which type of interaction zone?
7.          Which body type is describe as energetic, enthusiastic, competitive, reckless, and 
8. Objects we own and display that communicates meaning are known as
9.  All of the following are suggested as ways to improve your nonverbal skills EXCEPT: 
10.  In American culture, men follow a ___________________ that tells them not to show fear in public.    
1. According to your book, nonverbal communication is made up of

2. Which of the following statements is NOT true about nonverbal communication?

3. Which of the following would NOT be considered nonverbal communication according to your text?

4. One way to increase the accuracy of our interpretation of another’s nonverbal messages is to compare
our interpretations to baseline behaviors. This means we should

5. Which of the following statements is TRUE about nonverbal communication?

6. Mehrabian argues that __________ are relational messages exchanged in every interaction.

7. Nonverbal communication is more useful than verbal communication in conveying which of the
following kinds of information?

8. The kinesic code is made up of

9. Nonverbal accenting occurs when

10. When the boss gets to the most important part of his instructions, his voice gets stronger and he stares
directly at his employees. This is an example of

11. Affect displays

12. In North America, an example of a ____________ is men should not show fear in public.

13. __________ is the study of time.

14. The study of space and territory is called

15. Which of the following kinds of cues would be classed as paralanguage?

16. Which of the following scenarios demonstrates the use of a vocalization?

17. The three aspects of chronemics discussed in your book were

18. When Gonzalez and Zimbardo studied time, they found that

19. A child’s secret clubhouse, which maybe accessed only to friends is an example of __________

20. Writing graffiti on the walls is an example of which kind of territorial encroachment?

21. In a classroom the action zone is

22. A person who is classified as a(n) ___________ has a muscular and athletic body type.

23. Which is NOT true of how design elements in the built environment affect us?

24. Which of the following is NOT one of the three major functions of dress?

Chapter 6 Test Questions

Ch 6   Trenholm text    Questions
            Informal modes of greetings used by college students is an example of
2.       Your partner continuously is looking for ways to get you to share personal thoughts and ideas. You would rather keep certain things inside and not discuss them. This is an example of which interpersonal tension?

3.       Without planning, you tell your partner that the two of you are going to a four star restaurant. The both of you have never been to a four star restaurant before but look forward to the change. This is an example of which interpersonal tension?

4. Which type of role relation is usually followed by parents and children?
5. When speaking with your friend they briefly responds to you and then changes the topic to focus on them. This is an example of which disconfirming response?
6. In the ___________ stage, a couples' unity is often reinforced by friends or acquaintances. 
7. Instead of using "we" and "us" in a relationship, you begin using "you" and "me," "yours" and "mine" is an example of which relational stage?

8. All are phases in Steve Duck's Relational Dissolution Model EXCEPT:

9. Physical proximity is a characteristic of which filter identified by Duck to regulate interaction?  
10.    According to your textbook, which culture takes a conservative approach to self-disclosure? 

1. Which of the following statements is true of interpersonal communication?

2. When Howard meets his fellow lodge members by using the lodge’s secret handshake, he is following
which kind of rules?

3. The looking glass self is

4. The dialectic that focuses on how members of dyads adapt to change is the ___________ dialectic.

5. John threatens Mary’s __________ when he criticizes or disagrees with her.

6. When Perfecto suggests going to the shore and Isabelle counters by suggesting they go to Vegas for
their vacation, their interaction pattern shows

7. Which of the following behaviors is dysfunctional?

8. Barb does a terrible job on her public speech. Helga says to her in a very sarcastic tone, “I’m glad I had
the opportunity to use up five precious minutes of my life listening to that.” Helga is using which

9. Abida tells Dana how bad she feels. Dana says, “Too bad. You know I gave a speech on how to wax
your skis.” Dana is using which response?

10. When a receiver in a close relationship is simultaneously given two messages but is prohibited from
resolving them, it is called

11. When in the __________ stage, a couple shares attitudes and interests, synchronizes body rhythms,
and exchanges intimacy trophies.

12. Gloretha wants to know if he boyfriend really cares, so she uses the __________ test, asking him to
do a lot of things that he doesn’t like, including going to the mall and spending half the day shopping.

13. Linda’s not sure if Chris cares, so she goes out with Pat to see if it bothers Chris. Linda is using which

14. A statement like “let’s skip it,” or “I’d rather not discuss that” shows that a couple may be heading
into which stage?

15. In which stage does a couple first begin to note and comment on previously overlooked differences?

16. Which stage is characterized by infrequent communication that is stylized, rigid, and awkward?

17. Which of the following actions does the terminating stage NOT announce?

18. According to filtering theory, when we decide to eliminate people because they use inappropriate
turn-taking cues, or use unpleasant facial expressions and eye contact, which kind of filter are we

19. According to filtering theory, which is the first filter we use?

20. Ellen doesn’t find Anna attractive because she and Anna have very different values. Ellen is using
which filter to eliminate Anna?

21. The voluntary revealing of information that would normally be unobtainable is called a. social

22. A friend comes to you and says, “I’m really unhappy in college. I don’t feel I fit in, and I’m not sure
why I’m here.” Which of the following responses is a true questioning and probing response?

23. Which of the following responses is a disguised advising and evaluating response?

24. Which of the following feedback statements is the most effective way to communicate your feelings?

25. Which is the best way to solve a problem that arises in an important, long-term relationship?

26. Which of the following is NOT one of the things online impressions are based on?

27. Which of the following is NOT one of the questions in the public scrutiny test?

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