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MGT 411 Entire Class

MGT 411 Entire Class

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MGT 411 Week 1 Creativity and Innovation Worksheet 

Creativity and Innovation Table
Complete the Creativity and Innovation Table. Describe creativity,
innovation, and the rules of innovation in your own words. Include the
following in your response:
One real-life management example of using creative intelligence
One real-life management example of innovation
All of the rules of innovation and at least one sentence describing
each rule
Format your response and references consistent with APA guidelines.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.
SupportingMaterial:Introduction to Creativity and Innovation Table

MGT 411 Week 1 DQ 1

Of the seven innovation rules listed in Ch. 1 of making Innovation Work, which two rules are the most important to successfully managing innovation? Explain your answer

MGT 411 Week 1 DQ 2

What are some of the most effective and least effective ways to introduce innovative and creative change into an organization? How is the process of innovative management enhanced, or diminished, by contemporary business practices including widespread use and access to the Internet and other communication and media technologies? Explain your answer.

MGT 411 Week 2 Innovation and Strategic Management Annotated Bibliography
Innovation and Strategic Management Annotated Bibliography
Write an annotated bibliography of three references on innovation and
strategic management. Your annotated bibliography must complete the
Include three APA-formatted references that are not from the same
Contain an abstract of at least 200 words for each reference.
Focus on the relationship between innovation and strategic
management, specifically on the way innovation is shaping traditional
strategic management.
Answer the following in at least 200 words after you complete your
annotated bibliography:
Based on your literature review, what are the current strategic
management trends that are being shaped by innovation?
What specific aspects of innovation are the most influential in
shaping strategic management?
Explain your answers.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.
SupportingMaterial:Week 2 Rubric

MGT 411 Week 2 Managing Innovation Summary 
Managing Innovation Summary
Discuss the characteristics of managing innovation listed on p. 23 of
The Management of Technology and Innovation. As a team, rank the
six factors in order of most important to least important to the innovation
process. Write a 350- to 700-word summary of your discussion that
includes the following:
Your team’s rankings with a brief description of each characteristic
A description of how the team approached the assignment and
arrived at a final decision for your order
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

MGT 411 Week 2 DQ 1

Adventuring, confronting, and creating a portfolio of skills are all ways to encourage creative thinking among employees. What are the pros and cons of each strategy? What strategy do you believe is most effective? Why?

MGT 411 Week 2 DQ 2

What are the most important resources that might be employed in order to communicate and propagate an innovation plan in an organization? What factors must be considered when developing a communication plan regarding innovation? Why?

MGT 411 Week 3 Innovation Planning and Design Paper

Innovation Planning and Design Paper
Write a 1,250- to 1,500-word paper on the innovation planning and
design process addressed in Week Two. Include the following in your
Analyze the internal and external factors related to designing
innovation strategies. Describe how they relate to one another and to
the overall innovation process.
Describe the factors involved in innovation systems design. Explain
the importance of innovation systems.
Describe the steps involved in the innovation planning process.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines and incorporate at
least four scholarly references in addition to your texts.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.
SupportingMaterial:Week 3 Rubric

MGT 411 WEEK 3 Learning Team Assignment  Innovative Thinking Outline 
Learning Team Assignment Outline
Instructions:Begin working on the Innovative Thinking in a business:
Measuement and Reward System & Theory-Based Strategic
Experiment assignments outlined in the Syllabus and submit an outline
of the Week 4 Innovative Thinking assignment.

MGT 411 Week 3 DQ 1

Describe a time when you used heuristic thinking to solve a problem at work. What steps did you take to solve the problem? What was the outcome? Is there anything you might have changed about your problem-solving process?

MGT 411 Week 3 DQ 2

Leadership, engagement, extension, and alignment are four key issues related to implementation. Which of the key implementation issues do you feel is most important? Which is least important? Explain your answers.
Learning Team Reflection Week Three

MGT 411 Week 4 Organizational Ecosystem Case Study

Organizational Ecosystem Case Study
Complete the Organizational Ecosystem Case Study assignment
located in the Materials section.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.
SupportingMaterial:Organizational Ecosystem Case Study

MGT411 Week 4 Innovative technology Worksheet
Innovative Technology Worksheet
Complete the Innovative Technology Worksheet located in the
Materials section.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.
SupportingMaterial:Innovative Technology Worksheet

MGT 411 WEEK 4 Learning Team Innovative Thinking in a Business 
Innovative Thinking in a Business: Measurement and Reward System
You are a management team in a selected virtual organization. Your
business is shifting its focus and has indicated innovation as a high
priority. To integrate innovation into the culture of the company even
further, an employee measurement and reward system is being
developed by your team.
Access the Virtual Organization web page to select either Kudler Fine
Foods, Riordan Manufacturing, or Huffman Trucking as the basis for
your team assignment.
Write a business proposal. Determine how you might measure and
reward employees for innovative thinking and write an informal proposal
of your ideas to the organization’s CEO or founder Your proposal must
be at least 500 words and include the following:
Define how success will be measured.
Describe how the system will affect the hiring process.
Describe how employees will be rewarded for innovative thinking.
Describe how the system might affect financial management,
investor relations, and market perceptions among shareholders.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.
SupportingMaterial:Access to the Virtual Organizations

MGT 411 Week 4 DQ 1

What are two advantages of merger or acquisition? What are two disadvantages of merger or acquisition? List two examples or situations when merger or acquisition would be more beneficial to a company than developing technology internally.
MGT 411 Week 4 DQ 2

What are the key issues that must be considered when implementing externally obtained technology? Do these issues differ from implementing internal technology? Why or why not?

MGT411 Week 5 Training Session Handout
Training Session Handouts
You are the director of an organization and you are tasked with training
your management team on creative problem solving, leadership, and
employee motivation.
Create three bullet-point handouts to distribute during your training
session. The handouts must address the following topics:
Creative problem solving: Describe approaches to creative problem
solving and ways to encourage creative problem solving among
Employee motivation: Identify ways to generate motivation during
times of organizational change.
Leadership: Identify the role of the leadership in the innovative
culture of an organization.
Note. Each handout must contain at least five main points or topics and
must not be more than one page in length. There are no stipulations on
how to format the handouts. Be creative with fonts, styles, and
formatting. If you include images, keep the images small to limit the size
of your document. Cite your images and references according to APA
standards. Submit your handouts as one Microsoft® Word attachment.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.
SupportingMaterial:Week 5 Indiv Rubric

MGT411 Week 5 Presentation Strategic Review

MGT 411 Week 5 DQ 1

What is the role of leadership in a creative and innovative culture? What tasks and qualities must leaders focus on to create and maintain an innovative culture?

MGT 411 Week 5 DQ 2

How might a leader generate employee motivation to maintain creativity during times of organizational change? What are two effective strategies to generate motivation? What are two ineffective strategies to generate motivation?

MGT 411 Final Exam 100/100

Technology pushes society when:
Innovations make unwanted changes in society that are unfortunate such as pollution.
Innovations push the government to make new regulations in order to control the activity.
New technology strains the social fabric of the society to the breaking point.
The technology was not demanded by society but once available it is quickly adopted by society.
The technology is demanded by society and it leads to changes in the society.

Technology’s impact:
Is ongoing.
Occurs in small very distinct steps.
Occurs in large shifts over time.
Is not significant.
Is limited unless combined with money.

Technology’s impact is:
Only in particular business units
Is significant only for certain people in the organization
Occurs only outside the business organization since it is so pervasive.
Is organization wide.
Effects societies not businesses.

The goal of management of technology and innovation in an organization should always be to:
Create new technology that is groundbreaking.
Expand the number of employees in R&D
Create value for the firm.
Be efficient
Maximize this quarter’s profits.

There are several definitions of technology in the text; all the definitions have some common elements.  Each definition implies:
A systematic approach to the desired outcome.
Change is an outcome.
Change occurs rapidly.
Changes in technology occur at random.
Both A and B

Technology can be broadly defined as:
A process whereby new and improved products, processes, materials, and services are developed and transferred to a new plant or market where they are appropriate.
All the knowledge, products, processes, tools, methods, and systems employed in the creation of goods or in providing services.
A coordinated set of actions that fulfill the firm’s objectives, purposes, and goals.
The systematic gathering of information that leads to the generation of feasible alternatives for the firm.
The elements of planning, implementation, and evaluation and control.

Evaluation and control of technology is the:
Checking to be sure the technology works
Ensuring the technology meets the specifications of the manual
Commonly ignored.
Monitoring to ensure technology meets goals and desired outcomes.
Typically outsourced to ensure proper operation.

The management of technology is defined as the linking of different disciplines to:
Plan, develop, implement, monitor and control technological capabilities.
Make sure that the technology works.
To find the most efficient technology.
To find the most economical technology.
Control the use of technology.

Innovation can be defined as:
The process whereby new and improved products, processes, materials, and services are developed and transferred to a new plant or market where they are appropriate.
All the knowledge, products, processes, tools, methods, and systems employed in the creation of goods or providing services.
A coordinated set of actions that fulfill the firm’s objectives, purposes, and goals.
The systematic gathering of information that leads to the generation of feasible alternatives for the firm.
The elements of planning, implementation, and evaluation and control.

All of the following are elements of strategic management EXCEPT:
return on investment

__________ are the monitoring of technology to ensure that it meets the desired outcomes.
implementation and control
planning and implementation
evaluation and control
evaluation and monitoring
implementations and evaluations

Firms that manage innovation well have which of the following characteristics?
They provide clear direction
They provide a supportive atmosphere
They separate funds for innovation.
They have realistic expectations.
All of the above.

Technology is defined to include ____ employed in producing a good or service.
all of the above
Benefits of innovation include all of the following except:
Greater control over process and outcomes
Greater profit potential as first mover
Greater ability to evaluate competitors
Greater understanding of the technology
Greater ability to potentially develop the next generation of technology
Drawbacks of innovation include all of the following except:
Keeping a pipeline of new products is difficult
Greater risk of failure to develop the right products at the right time
Greater liability for failed products
Usually internal development is slower
there is always the danger of someone beating you to the market
The first question that should take place as the firm conducts it innovation strategy planning is ____?

Do we innovate internally or not
Are we making a profit
What is happening in economy
What is attitude of leadership to innovation
Will shareholders tolerate innovative strategy

Systems integration:

is R&D that largely takes place outside of the firm.
is high risk/high return.
involves adjusting the ways a firm organizes it systems, structures, and knowledge to increase leverage.
adds to basic understanding of a new field.
Is the most difficult type of innovation to accomplish.

Process innovation focuses on ____.

a. The development of new products.
b. Increasing effectiveness and effectiveness of the organization.
c.  Increasing profits.
d. Decreasing the number of employees in the firm.
e. basic R&D

Reengineering’s goals include all of the following except:

increasing productivity
optimizing value to shareholders
achieving quantum results
expanding functions
eliminating unnecessary levels and work

To create an environment for innovation a manager must understand all of the following except?

The reality of innovation
What are the needed characteristics of innovation for their business climate
What each level of the organization should be doing to create a climate of innovation within the organization
What organization needs to do to maintain this innovation climate
Seek a new vision for the organization

How should you describe the innovation process?

irregular and unpredictable
straight and narrow
defined and renowned
nice and easy
slow and steady
Which one of these statements is a myth about innovation?

Seek a balance of behaviors
Leadership, culture and process form a three-legged stool
Ideas are the key to innovation
You organization has lots of brilliant ideas that you’ve never heard of
Do not blind yourself to the human dimension

Which is not one of the four critical elements to implementing innovation as a strategy in the organization?


For successful innovation implementation leaders need to ensure;

a clear identification of those financial goals that will drive the firm.
that there are strong accounting and financial sectors of the firm to ensure that funding is strictly accounted for.
that there is a culture of collaboration and cross functional initiatives.
that perform measures are strictly used.
those members of the leadership team that do not support the goals are replaced.

Innovative organizations typically are founded and lead by;

a strong leader that utilizes a hierarchical organization.
leaders that are willing to “break a few eggs” to get things done.
individuals driven by financial rewards.
teams of individuals.
individuals who had the “ah-ha” moment that led to the founding of the firm.

Informal power comes from:

the title of the individual.
the official position of the individual.
the expertise and knowledge of the individual.
age of the person.
strength of the person.

A leader should ask all of the following questions in the implementation process except:

Is there an open, questioning attitude among employees?
Does the organization have a clear hierarchy that ensures all opinions are processed to
prevent information overload?
Is the organization avoiding the ruts?
Are there strategic gaps?
Is there a vision of where the firm needs to go?

The three methods that can help to establish the view by employees that they are part of the organization or system are all of the following except:

train and develop
build a knowledge-based culture
none of the above

Mentoring can be ____ to be successful:

Formal but not informal.
Informal but not formal.
Informal or formal.

Benchmarking involves the:

building a bench or portfolio of new products that can be introduced to market
building a bench or portfolio of innovations that the firm pursues consecutively
comparing the “best” firms in any domain to a given firm’s performance and processes in that domain
comparing your firm’s performance and processes in a given domain to the industry average in that domain
determining how the firms with the largest sales in a given domain conduct their activities in a given domain

Extension occurs when _____ and _____ competencies are understood sufficiently so that ideas lead to action.

innovation, market
market, strategy
product, market
strategy, product
innovation, strategy
One of the primary reasons firms have difficulty being innovative is:

the firm’s structure
competitors’ actions
industry structure
communication technology failures
skills of people in the organization
The strategic reasons a firm would look to use a merger or acquisition include all of the following except:

the firm’s current product line is falling quickly behind that of its competitors.
a new competitor is about to enter the market the dynamics of the industry will change.
the firm discoveries its processes are not as efficient or effective as competitors’.
the firm believes its current products or processes are not going to be successful in long
the firm wishes to eliminate all potential competitors
The key element of planning externally focused technology acquisition efforts is to:

determine the nature of competitors
determine the nature of the external activity that will occur
determine the industry structure
determine the firm’s internal resources
determine the top management’s orientation to such activities.

A _______ is defined as a partnership of two more corporations to achieve strategically significant objectives that are mutually beneficial.

Limited Partnership
Strategic Partnership
Strategic Alliance
Limited Alliance
Informal Alliance

Mergers and acquisitions can allow a firm to accomplish a variety of strategic goals.  Which one is notassociated with the purchasing firm?

Enter a market quickly or increase speed to market
Avoid costs and risks of new product development
Gain market power
Earn premiums from the stock market
Acquire knowledge

The outright purchase of a firm or some part of that firm is known as:

Joint Venture

The keys in planning for a merger or acquisition includes all of the following except:

whether the merger and acquisition creates value
the evaluation of whether the technology has the ability to maintain competitive advantage
immediate ability to be profitable
design of organizational systems, structures and processes

Key expectations should take priority in the integration effort except in which area.

Service/product continuity
Cost structures
External administrative services
Information systems alternatives

The three elements that need to be considered in integration are:
Due diligence, shared lessons, and blended structures and cultures
Due diligence, training and development, and shared lessons
Shared lessons, training and development, and fit
Training and development, fit, and due diligence
Speed, synergies, and diligence

The reasons that training and development are so important in the execution of an alliance or merger/acquisition include:
There is an evolution of cultural norms that necessitate changes in policies and procedures
The new employees need to learn the cultural norms of the larger partner to enhance blending
Changes in reporting relationships need to be understood so old interpersonal connections are not disruptive to the goals of the new entity
The manager needs to indicate that the “ship is rising on the rising tide.”
T&D lessens the need for meetings and explanations that are unnecessary.

The losses an employee can feel during integration typically can include all of the following except:

network of informal relationships
understanding of the future
prior pay level
understanding of what their individual job entails

The basis for competitive advantage of a technology focused firm ___.

is difficult to identify.
are the capabilities of the firm.
will be changed every year.
cannot be overcome due to patents held by the firm.
is a daily struggle for the firm to maintain.

All of the following are strategic capabilities that a firm needs for success except __.

a culture of support
appropriate industry structure
an organizational structure that fits with goals
skills necessary to implement given strategy

When a company is developing its capabilities, it should do all of the following except:

Develop a clear strategic logic for processing information and sharing knowledge
Put into place the appropriate structures and processes for technical and nontechnical activities
Motivate  employees to take advantage of capabilities
Make sure the structure of the organization is hierarchical and well-defined
Allow resources to be captured by the right people at the right place at the right time to make a competitive difference.

The key sustainable competitive advantages for a firm using an internal innovation strategy include
improved process control, broader portfolio possibilities, and higher value-added products
improved process control, higher value-added products, and better proprietary positioning
reduced time to market, broader portfolio possibilities, faster decisions
faster decisions, higher value-added products, larger structures
better product understanding, faster decisions about market entry, larger firms

The result of a competitive advantage should focus on  ___.

obtaining excessive rewards from market
creation of value for firm
creation of value for consumers
obtaining profits
expanded job opportunities

For technology oriented firms, it is important for managers to understand that value must be

the result of customer expectations
customer driven
added to the product through any means possible
closely tied to profitability
maintained by the employees

The ___ view of the firm argues that industry structure is the principal determinant of profitability.

industrial organization
All of the following would be intangible resources except ___.

brand recognition
perception of quality
The most common sources of competitive advantage would be ____.

intangible resources
tangible resources
either intangible or tangible
the equipment that advances the ability to produce quality
the CEO
Each of the following is a step in the value creation process except ___.

develop capabilities/investments that increase innovation
recognize and deploy innovation by increasing product activity or the number of products introduced
exploit innovation through sales growth
expand the market size through creative marketing
continue to improvement through investment in support capabilities and/or improvements in efficiency and productivity
The foundation which must be present before an organization can effectively conduct implementation is ___

financial resources
Learning in the organization is the ___.

conversion of data into information
is knowledge that can be written down
comes for experience of the individual and is internal to that individual
gathering and sharing of existing knowledge from internal or external sources
the ability to obtain data

Explicit knowledge is ____.

the conversion of data into information
knowledge that can be written down
the experience of the individual that is internal to that individual
the gathering and sharing of existing knowledge from internal or external sources
the ability to obtain data

Organizational learning is the ____.

conversion of data into information
is knowledge that can be written down
comes for experience of the individual and is internal to that individual
the acquisition of knowledge through the application and mastery of new information, tools and methods
the ability to obtain data

The type and the amount of learning that must take place for the firm to compete successfully depends upon
how much the organization needs to retrench its activities
the organizational and technical complexity of the firm’s internal and external environments
the knowledge acquisition strategy of the firm
the ability of top management to guide employees’ actions
how far behind the industry norm the firm is

The firm’s ability to learn
is a critical intangible resource for the firm’s long term success
is tied to the firm’s ability to stay the strategic course it has mapped out
is not as critical as its ability to acquire knowledge
is based upon the firm’s tacit knowledge
none of the above

The greater organizational learning will occur when ___.

there are fewer numbers and a smaller range of things to gather data on
there are fewer number but a broader range of things to gather data on
there are greater number but smaller range of things to gather data on
there are a greater number and a broader range of things to gather data on
the organization is small

Organizations that are structured for learning are characterized by all of the following except ____.

a hierarchical structure to allow clear flow of information
processes that encourage boundary spanning
internal network development
reward systems that tied to team and system wide goals.
decision making based on shared and transferred knowledge

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