Sunday 8 October 2017

BUSI 682 final

BUSI 682 final

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·  Question 1
4 out of 4 points
During the storming stage of team formation group members are often unclear on the exact purpose of the team or the scope of the project and become more familiar with new teammates.

·  Question 2
4 out of 4 points
Compromising is when an individual neglects his/her own concerns to satisfy the concerns of the other person and yields to another’s point of view.

·  Question 3
4 out of 4 points
Action learning is a dynamic process that is appropriate to mature learners as it simulates learning at both the cognitive and affective levels.
·  Question 4
4 out of 4 points
Simplification is about figuring out what we don’t have to do.
·  Question 5
4 out of 4 points
Complexity and uncertainty tend to be the fuel of project chaos.
·  Question 6
4 out of 4 points
The secret in any negotiation is to be able to illustrate the common advantages to both parties and to connect these advantages so they are balanced.
·  Question 7
4 out of 4 points
Complexity is a big contributor to chaos.
·  Question 8
4 out of 4 points

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