Sunday 23 September 2018

NR447 Week 6 Interview with a Nursing Quality Expert Latest

NR447 Week 6 Interview with a Nursing Quality Expert Latest  

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Interview with a Nursing Quality Expert
Interviewer Form
Your Name: Date:
Your Instructor’s Name:
Directions:After completing your interview, you mustuse this form to submit your assignment to the Dropbox.You may usethe form to capture information as you conduct your interview, or fill it in later. The form is expandable and will enlarge the textbox to accommodate your answers. Do not rely only on this form for everything you must include! Please look in Doc Sharing for specific instructionsin the Guidelines for this assignment.
Fill in the answers in this column.
Indicate 2 scholarly resources or texts used prior to the interview to familiarize yourself with the individual’s organization, role, or any of the questions you plan to ask that will make you a more knowledgeable interviewer.
Resource #1:
Resource # 2:
Demographics: Provide initials, credentials, job title, and length in present position of the registered nurse interviewee. Include the dateand time the interview was conducted. Provide a working phone number for instructor follow-up if needed.
Required Questions
(Ask the intervieweeabout EVERY topic in this section)
Scope of responsibility: Major responsibilities, direct reports, and operational budget
Organizational mission, vision, values, and beliefs
Strategic planning related to ONE core competency (name the core competency)
Role of BSN-prepared nurse to support the strategic plan
Practice Impact Question
(Reflect on the interview afterwards to ask yourself this question and provide it below.)
How does completing this interview impact your practice as a BSN-prepared nurse? Give specific examples.

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