Tuesday, 3 October 2017

TC 160 Midterm Project

TC 160 Midterm Project

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Write an opinion-editorial article regarding any one specific issue covered in Chapters 1–8. This includes Chapter 5, which wasn't assigned during weeks 1–3 but may cover a topic of interest to you. The requirements for the article are as follows.
  • 750–800 words
  • Covers one issue only; make a single point and persuade your audience in no more than 800 words.
  • Open your article with the main point you're trying to make. APA style does not apply to opinion-editorial articles.
  • Tell your audience why they should care about the issue.
  • Write short, succinct sentences; no need to provide a lot of detail.
  • Offer an example to demonstrate the issue you're discussing (preferably a memorable current event).
  • Offer a personal example if you have one to share. Op-ed articles are written in first-person voice. Make the writing personal to draw in your audience.
  • Acknowledge the other side of your argument without pointing a finger at why the other side is wrong. Credibility is lost when op-ed articles play the blame game.
  • Offer at least one specific recommendation for the issue.
  • Close the article with a strong paragraph. Reiterate your opening and main point to close the loop. Make the article a complete journey.

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