Sunday 8 October 2017

Assignment 2: Global Warming: Cause and Mitigation

Assignment 2: Global Warming: Cause and Mitigation 
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Professor Olivia Uitto
SCI110 – Introduction to Physical Science
August 26, 2015

Global warming is thephraseused to refer to a steadyincrease in theaveragetemperature of the Earth, a change that is understood to be permanentlychangingour Earth’s climateNumerousstudieshaveidentifiedthatnaturaland anthropogenic processesinfluencechanges in the global climate.  In Earth’s history, before the Industrial Revolution around 1760, the Earth’s climatechanged due to naturalcauses not related to humanactivityNaturalclimateeventsincludesolar variability due to sunspot andothersolarcycles, long-term changes in solar orbital parameters, andintermittent volcanic eruptionsMostoften, the global climatechangedbecause of variations in sunlightChanges in the Sun have alternately increasedanddecreasedtheamount of solarenergyreaching our Earth.  Also, volcanic activity has increasedgreenhousegases over millions of years, contributing to incidents of global warming. 

On theotherhand, anthropogenic climatechangerefers to theproduction of 

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