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UNV 104 Entire Course-GC
UNV 104 Grand Canyon Week 1 Discussion 1
Alana has been employed as a cashier at the local grocery store
for two years, is always on time, and has excellent customer service skills. An
assistant store manager position will be available soon and Alana’s manager is
considering her for the position. She will be the only internal candidate
considered. To prepare for the selection process, Alana’s manager has asked her
to prepare a report that provides ideas for how the store could be improved and
remain competitive with other grocery stores. Describe how Alana might create
the report by using the information literacy skills of:
• Recognizing when information is needed
• Locating, evaluating, and effectively using the needed
What specific skills will she need to do these things well? Could
you successfully complete this report if you were Alana? What challenges would
you have?
UNV 104 Grand Canyon Week 1 Discussion 2
In this module you are required to begin the development of your
expository essay by completing several prewriting strategies. Share with your
classmates two examples of brainstorming that you seem to prefer. Did you
brainstorm? If so, was brainstorming helpful to you? If not, why didn’t you?
How confident do you feel about completing the essay? Do you have any concerns
or questions? Locate at least one resource on the Internet (remember what you
learned about information literacy) that may be useful to your classmates in
writing their essays. Provide a link to the resource and a brief summary of why
you think it will be useful.
UNV 104 Grand Canyon Week 2 Discussion 1
The module lecture and readings have reviewed the reasons and
importance of using library resources in your research. Explain why it is
important to use resources retrieved from the online GCU Fleming Library vs. a
general Internet search. In those instances where you need to do a search on
the Internet, what guidelines should you follow? Why?
UNV 104 Grand Canyon Week 2 Discussion 2
In this module, you will be working on a Library Scavenger Hunt.
The lecture from this week also discusses how to use the library to find
sources when writing. As you’ve worked on this module, what have you learned
that you feel will be the most useful to you when searching for a resource to
support your essay? Suppose a new GCU student needs assistance with locating
resources to complete an essay. Based on what you’ve learned this module,
provide at least three tips to the student for navigating the GCU Library.
UNV 104 Grand Canyon Week 3 Discussion 1
Access the “Paraphrasing Resources” document. Use the resource to
practice paraphrasing a text. Copy and paste a quote from the article you found
to support your Expository Essay. Include a citation in GCU style. Below the
quote, paraphrase the information from the quote. Comment on the paraphrasing
completed by your peers. Are their paraphrases an accurate summary of the
quoted material without copying the actual words from the quote? Why or why not?
UNV 104 Grand Canyon Week 3 Discussion 2
Review the reading strategies on pages 70-73 in the textbook. Use
one of the reading strategies to complete one of the required readings or your
article for this module. How effective was the strategy you used? Explain.
Which reading strategy are you most likely to use in the future, and why?
UNV 104 Grand Canyon Week 4 Discussion 1
A thesis statement guides the reader to what the writer is going
to say in the body of an essay. Reply to this post with the thesis statement
for your expository essay. Respond to two of your peers’ posts, commenting on
the clarity and other qualities of their thesis statements. For each of your
peers, explain the type of evidence you think he or she would need to provide
in order to adequately support their thesis statement?
UNV 104 Grand Canyon Week 4 Discussion 2
Why is it important to use prewriting strategies when developing
an essay? Which prewriting strategy featured in the multimedia piece works best
for you and why?
Reply to two of your peers’ posts that chose a different strategy.
Comment on pros and cons of using the strategy your classmate chose.
UNV 104 Grand Canyon Week 5 Discussion 1
When someone’s writing is not focused, clear, and precise the
message is often lost. To succeed in today’s competitive professional world you
must be able to communicate effectively, especially through writing. Describe a
situation (real or fictional) where not having a focused message in your
writing could lead to a problem. Describe how you can use the writing process
to ensure your writing is focused and effective.
UNV 104 Grand Canyon Week 5 Discussion 2
After reviewing the readings from Chapter 5 this week, discuss the
importance of verbal communication and how it is different from other forms of
communication (body language, etc.). Please provide an example of each form of
communication and how it is linked to literacy in the classroom.
UNV 104 Grand Canyon Week 6 Discussion 1
Imagine you created a piece of writing such as a book, song, or
poem. Suppose someone else used that piece of writing without giving you credit
for creating it. How would that make you feel? Find an instance on the Internet
where there was a dispute involving copyright issues. How was the problem
UNV 104 Grand Canyon Week 6 Discussion 2
Describe a time you delivered information you thought was clear,
but the receiver did not. What could you have done to improve your
communication in this situation?
UNV 104 Grand Canyon Week 7 Discussion 1
What do you find most difficult about taking exams? Which of the
strategies outlined in this module’s chapter do you think will be the most
useful to you and why?
UNV 104 Grand Canyon Week 7 Discussion 2
How have the strategies and skills learned throughout this course
influenced your learning? How will you use the information and communication
literacy skills you’ve learned in this course in your future courses?
UNV 104 Grand Canyon Week 1 Assignment 1
Class Wall Biography
Getting to know other students in your class is important in
creating the online community at GCU. The Class Wall is a place for students to
network and get to know one another. Your first post to the Class Wall will be
a short biography to introduce yourself to your fellow students.
Access the “Sample Bio” and “Biography Outline” documents and use
them as resources to help you organize some facts about yourself. Use your
completed outline to write a biography formatted in a similar fashion as the
sample biography.
Once other students have posted their bios, go back to the Class
Wall and read them, and also your instructor’s bio.
UNV 104 Grand Canyon Week 1 Assignment 2
Expository Essay: Pre-Writing Worksheet
Before you begin any writing assignment, it is often necessary to
complete several “pre-writing” activities. This worksheet will assist you with
several of the pre-writing activities necessary for completing your expository
essay including selecting a topic, developing a thesis statement, and
identifying the audience for you essay. Follow the instructions to complete
these pre-writing activities.
1. Choose a Topic
Here is a list of possible essay topics to use for your expository
Please choose only one topic. You will indicate the topic you have
chosen within the table below.
· Video games AND violence
· Internet AND workplace
· Exercise AND obesity
· Academic achievement AND library
2. Read the Module 1 lecture and review “The Writing Process”
media piece.
Be sure to read your Module 1 lecture and review the “The Writing
Process” media piece for instructions on how to develop a thesis statement and
how to identify your audience. You will need to know how to do this in order to
complete the table below and successfully begin your writing process.
“The Writing Process”
Ø “Menu”
ü “Who is the audience?”
ü “How should I brainstorm?” (Because you are required to choose
your topic from the list above, not all brainstorming examples will be
pertinent to this assignment. When reviewing the “Brainstorming Examples”,
“Break down Topic” may be a good one to start with. However, be sure to review
them all to determine which works best for you.)
ü “How do I develop a thesis?”
ü “How do I organize my brainstorm into an online?” (You will
complete this in Module 4)
3. Complete the following table as demonstrated in the “Example
Student Response” below. Submit this completed worksheet to the Expository
Essay: Pre-Writing Worksheet drop box by the end of Day 7 of Module 1.
Example Student Response
Example Instructor Feedback
Your Response
Instructor Feedback
ü Choose a Topic · You must choose a topic from the list provided
Adults and Online Learning
Great choice!
Great choice!
ü Develop a Thesis Statement · Brainstorming may assist with this.
Earning a degree online is great for working adults.
You have a good start, but you can improve your thesis statement
by explaining why earning a degree online is great and making it more specific.
Try finding resources that explain why and this will support your thoughts and
allow you to expand your thesis statement. Refer to your module 1 lecture for
examples of a good thesis statement.
ü Identify Your Audience: · What would be important to your
audience? · What is the appropriate way to address this audience (professional,
familial, friendly)?
My audience is other adults who maybe considering enrolling in an
online degree program.I think my audience would need to know the benefits of
earning a degree online. I should address them professionally and use
appropriate language and correct grammar because…
ü Questions I Have
What should my supporting paragraphs include?
Each supporting paragraph should provide information discussed in
your introductory paragraph and thesis statement. For example, you first
supporting paragraph might discuss the benefits to earning a degree online.
UNV 104 Grand Canyon Week 2 Assignment
Expository Essay: Pre-Writing Worksheet
GCU Fleming Library Scavenger Hunt and Gathering Resources
Overview: The GCU Fleming Library will be a vital resource for you
during your academic career. The Library contains a wealth of resources that
will help you find, research, and broaden your understanding on any given
topic. Learning to correctly use resources to support your writing is an
essential component of your academic success.
Directions: Each step of this assignment will ask you to navigate
and explore different components of the GCU Fleming Library. There are seven
steps, each containing a question. Record your answers to the questions in the
appropriate sections.
Before starting this Scavenger Hunt, review the short walk-through
tutorial on the GCU Fleming Library. This tutorial consists of five short
If you have time, you can also attend the GCU Library Introduction
Webinar. Sign up on this page:
Step 1: How to Access the Library
There are a number of ways to access the library’s website. Use
one of these to reach the Library Research & Resources page:
1. Go directly to the GCU Library Research & Resources page by
typing http://www.gcu.edu/Student-Life/Library.php into your Internet browser
and clicking “Enter”.
2. Under the “Access Library Resources” section on the right,
select the “Library Research and Resources Page”.
Question 1: List three ways you can contact the library for
assistance, as listed on the Library Research &Resources page.
Step 2: How to Find Books
Books have increasingly become available electronically.
Unfortunately, these are rarely free, unless they are in the public domain.
Most public domain books are quite old, so if you wish to find more current
books, the best place to go is the library website. Because you have access to
the GCU Fleming Library, you have access to over 100,000 books—free.
Note: The library also lists the physical books available on the
Phoenix campus. You can remove those from your search for your convenience. See
below for instructions.
1. On the Library Research & Resources page, click the link
that says: “Find Books and More”.
2. In the search box type: “study skills” and click the Search
3. Under “Form of Item” in the column on the left, click
4. To access an electronic book of your choice, under the listing
of the book, click the link below the word “Online,” or if that is not
available, click the title of the book, and click the link that says “View
E-resource” in the box below the title information.
Question 2: Write the Title, Author, and Publisher of the 3rd book
in the list of results you retrieved.
Step 3: Library Databases
The vast majority of resources available are in the library’s
databases. These are collections of articles that you can access using various
search platforms. Resources available include magazines, newspapers, reports,
journal articles, encyclopedias, and streaming videos. The easiest way to find
articles on your topic is to search in a database that specializes in your
subject area. This allows you to search for more relevant information without
having to sort through masses of sources not related to your topic.
1. On the Library Research & Resources page, click the link
that says: “Find Journal Articles.”
2. Choose a Subject in the list located under “Find Databases by
Subject.” (Hint: Choose one related to your degree program.)
3. Scroll down to see all of the databases relevant to this
subject. Those in the first section under “Recommended” are the top databases
in that area.
Question 3: State what subject you chose and list the first three
databases in this subject area:
Step 4: Narrowing Your Search for Articles
For this section, you will be working in a database called
“Academic Search Complete.” ASCis a multidisciplinary database containing a
variety of topics and types of resources including magazines, newspapers, and
scholarly journals and publications. There will be times when it may seem
easier to use magazines and newspapers, but in general, focusing on scholarly
sources (mostly located in peer-reviewed journal articles) will bring a
stronger academic quality to your research. Follow the instructions below to
access and begin searching in Academic Search Complete.
1. On the Library Research & Resources page, click the link
“Find Journal Articles.”
2. In the box to the right titled “Don’t Know Where to Start.”
click on “Academic Search Complete.”
3. Sign in if prompted, using your GCU login and password.
4. On the Search page, scroll down to the “Limit Your Results
5. Check the box beside “Scholarly” (Peer Reviewed) journals and
make sure “Full Text” is checked as well.
Question 4: Explain why checking the boxes beside “Full Text” and
“Scholarly” (Peer Reviewed) journals are important. When might you not check
the box beside “Scholarly “journals?
Step 5: Finding Journal Articles
The key to successful searching is using keywords appropriately.
Combining terms and thinking of alternative words (such as synonyms) will help
you find better and more relevant articles.
A quick note about databases: EBSCO is the name of the company
that provides this database, the actual name of the database is “Academic
Search Complete.” You may see other databases similar to this one provided by
EBSCO as well, but the most important factor is what collection you are in, as
each collection contains different kinds of articles and resources.
1. On the page you ended at in Step 4, scroll to the top. (Make
sure the Peer Reviewed and Full Text boxes are still checked.) In the first
search box to the right of the EBSCO Host circle, type the words “classroom
2. In the second box down, to the right of the word “and”, type
the words “learning disabilities.”
3. Click the Search button located to the right of the search
4. Scroll down to see the articles retrieved by the database.
Question 5: Provide the title of the third journal article that is
listed in the results.
Step 6: Article Details
In addition to the actual full text of the article, the databases
will provide valuable information about an article. You will see things such as
authors, source, subject terms, and abstract. The abstract is a brief summary
of the article you found.
1. Click on the title of the third article you found in Step 5.
2. Scroll down this page and find the Article Abstract.
Question 6: Copy and paste the abstract below. Explain how an abstract
is valuable to your research process and how it will save you time.
Step 7: Permanent and Persistent Links
Databases are designed as powerful searching tools; unfortunately,
this means the website link located at the top of any page in a database is
temporary and is based on your search at the time. Should you try to save that
link as a bookmark or copy and paste it to use at a later time, it will not
work. However, the databases have links that are tied directly to the articles
you find. Follow the steps below to find the permalink (persistent, durable
link, or document URL)to the article you accessed in Step 5.
1. On the same page where you found the abstract, look to the
right for the “Tools” column.
2. Click on the link that says “Permalink.”
3. A box will pop up above the article title with a permanent
Question 7: Copy and paste the permalink to the article here:
Step 8: Using Library Databases to Cite Articles
Another important option under the tool bar is the “Cite” button.
In academic writing, citing your sources is very important. It will tell your
reader that the information that you are using is the property of someone else.
It will also show your reader exactly where you found this information and how
to access this information again. This is a necessary step in avoiding academic
dishonesty issues like plagiarism.
Note: Remember, GCU Style required for your undergraduate
coursework is a simplified version of APA.
1. On the same page where you found the abstract look to the right
for the “Tools” column.
2. Click on the link that says “Cite”.
3. A box will pop up above the article title with different
citation styles.
Question 8: Copy and paste the APA citation below. According to
the GCU Style Guide, where should you include this information in your essay?
Gather Resources Worksheet
Complete the Resource Worksheet: Use the skills you learned above
to locate a resource to support your essay. The resource or article you find
should be about the topic you chose when completing the Module 1 Pre-Writing
Worksheet. Then complete the table below (to assist you, an example table has
also been provided):
Your Topic Resource Name Resource Type Explain how you accessed
your resource Explain how the resource is relevant to your essay topic?
GCU Style Citation (APA Style)
Example Table
Topic Resource Name Resource Type Explain how you accessed your
resource How is the resource relevant to your essay topic?
Adults and Online Learning Journal of Educational Technology &
Society Academic Journal Clicked on the link above to the library home page.
Selected “Find Journal Articles”. Clicked on “Education” under “Find Databases
by Subject”. Selected “Academic Search Complete”. Used keywords “Adults and
Online Learning” Describes a study done to determine whether characteristics
are different for successful adult online learners and those that dropout.
Abstract The number of adult learners who participate in online
learning has rapidly grown in the last two decades due to online learning’s
many advantages. In spite of the growth, the high dropout rate in online
learning has been of concern to many higher education institutions and
organizations. The purpose of this study was to determine whether persistent
learners and dropouts are different in individual characteristics (i.e., age,
gender, and educational level), external factors (i.e., family and organizational
supports), and internal factors (i.e., satisfaction and relevance as
sub-dimensions of motivation). Quantitative data were collected from 147
learners who had dropped out of or finished one of the online courses offered
from a large Midwestern university. Dropouts and persistent learners showed
statistical differences in perceptions of family and organizational support,
and satisfaction and relevance. It was also shown that the theoretical
framework, which includes family support, organizational support, satisfaction,
and relevance in addition to individual characteristics, is able to predict
learners’ decision to drop out or persi
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