SCI 110 Assignment 1 Applications of the Scientific Method
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scientific method is a body of techniques for investigating phenomena,
acquiring new knowledge, or correcting and integrating previous knowledge. The
scientific inquiry is a way to investigate things and purpose explanation for
their observations. Data is gathered, hypothesis suggested, and observations
different troubleshooting methods already exist but according to CompTIA; there
are six steps to solve a problem. Drawing a parallel these steps are all
included into the scientific method, but how?
method CompTIA troubleshooting Method, Ask a Question - Identify the problem, Do
Background research - Establish a theory of probable cause, Construct
Hypothesis Test - the theory to determine the cause, Test your hypothesis by
Doing experiment - Establish a plan of action to resolve the problem and
implement a solution, Analyze your Data and draw a Conclusion - Verify full
system functionality and if applicable implement preventive solution, Communicate
your result Document -findings, actions, and outcomes.
How these affect our
daily job, life or activities?
the Information Technologies (IT) field, we are constantly using the scientific
method to solve various problems. Let take a real example: One of ours customer
called and state that her computer stop to working this morning. But yesterday
before she left her office the computer was working well, this morning she
cannot access to the internet or even the website of the company.
1. In this case we need
first to identify the problem, to do that we ask some basic questions, what was
the last thing that she remember having done, when? Is the computer connect in
a network environment, did she turned the computer off? Did someone else have
access to the computer? Any question, response or information provided this
time will be helpful to identify the problem. In our situation the computer is
in the office with network infrastructure, the computer is in the open place
easily accessible by another employee, and the problem is connectivity.
2. The second step will
be the why? Because the customer said: the computer was working well yesterday;
they are in the network environment, and someone else might use the computer it
could be a software problem. In this step, we can build a variety of hypothesis
on what happening or can happen in this or that situation. Therefore why a
computer does not connect? The problem
might be the network card, the switch or router, maybe the internal protocol
(IP) address is misconfigured, maybe the driver is corrupted. The scientist view will assimilate that to
emitting hypothesis.
3. Theories of probable
cause (hypothesis): For the purpose of this assignment, let assume that
probably the Network Interface Card is faulty, then we need experiment to
support our thoughts. The network interface controller (NIC) also called
Network Card is a piece of hardware that connects a computer to a network.
There are two common culprits for network interface card failure; one will
affects the NIC hardware, and another which damages software associated with
the NIC card. These are known as power surges and malware.
The other common culprit of internal network card failure is malware. Given the crucial role that NIC cards play in connecting computers to networks, network cards are a major target
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