Tuesday 18 September 2018

COM 362 Advocacy groups publicly -Assignment

COM 362 Advocacy groups publicly -Assignment

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COM 362 Advocacy groups publicly -Assignment
Advocacy groups publically support particular causes or policy. Construct a position that serves as an ethical argument/response to an organization’s messaging/campaign.
1. Choose an organization that advocates for race, gender, class/social status issues. The organization you choose should be one that you personally oppose their mission or values in some way.
2. Research the messages this organization produces for the public and explain how the organization frames its key issues by sharing fact, value, policy proposition/messages
3. Read all three provided readings from the social issues category (race, gender, class/social status) that the organization you choose advocates for.
4. Summarize the main arguments made within the readings.
5. Based on your research of the organizations messages, your summary of the readings, and outside research; make an ethical argument that challenges the agenda and the messages of the organization you chose.
6. Prepare a PowerPoint presentation of 12-15 slides that profiles the organization you chose, summarizes the articles you read, and presents your arguments against the organizations messages.
Each slide should contain 100-200 words in the speaker notes.

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