Sunday 8 October 2017

PSYC 101 Final Exam Question 1

PSYC 101 Final Exam   Question 1
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1.            Which of these is true of brain development?
                                Dendrite branching accelerates during infancy
                                Myelination takes place during infancy
                                There is an increase in synaptic connections during childhood
                                All of the above are true
2 points  
Question 2
1.            A(n) _____ is any agent that causes a birth defect.
2 points  
Question 3
1.            According to Piaget, assimilation occurs when individuals _____.
                                adjust their schemas to new information
                                incorporate new information into existing schemas
                                are deprived of parental warmth and sensitivity
                                are insecurely attached to their caregivers
2 points  
Question 4
1.            Which of the following is the correct sequence of the stages of prenatal development?
                                Conception, zygote, embryonic period, fetal period
                                Conception, embryonic period, zygote, fetal period
                                Conception, fetal period, embryonic period, zygote
                                Conception, fetal period, zygote, embryonic period
2 points  
Question 5
1.            Which theory of aging has focused on the role of chronic stress in reducing immune system functioning?
                                Erikson's theory of socioemotional development
                                Free-radical theory
                                Cellular-clock theory
                                Hormonal stress theory
2 points  
Question 6
1.            Which researcher tracked individuals who had experienced bereavement, and looked at their patterns of grief?
                                George Bonanno
                                James Marcia
                                Ernest Becker
                                Elizabeth Kubler-Ross
2 points  
Question 7
1.            Four-month-old baby Oscar is a participant in a preferential looking experiment. Researchers show Oscar two photos, one of which is of his mother's face, and the other which is of a female stranger's face. The photos are presented repeatedly in differing locations, and the amount of time Oscar spends looking at the photos is recorded. What will researchers conclude if Oscar shows a reliable preference for his mother's face over the stranger's face?
                                Oscar can discriminate his mother's face from a stranger's face.
                                Oscar is afraid of strangers.
                                Oscar likes strangers as much as his mothers.
                                Oscar can't see very well.
2 points  
Question 8
1.            Which of the following refers to a period of rapid skeletal and sexual maturation that occurs mainly in early adolescence?
                                Sensorimotor stage
                                Preoperational stage
2 points  
Question 9
1.            Which of the following represents the correct chronological sequence of Piaget's stages of cognitive development?
                                Sensorimotor, preoperations, concrete operations, formal operations
                                Sensorimotor, concrete operations, preoperations, formal operations
                                Preoperations, concrete operations, formal operations, sensorimotor
                                Concrete operations, formal operations, sensorimotor, preoperations
2 points  
Question 10
1.            Which of the following is true about the concrete operational stage of reasoning?
                                Adolescents can conceive of hypothetical possibilities in this stage.
                                This stage denotes ability of an adolescent to systematically deduce, or come to a conclusion about, the best path for solving the problem.
                                A kind of abstract, logical reasoning occurs in this cognitive stage.
                                One important skill at this stage of reasoning is the ability to classify or divide things into different sets or subsets and to consider their interrelations.
2 points  
Question 11
1.            Benjamin loves putting together puzzles. He has recently mastered putting together a 10-piece Sesame Street puzzle. His mother claps at his accomplishment but wants to continue challenging Benjamin just beyond his current abilities. The next time they play, she gives Benjamin a 15-piece puzzle and offers some guidance on how to sort the pieces out. According to Vygotsky, Benjamin's mother provides _____ that allows Benjamin's cognitive abilities to be built higher and higher.
2 points  
Question 12
1.            Juan is a child with low activity level and tends to withdraw from new situations. He is inflexible, and displays low mood intensity. Juan is said to have what type of temperament?
2 points  
Question 13 

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