Sunday 23 September 2018

HOSP 310 Week 1: Chapter 1 & 2 Questions

HOSP 310 Week 1: Chapter 1 & 2 Questions

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Chapter 1:
1.      There are three factors that influence lodging demand. What are they and discuss in detail how they affect the demand?

2.      At what time in history did the modern hotel industry emerge? What were the three contributing factors and how did they impact the industry today?

Chapter 2:
1.      Define and describe the difference between working teams and quality circles and how they each might impact the motivation of employees.

2.      Compare centralization and decentralization and give examples of types of hotels that might employ each.
Ø  Rooms
o   Reservations - Guest reception, room assignment, tracking the status of rooms (available or occupied), prompt forwarding mail and phone messages.  

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